RE: Hallo Albion !

erm 5.1 dancing cheering uk head banger banana applause rolling on the floor laughing laugh yay cheers peace uk uk uk uk

RE: Are you in love with anyone here, CS ?

rolling on the floor laughing i was going to say you but i found out you were a guy.

dancing wow wave dunno

RE: Can English people speak English properly?

yeah in a sense your correct, in the 1750s english english used to sound like american english, where we use to roll our Rs (rehtoric) now we are flat speaking that is why the english accent is ver different. You could say american english is the proper form of the enligh lanuage as it was 200 years ago.

best wishes

RE: Can English people speak English properly?

i love accented english i think this is proper english as it has developed and formed over 100s of years, and what is considered proper english has been forced on the population, to enusre classs warfare and domninance. That being said one needs standard english that is accent free so every one can understand people. i am from the north of england, and when i go to wolverhampton i cannot understand them some times.

bwcomfort frustrated heart1 barf peace cheering wow banana head banger professor rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Have you ever felt true unconditional love?

hi yes from my children but never from a woman

best wishes


Hi Actuallly I have, I wanted to go to university and it was really hard to get there, not because of adcamdemic reasons, then I wanted to learn a lanuguage, I have tried about 4, french, german, dutch and arabic. while not doing them any more I am glad i was exposed to them and still remember some. Still it be nice to learn them fluently.

Also I always wanted to play and intrument, now i can. I can play the classical guitar. Plus I have four lovelly kids, meaning I wanted to get married and have a family. Now sad to say eeeh I have no ambition left. Oh yeah I wante to travel and did that as well. great stuff. Still I would love to go to America, and india and chinia etc that be cool

alas i can dream


Women in general are gold digggers

really so if the guy was cleaning toilets for a living you would find him a cultured person then. or not.

RE: If you were stranded on an island, whom would you like to have with you?

i live on an island and yes i am stranded and oh god i have gordon brown already.

RE: Why women need a man.....

they need a man to take his money and then do a runner when he moans. Most wemen in the west are gold diggers.


RE: Do muslims have a right to exist?

hi yep what about china lots of mulsims there


RE: Is it ok to marry and carry more than one wife?

i meant countless hadiths stating you do not need to tell your first wife lol.

RE: Is it ok to marry and carry more than one wife?

hi islamically you do not have to seek permission from your first wife that is just pure bidda, there are countless hadiths stating this and there is nothing in the quran about this either. Its just muslims lacking backbone again becuase they do not how to argue against the west etc.

have pride is all i say.

RE: Is it ok to marry and carry more than one wife?

yes if you can afford it and can cope with the moaning and groaning.

boy when they get together either they will fight each other or gang up on you, but its great to have one extra if she kicks you out lol

RE: What is your take on angels?


when my uncle died he sat up and was looking at the ceiling then lay back down and died.

Call it what you will I think he saw something. What do not know but in his mind he was something.

Pretty sad to see this.

not good to see some one die.


RE: Would you date someone with much less formal education than you?

I mean to say it does not mean the ones etc......

RE: Would you date someone with much less formal education than you?

hi sorry your wrong, college students are very intelligent that is why they got into university in the first place, they have to work very hard to get there and pass exam as such. Now to say an 18 year old is stupid becuase they do not know much about life, is basically saying the old adage, my university is the university of life. Of course you get people who have had no education who are extremely intelligent, but are stuck in their lives etc. Most college kids are nieve about life, they are not stupid, its just comes across that way sometimes. I know a couple of guys at university and to look at they are were stupid in a sense they did not know much about life, but they were kids, first time leaving home and gues what they left university with honours.

When i was growing up, people around me said only stupid people go to university and i said lol only stupid people do not.

lets face it if u have a university education you have massives more skills that 90% of the population, on average, they can learn quicker and absorb massive amounts of informationm and write tons of stuff in a short time. I was doing an english course that was advance level and the tutor said you can tell the ones who have been to university, and the ones who have not. It does mean the ones who have not been are stupid its just they have not got the skill set or the mind training.

Do women divorce for financial gain?

In general i agree with alot of mothers seem to take this view and i view this has stealing if they are not providing the kids with what they need, they cannot pay off their debts with it, but they can use it to pay gas and electrice, food and water etc, of course stuff for the kids, but alot of women use it for themselves to buy new stuff.


Do women divorce for financial gain?

i meant income lol sorry


Do women divorce for financial gain?


Do women divorce for financial gain?

firstly it get some information on what is going on in ur country. I donot know what the laws are in spain but child support is usually about child support. Its about demonising men as dead beat dads when they cannot pay or if they do pay they are left in real poverty. In the uk, the image is fathers are deadbeats like in the usa but the reality is the system here favours the mother overwhelmingly, this is in the area of child support and the family courts. The father loose access to his children the day she moves out with them, he can be charge with kidnappeing if he takes his childrn from his wife, she cannot. 99% will pay for their kids its just one per cent that doe not dispite the rubbish headlines. here the child support agency is a law to themselves, they have more power than the taxman and they strip father of their income to the point they canont go to work or stay heathy. Many fathers have killed themselves because they are hounded by the csa. Its also the idea that father have no responsibility but when the kids were with him he was considered responsible, now because she takes them he is considered dead beat, its not true.

Here if u are on government benefits the ex wife only gets 10 pounds per week so if the fathers has to pay 500 pounds per month she gets 40 the state gets 460, the state says the csa is to help get kids out of poverty that is the biggest lie, 40 pounds is either for one child or for 10 childern its not going to do much, and the state benefits are so low this was why the government decided (conservative) to bring in the csa. The reality is this, the CSA is about making money by stealing off fathers, which in turn cannot see their kids and get called deadbads for not providiing for their kids becuase they have no money. The father loses out the kids loose out and the ex loose out because it all goes to the government.

The idea that dads are deadbeat fit comoforably within the mindset of feminists

Do women divorce for financial gain?

yes you do , the facts speak for themselves 68% of women file for divorce in 2007. and if you got kids the husband looses the house and 40% of his come, now you add the income tax, national insurance, council tax and tv licence, that is a whooping 83% of his income gone. Its very rare a woman will suffer this fate. Read the ginger bread report just released on family courts etc. If a woman has no income she can get legal aid while the husband who is working has to pay, plus the csa hammers him, no court in england will never kick out a woman with kids. But even with out kids the divorce courts are still more in favour for woman that men etc.


Do women divorce for financial gain?

cool ur a rare breed here in the uk the women get everything


Do women divorce for financial gain?

erm not in the uk legal aid if u are on low or no income usually the wife gets it etc

Women in general are gold digggers

part two

A story of marital breakdown and divorce
A couple with two young children have a three bed semi in a quiet suburb of a small town. They have a mortgage and the property has forty or fifty thousand pounds of equity in it. They have no other major assets and the husband goes out to work to pay the mortgage and all the other household expenses while the wife remains at home to look after the children as she has done since the first one was born.

There is no family network near enough to help with the children and it is not economical to pay for childcare so that the wife can go back to work. She now decides that she wants to get a divorce. If one were being strictly equitable it might be expected that the house would be sold and the equity divided between the two of them. This is unlikely to happen unless the couple involved come to an arrangement between themselves that is acceptable to both. Even with modest assets (property, money, pensions etc) expert financial advice from a qualified person is essential in working through this most difficult part of the divorce process.

The courts and divorce
The courts are not concerned with what most of us may consider as fair when a couple get divorced. Their job, as laid down in very specific guidelines, is to consider the needs of those involved in a divorce. In such a case it will be found that the needs of the wife and children are much more considerable than those of the husband and it is almost certain that the matrimonial home be transferred to the sole possession of the wife even though the husband may have made all the payments on it.
The children and finance after divorce
Furthermore, young children almost always remain with the mother and this means that the settlement of capital and property to the wife can be disproportionate unless there are exceptional circumstances or the marriage has been very short lived.

Although, in theory at least, the law is equal for husbands and wives, where children are involved their needs are understandably put first and in such situations it means that the husband very often comes off worse when a couple get divorced.

"Legal aid and divorce
A husband's woes may not end there because if his wife has been in receipt of legal aid because she has no income of her own – having stayed at home to look after the children – then the husband will be paying significantly more for legal advice for the divorce. Solicitors and barristers can charge up to twice as much for private clients than they do for those claiming assistance from the Legal Services Commission who fix the amount that can be charged for legal services.
This can put pressure on the husband to make a divorce settlement on what may be extraordinarily unreasonable terms simply because he cannot afford to continue to pay for a specialist divorce solicitor or barrister to fight his corner. "

So yes all the above proves that women are gold diggers and divorce is done for fanicial gain and greed with little regard for justice and the children

Women in general are gold digggers

Hi I think the men on here must be desperate for a date as they are here to just agree with the woman but the facts out way anything they have said on this form

68% of women were granted divorce according to

"Typically, the man is shocked at the news that he's going to be divorced," said Baraff, noting that women initiate the majority of divorce proceedings. "The woman has also been dropping hints all over the place for the man, but he just doesn't get it. He never thinks it's as bad as she does. He's lost not only a wife, he typically loses his children, home, and money."

Go here and see how the CSA make men poorer

"England is now seen as the most generous country in Europe for women getting divorced. The sympathy shown by English judges for women has attracted thousands of wives from other countries to London to have their divorce cases heard here."

"The divorce system and how it affects men
There is no doubt that men are often seriously disadvantaged by the divorce system as it stands at present although there are indications that this is gradually changing. Seven out of ten divorce petitions are instigated by women who usually cite unreasonable behaviour as their reason for getting divorced. Many men (and women as well) are taken completely by surprise when they are told that their nearest and dearest wants them out of their life.

The financial aspects of divorce are often the most difficult and stressful to deal with. Perhaps the best way to approach this is to get expert advice on your divorce finances as early as possible in the divorce process.

Legal costs and divorce
It is often the case that a non working wife will be in receipt of legal aid while her working soon-to-be-ex husband has to pay at least double for his own legal costs because he has to fund his divorce solicitor from his own pocket.

A good number of men come out of the divorce process feeling angry and embittered at what they perceive as the unfairness of proceedings that may have forced them out of the marital home while continuing to support their children.

Care of the children after divorce
The wife is more often than not given primary care of the children and the husband may well lose regular and meaningful contact with them. after a divorce.

The feelings of anger and bitterness can be exacerbated if the wife has had an affair and the husband places the blame for the marriage breakdown on the wife. He may well feel that this perceived fault should be taken into account and be reflected in any arguments about the financial settlement in the divorce.

Childcare, residency and contact are other areas where men can be seen to be disadvantaged both during and after divorce, with seemingly little account taken of a father's need to see his children and to keep in close contact with them. Tales of women manipulating and denying contact to fathers are, sadly, not uncommon and the courts appear disinclined to assist even where there is clear evidence that fathers are being unfairly treated."

RE: can you fall in love with some 1 you hav never seen not even a pic only herd over the phone n emails

ther was a movie with divid niven who fell in love with a operator on the wireless during a bomber mission, he was a lancaster bomber and it was through her voice and conviction to save him that got him through

RE: can you fall in love with some 1 you hav never seen not even a pic only herd over the phone n emails

yes you can because you call in love with the image which conjures up all different illusions with regards to that person, its all about cultural perpection, so for a person you fall in love with, they will evoke a different response from some one local. for example an american girl will evoke an evocotive image based on the media, the wealth of the country and its superpower status with an english person ( of course the language barrier will be non existant but intriging non the less), also if u fall in love with a beautiful all arab girl it evoke some kind of exocitc emotions that are are far from reality but in truth have not some truth in them, so yes you can fall in love with a false image, thats why we have glossy magazines, and the mag and newspaper touch them up with paint shop pro etc to make a perfect image, so the rest of the girls and boys fallow.


RE: Holy prophets

so why did they not lock up George W bush and tony blair both said god told them to do it.banana

RE: Holy prophets

and yours is Simply, subjective, interpretive injections. touche

RE: Holy prophets

erm whats so bad about them do u have an alternative

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