A_broad_abroadA_broad_abroad Forum Posts (321)


oohh...tell me about it!




That's right, folks!! Just post a reply to this thread with your physical, mental, emotional, etc request for your PERFECT mate...click on the "SUBMIT POST" button...and within 24 hours...he/she will be KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR!!! Guaranteed!!!

A wonderful new scientific breakthrough allows this cutting-edge technology to work...I can't give you the details, of course...or I would have to kill you (naturally)...

Only one Perfectamate a year per person, please...


**service not 'actually' guaranteed within 24 hours..results may vary...could take 48hrs, weeks, years..or you may never actually receive product...If this is the case...there is something wrong on your end, and instamateomatic reserves the right to deny any and all responsibility...

Arrg! Anyone have a time machine I can borrow?

WHOA!! NENE you're really ONTO something here!! SCREW the time machine! I want an "INSTA-MAN-OMATIC"!!!



Arrg! Anyone have a time machine I can borrow?

Not that I think there is any huge interest in the subject or anything, but DAMN I get frustrated with "dating" sometimes!

I have met a number of men over the past while...and most of them are positively fantastic...probably have every quality a girl could "ask" for..BUT...too much of a good thing isn't always beneficial!!

Take caring/dedicated/giving for example...these are GREAT and DESIREABLE qualities...but what of the man who takes that to the extreme? From the very best places in his heart, and with the best of intentions...he SMOTHERS me with caring and dedication...he makes his ENTIRE life about me almost the second we've met...just can't WAIT to get in love and stay there...happy ever after...

I know this makes me sound a little bit hypocritical, since these would be the qualities (some of them anyways) that I would look for in a guy...but it is so damned hard to go from "single (long time now too!) hard working independent mother" to "loving dedicated wife" in a split second! I am my own worst enemy here! I have actually ended and sabotaged potential relationships because they were being shoved down my throat!

I want with all my BEING to be a wife/lover/mother/mate/partner...all of that....but I have been on my own long enough now that it will take some re-adjusting to get there...compromising as need be along the way...getting to know each other...falling in love....spending more and more time with each other...not first date then..."can't live another single minute without you at my side".

I was like that once...several of my long term relationships started out that way...and it was great! It just seems like now that I have my daughter...there are other factors to consider than lust...

I know...I am all over the place on this one...sorry to bore you trusty readers...I'm just frustrated...and keep thinking how nice it would be to fast forward into the future...when the trust, intimacy, familiarity, security...are already in place...the "right before being proposed to" stage, let's say...so my hard efforts can be put into making the marriage/relationship stay beautiful and eternal...Probably the hardest part, yes...but SO much less awkward and uncomfortable than the part I have to get through to get there! It could be compared to a slipper...I would much rather buy a slipper that is already worn and faded...so comfortable and moulded perfectly to my foot....than buy a brand new rigid and cold one....

THEN there's always the issue of my daughter...and when to introduce him to her...I would never want to bring people around who I didn't have a clear potential of being in a long-term relationship with...too confusing...and just not fair...But what if the guy is so eager that he just keeps saying " I just know you and I are going to be together forever...I may as well let her get used to me now"...I don't LIKE that!! Clearly it's not his child's wellbeing and comfort level that he is gambling!

Sorry for the ramble folks...I'm just in a weird period of my life....or something! Feel free to add on your perspectives as you see fit....and YES...I realize that I will never get the soulmate I am looking for without taking the risk and going through the experiences of getting to know each other...and letting the relationship develop.....but I don't have to LIKE it DAMNIT! LOL

SO....anyways....Can someone please invent a time machine and send it over my way? I would be forever greatful.


RE: a strong woman

Well, this strong woman has to shuffle her butt off to work now....come to think of it...I can be a little pushy at work....BUT...I work with violent criminals who may or may not be mentally ill....I think pushy is a job requirement there....then again, I'm not trying to win any of their hearts, so....


RE: a strong woman

Thanks. I was thinking of your when I wrote it (in a complimentary way that is....)


RE: Hello

Hi, Kat...welcome!

Nice to see a new and as-of-yet uncorrupted face in our midst! Best to just jump in with both feet around here. Post away..and best of luck!


RE: How's My profile?

Well, not that it has any bearing whatsoever on myself (and of course, why should it?), and if you and yours prefer a "wordy" profile then wordy it shall be, BUT...I did not mean "wordy" in the sense of actual text length so much as I meant that there was much detail that did not seem to offer much insight into what the author was about/looking for.

I personally do not prefer one length of profile or another. What strikes me is the overall impression/perception formed after I have read the many or few details. Some shorter profiles have painted a much clearer portrait of the author than many longer ones. On the other hand, I have come across longer profiles where I was still left wanting to hear more. Without being judgemental in any way shape or form, your (longer) profile did not seem to stir up intrigue. Naturally (and thankfully for each of us), everyone finds meaning and interest in different things. I just figured since you were polling the general population on the issue, that I would contribute my own point of view as both a single female and a poster.

Anyhow, like I said...I think you should stick with what works for you. Best of luck finding that elusive "match" we're all after!


RE: This is for every one that want to hate upon me!

Angry Angry Angry...

And proud to be "White"....

So what's your point?


RE: why again???

Not to be the smartass of the group, but I can tell you as a pianist that if you actually saw the score for what is commonly called "chopsticks" you would no longer consider it so "easy" to play...people have just greatly simplified one tiny tune within a much more complex song...and call that "chopsticks"...

Also, with regard to Donkey Kong...I'm not entirely sure...but I don't think he is a "monkey" but an ape or gorilla...nevertheless, still not a donkey.

As for Mary and her lamb....well, I suppose that is just her own business (lol!)

Nice to meet you in any case....


RE: Just a Thank You

Nice to meet ya, Goodanhigh!

I'm with devilsmom up there....You ARE a cute one. (by what very little I can see of your face, anyhow)

Feel free to talk to me anytime....I am about as honest and up front as they come..Ask anyone here...they'll tell ya!


No point in naming this one since they all seem to go off topic anyhow.....TALK TO ME!!!

Yeah! I'd like to hear that one myself! *snicker*


No point in naming this one since they all seem to go off topic anyhow.....TALK TO ME!!!

Yes I am!!

(ok...maybe a week or so...or three or four late)...

But HERE nevertheless!!

Now aren't you relieved?


RE: If you had one hour to live, what would you do?

OH! Well...naturally I would make sure that my millions of dollars in stocks and bonds were straightened away as well! I mean that I would do that BEFORE I did what my daughter wanted to do (then again, she would probably want me to do THAT if she was a little older...lol)


RE: Cottonball Kitten Army Recruiting Station!

Nah...Broad's just fine (although Sam has a nice ring to it as well)...I'm a realist.

Kitten ranks, huh? Well....let me guzzle a few of these jungle joose here..and see what happens..


RE: If you had one hour to live, what would you do?

I would do whatever my daughter wanted to do.

RE: Cottonball Kitten Army Recruiting Station!


I SO need about a gallon of whatever you guys are on..


RE: How's My profile?

Ok. I'll bite.

First of all, can I say that while I personally do not get the feeling that you really want to change much in your profile (and why should you if you're proud of it?), I DO think that this was a very crafty (and even borderline sly) way to get people to READ your profile. Whether or not they decide to offer constructive criticism on it is besides the point, isn't it? If they have gone as far as to even read it, then you've met your goal already.

Secondly, I will in fact offer my personal view. I do agree with the comment made earlier that it is wordy....but something tells me that is a reflection on it's author in and of itself. Positive: The information given makes you sound as though you would be an interesting person to get to know...dynamic and worldly perhaps. Negative: You come across to be rather self-important. You even go as far as to go into further detail about yourself in the "what I'm looking for in a WOMAN" category. Just a tad overkill, in my humble (but solicited) opinion.

Just one other thing....What the heck does a "Young University Professor" look like, and was the person who said that trying to get something from you at the time?

All in good fun...and nice to meet you..


RE: The Greats

Hands down...without a doubt...no competition...


RE: How Much Is Gasoline In Your Area???

It's making me ILL!! It is presently $1.04 a LITRE here in Canada...and it is going up tomorrow to $2.27 a LITRE by this weekend!!!! That is just a little less than you guys pay down there for a GALLON!!! PATHETIC!


RE: staring at mirrors

Taboo you ROCK


RE: staring at mirrors

Interesting...we seem to have had similar thought patterns at the very same time! Check out the thread I just started!


So many new faces! Come in and say HI...I've been away for awhile..but would love to meet you!

Honestly, it is SO nice to meet all of you newcomers...It is really REALLY refreshing to see the humanity that has come in here lately...we went through a bit of a slump awhile ago I would say...wouldn't you agree, fellow scrap-heap alumni?? *grin*

I once helped out in a travelling van that provides hot meals to the homeless...it was great...BUT...I brought down HUNDREDS Of dollars worth of little items from the dollar store (gum, markers, barrettes, nylons, toothbrushes, etc etc) when I went to the DR....took an all day tour in this open-topped jeep through the VERY poverty-stricken countryside (where the kids have to walk a minimum of 8KILOMETRES to go to any sort of one-roomed school)...I asked the tour guide (named Mimi...he SO rocked)..to stop where there would be needy children..and while the other ten people SAT on the JEEP...my daughter and I got off...went and met all these kids at a dozen different locations...and gave each of them a few little gifts...they were SO happy (and sadly DESPARATE) to get these things...they were literally pounding on each other to get in line to meet us.

Our tour guide helped us get some sort of order (and therefore, less violence)..and we made sure that EVERYONE got a few little things for themselves..WHAT a LESSON to my daughter that was...She always hears me telling her how she should appreciate the things that she has, because others have nothing...but to actually SEE that I wasn't kidding...it changed her...forever...and for the better..

If any of you ever travel to a third world country...I highly reccommend doing something of the sort..It is gratifying beyond words, and besides that...it humbles us..where we may have gotten a little out of our own heads!

K..went into a little more detail than expected there...but YOU GUYS BROUGHT IT UP!!!


Loonier than ever,


So many new faces! Come in and say HI...I've been away for awhile..but would love to meet you!

Hope it's been a GOOD rollercoaster ride...tell me more tell me more!!! It's like I'm jonesing for JUICY topics!

Love the new pic, taboo, btw!


So many new faces! Come in and say HI...I've been away for awhile..but would love to meet you!

Aqua Taboo Cal and Loco!!!

HOW THE HECK ARE YA'S??? Certainly nice to meet the newcomers (love that charisma you have going for you, Aqua)..and always nice to see friendly familiars as well..What's been the main topics floating around here lately? Any interesting controversies that I should be busy stoking and stirring? Any new ones to avoid/make a point of meeting? C'mon people! I've been away for a LONG while....fill me in!!! (new pic from the Dominican on the way, by the way)


So many new faces! Come in and say HI...I've been away for awhile..but would love to meet you!

HI ALLEN!! *hugs back*

Wow...we had an AWESOME time...and you're right! There are some pretty interesting stories too! Hope all is well...nice to see you again! What have you been up to?


So many new faces! Come in and say HI...I've been away for awhile..but would love to meet you!


I see so many new names/faces! It seems as though the turnaround rate has increased drastically! In any case, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sam, and I have been a member here for quite some time now. I recently returned from a trip to the Dominican Republic with my daughter...and we had a BLAST! What else? Hmm...well, I am a nurse, and I live in Canada...Say hi, why don't you? What are you famous for?

Here for awhile...



Hi All!

Yes, I know it's been a very long time since my handle has graces these lovely posts, but I have been wickedly busy. Unpacking, working, painting, shopping, more shopping (lol!)...AND...planning my a vacation trip for my daughter and I! We're leaving today in fact...staying in a hotel for easier access to the airport (and parking)..Our plane leaves tomorrow am at 6am (and we have to be there three hours early!)

Destination?? Punta Cana, Dominican Republic..five star all inclusive...we are SO excited!

I will be sure to log on when I get back to tell you how it was, and perhaps post a photo or two.

Glad to see the same familiar faces around the site (as well as some new ones!)

Take care, and wish us a safe journey (especially in light of these hurricanes...YIKES!)

As always,


Support and Encouragement needed for one of our own...

aww...you guys are so nice.

RE: What's Your Sign?

As promised, I am making good on my opinion of the reports that Lion was so kind as to send me...

VERY quickly after my request, I received in my email a VERY thorough report. To be honest, I was absolutely FLOORED at just how accurate it was. I even sent a copy of it to Chris (as it was the beginning stages of us getting to *know* each other at that time)...telling him that if there was anything that he wanted to know about me...good or bad....he could find it in there..

It made me a little nostalgic and melancholy at times, as it truly did hit very close to home.

All in all, I was completely impressed and convinced by the report that I received and read.

Thanks again, Lion...now if you can only read my future....hmm...


This is a list of forum posts created by A_broad_abroad.

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