Miss Lilly and Miss Angel...

...Calico and Maine coon. The family are away, and as they watch Bravo while I'm gone, I keep an eye on their cats while they travel. Lilly is a 20 pound big tough girl---chases beefy GSD Bravo right out of their yard back into ours, during one of his rare (mis)adventures, tail tucked well betwen his legs. But poor Angel. Same age (16) as big sister Lilly. But it looks like cancer has her in it's grips. Down to well under 5 pounds, and all skin and bones. But she waits for me twice daily, and still tries to purr when I pet her. The crab must be gobbling up her food intake, as we give her two pouches of delicious looking Sheba food twice daily, and the weight loss continues. But it's one of her last life joys, and she almost chokes woofing it down. Purring and eating together---not good. People too often get this way in their last days, except appetite is often down. But she still puts up a frightful display (other side of the door glass) if dummy Bravo gets too nosey. Hope all are back from Cape Cod for her last days.
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Comments (6)

16 is an achievement for a cat. Impressive, that they both made it so far.
Regardless, sorry to hear about Angel's illness. Still, nothing wrong with purrring
while eating. I do it myself sometimes. laugh
Yep, if the food and company are great, all sorts of noises come out of me as well. But Ms. A gave me a scare this morning. The cats usually wait for me by the door this time of year, probably from hearing the MC roll up. This morning, Lilly was alone, and I feared the worst, given Angel's condition, and the tendency for some animals to find a hiding place to pass away in. But on calling her, she came a running, The human ladies will be back soon from vacation, and I'm thinking as sad as it may be, it's probably best for all to be here for the coming event.
That's very kind of you to care for their babies while they are gone. I hope they make it back in time. I once had to put one of my Dad's older dogs down while I was babysitting when they went on vacation. That did a number on me but spared them the grief.
Thanks, and your point is well taken. But I think they'd rather be here to comfort kitty, and possibly intervene medically, when that fateful day arrives. I fear it isn't far off. But she's a pretty tough old girl.
Wish you could cat-sit our little eating machine she is a little manipulator.
She has us trained for sure..............wave wave wave
Wish you could cat-sit our little eating machine she is a little manipulator.
She has us trained for sure..............wave wave wave
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Ocean Coast, Maine, USA

Retired, but busy. Years left to enjoy. Handy, curious, multilingual (German, French, Spanish, learning Portuguese). Love animals. Live on a salt water ocean bay just south of Canada. Angling off the rocky beach. Mussels. Watching the oceans reclaim [read more]