Election day-President of the United States!

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

I know it sucks being poor and living a rough life,
but it sure as hell don't suck nearly as bad as having A house that was wotrh $300,000 when you bought it,,, then add $50,000 interest on it. you have approx $40,000 paid on it already,. and now it is only worth $160,000.. the interest payments go up so much that you can't make the payments, so you are going to have it taken,, so you loose your home plus the $40,000 you've already paid on it..
ok, then when the bank sales the house again for $160,000. that means... you have to still pay the bank the balance due on a house that you are no longer living in. that would be another $150,000 you have to pay. and you are homeless.

Thats great!! I am very happy in my fully paid for home!rolling on the floor laughing

Election day-President of the United States!

Thats just it...doh If one is living on credit and has all of the fancy crap on credit,, when the market crashes.. you loose everything,, you wont be able to get the $$ to even buy a crap car.. do you enjoy the subways??
rolling on the floor laughing

Thats ok,, All of those that think they have $$$$ will find out .
wearing blinders wont stop it from happening.hug

Election day-President of the United States!

I know the people that want it all, and live on the edge of a credit card are not going to listen to any kind of logic. Thats why when they loose their job, or an injury where they can no longer work.. they loose it all.
Then wine when they loose it all, and want everyone elses tax $$$$ to bail them out.

But when the time comes that the Government stops bailing them out, they are still the ones that will suffer the most.
But the arogant will just refuse to see it till it is too late.

This will be the time you realize that material goods are not the most important things in life.

Election day-President of the United States!

Sorry.. was a bad choice of emoticon for that statement!

Election day-President of the United States!

You werent listening,
no.. not because thats all they can afford.
The people at the top fall further!
But those of us already grounded won't be hurt nearly as much by a stock market crash..

For a small example... if it crashes.. The man with the $300,000 home on credit will loose everything.
But the wise man that has bought a cheaper home and paid cash for it.. without credit, wont loose everything.

Such as all of the people now that are loosing their homes.yay

Election day-President of the United States!

Thats the sweet part of our economy... when it does eventually crash......All of those with the big bucks and huge lines of credit are the ones that will suffer the most, the small man that has nothing to loose will get thru pretty well!

The meek will inherit the earth!

head banger


Thats how you debate?? LMAO
Sounds like a child on a plaground , that dont agree with another kid saying " thats stupid.. youre stupid dummie dummie""
grow up and come up with logic that makes sense. your Government is correct not to trust people that think as you do to have guns!
You would shoot yourself to show how dangreous guns are
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: For the men...just how personally should we take it...

May be that he thought you were a virgin!!!rolling on the floor laughing tongue roll eyes hug

RE: For the men...just how personally should we take it...

Don't take it any way.
I don't care how much of a stud a guy is, it happens to us all at times. is normal.
If he wasn't man enough to know that and cope with it, he is in denial!
And any women that has been around much, especially in a long term relationship can tell you the same.. it happens... period.

But the most common are getting too excited or.. something else weighing on his mind.

RE: Check out this Ad For Hillary Clinton by Jack Nicholson

I bet ya.. when Bill Clinton gets hidden in that booth that he votes for Barak also!!!!!!!!!!!
We all know what Bill did.
Wouldn't it be a blast if Barack and Hillary got caught gettin it on!!!!!applause head banger devil

RE: Why????

I promise I wont look at your bottom til you are walking away!banana

RE: Why????

If I said you have a Beautiful body.. Would you hold it against me??tongue hug

Election day-President of the United States!

LOL- so far behind that he will never see daylight!rolling on the floor laughing

Election day-President of the United States!

You are right,
we will only have 1 Dem and 1 Rep on election day ( as serious contenders)

RE: Who here believes in love at first sight / destiny

If there is Love at first sight...Aries01 is breaking my heart!
crying kiss
hug rolling on the floor laughing

RE: I am a bad woman!

scold rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Oh hell no.......... I'd be saying.. let me cook from now on!applause help

RE: I am a bad woman!

rolling on the floor laughing ........rolling on the floor laughing ........Don't boil them.........rolling on the floor laughing ...............rolling on the floor laughing


RE: I am a bad woman!

Oh no!!
Fresh trout.. wrap in foil, lot of lemon pepper, outdoor grill for 45 min to an hr... perfect!yay

RE: I am a bad woman!

Ding Ding Ding!!
we have a winner.....
This guy knows what he's talking aboutthumbs up

Hell, I can cook anything,
Broiled shark.yuuummmmmmm!!!

Drinking death - Who's to blame?

Wow, I can't believe almost all have voted 1.peace

Drinking death - Who's to blame?

When I was very young I drank like a fish, I have never bought the line " I was so drunk I don't remember what I did"
I always remembered every second!! even when I had to crawl.
Yes. I got that drunk.
But I knew exactly what I was doing, and if too drunk to drive I was smart enough to stay put.
also-When so drunk that I couldn't even walk.. I knew it was time to quit.
At times drank so much I would almost wish I had dieddoh devil

haven't drank in 20 years now.. but have no problem with controlled drinking now.( I may have 1-2 drinks on my birthday )

But I never once tried to blame anyone else. It was my choice.

Needless to say, after once being angry ( at 22 ) and drank a 5th of vodka in under 45 minutes...I can't even stand the smell of vodka to this day!barf barf barf barf barf

RE: Destiny and Us ..

So sue me if i"m wrong! LMAOrolling on the floor laughing


RE: Destiny and Us ..

I think we all decide our fate, we can change what we want to change.
no destiny to it. JMOhandshake

Election day-President of the United States!

BTW.. you don't have to be American to cast your vote here!

Election day-President of the United States!

You are alone in the voting booth.
you don't have to comment or explain to anyone.
Let the voting begin!wave hug

Drinking death - Who's to blame?

I just thought of an easy fix! When in a bar...At entry.. all Id's checked..Give each person a punchcard & put the persons name on it, as you get a drink. punch the card and show id to prove it is your punchcard.. when card is punched out.. no more drinking!
But then... how do you stop friends from handing drinks to their friends?confused

Drinking death - Who's to blame?


Drinking death - Who's to blame?

I can see that if the person is sitting at the bar- right in front of the bartender-maybe.

But most of the time in bars,, someone in a group goes up and gets drinks for everyone..So how can the bartender know.

also..when people leave the bar and keep drinking..then it can still come back on the bartender..
Or when at a keg party.. people cheer each other on to see who can get the most wasted........I think each person has their own mind, clearly when you have had enough that you cant even walk... time to stop.
even dumb animals have that much brain!

People are not forced to drink- so I don't think someone else should go to jail for it.

Is like- if I get in my car and kill someone- the car company owners should go to jail for it because if they hadnt made the car,, I wouldn't have ran over someone?cheers

Drinking death - Who's to blame?

Is nothing unusual here! especially with college kids, actually not kids but young adults.

Drinking death - Who's to blame?

People rarely. if ever, Die the very first time they drink alcohol.
I do not agree with almost all of the world thinking that someone else is to blame for their stupid decisions.
Most people know when enough is enough and when to stop.
Having a couple of drinks is one thing, but going out with the intention of getting totally wasted is 2 different things.
4.0 is a hell of a lot of alcohol! no one held her down and forced a funnel in her mouth to pour the booze down her.

Also-once someone leaves the bar- most usually they keep drinking after they leave.


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