TheRedSquirrel87TheRedSquirrel87 Forum Posts (1,107)

RE: Which country is the most famous in Europe?

The one that gave you the language you're using

RE: Boxing legend Muhammad Ali died Friday, June 3, at age 74,

How could he hate little old me? I'm forever being told I have one of those broad personalities which everyone likes. People are always saying how affable I am.

Anyway, I'll not be fighting anybody anymore unless it serves a political aim.

RE: Boxing legend Muhammad Ali died Friday, June 3, at age 74,

The irony is that I'm more like Muhammad Ali without even trying than every whitey self-consciously idolising this alpha black male thug from illiberal patriarchy.

RE: Is the Earth Flat?

You're funny

RE: Boxing legend Muhammad Ali died Friday, June 3, at age 74,

I once knew a man who jumped off a roof believing he could fly

RE: Boxing legend Muhammad Ali died Friday, June 3, at age 74,

I just thought he beat people up for a living dunno

RE: who would you like to bath on the forums?

I hear that every Halloween. If you want to bathe me in the bath then all you have to do is ask and we can arrange the fee.

RE: Donad Trump's "AMERICA FIRST" Foreign Policy Speech

Maybe, maybe not. Attention is money and drama is power and maybe the whole point is to think that Trump will doing something great or terrible, anything but be average. Trump may very well turn out like Berlusconi where, apart from the odd shady deal here and there and the general protection of vested interests, the bureaucracy effectively runs the country without any real leadership.

RE: European people as 0ne??

So it's no surprise to see Boris Johnson heading up the Brexit campaign. There's your amusing sociopath.

RE: European people as 0ne??

Confidence being a feature as well. Or, moreover, the lack of it. If you're cripplingly shy, or in some other way disabled socially, I reckon this makes you more likely to make this kind of gamble. To be(abstractly)risky and daring with everyone elses future is a way to sort of be the man you never were.

It's because they don't the risky and dangerous things in real life which make you a man that they so easily consider voting for Brexit or Scottish indepedence as an act of confidence and bravery.

Exceptions exists. The sociopathic vote also wants to make Trump president(if he's American)and vote Brexit(if he's British). But it's the minority in comparison to the craven-hearted majority described above. There's an alliance forming in politics between the sociopaths and the socially crippled and it is a threat to us all.

RE: European people as 0ne??

Perhaps not the ideal way of arguing the point online. Online people are the most likely to find some excuse to not consider the consequences of their actions and cling to any and every popular appeal which garners them a blip of approval. Trump is more popular online than in the street and the same can be said for Scottish independence and the Brexit vote.

Why are online people so easily swayed by a blip of approval and inconsiderate of consequences? Well, the lunge for popularity comes from being a popularity-starved nerd online. And the lack of consideration comes from being able to completely leave the online world behind every time you log off. The nature of being online engenders the idea of actions without consequences, that you can drop something and pick it back up again undamaged.

In essence being online turns you into a child no matter your age.

RE: European people as 0ne??

What simply needs to be understood is that a vote for Brexit is not a vote for British independence. Britain hasn't been independent since before the War and few Brits alive today can remember a Britain that wasn't a lackey - which is why being a lackey is now as subconscious as breathing. Anyway, a vote to leave is a vote for moving our lackey status away from Brussels and towards Washington and Beijing. We're just changing pimps and changing pimps doesn't come without consequences.

RE: European people as 0ne??

Tell a lie, America has another way which is the Trumpening and this may very well turn out to be a mirage, nothing more than the illusion of having a political choice. But people believe in illusions because they're powerless, if you had any real choice you wouldn't desperately lunge at the first thing which even half resembles a way out.

RE: European people as 0ne??

Or in other words Europe has more political option. The American way is two identical systems one with more political correctness and tax and the other with less. The degree of welfarism and goodspeak is the only option. And although America purports itself to be more capitalist the size of the American bureaucracy dwarfs Europe, and the American is more likely to drop out of the workforce and live off benefits.

RE: European people as 0ne??

Where a western country speaks English it's left wing is American, politically correct, and pro-immigration.

Where a western country doesn't speak English the left wing is unAmerican, socialist, and more concerned with helping the native poor.

RE: European people as 0ne??

And degenerate Hollywood is to blame. The middle class gets more of its impression of reality from the television and the media. And so if the middle class is english-speaking it's informed more by colour-blind and culture void which is Hollywood. The fact that the continent doesn't speak English as first language to some extent protects them from the American degenerate contagion.

RE: European people as 0ne??

The ordinary person on the continent, particularly western and northern Europe, is more left-liberal than the english-speaking west.

However, there's a much larger strain of bourgeoisie sandal-wearing liberality in the english-speaking west. The proles in Europe are to the left of English proles, but the British bourgeoisie are more liberal than the French.

Working class leftiness is stronger in France and middle class leftiness is stronger in England: Put the price of cheese up in France and they'll riot, utter a sliver of crimethink in England and they'll have you sacked. The leftiness is different in France than it is in England.

RE: European people as 0ne??

I'm talking about the German economy and education system more than anything else. They have a strategy to succeed whereas Britain deals with the devil. Britain doesn't have to function properly so long as London remains the centre of global banking.

And then we have the tyranny of the British judiciary which will not go away outside of the EU. Yes, we have the EU charter on Human rights but no one but the British judiciary interprets the charter in such a liberal and dysfunctional way. And health and safety policy is far more practical in Spain than it is in Britain. In this country we interpret the law like a bellend and so to leave the EU charter is not to leave behind dysfunction.

RE: European people as 0ne??

I've no idea which way staying in the EU or leaving the EU will take us. Perhaps if we leave the EU we'd get a more male-oriented Britain where 3D printing, synthetic foods, and genetic engineering all arrive sooner at the expense of shopping malls and telemarketing.

But with things as they are I regard Britain as the capital of the superfluous; aimless shopping, spurious womanliness, and the de-civilising process. France, Germany and Scandinavia are all superior to Britain in terms of building a civilisation. If Britain leaves the EU the hope would be that we become more like Germany, not less.

RE: European people as 0ne??

And it's the introduction of women into the workforce - effectively halving the wage of the working class wage-earner - which has transformed society from civilisation building to retail therapy. Since women came into the workforce the economy has turned into a giant shopping mall, society has transformed into a spendthrift housewife, and the world of builders and men has been totally silenced.

RE: European people as 0ne??

The plummeting prices of consumer goods combined with the soaring cost of life's essentials has created the person with no sense of priority. To save and buy a house seems such a tall order that instead people rent and buy their kids too many christmas presents and eat too much.

Retail therapy has stepped in to replace building a future. That's the western world.

RE: Americans

Not like the English with our centuries of emotional repression and unparalleled ability to not ask any awkward questions.

RE: Americans

We know what Americans are like. Talking to excess - basically taking everything to excess - with a penchant for both missing and stating the obvious.

RE: Would you date a refugee

When Europe went to hell in a hand basket being grateful not to be dead was the reason Europeans turned Europe into a heaven. Behave like a person who very really seriously could be dead right now, but isn't.

RE: Would you date a refugee

Be grateful you're not dead.

RE: My Animal Instincts are .....

There must be more to it than that. I know what my subconscious animal says about firing myself into the air inside a tin can filled with other people's farts, but that doesn't stop me flying.

RE: Donad Trump's "AMERICA FIRST" Foreign Policy Speech

You want to believe that the bomb was the only way to make Japan completely surrender and that's why you do believe.

I'm not here to give you a hard time for that. Better that you're one of those overly-patriotic immigrants and I can understand why you're glad to have Japan nuked. Remember that there's nothing wrong with plague, pestilence and the mark on the door. Never feel that you're not allowed to wreak revenge and enjoy it afterwards, to feel prohibited from revenge is nothing less than political correctness gone mad.

RE: U.S. going ape over whole gorilla megillah

I may care about white kids more than I care about niglets, but still a gorilla is an animal and a black boy is, well, more than an animal. It's a scandal and a joke to think of not saving the little boy and I pity your life if you think otherwise.

RE: Donad Trump's "AMERICA FIRST" Foreign Policy Speech

I certainly know that I will believe things which are not true and if I knew what those things were then I wouldn't believe them. If you think about what you've said in this comment then what you've basically stated is that you're incapable of being wrong. I can see why you like Trump.

RE: Who is going to be the next King ?

Not the naughty little scamp who doesn't know who his father is, the other brother.

This is a list of forum posts created by TheRedSquirrel87.

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