mtngypsy828mtngypsy828 Forum Posts (283)

RE: Does your job keep you single?

I know that being a student right now, and being broke most of the time, and being busy studying makes it difficult for me to make a commitment on a long term basis. But I do have time to date, and during that time I hope to find a gentleman that I might be able to match with. I've already had my corporate career, and I'm not ever moving cross country and living in four different cities for an employer again. Finding a caring, loving partner is much more important to me. But since that's not guaranteed, and his income isn't guaranteed either, I need to be able to support myself, and also have that financial input into a relationship.

RE: Im trying to find out if im wrong or right

I don't think there's anything wrong with a younger man dating an older woman. The reverse has been going on for eternity.

Having said that, I feel that one has to examine the consequences and possible motives. For instance, in being with an older woman, you might not be able to have children without considerable expense or worry about their health. That's something to consider very seriously. Many women in their late 30's to 40's have already raised their kids and gotten them out of the house. Not many of those ladies would like to deal with babies again unless they are grandchildren.

And you need to ask yourself why you really want this. Do you want someone to be a mom to you? Are you self confident and successful enough as a man to not be intimidated by an older woman's worldly experience? In short, do you think you can keep up with an older woman? Most women I know seem to hit an emotional, spiritual and professional peak in their early forties. This, of course, can be a very enjoyable experience for a man, but he must be able to accept that she's not interested in what he wants her to be. She's already what she wants to be.

I do wish you luck on your pursuit of women of a certain age. Even just going on dates should be fun.

RE: YOU LIE! Another out of control SC Republican loses it.

It is amazing to me that something that both parties were guilty of for a long time is suddenly a partisan issue. Look at the history. Democrats have historically disliked undocumented aliens because they can be exploited by the American agribusiness, meatpacking, and construction industry. In meatpacking and construction, this lowers wages and benefits and has been used to replace union jobs. In agribusiness, illegals are paid starvation wages and put on sharecrop systems similar to those in the antebellum South. Democrats have historically approved of immigration of documented workers who can then become Union members. However, their social justice agenda demands that they not discriminate against these minorities.
Republicans have historically hired illegal aliens to work in the aforementioned businesses, and if you go back in America even further, to build railroads and in the garment industry in this country and to bust unions. They want high profit margins for their free market and will either hire illegal aliens in this country or take their business out of the country if possible, claiming that labor is their greatest business expense. Republicans in Congress have blocked any meaningful reform of businesses who hire illegals; the fines are negligible and the paperwork required is shaky at best. However, Republicans seem to have a problem with minorities. The first time President Bush was elected, he got the majority of the Hispanic vote in this country. By the time of the 2008 campaign, the Republicans had frittered away most of that vote; I believe down to only 20% of Hispanics. I don't know why that happened. I am neither Hispanic nor a Hispanic activist. But it was a factor in the outcome of the election in several states.

At any rate, now we have this faked party polarization (and the sheeple on both sides just follow right along) over yet another issue that is deeper and more difficult than most people can figure out in a 10 second sound bite. All the screaming and roaring that is done over illegal immigration overlooks two facts: that it's going to be darn difficult to keep illegals out as long as American business hires them; and that it's pretty inhumane to uproot the English speaking children of illegals her in America and send them back to a country that they know nothing about so our political parties can pretend to settle in black and white terms what is really a big complex gray issue.

RE: who are the biggest threat to world security

Well, if you read what I actually said, you'd see that we agree. "I know that they suspected that Bin Laden was holed up in Afghanistan, which is why we went there.....If we had stayed in Afghanistan and kept our noses out of Saddam's business, we might have actually caught the mastermind of the whole thing....." Instead, we got sidetracked and began spending money in Iraq to the tune of 1 million per month.

RE: HOW did BUSH get THAT FAR ??

He doesn't even live on the ranch anymore. He and the missus have a McMansion in a fancy part of Dallas.

RE: who are the biggest threat to world security

I would agree with the comparison, except that none of the terrorists was from Iraq or Afghanistan. They were all from Saudi Arabia and Yemen. I know that they suspected that Bin Laden was holed up in Afghanistan, which is why we went there, but there was absolutely no concrete proof to a connection with Iraq. If we had stayed in Afghanistan and kept our noses out of Saddam's business, we might have actually caught the mastermind of the whole thing. As it is, we've created a whole country full of terrorists.

RE: who are the biggest threat to world security

You still haven't answered my question. What country other than the US has dropped nuclear bombs on people?

And I guess there was no state of the union address that told people in the US that Iraq was trying to develop nuclear weapons, right? We didn't go to the UN and ask for the IAEA to go on inspections. There was no enriched uranium from Africa. There was no "smoking gun that turns into a mushroom cloud" reference from Condoleeza Rice. There were no "photographs" of possible "mobile weapons labs" and no "centrifuges." I don't know where you were living at the time, but those things were said in the Rose Garden, on the floor of the Congress, in press conferences, and whenever Bush and his cronies saw fit to repeat them.

RE: LA news just reported

moping crying

RE: What is your favorite game to play with your mate?

Card games. First I whup his butt in gin rummy, then we play a slow game of strip poker.laugh

RE: Sometimes I have to wonder

Doesn't sound like working all the time and putting so much of your esteem into your job is working for you. Time to find other stuff outside work to be proud of, like the fact that you can admit to people that you know you're doing something wrong.

I understand that feeling. I worked a job for 21 years and I was one of the best at what I did no matter what section I worked in, and darn proud of it. But oh, when I was laid off, it was like someone gut punched me. The air went out of my life. I couldn't move, just kind of went through the moving and selling the house, getting rid of stuff process in a daze.

This picture worked for me:
You have a bucket of water. Stick your fist in. Then pull it out. See the water? It rocks a little but then it settles, clear and smooth. That is how much your employer is affected by your job loss.

Best not to invest ourselves too heavily in the people we make money for.

So sorry to hear of your difficulties. But you can change. Relationships won't escape you unless you let them run away.


RE: YOU LIE! Another out of control SC Republican loses it.

Maybe a little thing like toxicology reports that showed drugs in his system? Of course, to some conspiracy theorists, that could be made up, too.

Doesn't it occur to you that Blago would probably say anything about anyone at this point in time? Kind of like using a street snitch to convict a felon? Like I've said, certain slimy people I just don't give a crap about. But there are those that would believe a tape recorded proven sellout with real moral and ethical issues rather than give up their personal delusions.

RE: who are the biggest threat to world security

Just real curious which other country exploded an atomic bomb over a civilian population, not as a test, but in an act of aggression.

Also, if you read Iraqi history before the US invaded, you would realize that there was no way that they were capable or enriching uranium for a bomb or making a deal with any of their neighboring countries. And I don't mean the revisionist history that has occurred since the invasion. I mean the history of Iraq since the 70's and 80's.

RE: What is the root of all your problems???????

I noticed recently that I'm starting to get a silvery gray streak at the widow's peak just above my right eye. My mom had one too, sort of like, was it Morticia on the Addams Family? What do you think? To dye, or not to dye?dunno

RE: To chat or not

Oh, Larry!laugh rolling on the floor laughing laugh rolling on the floor laughing

Yes, there is so much more out there than just book learned intelligence! I took several years of writing and journalism in college so I am a stickler about grammar and spelling for myself, but I have accepted the fact that mature men, in particular, don't type well. It's not a skill that they learned in high school with all us girls. They were busy in wood shop and print shop and all those other guy things.

Intelligence has nothing to do with degrees, I have worked for people with lots of "book learnin'" that had no idea how to do the job or manage the folks who did it. I have seen people with advanced degrees who can spew out facts and symbols but were incapable of comprehending another person's truth, or analyzing ideas that opposed those they already held.

At the same time, I have seen people who dropped out of high school design and build beautiful homes, raise brilliant and well behaved children, become compassionate and loving partners. It's all in what we do with what we have.hug

RE: What is the root of all your problems???????

I have a sign on my mirror that says, "you're looking at the problem!"
Seriously, I do.laugh It's funny because it's so true!

The good news is, I can change that. I can change my outlook, my attitude, my expectations and my life. But it takes work. That and a willingness to admit that I'm the one who needs to change.

The bad news is, it's easier, so much easier, to think someone else can fix me, or that it's all their problem and has nothing to do with me. And we all fight that tendency, IMO.

So every day I work on what I can do about me. Somedays I do well, some not so good. But I sure do try. I'm human, after all.

RE: YOU LIE! Another out of control SC Republican loses it.

You were being scar--what??? Oh, you mean SARCASTIC, ironic, perhaps even satirical. Maybe it's true. Maybe it's not. I'm sure we will hear it from
Fox News Entertainment.

I don't know about Obama's people causing anyone to commit suicide, but I do know that quite a few American soldiers have come home and committed suicide and homicide due to that war that W started in Iraq.

But I guess there's no causal relationship there....

RE: YOU LIE! Another out of control SC Republican loses it.

Okay. He's an empty suit. He's still the Commander In Chief. The point is, he is President Obama, not Mr. Obama. And as much as he may not be qualified for office, if you understand the job of the Texas governor and how limited the rights of that governor are, George W was not really qualified either. And what are the qualifications for President in our 24/7 media blitz world where everyone is so polarized? I should think that managing and inspiring people would be one of them, and Obama is trying to do that. He may be a ninety day wonder who ran an 18 month long grueling nasty campaign, but he's our wonder, elected by an undeniable majority of people in this country. Perhaps all of them are deluded, stupid or hallucinatory. But that doesn't change the fact that the office needs to be respected by citizens. It's one of our responsibilities. Because without elections to these offices, well, we wouldn't be America. So I respected Nixon when he paid people to secretly spy on the Democrats, and when he opened up Red China (you should have heard my dad on that one!) And I respected Carter when he bumbled, and Reagan when he put the "less" in "homeless." and Clinton when he insulted married folks by not keeping it in his pants for...crap, only eight years he would have had to be faithful. I respected Bush Sr and George W., even though W didn't win on his own the first time. Even when I didn't agree with having my rights to privacy taken away. Because these guys were POTUS. Anything else would be spitting on our country. IMO

RE: who are the biggest threat to world security

excuse me? I have served this country in the military during wartime but I am not a man. I'm just expressing my opinion, which was asked for. Your opinion of me or what I should do, which doesn't make sense anyway, was not asked for.

RE: YOU LIE! Another out of control SC Republican loses it.

As a Vietnam veteran, a real spent time in Southeast Asia veteran, I get so sick of people selectively choosing (depending on which side they were on) people who didn't go to Vietnam and why. It was a poor man's (and woman's although no one talks about that) war. It was wrong (this after I volunteered!)

But we had respect for the Commander in Chief who was impeached for violating the Constitution at that time. We would have gotten a dishonorable discharge if we called him or any other commanding officer a liar.

Did you know that Mr. Republican Congressman is a member of the Guard? Obama is not just his President, he is his commanding officer.

RE: YOU LIE! Another out of control SC Republican loses it.

I just have trouble wondering why people and politicians don't see we have to help each other. It's a time in our history that has only been experienced once before. Then our government had a leader who was strong, intellectual and brave, and we proud Americans banded together under his direction to help this country out of its depression. Perhaps we would never have recovered but for WWII.

But this time we are already in a war, and there's no regulation being established, and we are shedding jobs because multinational corporations have sent them overseas. We have people in this country who pay no taxes because they have so many deductions, but they don't want to give up any of those deductions because it's "their right." We have more people unemployed for longer terms than since the Depression, but no one wants to pay for them to go back to school. We have people dying...dying because they can't get health care, but people don't want health care because it might, might cost them personally a few hundred more in a year.

And we have Republicans talking about how the free market works (for the CEO's) and Democrats saying it wont cost anyone a penny more (yet) and Independent/Libertarians calling for secession and no taxes at all, every man and woman for himself!

It's a very sick time in America.

RE: who are the biggest threat to world security

Well, many countries have the atomic bomb, but the US was the only one with enough hubris and insanity to use it. Twice.

Seems ironic that we are so worried about everyone else getting it. Didn't we go to Iraq because of supposed unfound nukes?

RE: YOU LIE! Another out of control SC Republican loses it.

No actually, my mother was the crazy one. Dad was just loyal.

RE: YOU LIE! Another out of control SC Republican loses it.

You have really got to be kidding! Of what? Oh, please!

RE: YOU LIE! Another out of control SC Republican loses it.

Obviously your parents dealt with political nuts. They raised you.

RE: YOU LIE! Another out of control SC Republican loses it.

I suppose you would let your children read what you just wrote to another person, another American, under your user name...Tell me two things: In an earlier thread you were quite nastily insulting to a couple other people you disagreed with. Now you are doing it once again. Yet you say you are on this site because of the great friends you make. How do you make them with this nastiness? Also, which of the angels are you specifically? Certainly not any of the ones I learned in Sunday School. Except maybe the one who was cast out.

RE: I'm 69! So what.

Glad the OP brought it up, there is a certain amount of intimidation that some people like to participate in toward us mature ladies (I'm 53). One of the most insulting threads I've seen is titled "Are Women over 40 Washed UP?" And the OP was another woman! The question has, as they used to say about obscenity, "no socially redeeming value." Except, perhaps, to make those of us over 40 feel bad.

Now, a discussion on people's attitudes about age and dating might be interesting. Or a discussion about whether or not we have friends considerably older or younger than ourselves. I've gotten a few digs from individuals about my age, but I always remember that there's only one cure for getting older, and I'm not ready for that yet. laugh

RE: LADIES!!!!! Come Give Your Opinion On..............................Men In Uniform

I've gotta give a shout out to Air Force men and those blue dress uniforms! Since I had to wear the womens dress for a few years....
And firemen...yeah....hmmmm.....

RE: How important are looks to you when looking for a date?

exactly...I never know whether to think, "Why isn't he with me?" or "So glad he's not with me!"rolling on the floor laughing

RE: How important are looks to you when looking for a date?

Well, yes, but the same things don't attract us. You may think a guy is gorgeous because he's slim and tall. He may think a woman is gorgeous because she has a great butt. That woman may want a bald man. I am constantly amazed at the men and women that I see with someone who looks...uninteresting to me..

RE: The Bar Is Open..................It Is Always Ladies Night...........

Listen, Des, I've got a chance to turn in early tonight and....I'm gonna do it! See you later, sweetie, you have oodles of sweet women to take my place! lips lips

Bye, all you ladies! Look at that girlfriend do the line dance!applause

This is a list of forum posts created by mtngypsy828.

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