TheRedSquirrel87TheRedSquirrel87 Blog Comments (36)

RE: Male & Female Cultural Roles

And it is no coincidence that the majority of failings and greed which caused the great recession in 2008 occurred during the 1990s era of grrl power.

No culture or race in history has experienced a decade as decadent as the 1990s(close second and third for the 60s and 70s). There was never a time where a people lived further beyond their own means. Whenever "something for nothing" becomes the norm feminism is strong.

RE: Male & Female Cultural Roles

Feminism depends on how rose-tinted your view of the world of work is. Hence you'll still find peppering of student feminists because of this - but for millennials work spells toil with little reward and it has not been this way since the Greatest Generation which won the war. Feminism peaked when we were at our most decadent and uncompetitive.

RE: Male & Female Cultural Roles

And we're living in times of upheavel and real social struggle which gender has nothing to do with. Life's harder than it was and priorities are changing.

Basically, feminism was a playground for our oversubsidised and overpaid spoilt parents and now, with the economy looking so much less attractive(especially to the young who are not time-served), women aren't so keen to shackle themselves to the cubicle. Of course feminism and women's lib were powerful in the 1960s and 1970s, no one did a proper days work in the 1960s and 1970s.

RE: Male & Female Cultural Roles

And the above is part of the reason why feminism means nothing to women under 30. The young being poorer and more working class means that feminism no longer spells the lala life on the subsidised jolly of makework careers, it means working twice as hard for half as much to pay back the debts of their economically unreal, feminist mothers.

RE: Male & Female Cultural Roles

And liberalism/feminism effect depends on what class you are. Feminism to working class women spells the double shift; slaving away for your boss and then going home and doing the same for your family.

For middle class women liberalism and feminism mean the chance to play at a career, the choice of being breadwinner OR homemaker, and this is supported by cheap labour and cheap nannies shipped in from abroad which is what forces the wages of working class women(and men)down meaning that they have to work the double shift.

For wealthy and bourgeois women feminism is the expansion of choice, options and support, for working class women feminism is the doubling of duty, responsibility and work(if she's not a benefit scrounger).

RE: So Which Is More Important?

'The rationalization hamster is a legendary creature dwelling deep in the minds of the self-delusional, and is particularly common among young liberal women. From birth, the rationalization hamster enters a symbiotic relation with its host, whereby whenever the host feels a craving to do something completely insane and malicious that will have horrible consequences for everyone in the long run, the rationalization hamster will jump on its wheel and run really, really fast, getting the magical hamster wheel to spin out a long sheet of paper full of neat rationalizations for the ultimately devastating action.'

RE: So Which Is More Important?

Knowitalls don't know everything, they just know some things.

And to pose your question in another way, do I by default trust people who I find likable? No, because the world is full of con artists. How confident or charismatic or entertaining a person is has no bearing on whether I consider them sincere. And likewise if someone is adult or boring or professional or serious I don't write them off as insincere.

I at least try to challenge the assumptions of my reptilian hindbrain and instead listen to the rational prefrontal cortex.

RE: Patirotic

To me patriotism has more to do with the people, the rabbits and the squirrels than it does with the flag.

RE: Patirotic

The flag, national anthem, and the rituals of the tribe have never spoken to me. Probably because I don't believe that I live in a country which achieves great things.

Epic patriotism of congratulating and celebrating yourself doesn't have a lot of class in this day. It feels empty. I love the soil under my feet and I love having more in common with the British than any other people on the earth. I look out for the interests of both. That's what patriotism is to me.

RE: Common Market? Yes! E.U? No!

Good example here of a Brexit which doesn't at all speak for what people voted leave for. Quite the contrary.

RE: He's cute but he works for retail...

A man isn't good enough for you because he only works in retail and in the next breath you're a critic of capitalism. Do you think anything through?

RE: Can You Have a lasting Relationship With Closed Fr

She's missing you or trying to use you. And I doubt she'd be missing you if you'd emigrated to Pakistan.

RE: Dating dangerous are they to your (wome

Do what mr smarmy does but don't dump her afterwards. If a girl likes being around you, you don't have to work very hard to win her trust.

RE: The British royals

Quality brand helping Britain punch well above its weight.

RE: Women!!!

What you should have done is booked her a yoga class and insist that you get to watch(and judge).

RE: Women!!!

For women the problem of straight up questions is receiving an answer which is merely the answer you believe she wants to hear.

And so as a crafty creature she'll lead you towards an answer deliberately to so see how easily lead you are. What she really wants is for you to say what you think and for what you think to be what she actually wants to hear.

When a woman asks if you're player the correct answer is not "no". The correct answer is "the truth comes out. you're number 100 today. congratulations! let's go and see what you've won" - the kind of player-like answer which doesn't technically state that you're a player.

RE: The people of New Hampshire has spoken

Correction: Boomer Trump makes millennial Justin Bieber and Gen X Kim Kardashian look humble.

RE: The people of New Hampshire has spoken

As someone who's a bit of a nationalist and a bit of a socialist I'm delighted to see Sanders and Trump do well.

I don't trust Trump as a man, tho. My instinct tells me he's a wrong'un and he's promised the earth and delivered nothing too many times before. America beware.

RE: If You Could?

I would give to every race the ability to organise and perform as a civilised and industrious people.

And I would give to every individual the ability to keep up with the times.

Make the planet highly developed without making humanity broadly obsolete. That's what I'd like to ensure.

RE: If You Could?

Tolerance often means nothing more than detached from reality. Most people living in a bubble are tolerant. The world would fall apart if everyone was as near-sighted and self-absorbed as many people who describe themselves as tolerant.

RE: The truth about Muslims in America

Backward Muslims entering America now don't transform into advanced Muslims by virtue of being in America. They've obviously done some extremely strict cherrypicking in the past to give America the few good Muslims that there are.

European Muslims are a better reflection of what Muslims are like in general because we've let common lot in and not just the cream off the top. The equivalent in America for Muslims in Europe are the African-Americans - a subsisting and highly criminalised underclass.

RE: is it true

What must be considered is that she only loves bad boys and rebels because she(often wrongly)interprets these as a sign of a man who will stand up for himself(and, by extension, stand up for her).

Basically she loves bad boys and rebels because society is soft and there aren't enough wars. The real world doesn't have any masculine trials and so women have developed their own tests to separate the weak man from the strong.

70 odd years ago women didn't love bad boys because real men were storming the beaches of Normandy. What better chat up line could there be than "we could all die tomorrow"?

RE: Why is it

The third example doesn't clash. why wouldn't it be real?

RE: why are taxi drivers treated so badly by women as

The village idiot without his village sad flower

RE: Happiness..............

There's truth in there, but also a strain of let them eat cake. An ignorance or indifference to the external reality of someone's life.

There's such a thing as being too materialistic, but then there's this spiritual narcissism of the east(and its formerly trendy western enthusiasts)which means you don't fully engage with the real world as it is. It's one of the reasons why your society is a horrorshow and you're content to live in that.

RE: Chicago police revamp

Any talk of promoting common decency and social discipline invariably leads to accusations of totalitarianism from those older than me and younger than you.

Between us there is a generation(s)of ingrate children who have undone the western world through its self, self, SELF mentality.

RE: Syrian Refugees

Just do us a favour and keep your tired has-been ways to yourself.

RE: Syrian Refugees

Trust these backwater bumpkins to fall asleep in the methods of the past when every other nation in the western world is waking up. Enjoy cheap ingrate labour, hostile outsiders and social disintegration. Enjoy being a 20th century sandal-wearing fossil.

RE: Depression Drug Medical Fraud

Poor diets, sedentary lives, desk jobs, aging population, atomisation, high-stress economics and an over-affected sensibility born from an esteem-boosting, ego-liberal corporate culture like haunted tupperware.

The door is wide open for big pharma. Are you genuinely surprised that America is such a heavily-medicated society?

RE: IQ vs size

Everyone wanting to dumb down culture now makes a lot more sense.

If Africa is anything to judge by, I would say your friend's theory is correct.

This is a list of blog comments created by TheRedSquirrel87.

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