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Useless trivia

Time marches on and all good things must come to an end. But don’t tell that to The Rolling Stones.

What many believe to be the greatest rock ’n’ roll band in the world showed no signs of slowing down anytime soon as they kicked off their latest tour Sunday night at Houston’s NRG Stadium.

The Stones have been touring for more than 60 years. Frontman Mick Jagger and lead guitarist Keith Richards are both 80, with guitarist Ronnie Wood not far behind at 76. Their tour is being sponsored in part by AARP.

But during a vibrant two-hour show, the Stones played with the energy of band that was on tour for the first time.

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Useless trivia

A dam collapsed in western Kenya early this morning, killing at least 45 people and leaving dozens missing after a wall of water swept through houses and cut off a major road, the Interior Ministry said.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

The Old Testament prophets made careful search and inquiry as they sought to know what time (a better translation than “person”) or circumstances the Spirit of Christ was indicating as He predicted the sufferings of Christ and the glories to follow (1:10-11). Peter is saying, “The salvation you have received is the very thing that these great men of God spent their lives looking for!” That doesn’t mean that they weren’t saved. But they couldn’t understand it the way we do because they lived before Christ came.

Some have explained it by saying that the prophets saw two mountain peaks: Mount Calvary, where Christ would die for our sins; and, Mount Olivet, where He will return in power and glory to set up His kingdom. But they couldn’t see the valley between the two peaks, much as we can’t when we look at two distant peaks. So they didn’t grasp that the same Messiah who would suffer for our sins would ascend into heaven for 2,000 years before returning to reign in glory.

Note how Jesus Himself interpreted the prophet Isaiah when He was preaching in Nazareth (Luke 4:18-21): He read a few verses, then stopped in the middle of the verse and announced, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” Why didn’t Jesus finish the verse from Isaiah? Because it goes on to say, “And the day of vengeance of our God” (Isa. 62:2), which refers to His second coming in judgment. It’s easy to see why the Old Testament prophets missed the 2,000-year gap between the two halves of that verse!

Note also Daniel 9:2-3, where Daniel seeks by prayer and fasting to grasp what Jeremiah had prophesied. In answer to his prayers, God gave him the prophecy of the 70 weeks (9:24-27), which I’m sure Daniel himself did not understand! In 12:8, Daniel admits that he couldn’t understand what the angel was telling him about the future. He was told that these things are concealed for the end time (12:9).

The question arises when we suffer: What if Christianity isn’t really true? What if I’m believing in myths or something purely psychological? What if I’m suffering for nothing? Peter’s answer is that our salvation is rooted in prophecies made hundreds of years before Christ came. Even though the prophets didn’t understand everything the Holy Spirit (here called the “Spirit of Christ” because He bears witness to Christ) revealed to them, it has been fulfilled in the death, resurrection, ascension, and promised second coming of Christ. As Peter writes in 2 Peter 1:19, “We have the prophetic word made more sure.” Our salvation is great because it is nothing less than that predicted throughout the Old Testament.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

1. Our salvation is so great.
Our text shows five reasons our salvation is great:

Peter uses the word “grace” in 1:10 (and 1:13) as a synonym for the salvation which we have received but won’t completely understand until Christ returns. As I mentioned last week, there are three tenses of our salvation: We were saved from sin’s penalty when we put our faith in Christ; we are being saved from sin’s power as we walk by faith; and, ultimately we shall be saved from sin’s presence as we persevere by faith.

I want to camp on the word “grace” for a minute, both because it is an important word to Peter (used ten times in this book: 1:2, 10, 13; 2:19-20; 3:7; 4:10; 5:5, 10, 12) and because it is a widely misunderstood concept in our day. Many Christians confuse grace for a hang-loose, laid-back flavor of Christianity that urges us not to be too rough on ourselves and not to be judgmental of others. We end up being tolerant of all sorts of sin that the Bible strongly confronts.

Grace is undeserved favor. You cannot appreciate God’s grace until you both understand cognitively and feel emotionally how unworthy you are to receive anything other than judgment from the holy God. All true Christians agree that we’re sinners, but many quickly turn around and argue that we’re worthy persons, not unworthy. We’re being told that the root of all our problems is low self-esteem. So one of the major tasks for Christians has become to build their self-esteem. One best selling book confronts the notion that we should view ourselves as sinners saved by grace:

Is that who you really are? No way! The Bible doesn’t refer to believers as sinners, not even sinners saved by grace. Believers are called saints—holy ones—who occasionally sin. (Neil Anderson, The Bondage Breaker [Harvest House], p. 44.)

I was raised in a Christian home and believed in Christ at an early age. I’ve lived a relatively clean life. I’ve always subscribed to the biblical teaching that I am a sinner. But as a young Christian, I had no idea how sinful my heart really is. The more I’ve grown in Christ, the more I see how desperately wicked I am, which makes me cling to the cross more fiercely and revel in God’s grace more joyously. I’ve had to learn that grace isn’t God giving a little boost to a basically decent, churchgoing young man. Grace is God’s mercy to me whom He justly could send to hell. It’s only when I feel how much He has forgiven me that I will love Him much because of the wonder of His grace.

God’s grace, properly understood, is not at odds with obedience to God’s Word. Rather, grace is the motivation for obedience (Rom. 2:4). No sooner does Peter tell us that we should fix our hope completely on God’s grace (1:13) than he tells us to be obedient and holy (1:14-15). An emphasis on grace is not opposed to an emphasis on obedience.

But don’t miss the point: Our salvation is great because it’s the message of God’s grace. That means that there’s hope for every sinner, no matter how great his sin! That’s good news! The only thing that keeps you from experiencing God’s grace is your pride that tells yourself that you’re a good person who doesn’t need grace. If you’ll confess your sin, the cross of Christ is sufficient to forgive you completely.


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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

What’s So Great About Salvation?(1 Peter 1:10-12)[/b

As you think about your life, what consistently brings you the most joy? Some might answer, “My family”; but for others, their family is the source of their greatest pain. Some may say, “My friendships” or “this new guy (or gal) I’m dating.” A few may answer, “My job” or “career.” Some may not be honest enough to say it, but they really live for their possessions or hobbies or leisure activities. Or, some might be brutally honest in saying, “I don’t have much joy in my life.”

For every Christian, the true answer ought to be, “The thing that brings me the most joy in life is my relationship with the Lord and the full salvation He has provided.” The Lord and His salvation ought to be the hub of our lives from which radiate out the spokes of joy in our families, our friendships, our jobs, our possessions, and our other activities. If you take away the hub, everything else would crumble into meaningless ruin.

Yet I fear that for too many Christians, salvation is nice, but not necessary. It adds a little fulfillment to their well-rounded lives, but it’s not the essential core without which life would disintegrate. If they were honest, they would ask with a shrug of their shoulders, “What’s so great about salvation?”

God has a sure-fire method of getting us to answer that question: He puts us in the fires of affliction! Trials have a way of getting us to focus on the bare essentials of life. What really matters? What am I living for? What gives life meaning and makes it count? And, of course, the more life-threatening the trials, the more focused we are.

In 1777, Dr. William Dodd, a well-known London clergyman, was condemned to be hanged for forgery. When his last sermon, delivered in prison, was published, a friend commented to Samuel Johnson that the effort was far better than he had thought the man capable of. Dr. Johnson’s classic reply was, “Depend upon it, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully.”

Peter’s readers were enduring affliction. Some may have been facing martyrdom for their faith. Some were under pressure in their homes from pagan spouses, in their jobs from pagan employers, and in their communities from pagan acquaintances. Some were probably wondering, “Why suffer for our faith? Is it worth all the pain I’m going through?” Peter’s answer is to get them to look up from their suffering to their salvation and see, “It’s more than worth it because our salvation is so great! The salvation we enjoy is that which the prophets struggled to understand and into which the angels long to look!”

Because our salvation is so great, we should joyfully endure present suffering in light of the future glory.

To trace Peter’s flow of thought, in 1:3-5 he points his readers to the greatness and certainty of their future inheritance in Christ. In 1:6-9, he shows how this great salvation results in inexpressible joy, even in the midst of present trials. In 1:10-12, he goes back to the past prophetic revelation about this great salvation to show how unsearchable it is—neither the prophets nor the angels fully grasped it—and how privileged we are who have received it. He means to encourage believers in the midst of trials. Just as Christ first suffered and then was glorified, so Christians may now suffer, but there’s glory ahead. If we focus on the incomprehensible greatness of our salvation, we can joyfully endure present trials.

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Palistine versus Jews.

If only those old will get out of the way. Yep..that works. We did get some young congress members. Oh boy are THEY winners! Trump is the only answer. He doesn't give a crap about the establishment and the cabal.
The kids in college are protesting. Just like in the 70s, anti-Israel. Nothing new on that front. Remember Kent State?
The rats are starting to eat each other and I believe more and more in the Monroe Doctrine. Who appointed US the saviors of every third world country that is bent on killing each other for any deviation of the doctrine some warlord decrees?
Gen Z believes they should not have to join the military or even get jobs. So mumsey and dadsey, better keep working cause they are counting on a free ride from you. And if you croak, well then big brother will use taxpayers money from those who do work to keep them happy.
Funny how they whine about SS. It is failing because their are more on the taking end than the paying in end. And when there are all these youngins who wont work, then who pays THEIR way.
Of course, we are importing a new slave labor force.doh

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It the culture dummy.

It even goes for small rural communities. My parents moved to this farm in 1951 when I was 6 months old. They learned early on to not remark about someone because the person they were talking to would say that is my uncle, cousin, wifes sister, etc. All those decades they were those city folks. I went to school with the kids from farms around. One day my husband and I went to visit a guy we knew a few miles away. He had a visitor already, an old farmer. He introduced us by name. The farmer said oh, I know her, she an old Lewiston gal. Wow! After all those years..I finally belonged!
Same thing when us country kids went into town for high school. We were the farm kids, the outsiders to the townies. And they were the outsiders to us.
Primitive nature. Anything different or new may be danger.uh oh

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RE: Bullets in your baggage...

They need to pay more attention to the criminals in those countries. I can see how it happens. I grab loose bullets on my way out to shot a coon or possum. And they end up in my pockets. I have even found them in my town coat cause happened to be wearing it when I charge outside after coming in.
They should look at the bottom of women's purses.rolling on the floor laughing I couldn't believe mom. She took out her purse to fill for town. Came home, emptied it and back in closet!wow

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RE: 4/23/24 - 1st NPR Electoral Vote Map Of '24 Shows Trump Up 283 - 255 | 270 Needed To Win

What cracks me up is when people scream Trump will be a dictator. Yeah...well Biden baby beats any dictator to pieces. He makes exec orders as to what the elite tell him and to hell with congress.frustrated

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RE: Are you better off now than you were four years ago?

I am but, not thanks to our lib idiots. We need Trump to throw a wrench in their works again. The only change I do is to look at prices on some goods and think...that much for that junk..shove it. If more people stopped spending, maybe stores would get the hint. I watch a guy, cash jordan on the tube. He is in New York and shows the crap going on. He was in a store and showed the locked cabinet, big tube of Crest toothpaste. And the price below. He said why is toothpaste locked up. I thought..why is a tube of toothpaste NINE DOLLARS!
I watch women on the tube who shop box stores. They show the worlds ugliest clothes at prices over $25 and up. And I cringe when one shows some item and says ONLY $5. NO! NOT ONLY! As long as you are idiots and go along with ONLY, prices will keep going up not down! Boycott. Never buy new when used will do.
And follow the depression saying...use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.

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Useless trivia

It was an unusual wildlife sighting as four zebras escaped from their trailer and galloped into a Washington neighborhood.

Three of the four black-and-white striped animals were quickly captured, but the fate of the fourth wasn’t immediately known on Monday, Washington State Patrol Trooper Rick Johnson said.

Zebra steak anyone ??

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RE: Are you better off now than you were four years ago?

I did well but I don't give credit or blame to politicians. I credit my personal initiative (and my financial advisor). wave

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RE: 4/23/24 - 1st NPR Electoral Vote Map Of '24 Shows Trump Up 283 - 255 | 270 Needed To Win

if those new "Agreements" come through,its Goodnight for any sovereign States on a global scale!
It would mean that one single Organization could wield power comparable to what a US President can by declaring an Emergency under the Presidential Emergency Powers,which are almost as bad as what WHO,and the WEF-Goons have in mind!!
Except,WHO would be able to stretch the "Emergency" indefinitely,without any other Agency being able to end it,and without being accountable to anyone!!uh oh

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Background of the Book of James
We learn about Jacob's story from the book of Acts and Paul’s letters (
Acts 12, 15

. After Peter moved on from Jerusalem to start new churches, Jesus’ half-brother Jacob rose to prominence as a leader of the mother church in Jerusalem, made up of messianic Jews. This church was the first Christian community ever, and we know the people experienced difficult times during the twenty years that Jacob was their leader. There was a famine that led to great poverty in their region, and these messianic Jews were also being persecuted by the traditional Jewish leaders in Jeru­s­alem. Jacob, however, was known as a pillar of this Jer­usalem church, acting as a peacemaker who led with wisdom and courage until his untimely death. Sometime around 62 C.E., he was murdered by the priestly establishment in Jerusalem for following Jesus.

In this book, we have the legacy of Jacob’s teaching and wisdom condensed into a short but powerful work. While it begins like a letter, with Jacob greeting all the messianic Jews living outside the land of Israel, the rest of the work doesn’t read like a letter at all because it doesn’t address the specific problems of one local church like Paul’s letters. Instead, this book is a summary of Jacob’s sage wisdom for any and every community of Jesus’ followers. His goal isn’t to teach us new theological information; rather, he wants to get in our business and challenge how we live.

Jacob’s wisdom has been heavily influenced by two sources, the first of which is Jesus’ teaching about life in the Kingdom of God, especially the Sermon on the Mount
The second key influence is the biblical wisdom book of Proverbs, especially the p
. Jacob literally grew up with Jesus and the book of Proverbs, so his own teaching sounds a lot like them both and is stamped with their language and imagery. This book is made up of short challenging wisdom speeches, which are full of metaphors and easy to memorize one-liners.

In essence, Jacob is calling the messianic community to become truly wise by living according to Jesus’ summary of the Torah­­—love God and love your neighbor as yourself.

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RE: A real story of a place where water of a river turn red during a mensuration of goddess durga

I cannot imagine the horror those widows were subjected to...sad flower

This is off topic but I am intrigued by the persistent theory that Taj Mahal was a Hindu temple. Also, it has been claimed that it is a Shiva lingam that is inside the Kaaba in Mecca. There are 7 Shiva lingams that were created by Lord Shiva when he liberated himself. 6 were already been found and where is the 7th one? grin

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A real story of a place where water of a river turn red during a mensuration of goddess durga

The funeral custom of satti is definately horrifying but you should know the reason that why it started in india..
If you see the history of india then you will find muslim invaders rules over almost 1000 years they use to rape hindu women and kill their husband so mostely hindu womens have no options they are helpless in order to save them from cruel muslims invaders thats why they adopted sati pratha..

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A real story of a place where water of a river turn red during a mensuration of goddess durga

That's nice you know so much about india plz do come on Kumbh mela and there are so many places to visit and see,
As far as your question concern what i know about Nataraja as the name suggests is the “diety of natya”. He is a wonderful actor. He is usually remarked for the creation of his unique style of taking baratanatyam to heights i.e. the tandavam(there r many types of tandavam & they are named acc. to his moods. for example:the ananda tandavam). He is also considered as the creator of ‘nritta’ in dance & his wife parvati is creditted to have taught the world ‘lasya’. Well,it would be tough for one to completely bring out his performance through words infront of one’s eyes.Yet, here is a small try describing his worldwide known posture depicted in sculptures and paintings.

On the flower of lotus keeping his one leg over the back of apasmara lord Nataraja dances with his clothes spread& with fire surrounded spherically around him. With his fierce completely strangled hair left out of the jate taking the shape of peacock’s feathers he bears a timid smile on his three-eyed face.The two eyes shine like that of the sun &the moon & the third eye gleams with the golden flames of fire.The crocodile earrings on the right & a spherical simple earring on the left dance in his ears to his beats. The snake tied to his neck moves its head to remark its presence. The clothe tied around his waist flies in the air around. He dances with fire in his left hand while, damaru in his right hand which are at his back. In the front, the left hand shows his lifted leg with lata hasta & in the right hand he wears the abaya mudra. With his neat posture he tells to the world how he would be dancing inside the heart of those who worship him.

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RE: A real story of a place where water of a river turn red during a mensuration of goddess durga

I have heard of that story many years ago.
When I was in my early teens, I wanted to attend a Kumbha Mela but didn't get the chance. So many places in India and I hope to step foot there one day. Would love to visit the famous Venkatesh temple in Tirupati.

By the way, is Tandav the same as Nataraja? My daughter learnt bharatanatyam when she was 5 and had her salangai pooja when she was 8. I remember her dance teacher prayed and gave her obeisances to Nataraja.

Also, the practice of the funeral custom Sati was truly horrifying and to be honest, thanks to the British for banning and putting an end to it.

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Unpleasant Truth

Major stories yellow journalists avoid ...
devil ...the spike proteins multiply - as designed
...per Cecil Parkinson's paradox*
..tiny israel, going warp speed ahead of America &
.with pfizer as the lone vendor- has not produced a
. single discouraging word among the Vaccinated
....( .per my daily your of the rocky fellers internet.)
Pentagram & Amerikan Congress are the suppliers
To all deep state gafmanistan arms bazzars
And um...this is obviously not lawful & also punishable by death...per USC title 50.
...The Invaders are the soldiers & $ailors of 2030 and
. beyond...
Blessed be ignorance. Blessed are the sick. God bless Amerika.
* .sub Ordinates increase @ fixed rate regardless of
The work in question.

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A real story of a place where water of a river turn red during a mensuration of goddess durga

I agree with you because we in starting also think like that it can not happened to goddess but it's really true one need to just visit there to see this miracle, i mean how one can explain this that " why and how the water of river turn red at the same time when it's considered mensuration time of goddess..

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RE: Who would like to report 50+ new scammers on CS?

I report every single turd that I receive, and the Mod deletes the profiles. That's good enough for me, for now. Don't have time to go hunting, but I commend those who do. Thank you for your service.

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Who would like to report 50+ new scammers on CS?

Impudent ! I can choose myself how I want to live my life!
I don't need a "always know better" to tell me what to do!

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RE: A real story of a place where water of a river turn red during a mensuration of goddess durga

u wrote:
The Ambubachi Mela is an annual mela celebrated during assamese month Ahaar. It is the celebration of the yearly menstruation course of goddess Kamakhya. It is believed that during that time the water of Brahmaputra near the temple turns red.

menopause can never happen to that goddess?

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Who would like to report 50+ new scammers on CS?

I would be happy when ONE would help me!
They did remove 65 of those that I did report. They are still coming in.
Why should I not report. I have been doing it for over 20 years on other portals

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RE: Who would like to report 50+ new scammers on CS?

Why do you think its your responsibility to report them ??

We already have 1 CS sheriff

Don't think we need to form a lynch mob

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

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One Belt and Road Initiative growing stronger

HONIARA: Solomon Islands will choose a prime minister on Thursday after a general election left the existing pro-China government’s future in the balance.

Lawmakers will meet in parliament to elect the Pacific nation’s leader at 9.30am May 2, governor-general David Vunagi said in a written notice today.

Nominations for the top job will close tomorrow afternoon, Vunagi said.
Russia is building new trade routes to Asia that will circumvent international sanctions by crossing the Arctic and passing through Iran to the Indian Ocean. The new routes will cut transport times to China
China said Friday that it will “continue to play a constructive role to de-escalate” tensions in the Middle East after Iranian media reported explosions heard near the city of Isfahan and US media
China’s new defense minister, Dong Jun, wrapped up a two-day visit to Vietnam on Friday, his first trip overseas since taking office, during which he held talks with Vietnam’s Defense Minister, Phan Van
Chinese Prime Minister Li Qiang provided fresh assurances on Tuesday to his Sri Lankan counterpart Dinesh Gunawardena that Beijing will assist Colombo in its debt restructuring process.
Issues of political and economic cooperation were among the topics Russian presidential envoy for Afghanistan Zamir Kabulov discussed with high-ranking Afghan officials during his visit to Kabul, the Russian foreign ministry said.

"The talks focused on issues of the further development of comprehensive bilateral cooperation in the political and economic spheres, the establishment of regional cooperation with Afghanistan within the Moscow format," it said, adding that Kabulov met with Deputy Prime Minister for political issues Abdul Kabir, Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi, and Interior Minister Sirajuddin Haqqani.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

The Book of Hebrews addresses three separate groups: believers in Christ, unbelievers who had knowledge of and an intellectual acceptance of the facts of Christ, and unbelievers who were attracted to Christ, but who rejected Him ultimately. It’s important to understand which group is being addressed in which passage. To fail to do so can cause us to draw conclusions inconsistent with the rest of Scripture.

The writer of Hebrews continually makes mention of the superiority of Christ in both His personage and in His ministering work. In the writings of the Old Testament, we understand the rituals and ceremonies of Judaism symbolically pointed to the coming of Messiah. In other words, the rites of Judaism were but shadows of things to come. Hebrews tells us that Christ Jesus is better than anything mere religion has to offer. All the pomp and circumstance of religion pales in comparison to the person, work, and ministry of Christ Jesus. It is the superiority of our Lord Jesus, then, that remains the theme of this eloquently written letter.

Connections: Perhaps nowhere in the New Testament does the Old Testament come into focus more than in the Book of Hebrews, which has as its foundation the Levitical priesthood. The writer to the Hebrews constantly compares the inadequacies of the Old Testament sacrificial system to the perfection and completion in Christ. Where the Old Covenant required continual sacrifices and a once-a-year atonement for sin offered by a human priest, the New Covenant provides a once-for-all sacrifice through Christ (Hebrews 10:10) and direct access to the throne of God for all who are in Him.

Practical Application: Rich in foundational Christian doctrine, the Epistle to the Hebrews also gives us encouraging examples of God’s "faith heroes" who persevered in spite of great difficulties and adverse circumstances (Hebrews 11). These members of God’s Hall of Faith provide overwhelming evidence as to the unconditional surety and absolute reliability of God. Likewise, we can maintain perfect confidence in God’s rich promises, regardless of our circumstances, by meditating upon the rock-solid faithfulness of God’s workings in the lives of His Old Testament saints.

The writer of Hebrews gives ample encouragement to believers, but there are five solemn warnings we must heed. There is the danger of neglect (Hebrews 2:1-4), the danger of unbelief (Hebrews 3:7–4:13), the danger of spiritual immaturity (Hebrews 5:11–6:20), the danger of failing to endure (Hebrews 10:26-39), and the inherent danger of refusing God (Hebrews 12:25-29). And so we find in this crowning masterpiece a great wealth of doctrine, a refreshing spring of encouragement, and a source of sound, practical warnings against slothfulness in our Christian walk. But there is still more, for in Hebrews we find a magnificently rendered portrait of our Lord Jesus Christ—the Author and Finisher of our great salvation (Hebrews 12:2).

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RE: Blabbering blabber

@ OP!
The Noble Soul Has Reverence For It Self.
Only thing I agree with Fritz about!
To laugh at one's EGO is Selbst-Verachtung!
Remember,Laughter kills!

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RE: Ways & means..

Oh my ...wonder what happened there..

I'm guessing wifey Jill lead him back in the house out of the sun.sad flower

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Useless trivia

Three women who were diagnosed with HIV after getting "vampire facial" procedures at an unlicensed New Mexico medical spa are believed to be the first documented cases of people contracting the virus through a cosmetic procedure using needles, federal health officials said.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in its Morbidity and Mortality Report last week that an investigation into the clinic from 2018 through 2023 showed it apparently reused disposable equipment intended for one-time use.

Although HIV transmission from contaminated blood through unsterile injection is a well-known risk, the report said this is the first documentation of probable infections involving cosmetic services.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Summary of the Book of Hebrews
Book of Hebrews

Author: Although some include the Book of Hebrews among the apostle Paul’s writings, the certain identity of the author remains an enigma. Missing is Paul’s customary salutation common to his other works. In addition, the suggestion that the writer of this epistle relied upon knowledge and information provided by others who were actual eye-witnesses of Christ Jesus (2:3) makes Pauline authorship doubtful. Some attribute Luke as its writer; others suggest Hebrews may have been written by Apollos, Barnabas, Silas, Philip, or Aquila and Priscilla. Regardless of the human hand that held the pen, the Holy Spirit of God is the divine author of all Scripture (2 Timothy 3:16); therefore, Hebrews speaks with the same canonical authority as the other sixty-five books of the Bible.

Date of Writing: The early church father Clement quoted from the Book of Hebrews in A.D. 95. However, internal evidence such as the fact that Timothy was alive at the time the epistle was written and the absence of any evidence showing the end of the Old Testament sacrificial system that occurred with Jerusalem’s destruction in A.D. 70 indicates the book was written around A.D. 65.

Purpose of Writing: The late Dr. Walter Martin, founder of the Christian Research Institute and writer of the best-selling book Kingdom of the Cults, quipped in his usual tongue-in-cheek manner that the Book of Hebrews was written by a Hebrew to other Hebrews telling the Hebrews to stop acting like Hebrews. In truth, many of the early Jewish believers were slipping back into the rites and rituals of Judaism in order to escape the mounting persecution. This letter, then, is an exhortation for those persecuted believers to continue in the grace of Jesus Christ.

Key Verses:

Hebrews 1:1-2: "In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe.”

Hebrews 2:3: "How shall we escape if we ignore such a great salvation…"

Hebrews 4:14-16: "Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."

Hebrews 11:1: “Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”

Hebrews 12:1-2: "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

Brief Summary: The Book of Hebrews addresses three separate groups: believers in Christ, unbelievers who had knowledge of and an intellectual acceptance of the facts of Christ, and unbelievers who were attracted to Christ, but who rejected Him ultimately. It’s important to understand which group is being addressed in which passage. To fail to do so can cause us to draw conclusions inconsistent with the rest of Scripture.

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RE: Blabbering blabber

You two have obviously been smoking weedscold

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RE: 5G...

I migrated back Win 7 64-Bit laptop and had been using an old version (one google thankfully no longer supports) Picasa 3 to unload my camera's images into Laptop, however Picasa 3 wouldn't process Samsung video files. I do have Samsung Smart Switch installed that program backs up the S23+ phone / contacts etc into a computer file.
Make a video using my phone a couple of times purchased HD Video Converter Factory Pro to convert video to a .avi format. However I still had problems downloading video files into my Laptop.
Recently searched and Feem 2017 appeared. The later versions require Win 10 or 11, so i downloaded older free version and it installed no worries.
On S23+ I have Feem Version 5.19.4-android. Both free versions married up to each other via my Wifi and seemed to work well.

I'm not comfortable having Google Play on my phone, I think I uninstalled google-play, (not sure its gone) WHY? I received email in my gmail explaining those dirtypricks are going to insist that everyone using google-play must soon log-in is personal photo of self and finger prints. The lying thieving scumbags are clearly therefore trying to creat a database of whole world mugshots and they can get F'd far as I'm concerned. That company is part owned by thieve Gates and google and microsoft revoked driver certificates in our computers to enforce upgrade to first Win 8 then 10 and then of course 11. Latest I heard with 10 users microsoft is gunner charge money for windows defender with annual subscription cost doubling ever year.
The win 10 I pruchased got hit my google and microsoft because i hit what they called a block-8 (wouldn't upgrade to win11 had updates turned off, they deliberately wrecked my computer that still has 109,000 photos on a hard drive in it.
Any way Feem seems to be working Ok thus far

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RE: Blabbering blabber

are you talking about the false "I" as collective conciousness ? or as the dropping of ego ? sometimes we feel things that are not even us, and once we realize it comes from another source we have to figure out which source. so much talk about enlightenment, but what is the actual purpose of it? does it matter who we become ? does changing how one sees the world change the world , or only their world ? one can try to matter in this world, but always the realization is the same , i do not matter.

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RE: Ways & means..

From the comments under that clip..

The best part about democracy: everyone has a say
The worst part about democracy: everyone has a say

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

How do I apply this?
Live long enough, and you will understand the difficulty of offering forgiveness when you have been wronged. It does not come easy, yet as believers, we have to recognize that our ability and willingness to offer it are the result of Christ’s saving work on the cross. Because of that fact, forgiveness serves as a determining factor in who we say we are and how we hope to live our lives. When we do not forgive, bitterness takes root in our hearts and chokes the vitality out of us.

In what ways has forgiveness been a struggle for you since you accepted Christ’s forgiveness? Allow Paul’s letter to Philemon to encourage forgiveness in your own life, and trust God to foster renewed life in your heart and your relationships.

Copyright ©? 2010 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

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Ways & means..

Fast breaking development.... maybe 02 fast
..for sum.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Who wrote the book of Philemon ?
For more than two years during his third missionary journey, Paul ministered in Asia Minor among the people of Ephesus. This was a successful period for the apostle to the Gentiles, who saw many converts among both residents of Ephesus and visitors to the city. One of the visitors converted under Paul’s teaching was a man named Philemon, a slaveowner from the nearby city of Colossae (Philemon 1:19). In the Bible book that bears Philemon’s name, Paul addressed his “beloved brother” as a “fellow worker,” a title given to those who served for a time alongside Paul. (Gospel writers Mark and Luke also received this title later in the letter [1:1, 24]). Clearly, a kinship existed between Paul and Philemon, one that would serve a significant purpose in light of the circumstance that brought about the letter.

Where are we?
A slave named Onesimus had escaped from his owner, Philemon, and had run away from Colossae to Rome in the hope that he could disappear into that populous, urban environment. Once in Rome, Onesimus, either by accident or by his own design, came in contact with Paul, who promptly led the runaway slave to faith in Jesus Christ. Paul had already been planning to send a letter to the Colossian church by the hand of Tychicus. So in AD 60 or 61 from a prison cell in Rome, Paul wrote a personal letter to Philemon and sent Onesimus the slave back to Colossae.

Why is Philemon so important?

The letter to Philemon reminds us that God’s revelation to humanity is intensely personal. In more formal biblical works such as the Gospels or the epistle to the Romans or even Paul’s letters to churches at Philippi or Colossae, it might be easy to get the impression that God does not care or have time for the trials and tribulations in a single household. Philemon stands as one piece of strong evidence to the contrary, revealing that lofty doctrines such as the love of God, forgiveness in Christ, or the inherent dignity of humanity have real and pertinent impact in everyday life. The book of Philemon illustrates that principles like these can and should profoundly affect the lives of believers.

What's the big idea?

Paul’s message to Philemon was a simple one: based on the work of love and forgiveness that had been wrought in Philemon’s heart by God, show the same to the escaped and now-believing slave Onesimus. The apostle’s message would have had extra force behind it because he knew Philemon personally. Paul had explained the gospel to Philemon and had witnessed the profound result: new life blossoming in a once-dead heart (Philemon 1:19). Paul knew that conversion is nothing to trifle with, but that it should be honored and fostered.

So Paul made a request. He wanted Philemon to forgive Onesimus, to accept the slave as a brother in Christ, and to consider sending Onesimus back to Paul, as the apostle found him useful in God’s service (1:11–14). Paul did not minimize Onesimus’s sin. This was not some kind of cheap grace that Paul asked Philemon to offer. No, there was sacrifice required in this request, and because of that, Paul approached the topic with gentleness and care (1:21). His letter to Philemon presents in full color the beautiful and majestic transition from slavery to kinship that comes as a result of Christian love and forgiveness.

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Ways & means..

See Cinema sins [ tube channel
On that 01's cerebral - like watching another
Film ...w/ brute Force logic..
... please stand by . ) Outer limited
.. food & Tequila . ) . fiasco
Choice of gen X. ) PepsiCo

.. ways & means hardball edt.

Just saying...) . several um, stars * with a certain
Team from capital H
Have essentially gone 0 for April...and here's what
The front office is paying for that service..
1 month $alary...01 player..
...$ 1, 607, 000...( . guesstimate

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rob, thanks. I've been using Samsung DEX via USB connection.
I'll check it out later today!

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