TimosityTimosity Blog Comments (20)

Do you believe in "miracles"?

Two more "small scale miracles" happened just yesterday. I found the perfect house for me not by accident last week and when I close in January the home will be paid in full, also not by accident or chance. The person responding to my request to complete the termite inspection low and behold is one of my favorite students at the University and the person responding to my request to complete the radon test was my ex-neighbor and the father of a young woman that was married in August in Dubuque at the church where my father was the pastor when I was in High School. Guess who sang with his own daughter at this young woman's wedding???? Miracles come in all shapes and sizes!

Do you believe in "miracles"?

Sorry.... doctorate not doctor! It is 5:45 a.m. and I am lying supine in bed typing at the strangest angle. I can't wait to see what HE has in store for me today! God's grace is turning "this guy" into a wonderfully different and much better human being.

Do you believe in "miracles"?

For too many years I had pursued my will and not HIS. I have fought hard to let go of selfish ways and have found true blessings, wholeness and completeness in life and amazing miracles only after surrendering all to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am in awe of His grace. The last month has been filled with far more than these few things that I have shared in the blog above. People long lost have returned in my life because of the strangest and funniest little quirks. I ran to Iowa City to get a Christmas present for one of my daughters on a whim after fighting my desire not to make the trip and ran into my faculty advisor from my masters and doctor programs that I had not seen in nineteen years. Our eyes met as we passed each other in the Ped Mall and we knew each other immediately as if time had stopped. Too much has been happening lately that chance simply cannot account for. I am now consumed in my Father's love and miracles seem to occur every day now. I only wish that total surrender had come so much earlier in my life. At least I am so very thankful that I finally opened my heart and eyes before it was too late to experience His grace and to accept my own mistakes and failures.

Remembering Lost Children at Christmas....

What occurred this evening will never be accurately conveyed in words yet this is the only medium that I have at my disposal. Prior to the service I walked along the tables in the front of the sanctuary lined with photographs, cast hand prints, baby caps and blankets, artwork from the children and a host of other items that sunk in deeply. Couple all of this with some personal issues that have happened over the past 48 hours and I was in no emotional condition to be in public let alone think that even with divine intervention that I could successfully pull this one off. The beginning of the performance was soft, gentle and articulate even by my standards. The ending was powerful and emotional and demonstrated God's true grace. The middle of the performance was cluttered with tears and a heart and stomach that were somewhere north of my adam's apple. If anything, at least emotions were clearly and accurately shared. The tears in the eyes of these grief-filled parents said it all and they are all looking forward to that day when they can go home and once again be reunited with their loved ones. Tonight as I wander off into sleep I will revisit this evening's triumphs and tragedies with a new sense of hope and a deeper sense of respect.

Remembering Lost Children at Christmas....

At the special rememberance service they plan to read off the names of each child that has tragically passed on. As that child's name is read their family members will come forward and light a candle in their honor. The more I think about what we are all about to experience in about three and a half hours the more emotionally caught up in the moment I become. I pray that I can do justice to such a beautiful and meaningful song as "Homesick" and somehow touch the hearts of those present. I have reviewed the words to commit them to memory but I am afraid that looking into the faces before me filled with tears will force me to use the musical score. One thing I know for sure is that my glasses will be resting beside me to help me to remain focused. These precious angels will soon touch everyone's heart in a special way. angel

The Road Less Traveled By ....

The poem by Robert Frost is entitle "The Road Not Taken" as is cited in the blog above. "The road less traveled by" is in reference to the poem's final stanza and is a paraphrase encouraging the reader to consider walking new and divergent roads to explore a wealth of new opportunities that lie outside of the usual and the habitual. The Poetry of Robert Frost can be found in many sources but an easy way to read and explore other poems by the poet is simply to access them via the internet. I was fortunate to have studied English at Cornell College with Professor Elizabeth Isaacs who was one of Frost's pupils and ardent followers. Elizabeth has written many articles interpreting the meaning of the poetry of Frost and these too can be accessed on line. Her original writings are contained in the Cornell College Library. I hope that this helps!

The Road Less Traveled By ....

With the blizzard that has now pummeled the Midwestern United States dumping upwards of a foot of snow between last night and today and with winds reaching gusts of 50 mph, I set out today on the road "far less traveled by" as you could count the cars coming and going on one hand. While driving conditions were abysmal, it was a fun and unique journey that I am glad that I took. Spending the day in front of the television watching movies may have been a safer choice but one far less rewarding! yay

The Road Less Traveled By ....

While you may be caught in the "habitual" behaviors related to work and to raising children you can still choose to approach these two realms in vastly different and divergent ways. Take another less traveled road and see what happens. As to the choice of vehicles, why not try a six-wheeler? Good to see your sunshining face again! cheers

World War III - On line International Battles

Semantics causes an issue here as there is clear difference between being valid and being validated. I do enjoy your fresh insight and regret that today's challenges will prevent me from being much of a participant until later. Funny how unexpected issues in life can derail us from planned activites and focus us instead in a completely opposite direction altogether.

World War III - On line International Battles

To answer your above stated question. If all statements were not validated as a form of personal expression, then where would differences in opinion arise from? Philosophers for generations have supported that point of view so I am not sure where your instructor would be basing this assumption. Differentness is what allows for growth and the expansion of novel ideas. Soren Kirkegard supports this point well in his philosophical essays. I appreciate your comments and would encourage your exploration of the above mentioned.

World War III - On line International Battles

Ralph old Scottie boy! Maybe I am amiss but I do remember responding to several of your blog comments. If you check your email I chose to do so in that manner as you and I seem to talk at far more length than what could be placed in a blog comment. Please check my email to you regarding your lengthy blog on brevity! I thoroughly enjoy your opinions as you well know and I value greatly the intellectual relationship that we have developed. I also am a little confused as you and I seem to be two peas in a pod and I do not honestly remember any major differences of opinion on much of anything! And by the way, where is the comment that you wish for me to reply to on this blog???? I'll send you an email after I return home from the birthday bash! Take care! Tim

The Son of a Preacher Man....

Sure Bud.... to, too and two are three words that sound similar yet are quite different in meaning. Does this help!!!! rolling on the floor laughing

Benefits of Brevity

Holy cow Ralph old buddy old pal, you took my brief blog into a new stratosphere! Your comment was a hundred times longer than my initial blog which was intended by nature to be quite short, even though as you can plainly see, one commenting cs member found this to be a major waste of time. On the positive side you hit upon one of my truest loves; history. You can do that type of commenting any time that you want to! Herr Professor thanks you for the lesson in "brevity".

Benefits of Brevity

How could a blog entitled "Benefits of Brevity" be anything but brief and where is your sense of humor today? Lighten up and have a little fun! This blog is a contradictory, satirical spoof and should be read in its brevity, enjoyed briefly and then discarded as quickly as possible. rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Friend or lover......

It is quite normal to fear losing a friend if one enters into a "higher level relationship" yet is it worth the risk to you? If your lover is not first and foremost your friend, then what will you have but an empty relationship?! True friendship is the only thing to build love upon for it provides the foundation that promotes long lasting relationships. Lovers must be and remain friends if the love that they seek is to continue to grow and strengthen! Doc professor

The last and final blog entry by choice....

Thank you all for the thoughtful comments. I am taking a break from the blogging aspect for awhile as I have the need to focus my attention on other things like my daughters and my students at the University. My father's health continues to deteriorate and I need to spend more time with him. I am NOT leaving cs and will keep my profile active for the time being. Maybe I will even give in to pressure and offer you my own perspective of Christmas which I am certain that many won't agree with but that I do. Blessings to all and check back in 24 hours for the new blog pressured by my "so loving" friends! Doc professor

Twas the day of Thanksgiving....

For true friends like you and Ralf, I will always be there through thick and thin. Two of the best blessings that I have to be tuly thankful for are the two of you! You are both intelligent, goofy rascals like me and our interactions have brought me a true sense of happiness and joy! Blessings as we move into the holiday season together as friends!
Dr. Tim wave wave

Twas the day of Thanksgiving....

Well Sir "R" of Edinburgh, I must confess that when I wrote this ditty it was in the wee hours of the morning and a bit too early for a sip of the old celebratory ale. However, even though the kilt provided me with some homeland security, I must confess that the wine served at the dinner table was an aged German bottle from Frankfurt. My daughters surprised me by decorating my bedroom in festive Christmas lights, stockings, garland and a small tree. That surprise truly brightened my day though I may never be able to catch a wink again due to the overwhelming glare. I love playing Santa for the local children during the holiday season, however, this year will required even more extra padding as all I seem to do is lose on the weight end of life. Dad and I did enjoy a rousing chorus of "Oh Danny Boy" so my Grandma's McK's spirit was clearly present at the family feast! wine

Twas the day of Thanksgiving....

Yes Ralf, I did actually write this blessed thing myself this morning after the bird was stuffed and shoved into the the oven. I owe the early morning words of this poetic satire all to my McKenzie creativity! Say hello to all of the clan in Scotland for me and yes, I think that I will indeed don the old kilt when I serve the Thanksgiving feast that I have prepared!!!! wine

[b][i]The on-line dating question of the year: Wh

I agree my new friend from the homeland. Maybe one toe at a time is the best approach. A complete plunge could result in drowning!

This is a list of blog comments created by Timosity.

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