
Considering the theme, Lucifer and the fate of souls it should be Wagnerian themes perhaps on classical guitar - or Gabor Szabo doing duets with Stanley Jordan on guitar might be fun.wave


I'm not sure what sense you are using 'challenged' in...I enjoy feeling challenged in the sense of stretching my mind outside its usual zone using it more fully.

Occasional perfection is within my experience, sustainable excellence is what i seek.

RE: Brilliant or Underhanded??

It is not a walk in the park surrounding oneself with people of that calibre, and people who don't give credit to the team once it is assembled and working are heading for a crash.

A really good manager lets the higher-ups know that the shine is reflected from the stars working for her.

Of course higher ups worth their salt already know that.

It is good strategy IMO.


Fits perfectly to my taste. I have never read Norman McClean and will move to rectify that.

<On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs.>

Gods, if I could write like that I might actually send stuff to a publisher!

Now in the spirit of the thread I'm going to bounce off this...

Drink from the well of souls
and make them your immortals
through rich memories of how
and what and who they were
let knowledge light your candle
in the doorway that calls them home
to snug within your heart, to feed
the winding river that we follow
to the source where light begins
illumines us with antique gold
across the parchment of the lives
we hold so cheaply till the end
when suddenly the sum we spend
has left an empty pocket that
a universe could hide in. Come,
walk the path that counts the cost
and holds the footprints of our passing
then on the water's edge,
dip bleeding feet in heaven
know paradise is real, is always
lost and found when eyes, ears, heart
are open to the world.


We can stop as soon as it stops being fun to do.

As i started the thread and it is just the two of us playing we are not actually hijacking someone else's entertainment, and it is a single thread not multiple posts swamping the whole forum....

It is pleasant to get a chance to stretch some metaphysical muscles..then there is the book angle...
rolling on the floor laughing

That said: you are really raising the bar here, each icon clamours for recognition!


Earth powers through the roots
to feed the thoughts that shape
the thin morality of life as natural
gives way to structure asking for
a tithe, a tax on worship as old gods
die aghast at the impossible,
eternity removed with promises
of afterlife rewards not here and now
a richness to be bathed in, relished
in the sun.
Frail dark clad humans intercede,
they bargain for a truth unknown,
uncounted in the tenfold law
which always pays its debts.
The mask is iron on my face
sheer custom weighting it
in place for ever as my soul wails
for the freedom of the green,
the scent of water, rough of bark,
cathedral in the woods
that holds more spirit than the stone
that captures saints in torment
relegating cats to witches
instead of kings; a pale reality
that claims flesh makes us weak
ignoring that the flesh
is just a vessel for the soul
and so cannot be less
than powerful to channel
the true fire of existence
there is no self but all self
in the moment fails unless
it burns to ashes,
is consumed and hell is
where it happens making
heaven just the obverse
of the coin.


<demons if you wish just dreamily enough>

What a lovely phrase!


She writes or dies,
the perfect sacrifice
all spread beneath the sun
so filled with drugs
the obsidian touch that spills
the eternal blood is welcomed,
love drinking at the heart
untouched by time that scoured
the faces of the others
down to bone, the skull
behind the beauty
foreshadowing the death
that future brings to bloom,
a blossom holding palaces
of pain between its petals
glowing in the matchless light
that blushes on the walls
cast from a fallen angel's
soulless eyes that see
outside the box,
twisting nature, thought
and dreamtime to his cause
designing an illusion
of damnation that pretends
to be the end and rends
her final thought with claws
that write eternity across
her brow.

RE: Howe too imprss somon on thiis cite.

There is indeed a difference between the occasional grammatical error or lack of initial capitals and wholesale recreation of the language. We do write quickly in the forum and it is easy to misstype or omit the space bar in our rush to publication.

I skip over posts that don't read like English because of contractions so severe the poor thing should be giving birth.

Profiles, in my opinion, are more appealing when I can understand what is written. And while I am dyslexic, I am usually pretty good at comprehension and communication, so care taken gives me information about the writer.

RE: A farewell to all....

Congratulations and all good wishes for your future.wave hug yay


thumbs up Challenging!

and impulse is the master
of us all, except the dalai lama,
even he may have a moment
where duality shudders into
out of, into light
schroedinger's dead cat
come alive, or living,
dead inside its box
does it still purr?
Am I writing
or is this bleeding
on the page
that circumscribes
the border of my life
while knowledge
makes the picture
dance on screens
across the world.
Reality undone,
the passion
frozen in the moment
is a crime, un marked
and uncommitted
flicker of matchlight
on a wall.


I will play grin

Lucifer's Choice

No horns, no tail, no fiery eyes
just beauty without feeling,
immaculate, near perfect
with just one fatal flaw
for lucifer could see himself
reflected in the angels' eyes
as beautiful, and pride
became a cancer in his soul
and questions raised
about the weight
of value given man
flawed monkey
left to grow
to overtake the angels
in importance
the morningstar would dim
against the glory
of man's spirit at its best;
with just one step,
he chose to fall
to darkness where he
became the only light
amid dark burning of damnation
a match to strike against
the walls of all desire
without heart or love,
devoid of feeling
that can make the beauty live.

RE: wild konic horses in kent

Hi Ambrose, Konigsberg suggested we should work together class and I so we are both tackling the same topics to see where we go with them.

So far so good I think!wave

RE: wild konic horses in kent

Truly lovely class! I see them. Interesting to see the different perspectives we each of us took.

I did two because the ride wouldn't finish itself and the sea horses flowed quickly. Then the other words fell into place so I posted both of them.

One is fine. subject! This is fun.wave thumbs up yay


This is a tough one to follow, but words are the building blocks of worlds and mysteries.

so break me, fragile
on the wheel of ego,
striving for the summit
as I become a falling
morning star and lucifer
my master, all beauty
shielded in the images
of prideful hell that stretches
an eternal conversation
into babble that fish
sup upon as clouds
streamer into fragments,
tossing veils across
the screen of life.
we speak in measured
tones of law and probity
while faces smile,
a child's forgotten laughter
dying echoes in the chambers
of our thought.


Horses: Draft One

Venus or Aphrodite rising from the waves yes.

I saw a painting once of a rough sea and the edges of the waves were magnificent prancing horses, and sometimes watching the sea on the East Coast here, where it is very rough and not safe to swim, it is easy to imagine the waves are horses racing to the beach.hug

Horses: The Ride

Well, I rode a horse once, after knee surgery, and it had blown itself up so once we all got going the saddle slipped to one side and as my sisters started galloping the horse I was on galloped too.

I have never been on a horse since, not the horses' fault, just i never need to have quite that large a dose of adrenaline again all at once!

Nice that I captured something real. thank you.handshake


Like your shadows. Here's my play.

Wind those sheets
about your form
and delve the depth
of fiction, seeking truth
that splits reality asunder;
heartthunder pulsing
underneath the lies,
sweet social stink
of passionless
emotions playing out
the empty drama of
a broken soul,
foreshadowing of what
we run from every day;
ah to be as truthful
as a cat. A purr
for pleasure and a claw
to make you right sized
when you trespass
in the garden of the law.


Thank you for reading and commenting. Glad you liked it.handshake beer


Well, I just went ahead with horses...because I was here...hug

Horses: The Ride

I lay against your skin
all stretched and sweating,
heart pumping, chest heaving
in a search for air, flesh aquiver
all along your flank,
as muscles cool perhaps,
or ache from our wild ride
through space and time;
my fingers, tangled in your mane,
are sore, near bleeding,
wind has dragged my tears
all salty, down my cheeks
onto your shoulder
to mingle with your sweat
and mine, while the furnace
of your breath blows back
the hot sweet scent of grass
across my face as we slow
our pace from headlong
to an amble that lets me
look at all the wonder
that you are, sleek hide
all dark, just steaming
with exertion, the rounded
barrel of your chest so unaffected
by the terror-stricken
crush of thighs made strong
by dancing; your shoulder
and your neck supporting
all of me like thistledown
that wants to slide to earth
but cannot stand on muscles
made of water, unlike yours
still full of power all thrumming
with the urge to run, again.

Horses: Draft One

Wild white horses of the sea
turn to foam when I plunge
between them,
yet from the beach
I see them clear as the water
that they move in
full of power, muscling through
the waves, heads tossing,
manes aflowing, rearing back
with flashing hoofs throwing
rainbows all across the bay.
They race, they gallop,
coming closer, bearing down
on me, then disappear
just leaving bubbles wrapped
around my ankles where
wonder used to be.

RE: things are looking up

Hey Tessie, that's great news. Congratulations!



Okay...horses...horses have the biggest teeth in the world and bite really hard...

I'll see what I can


Hi R! good to see you.wave


Morning, class!wave

I liked the teddy bear.

Shall we take Konigsberg's suggestions and write duelling poems?

Two takes of the same subject? Might be fun and I'm game if you are.yay


You always look below the words, not just at them so you tend to catch the atmosphere and mood really well.

Stay warm!


BTW I am not sad or depressed right now despite the sombre notes underlying my morning song. I just had a moment when I could see all the layers, and had to try to capture


This morning’s palette brims
with green turning to yellow,
touched with gold, backed
by blue all interspersed with white,
a single swatch of grey
on the horizon waving flags
of rain to come unless the wind
is swift enough to take it out
to drown the sea with bounty;
dogs bark, birds harp upon
their problems as the cats
surround the mango tree
stillness belied by twitching tails
and the stutter of a hunting call
that counterpoints the birdsong
with a darker note, a shade of grey
that croons of blood and meat,
a Christmas colour scheme
against the grass if birds are slow;
the scents of sunlight warming
earth, of bacon on the move
from pan to table, trace of coffee
in the distance carried gently
on the wind that strokes my face
as the morning shifts its dance
around me, leaning here, observer
open wide to light, to sound, to scent,
to anything that might dilute the grey,
a tiny seed inside that grows
to lonely when all I do is watch
the world and life at play.

Good morning! wave conversing

RE: * 5 truths *


Idiot with large grin.


RE: 34 things too make u think

Good fun! Thank you.thumbs up rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Modified community needs civil rights protections ( a must read)

Magnetizing and riveting gave me an idea of what to expect!

Actually, the modifications are visually reminiscent of tribal scarification.

This is one of those interesting conundrums. Certainly one should not be discriminated against for any reason, but one cannot compare self-modification with naturally occurring differences, a very specious argument.

Also, when fighting for the right to look as one wishes, one must then grant the right to others (a corporation, for example) to look as it wishes and if it wishes to be seen in all its buttoned down, suited, conservative blandness...well so be it.

The word 'discrimination' is a handy tool to manipulate circumstances and people because of the guilt factor. When misused to satisfy personal agendas it dilutes the impact of those efforts to fight discrimination that causes much deeper harm in the greater scheme of things than being unacceptable in a particular job because you will bring extreme and sudden unbalance into the existing culture.

This is a list of forum posts created by bajanblue.

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