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Do as we say, not as we do....for another two years....

....until the dual impeachments, with new Congress. Started under the last affirmative action Potus, and now denied by MSM, --- we have kids in cages....
49660Feb 2021Feb 2021May 11

Ah, yes, and those CS profiles without photos....

...and the imaginative stories explaining such. "I'm an (alleged job, of alleged status, in alleged locations), and so I decided not to post my pi...
63560Mar 2021Apr 2021May 19

Kids say the darndest things...

...As do fake teachers. I remember, when I was a real, certified educator, actually working in classrooms/laboratories, the tougher days of one of my...
33060Nov 2020Nov 2020May 14

The Pittsburg Post-Gazette....

...first edition, 1786; circulation, 200 to 300+K. So, going long and strong. Last editorial endorsement for a Republican---1972. That would be half a...
37560Nov 2020Nov 2020May 10

Trouble opening blogs and mail,.....

.....they highlight in unusual colors, but won't open. Rest of CS seems OK. Must be what the CS big house looks like. Well, who deserves it more than...
44760Feb 2019Feb 2019May 15

Real maple syrup.

Tap the tree in front of the Aaltarboy Mansion this time each year. 30 + quarts of sap, boiled down, yield 3-4 liters of the good stuff. We give most...
47560Mar 2019Mar 2019May 17

Miss Lilly and Miss Angel...

...Calico and Maine coon. The family are away, and as they watch Bravo while I'm gone, I keep an eye on their cats while they travel. Lilly is a 20 po...
44860Jun 2019Jun 2019May 16

CFM---clinical fetus murder......

Alabama and Georgia with their new bans on this deplorable practice are in the deep South. And that was the deranged frantic initial spin of the ueber...
63560May 2019May 2019May 10

Firearm safety sense.....

...Rigorous personal background investigations, serially performed, and repeated yearly. Biofeature ID's. Weapon biomarker on safety chips. Using nati...
52560Aug 2019Aug 2019May 23

Out of the mouths of babes......

Finding a nice used vehicle for the twins. Being a car guy, can inspect and purchase right. Girls seem to love car. Has one of those AUX inputs---what...
51460Aug 2019Aug 2019May 17

PLASTICS, my boy, plastics....

...Jewish uncle's advice to young h*rny Dustin H. in " The Graduate". While he was busy both marrying his princess GF, and poking her sleazy seducing...
75861Oct 2019Nov 20195 hrs ago

A crisis on CS....Not enough PUBLIC flirting....

I try to start it from time to time, by picking on one or two CS talented, intelligent, funny and ravishing beauties. Even try the counterpositive app...
52960Oct 2019Oct 2019May 23

Turning it around.....?

The curmudgeon, hard arse take on life, and use of humor, level of honesty, depth of charity, scrappy disposition, questionable judgment, dim views of...
42360Oct 2018Oct 2018May 10


We see plenty of PC words lamenting putative micro aggressions, as part of almost every other word used by alt lefties. All end in PHOBIA. Sort of ne...
56960Oct 2018Oct 2018May 10


NOT! Before the moonbats' gloating becomes too manic, just a bit of facts and science. The American people are always speaking somehow, but it's impor...
48060Nov 2018Nov 2018May 18

Happy turkey day everyone.

Munching down with Family. As usual, way too much food. The world has enough, just a matter of wastage and proper distribution, and conflict making it...
56760Nov 2017Nov 2017May 2

Mental health personal issues....

OK, so your life has been interesting in the Chinese curse sense, and your family is a hotbed of drama. Don't even ask about the kids lives. It took y...
51960May 2018May 2018May 22

Food poisioning....

More common than we think. In the USA, some 30K cases yearly, with up to 10% being fatal ! Well, after a lunch at a street vendor's truck this week,...
61760Apr 2018Apr 2018May 12

How'd that happen???????

Best evidence, from a number of lines of inquiry, confirm that the universe is expanding. Individual galaxies remain relatively tight, helped by inter...
50260Jun 2018Jun 2018May 16

Long words.....German....

Sure, all languages have them. But we have to hand it to the Teutonic races, methinks. Donaudampfschifffahrtselektriktaetshauptbetriebswerkbauunterbea...
47460Jun 2018Jun 2018May 20

How could anyone of us have forgotten it?

CANADA DAY. Our northern neighbors' 4th of July. May they enjoy it, and long live Canada/vive (le) Canada! Even the many deluded libs there, as they k...
63260Jul 2020Jul 2020May 8

Comrade three residences fiddler on the roof drops out.

"If I were a rich man, bida, biddy, bida, bida, bida, biddy I'm a BUM!" Clearing the way for creepy, sniffy, disoriented/cognitively challenged Joe B...
42760Apr 2020Apr 2020May 13

Fondest of memories.....Aborted dump trips....

I have a gaggle of those two foot tall nifty lawn jockeys. Adorable. The heavy cement ones with black riding cap, high boots and button britches, and...
45560Mar 2020Mar 2020May 16

Watch what you demand, American TD-HDS liberals.....

...Well, who is really surprised? The dems changed Senate rules on majorities, a scummy, completely expedient move, and have been paying for it ever s...
53260Nov 2019Dec 2019May 18


....Looks like millionaire auto CEO Carlos Ghosn was able to stroll right out of his home in Japan, while under house surveillance, and via private j...
36860Jan 2020Jan 2020May 19

The stock/bond market tumble....

.for those in cash for a while, during the Lawrence Welk champagne bubble magical rises more recently, smiles all around. Time to jump back in, once P...
46360Feb 2020May 2020May 19

Just how NEUROTIC can a guy get?...

....Sigmund Freud was way off on most things. But he had a few things to say worth listening to. One was p*nis ENVY, present, to varying degrees, in e...
67460Feb 2020Feb 2020May 16

I HATE halftime....

...there, I said it. Not even 50 characters, either....
48560Feb 2020Feb 2020May 11

Whining former Indonesian ex Jihadis, now beaten, begging to be taken back into the national fold...

..."It was the biggest mistake of my life. I just want to go back. But no officials seem to want to talk to us". How tugging at the heart. How temptin...
58160Feb 2020Feb 2020May 21

Too much social media, in kids, can lead to mental and physical illness...

Brit Psychiatrists claim. AS IF, the state of the world today isn't already enough. Of course, consider which group is saying this. The hairdressers o...
42650Jan 2020Jan 2020May 10

Restriction of public gatherings....

soon to begin in many places. Already for many sports events.So happy that Novid 19 can't travel over the internet. How could I ever live with that, -...
50550Mar 2020Mar 2020May 23

Infant and maternal mortality....

...sure, lots of factors involved in these rates, especially when long standing trends are broken by stark differences over time. It seems that among...
37850Jan 2020Jan 2020May 16

Well, out with it, CS Bloggers, all....

....Yep, lets hear them.... Those hopeless, ephemeral, doomed, time and breath wasting New Years Resolutions. I've already hinted at mine. Including--...
45050Jan 2020Jan 2020May 12

Science, government, policy, statism, populism-right and LEFT, truth......

.....Bravo and I were walking into the government offices of this little ocean hamlet, VERY ham. On our way to pay confiscatory taxes---money on its w...
47150Mar 2020Mar 2020May 11

Pretty good science behind it....No?....

....for those who consider psychology as science. But even in so called lower life forms, phylogenically downward from mammals, it seems that behavior...
52050Apr 2020Apr 2020May 8

A challenge to the lefties.....

...Yes. Well, anyone who's (or whose, for certain females) caught my act here knows what a homophobic, xenophobic, transgenderophobic, misogenist, ra...
41750Apr 2020Apr 2020May 16

Finally, the new syndrome for liberals.

The multitude of ladies scratching on my door at night have complained, " Where is it, anyway?" Normally they are talking about something else, but wh...
41950Apr 2020Apr 2020May 14

Most grounded/honest women get it, but all real men do.

So, my neighbor asks me to come along with her, for winter to summer tire change. It's a Maine climate, and woman with knuckle dragging mechanic sor...
49550May 2020May 2020May 18

Why are they doing this to me?

As the director of the prestigious Vierk Institute for the Study of Cognitive and Behavioral Political Disturbances, pride does come before the fall....
57150Aug 2020Aug 2020May 14

The biased, fake news NYT....

gets the second resignation of an op ed editor (first was James Bennet) in the past several months. Mzzzzz/Mrrrrr ? Bari Weiss quits its job, with an...
48250Jul 2020Jul 2020May 22

This is a list of blogs created by Vierkaesehoch, ordered by Most Commented. Click here for Vierkaesehoch's Full Blog

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