The last and final blog entry by choice....

I have recently attempted to share some insight into certain areas pertaining to on line dating, relationships and communication which I had hoped could be used constructively in helping cs members in their search for their "ideal" date or mate.

After much contemplation as I attempted to grade student papers and exams tonight, I have decided to forego future blogs at this time.

To those amazing people that I have met on cs, I thank you for your many kindnesses and your outpouring of honesty. I will maintain my profile for at least a brief time but will undoubtedly curtail my active participation in many cs activities.

It only takes a few strange events to create uncertainty about the on line dating process and these have at times soured my disposition on blogging as well as the on line dating process in general. I will continue to respond to my friends as I value you dearly. I hope that some of you have benefitted from my past blogs.

I am a real person with real feelings and real purpose in my life. I will continue helping others in special settings such as the University, nursing homes, through public speaking engagements and through collegial interaction. My children's intersts will alway come first in my life ahead of my own personal interests.

Best of wishes to all especially as you prepare for the upcoming holiday season. Celebrate it in your chosen way as I will in mine. As for me it is Christmas and I will never take the "Christ" out of it. I will keep you all in my prayers and hold you dear to my heart.

With kindest and warmest respect and regards,

Dr. Tim wave
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Comments (9)

I hate to see you go !!!
So don't write every day ,,,,,,,, but keep writing !
I've never had an interest in Blogs before . But atleast I learn from yours . I've even found a like streghten from what you write . Thanks for all !blues
WHat a shame that such a cool person would be saying goodbye just as I'm saying hello.
Best of luck to you
You seem to be a very open and highly sensitive person, and not all of us are going to understand you at first. :) Please don't leave CS because of what someone did or didn't do. I think you bring a uniqueness and special insight to this Forum, and am also sorry to see you go (if that's your final decision). Best wishes to you.
Thanks for giving Tim. Why not just take a wee break laddie and pop back again soon. What ever the issues or dissolution here I think this is a normal come down from the initial hiatus of joining CS or any other site. Perhaps I'm way off track here..... dunno.... apologies if so.

beer Cheers to you Tim
so sad to hear that Timmy....
Thank you all for the thoughtful comments. I am taking a break from the blogging aspect for awhile as I have the need to focus my attention on other things like my daughters and my students at the University. My father's health continues to deteriorate and I need to spend more time with him. I am NOT leaving cs and will keep my profile active for the time being. Maybe I will even give in to pressure and offer you my own perspective of Christmas which I am certain that many won't agree with but that I do. Blessings to all and check back in 24 hours for the new blog pressured by my "so loving" friends! Doc professor
prayers and hugs to you dr. tim...
I'm new on cs and, like many others, I don't particularly fancy blogs. However, I read yours and found them interesting and very helpful. I can see you are a very caring person, something that we don't see much these days.
Thank you for your insights and for sharing all that with us.
I just hope you'll change your mind and stay in touch with us. I think people need you.

But if you cannot be convinced to change your mind, then Happy Holidays and best wishes for you and your family. I hope your dad gets better.

Best Regards
merry christmas dr. tim to you and your family and a speedy recovery to your dad...
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