What make's you happy

Really enjoyed the comments and thanks your input
tip hat tip hat

What make's you happy

thankyou dream that's bouquet

What make's you happy

I recently split up with girlfriend I had been with for three and a half years...but I,ve started to laugh and enjoy myself again...

RE: Women...who'd have'em ?

The reason why so many single women these days have mental issues is, because of the way some guys treated them in the past and a lot will tarnish men in their minds forever, so these bad boys, players etc have ruined many women's lives and without a Psychiatrist some will never heal.

It's very sad when u think about it and I can't see the funny side!

RE: The people of New Hampshire has spoken

Jim, The UK are close allies of the USA and everything that happens in the USA not only effects UK, but the future of the world, because they have so much power in the world, so yes I do have an option on the presidency and events that happen across the world that could effect the safety of UK.

RE: The people of New Hampshire has spoken

Lind, You are joking about wanting Trump to be president right? I can't think of anyone worse than him and many, many wars would be in the future if he stole the presidency, but a peaceful world it would certainly not bejaw drop

RE: Bed etiquette

I keep saying our bed to my girlfriend, but she always corrects me by saying "my bed"laugh

RE: Just Chilling...

Crazy, Yes it's a good song from a very talented band wink
Just for you Carole king - so far away

RE: Just Chilling...

doh posted youtube video wrong doh lets try againyay

RE: Just Chilling...

Wow exactly the same song title as dire straits, but the Rod Stewart version is a completely different song lol


RE: RELIGION and politics....

Lina, I'm afraid a can't agree with you on this subject. Firstly the war in Iraq was illegal, because the UN did not back it and no WMD was found, but that was given as the reason for invading Iraq, so the invasion was based on a lie.

Hans Blix wanted more time to find the, so called weapons, but he was not given it, because that was not the reason Bush and Blair wanted to invade.

Did they find the weapons? Of course not, but the oil was safe.

So many innocent people died from that illegal war, but, Bush and Blair have never been tried for war crimes by international courts? They are war criminals and justice has not been done.

How much money did those two crooks make off that war and how do you think they made all that money? The oil they took control of and sold on to oil companies, that's how.

The Instability created in Iraq was caused by the illegal war and that is what has created Isis.

The real reason for the war in Iraq was to protect the oil and not the citizens of Iraq.

Friend I know your patriotic, but don't let that cloud your judgement and evade the reality that the war was illegal and wrong.

Human beings are the only one's that can stop what they are doing and sadly too many evil people have the power over life and death.

RE: RELIGION and politics....

AS I remember the west was arms dealing to Saddam and fell out with him over the oil too, so that might have been the reason he did what he did to make a point? He was not a nice man, but neither are the war mongers that continue to have wars and people have been brainwashed by scaremongering tactics by these governments for decades professor

RE: Just been for my Christmas day Swim

Non, You are a brave man and hope the jelly fish were not out to get you rolling on the floor laughing handshake

RE: Many profiles on here are not all that informative

A profile is just highlights describing a persons best points, attitude towards life, physical details and a brief description of what that person is looking for in a potential partner, so if you want to know more, then start messaging, asking questions and getting to know people

My Christmas day music blog

This next xmas song is considered to be a classic by many and have to include it even though it's not really my thingrolling on the floor laughing laugh
The group is Wham and the song is last Christmas, enjoy grin

My Christmas day music blog

My Christmas day music blog

Lind, Merry xmas to you toohug
Yes just adding a bit of Christmas cheer with this music blog and hope folks enjoy the videosyay

RE: lol

rolling on the floor laughing thumbs up

RE: Self Improvement

Lind, I was suspended myself from contributing on the blogs in the past and it does happen to the best of people, because sometimes we care too much about our opinions, but we all live and learn from ithug

I have always enjoyed reading your contributions to the blogs and forums, because I think you look at all side of a discussion and treat people with respect, kindness, but also try to address every poster that comments on your blogs.

Take care friend and continue being the lovey person you areteddybear

RE: Eyes !

Snook, The last time I was on here was in March, so it's been a while, but I have plenty of previous blogs and threads I created if you want to check out my profile

Freedomtip hat

RE: Eyes !

Snook, Have been a member of CS for a while now and the last time I was on here was months ago, but I'm in the mood again to chat away on herewine

RE: Eyes !

Nope not had compliments about my eyes beforewow but have had many compliments from women about my charming personalitywink

RE: If only Women were Men.

Sorry for the triple post doh laugh

RE: If only Women were Men.

I think men and women can be just friends, but the problem arises when people find out about it and start spreading gossip, because those people can't understand that men and women can become very good friends without feeling attracted to each other.

I recently had a female friend and enjoyed her company, but even after we agreed that we were just friends, she started flirting with me and because I did not respond to her, she stopped having anything to do with me.

The thing is she told me that she valued friendship and good friends are hard to come by, so why did she retract everything she said to me and gave me signs she wanted me?

I have no problem with being just friends with women and why could she not be honest about her intentions from the start?

I understand the feeling of rejection is not nice, but she felt that feeling anyway, because she was not honest about her feelings for me.

RE: If only Women were Men.

I think men and women can be just friends, but the problem arises when people find out about it and start spreading gossip, because those people can't understand that men and women can become very good friends without feeling attracted to each other.

I recently had a female friend and enjoyed her company, but even after we agreed that we were just friends, she started flirting with me and because I did not respond to her, she stopped having anything to do with me.

The thing is she told me that she valued friendship and good friends are hard to come by, so why did she retract everything she said to me and gave me signs she wanted me?

I have no problem with being just friends with women and why could she not be honest about her intentions from the start?

I understand the feeling of rejection is not nice, but she felt that feeling anyway, because she was not honest about her feelings for me.

RE: If only Women were Men.

I think men and women can be just friends, but the problem arises when people find out about it and start spreading gossip, because those people can't understand that men and women can become very good friends without feeling attracted to each other.

I recently had a female friend and enjoyed her company, but even after we agreed that we were just friends, she started flirting with and because I did not respond to her, she stopped having anything to do with me.

The thing is she told me that she valued friendship and good friends are hard to come by, so why did she retract everything she said to me and gave me signs she wanted me?

I have no problem with being just friends with women and why could she not be honest about her intentions from the start?

I understand the feeling of rejection is not nice, but she felt that feeling anyway, because she was not honest about her feelings for me.

RE: why are we here?

Hello, Lindgrin It has been such a long time since I last used this site and just getting back into the online chatting once againyay Yes this site does have various characters from various countries participating on these blogs and I do have to say that this site is a worldwide phenomenon....

Some blogs are about serious issues, some are just simple humour, some are poetic, some are religious, some are political etc and people can learn so much from others by reading some of these threads....

When you compare this site to other social networking sites, there is really no contest, because no others to my knowledge have the option of uploading videos from youtube onto blogs wow

I personally prefer blogs with serious subject matters, which I can not only participate in, but also gain new knowledge from....

The blogs can be fun, interesting, humorous, informative and a good way to chat with other users from around the world....

Here I am again and the magnetism of connecting singles had pulled me back in....

tip hat




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