Benefits of Brevity

Sometimes saying very little is best, especially when one's knowledge base is limited (they are either virtually stupid or as we professors like to say - mentally challenged). Today's lecture is on the benefits of choosing brevity over prattling on and on endlessly about nothing. So to be brief today, let me leave you with this and may you carry it with you throughout the day to assist you and inspire you (or perhaps 'perspire' you if you so choose) in dealing with others today: "absolutely nothing". Yes my esteemed friends,today I leave you with totally nothing. You need not thank me as that would defeat the purpose of being brief!

Thank you to all with short attention spans. As you can see, I have set myself up this morning for a lot of sarcastic "thanks for nothing" comments. However,I have taken away your glory and the wind out of your sails by already predicting the obvious so Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! I finally win one battle with you!

The Evil Professor strikes again! rolling on the floor laughing professor rolling on the floor laughing
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Comments (6)

Well, it's true you wasted everyone's time, which perhaps was your point. I really don't like reading something that has no purpose, but of course it's your blog...guess you're having fun by the rolling on the floor laughing emoticons! :)
How could a blog entitled "Benefits of Brevity" be anything but brief and where is your sense of humor today? Lighten up and have a little fun! This blog is a contradictory, satirical spoof and should be read in its brevity, enjoyed briefly and then discarded as quickly as possible. rolling on the floor laughing
Holy cow Ralph old buddy old pal, you took my brief blog into a new stratosphere! Your comment was a hundred times longer than my initial blog which was intended by nature to be quite short, even though as you can plainly see, one commenting cs member found this to be a major waste of time. On the positive side you hit upon one of my truest loves; history. You can do that type of commenting any time that you want to! Herr Professor thanks you for the lesson in "brevity".
laugh don't worry Prof there will be no more cut and paste brevity humour from me .....

or will there ?? ........laugh rolling on the floor laughing

beer cheers
Never said it was a "major" waste of time, just a waste of time, lol. hug I read so much silliness and insanity on these forums I guess I get a little bleary. cheers
"Brevity is the soul of wit"

Hamlet ..William Shakespeare
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