Do you believe in "miracles"?

I haven't been on the cs site much lately as I have been extremely busy experiencing true miracles. What you say; miracles don't really happen. Well for years I believed that too until I closed my eyes and opened my heart to blessings instead of bitterness and self-pity. The only purpose of this blog is to share personal miracles with you and encourage an epidemic as cs members share their own miracles with each other. I will share just a few brief highlights to spare readers from focusing on what I have to say and instead open the floodgates to an exchange of "miraculous life changing events" that have impacted your lives. Chirstmas Eve I was blessed to have performed the Bach/Gounod Ave Maria in Latin accompanied by a tremendous pianist and cellist. This one public performance has led to a new musical adventure beyond my wildest dreams. Two days after Christmas I traveled out on a leisurely drive with my dog and stumbled upon a serene home surrounded by timber and a small river and breathtaking beauty. After giving up hope of ever finding another home to call my own, the small estate was purchased and paid for in cash yesterday. Today I was approached about a new professorship that I thought was out of my realm of reality. How could any of these three miracles and most unlikely events occur out of impossibility, especially to someone who has never considered themselves much on the lucky side? The answer is simple. I was blessed with three miracles in a short period of time not because I so richly deserved them, but because I surrendered myself and my self-centeredness and turned to reliance on something far more powerful and wonderful and imprtant than I could ever be. Have you ever been blessed with a miracle, or two or three? Start the miracle ball rolling toward the countdown to the New Year and share your miracles with others to help them regain hope in despair, faith in broken times and a renewed sense of what life can truly offer when you let go of fear and accept that "impossible dreams" can come true!
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Comments (5)

You stated these wonderful gifts occurred "because I surrendered myself and my self-centeredness and turned to reliance on something far more powerful and wonderful and imprtant than I could ever be". I have an idea what you mean, but could you explain this more clearly for those who are interested? Many thanks!
For too many years I had pursued my will and not HIS. I have fought hard to let go of selfish ways and have found true blessings, wholeness and completeness in life and amazing miracles only after surrendering all to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am in awe of His grace. The last month has been filled with far more than these few things that I have shared in the blog above. People long lost have returned in my life because of the strangest and funniest little quirks. I ran to Iowa City to get a Christmas present for one of my daughters on a whim after fighting my desire not to make the trip and ran into my faculty advisor from my masters and doctor programs that I had not seen in nineteen years. Our eyes met as we passed each other in the Ped Mall and we knew each other immediately as if time had stopped. Too much has been happening lately that chance simply cannot account for. I am now consumed in my Father's love and miracles seem to occur every day now. I only wish that total surrender had come so much earlier in my life. At least I am so very thankful that I finally opened my heart and eyes before it was too late to experience His grace and to accept my own mistakes and failures.
Sorry.... doctorate not doctor! It is 5:45 a.m. and I am lying supine in bed typing at the strangest angle. I can't wait to see what HE has in store for me today! God's grace is turning "this guy" into a wonderfully different and much better human being.
There is no blessing greater than gifts from our God. I am so happy for you! Great thought to start the New Year. One of the best miracles God worked in my life was the ability to be my own boss. I have wanted this for years and sincerely believe it was through His help that it came true. Miracles probably do occur in our lives throughout the years as gifts from His loving hand but we don't recognize them as such.

teddybear gift cheers cheering
Two more "small scale miracles" happened just yesterday. I found the perfect house for me not by accident last week and when I close in January the home will be paid in full, also not by accident or chance. The person responding to my request to complete the termite inspection low and behold is one of my favorite students at the University and the person responding to my request to complete the radon test was my ex-neighbor and the father of a young woman that was married in August in Dubuque at the church where my father was the pastor when I was in High School. Guess who sang with his own daughter at this young woman's wedding???? Miracles come in all shapes and sizes!
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