Four seasons

Nonetheless, last week a couple of villages got burn in Buryatia. I am sure, you know where it is, but for them, who don't have access to a google maps, it's next door to Mongolia.

Buryatia, being one of the most depressed regions in Russian Phederation , supplied quite a lot of "kontraktnik"s to the huilo's war in Ukraine.

The firefighters, the rescue crew, the police and the likes, are usually made of young muscular men with no desire for university education. The salary isn't that good (safe for the riot police).

So they are...

or, perhaps, we can talk about them in the past term?

... were the recruiting pool for the war, that now is getting thinner.

Nonetheless. There's no one to replace them. There is no people, especially young men. The very same contingent of blue collar workers, who maintain the infrastructure and get things roll on.

There was someone, a putler's supporter, who asked for a prediction. The prediction is that the south Russia is going to burn this summer as it never burned before. For the luck of firefighters. Who are getting killed in Ukraine, reason unknown.

A catostroph is not a disaster. Disasters happen all the time, here and there. A catostroth is when you cannot manage the series of disasters. When there are so many disasters in so many areas that you stopped to tackle them for the luck of resources - manpower, money, will...

It is predicted that a series of technogenic catostrophs are on the way in Russia. Experts give it a year.

PS. By the way, did you heard about Uranium mines getting over-flooded in Kurgan region? The stuff is getting out with water and then floating northbound. We hold our brief for the North regions of Europe and Canada (as nobody cares about Russian people (and animals) living in the area) .

Four seasons

I indeed am in Sweden. Does it bother you in some way?

Who is next?

Kara-Murza is on.. after surviving 2 Novichok poisoning, after sentencing to 25 years for being a journalist, he is now on the "etap": he is being transferred in a special vehicle there a prisoner can only sit in a cell with 1x1 m dimensions. The prisoner part of the vehicle has no heating. You cannot stretch. You cannot stand. You cannot lay. You sit. For days. Or weeks. Or months.

Have I mentioned that it has no heating?

I hope, the Western denazificators are happy.

And I'm sure the local talent has a funny joke about it.
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    Last Liked: Apr 23


I don't think that many people outside Russia have ever noticed the event. Those, who did notice of whatever reason, shouldn't listen to the state paid propaganda. If the Russian officials wanted tell the truth, they would by now release the video from the cameras inside Crucus. Until now we only have the videos taken by the witnesses on their phones.

As to blaming someone... Putler has nothing to gain in blaming ISIS. You can't defeat an ideologically powered insurgency, you can only destroy it. But it's difficult and actually needs another ideological power, which huilo doesn't have. He wants to make Ukraine the main cause of all problems Russia has after 23 years of his rule, because it's easier.

The most odd thing in the whole is that there will be people who will believe it.


Well... an unpopular opinion: while indeed Russia of the times of Soviet Union and now putler's Russia is a terrorist state, the Russian people... (wanted to write "who are not in the system", but living in Russia is being a part of the system)... hence, the Russian people, who are not directly part of the system, just ordinary citizens trying to survive, they are also victims of this terrorist state.

One of possible post- putinism scenario is picturing Russia falling in a several parts by ethnic or economical or climatic zones. And some evil tongues claim, that the Western countries (whatever it is) let the Ukrainian war continue, because they are afraid of dissolving of Russia.

Well... they were afraid of dissolving of USSR. Being afraid doesn't work.


All the OSINT groups I usually listen to, claim that it's Khorosan branch of Islamic state. And they even admitted the honer.

The only thing FSB did is that they did nothing. They - huilo - let it happen.

If you follow event in Russia, you could notice a riot policeman every 5 m along the road leading to the cemetery there Navalny was buried. Anything of the sort on an event with more than 6000 thousand people, after a multiple warnings about a terrorist attack? Nope.


You are from another planet.

And putler's Russia is a planet for itself.


There's nothing he can do to make his war popular. (Did you noticed, that you called it "his" war? It is.)

The thing is - and it makes me feel miserable - that the majority of Russian population would not mind a short victorious adventure, like Kiev in 3 days and the Eastern Ukraine in a week. (That's totally awful and I am sorry, that the country of my birth turned into that.) But no one wanted and still doesn't a long war. Have you noticed that they increased money reward for joining the army? For the depressed regions, like Dagestan, Tyva, Buryatia, it's a lot of money - it's more money that a man there can earn in his entire life - and still, they have difficulties with even filling the loses. The propaganda works 24/7, people live in misery, dissent utterly marginalized and prosecuted - and still they have difficulties with filling the gaps in the ranks. They force convicts, homeless, mentally ill including junkies, heavily indebted and other men, who actually in need of help and would get it in a human regimen...

If anyone even wondered about quality, motivation and discipline in such an army, you don't need to wonder anymore.

By the way, they have burned a couple of GULAG colonies due to the absence of inmates and arrested a few GULAG officers in order to send 'em to the war. Imagine a young lieutenant given command to a platoon of serial killers? They would just laugh. Another thing - a virtuhai: he is used to and they a used to. A working scheme.


Not only USA, that even mentioned "concerts" especially, but also Iran, putler's ally, warned about the attack. It looks like, that huilo didn't doubt information, but just let the even happen in order to use it for his benefit.

Now, it's known that large Russian towns cannot live without low-paid gastarbeiters, who do road cleaning, building, garbage removal, taxi and delivery cervices, etc. Russians themselves, in the large towns - there's a difference with the small once - don't want to do that job. Plus, the money, that the gastarbeiters send home, is a good part of their countries' income. Those countries don't want to lose it. Those countries are also the routes for huilo to circumvent the sanctions. A dilemma that this halv-bald intestinal worm is trying to solve with "Ukrainian trace". They stomped so hard over all other evidences, that only the "right" ones could remain.

Now, the evil tongues made it a fashion to call any trace "Ukrainian". Indeed, we had snow here the other day and a couple of magpies hopped over my tiny porch and left a lot of Ukrainian traces. Now gone after the heavy rain, of course, but the feeling remains.

RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

Well... Destruction will hit everybody, no matter their political preferences.

I do doubt that Trumpistas have so much reflection on their deeds. I don't expect his supporters to be too intellectual a crowd. Then, I have a couple of FB friends from USA, who are totally decent people and anti-Trump. Plus, my Qigong teacher and Qigong group, whom I never will wish anything bad.

This day and age, you don't elect a person: you elect a direction and a team. Honestly, the team from the previous Trump election wasn't that bad (aside someone getting prison time on criminal charges). Now, we don't know who will run the show in case... but it will be the very same thing again: Trump will be uttering his nonsense while someone in the background gets the work done.

That's said, it doesn't mean that I want Trump to win. He's too loathable a figure to read news about him for the whole 4 years.
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    Last Liked: Mar 27

RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

Well... whatever draggrugs is supporting, it must be shit.

What I've heart about opinion in USA, right now Biden is more popular among reasonably healthy Republicans, than Trump. Though, Trump is a populist and given the lowering IQ level in the global population...

Then the low IQ-level individuals will feel the burden of war / inflation / destruction / cover bombing... on their backs. But they don't think in those constructions. The main matter with poverty and deprivation, that it is not capable of thinking a few steps beyond now. Populists use and misuse that. Poverty is their main supporter.

As to Hitler's playbook... Hitler had an ideology. Trump has none. He is going to say what he thinks the crowd wants to hear here and now. Next day he will tell you an opposite story. It's called opportunism.

By the way, rumour has is that there are 3 biggest opportunists in the world, that will survive any kind of catastrophe: rat, cockroach and man. From that point of view, Trump is in his element.
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    Last Liked: Mar 27

RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

the site died on me. I hope, though, that I managed to provide the most of my opinion :)
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    Last Liked: Mar 21

RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

My ground education being economics and my current employment being statistics, I cannot classify that my opinion is right on what is what in the current state of affairs in the world. As they say: it is not my desc. And it is not. I am not a specialist. But I do pay attention to a few things in this world and, of course, the election in USA is one of them. (I also read a lot of different analysts on that subject. I do like to hear different opinion on the subject when a speaker has an appropriate background, like education or experience or relevant positive rumour at least. (Like Chirsto Grozev). Breakfast Show has their correspondent in USA right now and she's reporting straight how it is.)

From what I know right now: Trump is to pay a certain sum (hefty,ld say, but it depends on the context) and the questions is if he has those money. If not, what is the source that would provide it? Russian budget can. Sure. It can provide grater sums. Just ask. Do you watch the space? I do.

As to ideologies... putler has none. A politologist analyesed one of putler's speeches and came to a conclusion that he talks to different groups without any main idea. He promise everything to every one. For sovkodrochers he promise restoration of USSR. For those, longing for tsarist times he promise restoration of the great impire with all its saving of the Slavic world of Bulgrian and
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    Last Liked: Mar 21

RE: How Trump is following Hitlers playbook

Well... unpopular opinion: Hitler's playbook isn't possible in a healthy democracy.

Another question: is USA democracy healthy? Is it really possible that 2 parties absorb and then represent all the variety of opinions?

Those are my questions. I don't possess USA citizenship and I cannot vote. Which makes my opinion a insignificant noise.

Nonetheless with all my noise: it's not Hitler's, it is pootler's errands that our boy trumpsy is running.
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    Last Liked: Mar 24

Who is next?

Thank you for caring!

I do understand when people don't care about events that happened in a faraway land they know nothing about and don't know nothing about. It is normal.

But I don't understand people, who support plundering and humiliation of a nation they don't care about. That's beyond me.

Thank you one again!
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    Last Liked: Apr 23

RE: Donald who...?

Well... whatever I think on the subject, matters not. I cannot vote in USA election.

As to abortions: you certainly know that there was "abortion tourism" from the republic of Ireland to UK until recent. If you objected that in whichever way, I admire you. But was it your objection or changing opinion in the Republic of Ireland that made the change?

Can you affect the opinion about abortions in USA?

I cannot vote in USA election. But I can have my preferences. My preference is Nikki Haley given the reality.

Once again: my preference matters not as I cannot vote in USA election. So there's no point to quarrel about.

I do possess a valid Russian passport though. What, according to you, should I vote in the coming election? Do you support Noon against Putin? Is it ok for you if I participate in it? What's their stand about abortions?

RE: Donald who...?

Didn't know about that. But I believe that quite a lot of European countries, until recent or perhaps still, have forbidding or limiting access to abortions. Is it a death sin only in Haley's case?

Another angle, being a politician, she is saying what she thinks would bring her votes.

Beside that, what more sins does she got? Especially as compared to the two... well, senior male members, that some home for elderly is waiting for impatiently.

PS As to "life begins at conception": there's some Eastern believes that say, that a live begins 3 months before your birth as you-wanting-to-be-born power brings together your parents, they want it or not. I do not share that philosophy, just wanted to point out that there is a lot of believes, that my pagan soul laughs itself silly every time at. But it changes nothing.

Who is next?

They started to arrest people, who attended Navalny's grave.
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    Last Liked: Apr 23

RE: Donald who...?

Well... I was pro-Biden 4 yeas ago and now I can say that he was a weak president. He did say all the right words for the most of times, but I cannot see that he did much. To have him a leader of the progressive part of the world for the next 4 years? Meh...

Trump was and remains a repulsive individual. But the analysts say he, or rather his administration, earned a few points, like achieving some agreement between Israel and some of Arabic states (I do not distinguish them in all my white supremacy :/ ). Again, during his administration, the sanctions on putler's regimen became harsher.

That's said, it think it's a shame that such a great nation came to choosing between 2... let's say, lesser individuals, that it should have if we lived in a better world.

I am personally for Nikki Haley. Just for a change.


What's so funny?
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    Last Liked: Mar 15

Who is next?

The details:

“Learned today. And it shook me. Remember, that at the day of funeral they didn’t close the cemetery at 17.00 as usual, but kept it open until 22.00? The thing is, when at 17.00 they told Ludmila Navalnaya to leave the cemetery, she answered: “No, not going to leave. People is still coming. I’ll wait for everyone, who came to Lesha (Aleksei).” They started to threaten her that they will take her out by force. “Do it”, she said calmly. They didn’t dare. The mother of her son. A bow.”
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    Last Liked: Apr 23

Who is next?

The third day people is bringing flowers to Navalny's grave.

As the poet said:

"They have mercy on martyrs,
pray for them, say they go to heaven.
Not so nice with the living,
but sure, we care for the dead."

The current regimen has openly admitted that it is a sub-human species.

- at least they don't arrest the peaceful protesters.
- at least they don't beat the peaceful protesters.
- at least they don't issue prison time to peaceful protesters.
- at least they don't torture you in prison for a peaceful protest.
- at least they don't kill you in prison for a peaceful protest.
- at least they release the body of a killed peaceful protester to his mother.
- at least they allow to bury the body of a killed peaceful protester.
- at least they don't beat the mourners, bringing flowers to the grave of a killed peaceful protester.

As they say on the maps: Russia, you are here.

When you thought you reached the bottom, putler knocked from under.
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    Last Liked: Apr 23

Who is next?

I've reread my opening post and then the replays. Well... I am glad that people have reacted in one or another way, but you can notice that no one said: there will be no next. People discussing something or other, not so much the political prisoners' fate and when doing so it comes out as discussion a race horse stature; it's chances to win. No one said: there should be no next.

But there should be NO NEXT. Political prisoners should be FREE.
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    Last Liked: Apr 23

Who is next?

It's the Russian (original) version of the paper and the link leads to a place there you can lit a (virtual) candle for Navalny, if you want to.
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    Last Liked: Apr 23

Who is next?

There's a site, called You can always ask what their guy on top thinks.

Do you really expect that anyone, who knows what huilo thinks, will tell you? If the answer is yes, then you are in acute need of medical help.

I take my information from open sources. And if there anyone, claiming that they have any kind of inside information, is lying. They don't.

But we can follow the events and we can observe the consequences. It's like observing the rings on water without really knowing what caused them.

Example: a survey about opinions and expectations in the general population would be hardly useful during the current conditions of terror: the non-response rate is over 90%. Those, who answer, are either pro-putler or say what they think is safe to say.

So lets look at the rings on the water. Did you notice any crowds, getting out in support of putler during Prigozhin's escapade? Neither did I. Did you noticed people standing in lines in order to sign their support for putler's participation in the coming electional event? Neither did I.

But everybody, who care to follow events in Russia, could noticed lines for Nadezhdin: while everybody knew his questionable biography, his anti-war and pro-political-prisoners-freedom program brought a lot of people together.

You, of some unknown to me reason, expect me to tell you the future. Why wouldn't you to try and do it yourself? How many people will come with flowers and candles to mourn huilo? What's your take?
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    Last Liked: Mar 2

Who is next?

Your link leads to a article about Dmitry Bykov. Yes, I know about him and like him a lot, thanks.

Here's a link to one of Shulman's lecturer, if you are interested. It's about state of mind in Russia for a few months ago:

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    Last Liked: Apr 23

Who is next?

Yes, it's Thyl Ulenspiegel.

I find it extremely appropriate in the context. 70 years of soviet killing of the best people on the territory of Russian empire, a few years of chaos-hyperinflation-banditism-extreme poverty... and then 20+ years of putinism: lies, corruption, more lies, more corruption. One or other killing in between: Politkovskaya, Novodvorskaya, Magnitsky, Nemtsov... then thousand of Ukrainians and now Navalny.

Your politicians, who are also your representatives, shook hoilo's hand. Will they do it again?

I do feel the ashes of Claes throb in my heart.
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    Last Liked: Feb 26

Who is next?

Pity, that you feel like objecting Russian invasion on Ukraine is not worth a few typed words here. It's your choice, of course, but you could notice that a few words against kremlebots made them disappear. It does work and it doesn't cost much :)

Propaganda in general and putler's propaganda in particular has a few aims:

- it atomizes people by giving them lots and lots of different versions of the same events, so at the end of the day you don't know what to think and what is what: "We will never know the whole truth" - kind of.

- it tells the dissenters that they are alone, they are an anomaly, marginal renegades, traitors, mental ills.

- it also gives them, who needs it, a list of simple answers to many very difficult questions.

I fully aware that I cannot compete with all milliards USD, that are spent on putler's propaganda, both in Russia and abroad. Whatever I do, I do it for myself in the first place.

There's a Russian politologist Ekaterina Shulman, a very bright and decent person - it was she, who said: "Now it's an acute civilizational question - do we bury the killed men or do we eat them?", when huilo refused to release Navalny's body to his mother... She also said: "It is important not to join the delirium."

I am not her, I am not as bright, decent and famous, but I'd like to add: "It is also important to speak against the delirium".

Feel free to quote me :)
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    Last Liked: Mar 21

Who is next?

Well... thank you for your concern and I agree with you. But I do it for myself for the first place. If there are a few people, who are sincerely interested, then I am glad for that and willing to keep the discussion alive.

"The ashes of Klaas throb in my chest " (q)

And then, no one here will be able to say that they didn't know :)

Who is next?

No. I do not know who is talking to "the leader". I can guess. It can be his closest friends like Kovalchuks or Rotenbergs. There are as well those bizarre personages like Patrushev and other ministers and shit.

No. I do not know what they tell him. I am though sure, no one of them can make any decision without putler's consent.

The other month they wheeled out putler's older daughter with a 2-hours long interview about nothing. There are analysts, who say huilo is preparing a heir - in this case heiress - to transfer the power to.

Re Navalny: The order to kill him was issued a long time ago, we know that. It was waiting for a sign. The sing was made.

How's your Azov hard-on, by the way? Still on?
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    Last Liked: Feb 18

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