marcymmarcym Forum Posts (370)

RE: Blondes

I dyed my hair blond for 10 years before going back to original color...My experience is I had not more fun but different attention and at that age I did not mind it....Then I went brown again and got different treatment...I was going to dye it for fun again to blond and I asked some of my friends what they thought???They said go ahead if you want that kind of reputation,I said whats that...They said easy,and good in bed...I think thats a bad stereo type because even as a blond I was not easy...But decided to stay natural color...;-)I dont care what color of hair a man has...

What if finding the love of you life meant changing the life that you love??

Well,this all true...If i were really in love with him and sure of it I probably would have..I mean we are still friends and I see him every visit to germany,but I did not think in my soul he was that guy...And for me to give up a business ,move my kids from their daddy and into another country and bilingual schools which he would have had to pay for as well..That was a hard choice if I was not even sure if I loved him...I mean if you have to ask yourself if you love someone ,chances are you dont...Thats not a question it is a feeling you just know...

What if finding the love of you life meant changing the life that you love??

For me there is so much I would have to think on,which would or would not influence me..And sure think about it alot...But giving up my business and taking my kids and leaving everything to live in another country is very scary to me....I would be totaly dependant on them at least for a while...Case and point I was just dating a guy in germany after my last break up..He told me he wanted me and kids to move there..I said nope..He said he would have bought me a car and I could have my own bank account so i would not have to ask him for anything...I said the concept was the same I can not be that dependant on a man ,I would need my own job this is what I am used too...Weather he put money in my own account or not I would have still been dependant on him...And also he had some strange takes on how to raise kids..I declined gracefully...;-))

RE: single or single mom?

The problem i hear most from my dates is that they are scared my children wont except them...I say they are young they can adjust but you wont even meet my kids unless I fall in love with you..;-))And its easy to keep it that way since I haven't dated a man in the usa for 3 years...Not to say i would not,but after divorce I met a guy in frankfurt germany where we were together long distance for 1 and a half years...My kids did meet him,and really liked him,but for other reasons we broke up later...And i am really shocked on here the men that do not read profiles and do not know I have children or they have children and do not mention them...;-))

RE: Online romances yes or no falling in love

My last two year relationship was from the internet..He lived in germany..And every three months we traveled to see one another..

RE: Are females selfish by nature?

LOL,Hello eagle,well it depends in some areas yes I am,in the important ones I am fair...But like cute said women with kids do alot of work...My ex said I never listened to him,I always did what I wanted..This was true I supose but,when I asked for a dish washer and he said I have one...;-))The next day i took his credit card and bought not only a dish washer ,but a refridger,and brand new stove...I knew he was joking but at this point I was tired of just being a house wife...So I can be selfish....

RE: Good versus Bad

Both and at the right times..

RE: You go girl!

I know I was kidding lol....Its hard to do anything with this hair anyway it has a life of its own....

RE: You go girl!

LOL,well damn I will try and fix that...

RE: Are you a good singer?

I can not sing,lol...My ex told me once ,Honey I knnow your singing and you know your singing ,but the people next door may think I am abusing you...;-))

What was your worst breakup?How did it happen?And how did you feel?

Yea it is bad when someone cheats and everytime you look at them you are reminded of it..;-((

What was your worst breakup?How did it happen?And how did you feel?

Wow cute,I never expected these sad things...I expected alot to say about cheating and such,but your best friend....My god I am sorry ,this is to say that these bad things happen to good people is an understatement...

RE: What Makes Men Run Away?

I think some men are scared of pressure or getting hurt...Like they are scared of giving up freedom or being restricted..

Does anyone know Jack Handy,Deep thoughts,quotes.If so whats your favorite?

Mine is,....For me the worst thing about having king kong walk down your street is the kids could look up and see the giant genitailia...;-))

What was your worst breakup?How did it happen?And how did you feel?

OMG,I am so sorry to hear that..Must have been really frightning..I am glad you got out of the situation..I was in one abusive relationship,he hit me once,I left in that second and never looked back..Often times i have hated in selfdefense,If i were stronger I thought I would not have used such a weapon..But I hated him in that instant,not any more though..;-)

What was your worst breakup?How did it happen?And how did you feel?

Just thought if this was not asked before it would be interesting..

RE: Rudeness, Shyness, Courtesy, Inconsideration, or ?????

Tumpa ,I am sorry I cant write you back today:-(I went to after three emails and it said no more...;((Will write tomorrow and sure I meant to send you the song and the band so you could get it..;-))Will send you my email>>

RE: Kinda Like a ring on your finger

Very true,you could do one of many things ,but I would not hide your profile because of that..;-)

RE: Kinda Like a ring on your finger

Hello Steve,I just would not answer them,because if they read then they dont respect you,and if they did not read then they dont respect you..So I would just delete them...;-)

RE: just curious what people think about this

I agree,When i was younger some of my girl friends would say why are you with him?You can get better looking,lol..I said he is good looking to me because i got to know him and he makes me laugh..;-))I am not attracted persay to any type but I look at people and before I know them ,might be attracted to the tubby type guy..;-))The one with the teddybear look...

RE: What Would Have Done Different In Past Relationships?

Yes it is lol,but I was just suprised how many men did not know of this medical procedure..;-))In europe..;-))But this list is funny and my male friends are like that pretty much with their girlfriends lol...

RE: What Would Have Done Different In Past Relationships?

LOL,well it is a joke of alot of men to always protect their gems when women or kids are close...I asked some friends why they are always holding their hands their or touching themselves right out in the open...And they say they are to be always protected ,lol..You know in germany I have 8 male friends and they all said to me they did not know what circumsision is and as I have explained to them they all grabbed their stuff and screamed for the love of god NO,you americans are crazy,lol...I told them my son was and explained the procedure ,,lol...

RE: What Would Have Done Different In Past Relationships?

Yes sorry again ,I have seen some pretty angry women,lol..But did not mean you..;-))

RE: What Would Have Done Different In Past Relationships?

No,I am sorry for misunderstanding..;-))I was just saying what some friend told me in a conversation ,not meant directly to any post..I agreed with what you said..That was just something funny I was told..Sorry...;-))

RE: What is your philosophy on life?

Yes you are very right ,and some times we want to give up on the fight for the better world..But i dont give up on that..I fight with myself almost every day to rise above the rudness and the diffuculties some people bestow apon me,I make peace every day with people and accept them,and teach my kids to do the same..Thank you for your advise..;-)

RE: What is your philosophy on life?

My intrest is in the future,because this is where I will spend the rest of my life..And years from now it will not matter what kind of car i drove,what my bank account was,what sort of house i lived in,but the world maybe different because I was important in the lives of my children..

RE: Has anyone been afraid to call someone when given their phone #?

It depends where they are from,it is a nicer way to get to know someone..If they live close I never give out my info,but if they are from out of country and seem ok its always nice to hear accents,so I give my number,the chances of them finding me and caring enough to fly here and kill me are not that high and if you give cell phone it is not easily traced over seas..

RE: Catch More Flies With Honey??

Hello,I really think it is always nice to have all sides ..I think most of my guy friends told me they like a girl that is nice and can take a joke,but my past boyfriend said he really liked my sense of humor if things were just getting a little to serious,but he said he always was trying to make me really mad because he wanted to see me once this way,all he heard was my stories of me upset,lol..Well he made me mad once and it never happened in my opinion guys like a bit of spice in relationships..

What if finding the love of you life meant changing the life that you love??

Well,just trust yourself you know more then you think you do...And just skip the women that may do this...Everyone falls in love someday and then they know what they were waiting for..;-))I will give you advice..Dont get married,just find a girl you dont like and give her a house!!LOL...I am kidding...But it is cheaper then being married and divorced..;-))

What if finding the love of you life meant changing the life that you love??

Agreed,my friends situation is that he has his work and she has hers..But she has kids she would be uprooting and he does not...And he has the better job so diffucult situation I supose...I wish them the best though they are really a great couple..;-))

This is a list of forum posts created by marcym.

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