RE: Those Who Don't Believe in God or Jesus...

This is a common misconception that many Theists hold, that we Atheists are not moral or ethical. Why would you draw such a conclusion without any citing any scientific facts/studies pertaining to demographics? It's a flawed opinion of yours.

Religion aside, there are only consequences for our actions. Depending on an individual's perceptions and principles---what is good for some may not be good for others---which leads to the murky debate of absolute moral truths.

Supposedly, there is no right or wrong on a quantum level, just consequences. How ever we perceive those consequences is what makes it right or wrong by how the sub atomic particles communicate.

Posting a link to an evangelical Christian may lead one down the path to duality...though I do know many progressive Christians and Muslims who do entertain other truths and are much more open minded and who are more tolerant.

My stance is based on observation, experience, and knowledge free of indoctrinated beliefs. Your stance is just a feeling fueled by faith...not evidence. There is also no evidence that God handed down these moral truths you speak of. These moral truths have been around long before the creation of the Judeo-Christian-Islam branch.

I'm a very spiritual person and I find this post of yours very ignorant. Everyone has a way of creating meaning in their life, some choose different paths as opposed to others. To suggest that Atheists live a life of a hopeless existence is not the most intelligent thing to say. Now you are preaching here like an evangelist would as you assume that Atheists ultimately end up in the dark?

I have many tools that I use to raise my vibrations or in other words---reach inner-peace, love, happiness, and harmony. I do it without the belief in God, I believe in myself and the power of now. I don't base my happiness on some external source---like a God---I base it from what I feel from within, and that's something I am in control of, not no illusory God.

In fact, the more you post, the more I see how foreign Atheism is to you. You fear it because it clashes so violently with your norm and the stereotypes you have failed to label us with is a further illustration of the lack of awareness and depth of spiritual knowledge that you hold. Tune in dude. There is not just one way to be spiritual and morally ethical.

4 times

I've jerked off 4 times today! I'm awesome!

RE: 2012. Out of time for this planet.

Ah man stole that from me. I coined it first here! I know you have much to say about this...chicken.

RE: Save the mother Earth

I did not intend to imply that. The vampire world is doomed because of us, but Mother Earth is an aware being and too great for us too doom unless we destroy with some death star laser lol. What I was trying to say is that the Earth is polluted and it has had a small affect. Has it caused global warming? NO! Global warming is happening on all the other planets, not just earth. If anything dooms a planet, it's when there is too much negative energy saturating a planet, but planets survive---some recover and some don't.

RE: 2012. Out of time for this planet.

Is and Might don't hold hold hands? The chances appear to be more than just random or small. Like Kaku said, hopefully he is wrong.

RE: 2012. Out of time for this planet.

Great point bohdiprana. We could go on and on regarding this subject and I don't have the time or energy right now because there is just too much ground to cover. Ultimately, most of what can be said would be too foreign too many in regards to many concepts that two people have to be on the same page about as to engage in some kind of fruitful discussion.

RE: 2012. Out of time for this planet.

If you don't know anything, then don't even try to speak for everyone. You said:

"So suddenly everyone is aware of the Mayan calender, through the wonders of Hollywood, of whom half the producers want to know exactly where Maya is, and do American Airlines have a flight there".

Your assumption was brutally wrong. I was not aware Hollywood was glamorizing 2012 20 years ago or even 10 years ago. It's a well known theory in the occult world, among religions (doomsday prophecies/beginning of a new earth), and among the Native Indians/Sumerians/Egyptians who had an advanced knowledge of the alignment of the positioning of the stars before the telescope was even invented.

RE: 2012. Out of time for this planet.

lol...another opinion man. Did you even listen to Dr.Michio Kaku on that link? No. Have you investigated into this? Probably not since you like to make shallow blanket statements.
I'm more inclined to side with the scientists on this matter since they do study this. They have good evidence to back up their theories...and you only have opinion and not one shred of evidence to back up your claim. Stop making blanket statements and back up what you say.

RE: Save the mother Earth

Hey Konisberg! Long time no see uh!

Al Gore follower? Bad label sweetyscold

I am fully aware of these shifts in energy you speak of. However, we do need smarter Eco technologies so the earth is cleaner and not saturated with toxic bs due to industrialization. Also, so we can learn to be more self-sufficient with the utilization of clean energy in all forms so we can get away from being dependent on oil and so forth.

RE: 2012. Out of time for this planet.

One thing that will happen in 2012 is that the sun will reverse poles and that the result of the sun's solar winds may dramatically affect Mother Earth since it is confirmed that the Earth's magnetic field has leaks.

Dr. Michio Kaku, a well known theoretical physicist, talks about this and all of it's implications that will peak in 2012.

4 times

Good for you victor. That's encouraging to hear. Power to you my man. I don't need to try btw...I just do.

RE: Save the mother Earth

Mother Earth will save herself eventually. There are signs of hope with the creation of new and innovative Eco technologies, but it may be too little too late unless the political forces change hands and our world is turned upside down or rightside up...radical change.

4 times

Hey wonderworker! Long time no see my man. I can't remember that counter culture creed you posted once...something related to love making and just being. Forgot it and it's bothering me because I want to remember it due to it's beyond awesomeness.

Yeah man, I was in a little dry spell (kinda by choice) but no it's make up time which takes fury to new levels hahahaha. I'm need to elongate my lifespan---it's said that excessive lovemaking adds years to your life. Short distance relationships are the way to go people!!!!1


RE: Those Who Don't Believe in God or Jesus...

Nonsense. Ravi Zacharias is an evangelical Christian speaking in a very angry tone in his attempt to make his mistaken views and ridiculous tales/story telling stronger.

Can you elaborate why any of us atheists/agnostics should be pleasantly surprised? I watched a few parts of the video, and he goes to great lengths with his analogies to somehow strengthen his position and weaken the stance of atheists...and Ravi uses too many blanket statements in his rhetorical lecture or sermon.

The fact that you celebrate a keynote lecturer within the evangelical community speaks volumes about the validity of your blind faith.

I disagree here and that's the common stance many take to slither out of a debate.

I have never felt God, seen God, or witnessed any miracles that are the work of this illusory God. A lot of theists say they can feel God's presence. Well, personal opinion or whatever they feel is not something that anyone else can feel. It is meaningless and inconclusive because it's just a subjective feeling where the label of God is used in describing a feeling of some type of deeper being---realization, meditation, relaxation, or any other moment when one is in touch with their higher-selves.

Also, many claim it's a miracle when some type of miraculous event happens, but such an event is normal related to chance and labeled as some work of God because most people view some random event as the work of God. It's not. Randomness and entropy is a basic property of how the universe works and should not be labeled as the work of this cruel Western God that is depicted as a violent one in the OT, NT, and Quran. Unbelievable how Christians and Muslims conveniently ignore the violence that their God promotes in scripture.

Having said all of that, I know there is no God because I have not seen one shred of evidence to even make me raise and eyebrow. It's not faith, it's truth as I have observed it from many angles.

RE: Those Who Don't Believe in God or Jesus...

dude, chill pill man.

RE: Those Who Don't Believe in God or Jesus...

I don't know if religious leaders want power over me unless there is a political/economical motivated agenda, but I do think they are just conveying their truth. True, for some it's a control factor in how they just can't accept a different truth regarding the non-existence for God, and some have an incessant need to tell you that their truth is empirical and absolute. They have all kinds of dances around the blatant truth...there is no evidence for the existence of God. Nothing.

4 times

Is it normal for a 36 year old fit gentleman to accomplish this impressive feat in one night? Am I foolishly boosting my ego here? And do you think I care what you think? hahahaha


kiss peace elephant joy

RE: Those Who Don't Believe in God or Jesus...

Nonsense and desperate attempt at trying to prove God's existence. This higher understanding and moment of realization or deeper sense of awareness you speak of is within us all. Some of us seek this and get in touch with this and raise our own awareness which broadens our consciousness and reality. In other words, it's our higher-selves. Most theists wrongfully label it as God.

RE: women's Life

Pics? devil smitten uh oh laugh

RE: women's Life

Miss the toilet seat when drunken and taking a piss?

RE: women's Life

WOW!!! giggle

RE: do american people really hate arabs and muslim? do arabs and muslims hate american people

You still doing your dance cowboy? laugh cheers

RE: Those Who Don't Believe in God or Jesus...

Hey bodleingcheers

Man, that's heavy. Not sure I want to go that deep into the abyss under all the layers of pressure hahahahahaapplause

I'll stick with my dreams to get in my astral adventure fix...

RE: Those Who Don't Believe in God or Jesus...


I know what I know and have experienced this to be true, as has many others who have confronted adversity or whatever else is waiting to be unleashed from the subconscious in order to be set free, and it's an ongoing process...Everyone should have their own spirituality not confined by boundaries or regulations set by others---that wouldn't be a healthy and individual mind would it? wine

Whatever you experienced that beautiful morning viewing the sunrise, appreciate it and know it's were in touch with your higher self---you're true nature of just being.

RE: are you an introvert or an extrovert?

What does it matter? Fantasize---hungry eyes!!!

I just gotta stop...

for your love...


smitten love kiss peace

RE: Can you still be friends with someone who has rejected you?

Yes and No...


Wow! Chill pill sweetheart. Skate a little lower babe.

Some of us like who are taken like to exchange ideas on the forum and make new internet friends. I've made a few good friends from this site who I know have contact with on skype, FB, or on skype. It's nice to build a network of internet friends. Lot's of them have turned out to be real friends.

Anyways, I'm not married but have had my share of girlfriends who I have met in real life since my time here. I'm not into doing the online relationship and everything that is accompanied with that. I'm into short distance relationships.

In any case, sorry you had to deal with some cheaters. They exist in the virtual and real world. There are some great people on this forum who are married, but stay to have some fun.

RE: why do Americans always speak about MONEY?

Some great observations in this thread.

I've been living in Sweden for 10 years now and I can clearly see the difference now---though I very well did before I moved from Silicon Valley during the apex of the boom---the good old Clinton dayswink

First, America is one of the most diverse countries in the world, so to try and define Americans this way is an injustice. Having said that, the OP does indeed apply to the middle class and up...and the lower class to an extent. It's living the American Dream...or pretending to hahaha.

It's funny, I'll ask my best friend in California how so and so is doing, and the first that comes out of his mouth is "well, he's doing great, he's making this amount of money, has this <insert fancy (maybe exaggerated) job title here>, and just bought a new car." Ha! I asked how he was doing, like emotionally and something more substantive and less mundane than his business career or acquired material possessions. I can care less unless he or she happens to be an overnight millionaire.

In any case, the majority of Americans and Europeans define themselves by their jobs. Notice that's the first thing people ask you when you first meet them? "What do you do?" It drives me nuts in the sense that I'd rather get to know a person better before I ask what they do. Personally, I can care less. I'll only ask that question if I sense they are good and real people.

Moving on, yes, Americans are a bit more like this, but it's nothing blatant by the majority of people. Just the go-getters who thrive on projecting a certain image---go to Los Angeles, they're the kings of projecting images. Image is everything hahaha. And you know what, some people value those who have an acquired wealth in America. That's how it is. Some of those wealthy people worked really hard for that and came from the depths of hell to be successful, so naturally they are going to boast a bit about it. It's the American Californian waylaugh

And I'll say American tourists are really obnoxious when I see my fellow American citizens out here in Europe. They're extremely loud and arrogant. Not all of them, but I've seen a lot of them.And the store owners here love American tourists---they know who has the deep pockets and who will do the excessive purchasing.

/end of my observations
</It's your favorite foreign movie!!!>wink uh oh wine

RE: Some thoughts about usage of forums

Hey Janhug

I think links are very important,especially when there is an exchange of deeper thoughts in a very complicated or controversial subject.
Links can be a great way to support your opinions, arguments, and theories. Statistics, polls, and scholastic studies are enriched with a broader truth and a structured hypothesis by competent people who broke down such opinions into a science that speak a truth or stretch a truth hahaha---we know how things can be skewed and of course it's prudent to consider the source.

In any case, I love to hear answers in an individual's own words instead of links or a paste and copy job, but sometimes that just not enough if it's some passionated blanket statement. In other words, opinions based on irrationality and biased-subjective thoughts are empty in my eyes. Back it up!

I click links 80 percent of the time. The times I don't click links if it's a subject where I know where it's going and don't need the links to show me what I already know or don't need to know...much like Conrad's anti-socialistic-Obama is going to turn America into Fascism or Ray's conspiracy links.rolling on the floor laughing

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