Paintings - Post yours?

Now that's my cuppa tea...

RE: Last to post wins

It does actually...

Psychosis - Let's discuss

I'm attacking no-one in this thread...exactly the opposite rather...That is very sound advice for Pedro, in-case he tries it...

Psychosis - Let's discuss

If you insult me again, I am reporting you, a**hole...Go see your 12 year old girlfriend...should keep you busy. Beware of jail time!!!!

Paintings - Post yours?

Bad news, they make me think of Fairies, rather, depending on our views in life...

Psychosis - Let's discuss

That unfortunately, is a definite!

RE: Last to post wins

Lol...I tend to always win, in reality and cyber, never mind the odds...

RE: Last to post wins

Actually with that statement...I am the overall figured out WINNER here, and will stay so!!!!

RE: Last to post wins

None of you will ever be the winner, as Bandit will answer when everyone, had had a few centuries...whoever is still alive, including the site...

Psychosis - Let's discuss

If you come off your meds, how long before you will be psychotic again...a week max?

Paintings - Post yours?

Hi Galrads. Not exactly the picture I want in my residence, but because it is from your stepson, it will hold much more value to You!!!! I have Never been able to figure out the need for Naked pictures anywhere. Yes every body is perfect as seen by the beloved / mother. I still am not that obsessed with it, to have it in my residence or place of whatever!!!!!

Psychosis - Let's discuss

People with psychosis feels attracted to me, as I see them as people, not cases. I have heard many true stories, and felt for them, but mainly adults, depending on how you define an adult, at what age, generally appear very mature for their ages, and have lived, in their minds, very many lives, some. Their imaginations are amazing. The question always is: Is it really their imaginations, or would we prefer not to know, because of the psychological impact on us?

Psychosis - Let's discuss

I presume you are referring to schooling, of what grades and what subjects, or all rolled into one, as I cannot see separate classes? a Bit unfair to the kids, if so!!!

Psychosis - Let's discuss

But what were you trying to teach them, is what I want to know, not the private deductions and details of your private life? We all make our own deductions of everything if you are a free-thinker!!!!

Psychosis - Let's discuss

Very interesting, tell me about your teachings?

Psychosis - Let's discuss

Do you know anyone with any form of psychosis?

Symptoms of psychosis:
Hallucinations - hearing, seeing, or feeling things that do not exist.
Delusions - false beliefs, especially based on fear or suspicion of things that are not real.
Disorganization - in thought, speech, or behavior.

Early warning signs before psychosis:
A worrisome drop in grades or job performance.
Trouble thinking clearly or concentrating.
Suspiciousness or uneasiness with others.
A decline in self-care or personal hygiene.
Spending a lot more time alone than usual.
Strong, inappropriate emotions or having no feelings at all.

Psychotic disorders are severe mental disorders that cause abnormal thinking and perceptions. People with psychoses lose touch with reality. Two of the main symptoms are delusions and hallucinations. ... Schizophrenia is one type of psychotic disorder.

professor scold professor scold professor scold professor scold professor scold

RE: Last to post wins

Lol...good one...

RE: Last to post wins

All you "winning" guys, have a serious psychosis...

Relationships - Are you open-minded enough?

If open-minded was just tolerance:
It denotes that you are just humouring everyone...

RE: No More Posting

In whose dream?

RE: No More Posting

Do you know what:
I can also sense everything about people,
including you...

RE: Last to post wins

That about sums up my attitude in general!!!!

RE: No More Posting

In the first place, I don't take instructions from anyone,
In the second place, I do whatever pleases Me...


When said that you first need to love yourself:
I means that you will not accept love if you don't love yourself first,
and thus will always question it,
which will break up the relationship before it has even started,
metaphorically speaking...

Paintings - Post yours?

If you like that, is does not matter what others have to say. My only memorabilia are from my deceased family, and they are very precious to me.

Paintings - Post yours?

They are absolutely gorgeous. Does the beads help the body in any way.

Paintings - Post yours?

I'm very artistic, in everything I do, being it handwork, or anything I attempt.

Paintings - Post yours?

We all have some hand craft, or paintings on the walls, in our residence:

Please take pics, and publish them on here?

If you find, that it is too private, you are excused!

uh oh wow smitten uh oh wow smitten uh oh wow smitten uh oh wow smitten

If you inherited / win in lotto, more than a Billion Dollars - What would you do with it?

Yes, sharing is good, especially if it's family and friends, to help out!


The proof is in me...

This is a list of forum posts created by smiley963.

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