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it's understandable cos you had school phobia. Were you naughty? That's debatable.laugh

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Speed dating

A guy honest enough to say yes, hmm. At least you could watch them wriggle and no no I want a companion for long walks on the beach and sitting in front of the fire and and well okay maybe a quick fumble or two laugh

Trouble is I'm older than you so if I tried that I'd scare them off. Maybe for me the line would be 'do you just want your feet massaged' rolling on the floor laughing

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RE: Speed dating

Seems complicated laugh was never any good at getting dates lol. One thing i do have to offer is a whole bunch of attention. I was always attentive and it was mever said that i never spent enough time with anyone.

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Thanks Danni. You're right of course. Why a headmistress didn't understand, is a puzzle. But some people are not really cut out for a job that requires understanding that we all learn differently.
I realise also that I must have had a school phobia. I was probably more anxious than others.
My father died when I was 12 and I was still at that school. I took matters into my own hands and instead of going to school on certain days, I would stay on my bus and not get off at the school, but instead stay till it reached the city. I would spend the whole day train spotting and looking round toy shops. I would of course go home at the usual time.
Was that naughty or not?

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Speed dating

So maybe not your opening line laugh go with I'm a musician, happiest playing my guitar, love animals and handy round the house (are you handy round the house? Women LOVE handy round the house) (if not handy round the house go on a DIY course, lots of women do those because there are so few men handy round the house)

There are single blokes here but some are gay and some are shy and some are rich and afraid of being chased for their money and some are poor and want to see your bank account before they'll commit ... but the point is when you meet someone speed-dating two questions are ticked immediately

Single? yes
Looking? yes


Unless you HAVE to live at home you can also tick another box on some lists, 'ready able and willing to move in' some women do like a man around all the time, they feel incomplete without one even if they don't actually NEED one they prefer one, preferably doting, on tap in case.

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RE: Speed dating

* you have
* a woman

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RE: Speed dating

well, you weeds and green card to offer so I think you can still attract womanlaugh

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RE: Speed dating

sure no problem, hey! If you need books recommendation just drop a blog about and I'm happy to help.hug

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RE: Speed dating

My dates would end the second i told them i live at home and dont work laugh

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Speed dating

Just the first time, though - subsequent dates could last, what, 20 minutes? rolling on the floor laughing

Making an impression, being irresistible in the 5 minutes before the bell pings, no pressure uh oh

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RE: Speed dating

laugh You will have heaps of options here , if you wanna date someone go global.laugh

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RE: Speed dating

Pretty much, yes. Thats why I come online laugh

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RE: Speed dating

that tough, huhlaugh

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Speed dating

Oh, I will, and will report back when / if it ever happens.

I joined an expats club recently and noticed they have a night for solo members, might venture along for that, there could after all be members under 90 years old, although I've yet to see on one under 90 at their backgammon mornings laugh

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It can have negative effects on mental health, leading to shame, fear, and anxiety.
There is a risk of physical harm, such as bruises and injuries.
It often fails to address the root cause of behavior and does not teach positive alternatives.
It can role model violence as an acceptable solution to problems.
Many countries consider it illegal and a violation of children's rights to a safe learning environment.It can have negative effects on mental health, leading to shame, fear, and anxiety.
There is a risk of physical harm, such as bruises and injuries.
It often fails to address the root cause of behavior and does not teach positive alternatives.
It can role model violence as an acceptable solution to problems.
Many countries consider it illegal and a violation of children's rights to a safe learning environment. Here's the reason why but I reckon there's nothing wrong with corporal approach but as society evolve do as people.cheers

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RE: Speed dating

I don't know about other places but here its a lot easier for a woman to date than a guy. Typically women can pick and choose who they want because there are a lot of single guys here to choose from and the guys are all fighting over the same women. Its actually a bit toxic when you look at it from a distance.

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RE: Speed dating

laugh Dang! They are in demandlaugh

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Thanks Danni wave
These days, teachers would never be allowed to hit kids. They would be sacked and charged with assault. When I was elected school captain and wore a badge, this entitled me the special privilege of being driven by the headmistress to the cricket game instead of using the bus. Part of that woman liked me, I know, but her method of teaching did not show an understanding that we all learn differently, especially at a young age, and you don't use violence to correct a minor indiscretion.

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RE: Speed dating

Most of them are taken lol. Here where I am, dating is hard, not a lot of availability in a isolated place.

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RE: Speed dating

Speed dating is about first impressions. Which isn’t all bad since a lot of men are just about sex right off the bat. I would sit down and ask do you just want sex? He would lean in and say to be honest…yeah. Then I would say okay. This speed date is over. NEXT! You know maybe it just would work for me after all. laugh

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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

I seem to have caught you at a bad time, I'll try again later. blues

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RE: Speed dating

look for a home burned out pot head woman thenlaugh

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RE: Speed dating

Been doing that but no one wants to date a live at home burned out pot head laugh roll eyes

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RE: Is the real truth being hidden?

no problem, see you aroundwave

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RE: Speed dating

try substance dating thenlaugh

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RE: Speed dating

Never tried it, doubt if I would be cut out for it. I like substance, speed dating is about speed.

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RE: Shake shake shake

4.8 not such a big deal? but I guess if the earth never moved for someone before ... Taiwan had a monster 7.4 last week and weathered it impressively well, considering.

Spain has - and I did not know this until I looked it up - 30 a year on average, wow roughly every 11 days help the most recent was 7 hours ago. I slept through it ... perhaps if I'd been awake I'd have seen my glass of water ripple and wondered if there was a T-Rex in the area.

In the past 30 days, Spain has had 528 quakes of magnitudes up to 4.5:

1 quake above magnitude 4
7 quakes between magnitude 3 and 4
83 quakes between magnitude 2 and 3
437 quakes below magnitude 2 that people normally don't feel.

So today I learned something.

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That's a nice way to reminisce your past.wave

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RE: Gesture Search...

10? Users must use the daily message wisely then.scold

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RE: Speed dating

Hey! sounds interesting. Why not gove it a try?hug

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Speed dating

Voices are super-important to me too - must be said though, I rang a window-cleaner to book his services and OMG his voice was fantastic I couldn't wait for him to pitch up. Put it this way, turned out to have a face absolutely made for radio, once I'd seen him I didn't even find the voice so good any more.

However still think that sounds a good way of meeting. Good voice, good conversation, I would so meet up. The downside is that my own voice - well, put it this way, most marketing calls from real human beings assume I am the man of the house, can't see that being a turn-on lol

As for this speed-dating malarkey, there are lots of women interested, not enough men. At this point the next meet is being pencilled in for mid May and she asked if I could rope in any blokes to help that happen. Well, if all the women are being asked to sign up all the men they personally don't want -


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My best time at this school was playing football and cricket. The uniform was a green blazer. On cricket days we wore white shorts and marched to catch a bus to the local park. The headmistress would sit on a blanket on the ground with her lady friend and watch us play after she had organised us. This was every Wednesday afternoon, weather permitting.
The girls played netball back at the school.
On normal days the boys would play football, so long as there was a ball available at break times. Kiss chase was the other activity, and the same girl always caught me. I didn't put up a struggle.
I was at that school from age 8 to 12.

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RE: Shake shake shake

I didn’t feel anything here in California ironically. A New Yorker apologized to us Californians. Apology accepted. Nature is no respecter of persons.

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Yes, but I can't see the possibility of unity between the nations. They seem so entrenched in their form of government, which always has a military back up and the fear factor.
The only way to conquer this is for people, if they want change, to rebel unanimously, but that takes courage and organisation, and of course, risk of death. Perhaps a few characters like Spartacus would help.
The people of Myanmar are now having some success with their fight back against oppression.devil

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RE: A glitch in the matrix

Did they mention who’s up for Neo? I mean I could Google it but what’s the fun in that.

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I was thinking the same thing this morning.sigh

Conflict is rife across the World .Nothing can justify Palestinian militants’ attack on 7 October but the Israeli-Palestinian conflict did not start that day,it's been going on for years. Israel's land grabbing and Palestine not being given statehood is appalling as are the innocents being slaughtered .

Putin declaring war on Ukraine should never have happened and now he is relying on the West to lose interest so he can demilitarise and take control of another independent nation. Zelensky needs to think hard about a conversation with Putin so some form of agreement can be reached otherwise a win for Putin will make other countries wonder who is next on his list.

These are just 2 of the conflicts taking place across the World unfortunately and as long as other countries take sides and involve themselves with supplies of arms instead of peacemaking nothing will change. Here's a few more that are in conflict in some form or another.

Wider Middle East War,Sudan,Myanmar,Ethiopia,The Sahel,Haiti,Armenia-Azerbaijan,U.S.-China

Authoritarianism is on the rise and people are blinded by hero worship of certain leaders or would -be leaders,some of whom border on being despotic.

I've read the posts of people for and against countries and their heads of state and would be Presidents but not a thought for the rest of humanity who have or will suffer at the hands of narcissists. N.A.T.O is held responsible by many for the troubles ,totally overlooking the need for countries to be protected against invasion.

Nuclear war is on the horizon and unless we all start to unite and learn to appreciate each other the threat will become a reality.


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RE: How can anyone vote for Trump, when even his staff won’t support him.

That is one of the most idiotic thing I read. A court does not change a jury’s verdict.
You must have jump on the band wagon to say Easter is ruined, and This is an assault on Christianity when President Biden recognized March 31st the International Transgender Day of Visibility, the same day as Easter Sunday.

I do not listen to idiotic people talking bull showing the world that they have a pea for a brain and wants to brainwash the ignorant few.

How much money did you send to the con/rapist? How much money do you continue to send so he can call you an idiot?

You are a Jimmy Jones follower 2024 version as con/rapist.
Continue to drink that kool-aid.

frustrated frustrated devil

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Is the real truth being hidden?

Hey Danni,

I appreciate you absent candidness.

It is nice to see you back.


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Is the real truth being hidden?

Hello Dani,

I appreciate your absent candidness.

Nice to see you back.


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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

Someone says God's given them a revelation of the exact date that the rapture is going to happen. Buy my book, come to my conference, and people don't read the Bible, which always blows me away.

I'm like, you believe the Bible enough to listen to the sky and follow him, but you don't believe the Bible enough to just read the Bible. It's really it's really, really weird. Now, quick thought for you thinkers out there.

Again, I'm going to stir up some more trouble here. There are some theological camps that teach while Jesus was on the earth, he was still fully God in every way. And what they mean by that is that they believe that Jesus didn't give up any of his God powers, any of his God knowledge, none of his omniscience, omnipotence, any of that. And they will actually teach that suggesting otherwise is heresy.

And I think that's very problematic in light of this verse, because here we find Jesus, the man telling us in his own words that at least for sure at that moment in time, he didn't know the timing of the rapture, but the father did, which means that that at this moment, however you want to define it, Jesus did not possess all of his full God knowledge. I believe that's because he gave it up when he became a man.

And as I said, he had to rely on the Holy Spirit just as we do.

The difference is that Jesus actually lived his entire human life, being completely surrendered to the will of his father and the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Because if Jesus didn't let me be honest, his example really doesn't mean that much. How could Jesus possibly be tempted if he's still entirely in every way, fully God? Because one of the characteristics of God is that he's fully satisfied within himself. So if that's the case, how could it actually be tempting for him to be tempted with anything? And yet Scripture says he was tempted in what every way as we are yet without sin, yet without sin.

That's something to talk about, something to think through. And as I always say, this applies to all of my messages. Don't believe anything because I say it, think about it, study the scriptures for yourself, come to your own conclusion.

And just in case any of us aren't connecting the dots, this verse is why you don't read or share articles or videos of people who've claimed to figure out the exact day of the Rapture. Jesus, help me. Those people are committing heresy by claiming to know what Jesus said they could not know yet. Jesus, but I figured out of supersmart.

If I ever see any of you sharing anything like that on Facebook in the name of Jesus, I will spam your comments section with this verse over and over and over and over again, because only God knows.

Only God knows if you see your aunt who loves to share, you know, those like Thomas Kincaid pictures. But somehow Jesus is in them, too. If you see her sharing something like this, tell her what the word says.

OK, now, now, Wren concluded, refocussing Jesus shares some more details about what the world is going to be like just before the rapture takes place.

And he says this beginning in verse 37. But as the days of Noah would you underlined days of Noah as the days of Noah were.

So also, will the coming of the son of man be four, as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered the ark and did not know until the flood came and took them all away.

So also, will the coming of the son of man be so Jesus compares the time of the Rapture, the weeks and months and years right before the Rapture happens to the time of Noah, specifically the weeks and months and years before Noah climbed into the ark to escape the Great Flood.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

And I know I said that really cool and low key. And I know that if you've never heard that, you're like, wait, the what?

The what? I understand that I literally just can't do an entire study on the rapture right now. We've got a whole bunch of them on our website. So if you want more on that, come talk to me after the service. But for now, we got to keep going while you try and recover your thoughts and know you're not part of a cult. Everything's going to be fine.

And In verses, 36, Jesus says, speaking of the rapture, but of that day and hour, would you underline day, an hour?

No one knows. Not even the angels of heaven, but my father.

Only now we know that Jesus is speaking about his coming at the Rapture as opposed to his coming at the second, coming for at least two reasons. Firstly, when he is sharing this, he is speaking to only four of his disciples.

They're all going to be saved. Jesus knows that all disciples of Jesus are and will be saved, including you and I and disciples of Jesus will not be on the Earth waiting for God to come at the second coming, they will be returning with him.

Secondly, Jesus tells us that the timing of the coming he's speaking of here is not known by anyone.

The second coming will be known and expected by many on the Earth who read the Scriptures. Because if you've been with us for this study, they will know that it's going to be exactly to the day three and a half years after Antichrist turns against Israel and desecrates the temple in the middle of the tribulation.

Now, notice that Jesus doesn't say season. He doesn't say no man knows the season. He doesn't say no man knows the year. He doesn't even say month. He doesn't even say a week. He says day and the hour. And so the clear goal of Jesus here is to stop people from date setting and saying things like the rapture is going to happen on Rosh Hashanah.

When you examine everything Jesus says in the Olivet discourse, it becomes clear that he wants his servants, which is you and I, to recognize the season of history when the end times are rapidly approaching. Yet he wants us to stay away from setting specific dates.

Now, there are some differing views with regard to the meaning of this verse. And let me get into this a little bit. Some hold that within the Trinity.

Only God, the father knows the date of the rapture.

And at this point in my life, in studies, this is one of the things I've changed my view on, I think it's much more likely that Jesus simply didn't know the day or hour of the Rapture when he was on the earth as a man, because I believe the scriptures teach that everything Jesus knew on the Earth as a man was revealed to him by the Holy Spirit.

And apparently it simply wasn't part of God's plan for Jesus to have this information while he was on the Earth.

When I look at everything else, the Bible and Jesus himself teaches about the unity that he shares with the father, I find it increasingly difficult to believe that right now Jesus doesn't know the timing of the Rapture.

And the reason I find that so hard is because I can't find a single, even remotely coherent reason why that would be the case.

Father, when is the rapture going to happen? When am I going to go get my church? I'm not going to tell you. Why, I already put it in the Bible, I can't take it back now, it's awkward, it's just a lot of editing and, you know, it just it doesn't make sense when you when you slow down and really think about it.

So write this down one way or another. The point is this. Only God knows the exact date of the Rapture. Only God knows the exact date of the rapture. And you would think, well, obviously. And yet it happens every few years.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

The King is Coming...............Date:8/29/20

Series: Matthew...Passage: Matthew 24:35-5......Speaker: Jeff Thompson

Jesus shares more with Disciples about what the days leading up to the Rapture will look like, and then transitions to teaching on how we should live in light of these truths.

We're studying the Gospel of Matthew and we're in Chapter 24, and Jesus is sharing multiple prophecy, some that have already been fulfilled and others that are yet to be fulfilled. We're going to wrap up Chapter 24 today. And then Pastor BJ is going to take the baton for the next three weeks and teach us through Chapter 25. And Chapter 25 is just wonderful because after sharing all these prophecies, Jesus moves on to teach us how we should actually live in light of the information that he shared in Chapter 24.

So you're not going to want to miss that. Pastor BJ is going to take us through the practical application of what we do with all this fascinating information Jesus is sharing with us in Chapter 24.

We're going to pick things right up where we left off last time, which will put us in Matthew 24 Verse 8 36, if you'd like to begin turning there in your Bibles, physical or electronic.

And if you're a new hope person and you've heard me teach through this passage of scripture before, you may notice only the hardcore devotees that a couple of my positions have slightly changed.

And that's because I've read more. I have studied more, I've thought more. And as I've often shared, I hope that in the future my understanding of scripture changes more because I hope to keep growing in my knowledge and understanding of God's word.

And as we all do that, we should hopefully all find that our understanding evolves over time and it grows. I hope none of us are thinking, nope, I think I know everything right now. So I'm just going to coast through the next ten years and everything's going to be the same. I hope we all want to grow.

If you have any questions about why I've changed these positions, I'm just limited by time. Today you can always chat with me after the service or even better, shoot me an email and we can go back and forth about that.

Well, have you ever had a moment in your life where you were absolutely indefensibly irrevocably caught in a situation or circumstance that you should not have been? I will not ask you to share publicly the memory that's running through your head right now, even though it would surely take the entertainment value of this message to a whole nother level, let's just say that most of us, upon reflection, should probably be really grateful for the mercy and grace of Jesus and forgiveness of sins.

Again, thank you, Lord.

Now, if there were ever a situation where you had the potential to be caught in a position you shouldn't be in and you had a good friend who knew you were about to be caught, you would expect that friend to give you a heads up, right?

You'd expect them to say, hey, your mom just pulled up in the driveway or they probably wouldn't be a real friend.

The Bible says that Jesus is the friend who sticks closer than a what?
A brother, closer than a brother. And today Jesus is going to warn us about a future situation that could cause us to be caught in a situation we have no business being in.

And if we're caught in that position, will be embarrassed and most importantly, immediately filled with overwhelming regret. So let's give our attention to Jesus and his word, because I believe that none of us can afford to miss the heads up that Jesus is going to give us.

In today's study. We're going to find that Jesus is going to be talking about the rapture in today's text.

The Rapture is the name given to the future event where Jesus will come for his church, all believers on the Earth, and remove them from the earth to be safely with him in heaven before he begins pouring out his judgment on the earth.

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What Makes Jesus Unique? No one else made the claims that He did, He is alive...............

He says, assuredly I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. So Jesus is saying all these things are going to happen in one generation, Antichrist, the tribulation, abomination of desolation, the second coming Israel, all these things is all going to happen in one generation.

Now, what does Jesus mean when he says a generation?

This has been quite the subject of discussion because most, including me, will take it to mean that Jesus is saying, listen, that generation that was alive to see Israel become a nation in 1948 will not die out before the second coming gets here and every other and times event before it.

So people will say, well, well, well, what does the term generation mean in the Bible?

It can mean forty years, which would put us at 1988. And I try to stay away from date setting. But I'm going to go out on a limb on this one and suggest to you the second coming did not happen in 1988.

You can also make a biblical case for a generation being 70 years. That would put us at twenty eighteen. Again, I have a word from the Lord.

The second coming did not happen in twenty eighteen. You can also make a biblical case for a generation being up to 100 years. That would take us to 2048. Or it could simply mean that the last Jew who was alive in 1948 will still be alive when Jesus returns to the Earth. It doesn't mean Jesus has to wait all the way until the end. It just means he's going to return at some point while that person's still alive.

There could be many others alive at that time to.

What's important to understand is this. With Israel existing as a political nation, once again, with Jerusalem under their control, the Lord can rapture his church at any time.

Do you realize there's nothing left on the Bible prophecy checklist that has to happen before Jesus comes for his church in the Rapture?

There's nothing else he can do it at any time. Any time could happen, right? Now, it's too cocky, right, right now, that would have been that would have been awesome, though, I'm just saying.

So write this down.

While the generation could be up to 100 years or more, Jesus could rapture his church at any time. At any time. And just in case you think that Jesus doesn't want us to take all this prophecy stuff seriously, he says this in verse 35, Hey, heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will by no means pass away.

Jesus says the universe is you know, it is going to one day turn to nothing, but not a single word of what I've told you is going to fade away.

It's all going to happen exactly as I've told you.

As surely as Jerusalem fell in 70 A.D., exactly as Jesus predicted, as surely as Israel became a political nation again in 1948, exactly as Jesus predicted. Everything else Jesus has prophesied will happen exactly as he has predicted.

Don't take my word for it. Take the word of God for it. And don't forget that one of the questions Jesus was asked by his disciples all the way back in verse three was what will be the sign of your coming? And I cannot, for the life of me figure out why some Christians would think we're strange for simply believing that in Matthew 24, Jesus actually answered the questions that his disciples asked him.

I believe. Deeply. Personally. Correctly, that the rebirth of Israel as a political nation was one of the single most important events in history and the single most important prophetic event since the day of Pentecost in Acts Chapter two, God's word is amazing.

You can trust his word. You can trust him. He's both faithful. But even better, he's able to keep his promises, both big and small, to generations, to peoples, to nations. And do you personally and individually.

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