Ethnic Cleansing in Afghanistan

Russia Today, one of Russia’s primary news channels also today features a balanced article and video report documenting the activities of the 9/11 truth movement in New York yesterday. A recent New York Times article also covered the fact that it has become conventional wisdom across the middle east that the official 9/11 story is a fraud. The poll comes on the heels of a survey conducted across 17 countries by that revealed less than half of those surveyed believe Al-Qaeda was behind 9/11, with a full 15 per cent believing that the terrorist outrage was directly perpetrated by the U.S. government. The 84% figure mirrors almost exactly that of similar polls conducted in 2006 and 2004. At time of writing, the poll on the Russia Today website indicates that only 16% of readers feel that the 9/11 Commission report represents the full extent of the evidence as to who carried out the attacks over seven years ago. A new poll from a major Russian news outlet reveals that 84% believe that the truth behind the 9/11 attacks is being deliberately hidden by the U.S. government -- Steve Watson,, September 12, 2008

Ethnic Cleansing in Afghanistan

Yet, unfortunately, both mainstream party’s prospective Presidential candidates will continue to decide foreign policy by the touchstone that America has always used and inflict domestic vote-winning tough talk on foreigners yet again. Obama at least has the opportunity not to – his plan actually contains some real seeds for an unravelling of the Gordian Knot that don’t require sword-weilding – but I’m entirely pessimistic about him making a brave decision to voluntarily reverse himself on his previous saber waving --
September 24, 2008

Ethnic Cleansing in Afghanistan

I just revel in a good debate. Some women have a tendency to get to emotional, wich is why I never was keene on them being soldiers in the first place. Anyhoo, back to the fact: “The many soldiers who come to see us have a sense of futility and anger about being here. They are really in a state of depression and despair and just want to get back to their families,” said Captain Jeff Masengale, of the 10th Mountain Division’s 2-87 Infantry Battalion --Martin Fletcher, The Times Online,
October 8, 2009dancing

Ethnic Cleansing in Afghanistan

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing somepeople definetly have issues, lmao. Yeah, I am indeed beginning to agree with you, eheheh

Ethnic Cleansing in Afghanistan

In the years ahead, we can expect to see relief and reconstruction efforts stepped up to provide security in the heavily-populated areas while the war in the south is expanded and intensified. Tajiks and Uzbeks, in the Afghan military will be enlisted to fight or expel their Pashtun countrymen, while warlords, druglords and human rights abusers are handed over large swathes of the countryside. 30,000 more troops is not enough to lock-down all of Afghanistan, but it may be enough to force hundreds of thousands of people into regional bantustans where they can be controlled by bloodthirsty chieftains, the very same men who leveled Kabul on April 28, 1992, killing 80,000 Afghan civilians. This is Obama’s plan for Afghanistan, a carbon-copy of George Bush’s. See the The Audacity of Ethnic Cleansing: Obama’s Plan for Afghanistan

Ethnic Cleansing in Afghanistan

No, your wrong, your opinions on reality & world history are being questioned that is all. just defend with fact, not bullets, your position, that is all anyone can ask. That is all I ask. Nothing more. Did I refer to you as being stupid? I think not, lol. just stick with the topic please.

Ethnic Cleansing in Afghanistan

ahem! Just state the facts that support your views okay. Don't attack me, lol. I'm just working in a defense capacity to ensure the truth is told. whether it is believed is out of my control.doh

Ethnic Cleansing in Afghanistan

It isn't an opinion. It is a fact. Only on the net can people gain accesss to the truth if they have a mind to hear it. Which of course is why a new post in the pentagon has been created to regulate & control what information people are allowed to see. But it's too late to stop the info war, lol.

Ethnic Cleansing in Afghanistan

batten down the hatches mate because we are in for one hewllva ride!rolling on the floor laughing

Ethnic Cleansing in Afghanistan

Oh, I get it. You have been tricked into believing that your freedoms are in danger when actually there "was" no threat. Oh but there is now!!!

Ethnic Cleansing in Afghanistan

very mad Fortunately americans are beginning to realize that 911 was indeed an inside job. They are doing this because it is possible to do online as a result of some true patriots who, & often continue to be, labled as conspiracy nuts. But of course the window is closing on the internet were access to both sides of the story are available. Anyone who has the courage to accept the evidence can find it right here on line. Again, the only terrorists are right here in this country. But of course now, after american bombs have blown families homes apart, im sure there are some really pissed off people out there. I can imagine how I would feel if was Iraqi citizen at home when an American bomb comes through the roof of my house & kills all of my family while leaving me alive in the aftermath. My only reason for living from that day forward would be to kill as many americans as I possibly could. And it is presicely because of this kind of karma that will bring the Red Dawn to american shores. Let be so!frustrated

Ethnic Cleansing in Afghanistan

In brief, they gave us WWI in order to create the League of Nations. When that did't work they gave us WWII. But had FDR & his joint chief of staff, Henry Stempson, not manipulated the Japanese into bombing Pear Harbor the United Stated would never have entered the war. The whole purpose was to bring about the creation of the UN. Such crises, Like Pear Harbor & 911 - just to name a few - are created to coherce americans into sending their sons to fight in unjust wars around the world. And if it wasn't for this government's ability to instill & maintain this false & perverted sense of patriotism within the collective minds of the american people it would not be posssible for the Anglo-American Establishment to have gained such a powerful position in this country today.

Ethnic Cleansing in Afghanistan

Even so, we know Democracy has nothing to do with freedom of choice since it is actually the mob ruling the minority. In other words, the Hered policing itself. In this case our neighbors have become our worst enemies. frustrated

Ethnic Cleansing in Afghanistan

Obama’s plan for Afghanistan, according to Mike Whitney,, is a ‘carbon copy of George Bushs.’ Until victory is won in Afghanistan Pakistani casualties will almost certainly ‘double’ and probably more than likely ‘triple’. From Central Asia to Africa & from Morocco to the Philippines we still face both a domestic threat and a combination of insurgency and terrorism, now more than ever, because of Obama’s take-over of Afghanistan. Moreover, the Iraq war is not over. Obama does not mention the risks that will endure well into the future around the world in many other nations as a result of his decisions. Obama’s war plan is a threat which will divide the Islamic world. His agenda includes a much wider and longer struggle than victory in Afghanistan and Pakistan. There will be bigger wars which will escalate as a direct result of his actions. Clearly, Obama wants to rule the globe. Those who are backing Obama & creating the strategies that he is implementing in Afghanistan will not give up their dreams of global domination. Their wars will stretch across the globe & will not end in Afghanistan. It is their interests to rearranging the map of the world as we know it & its people. Obama’s handlers are practicing 'imperial politics' & they have no desire of strengthening democracy but the eventual take-over of the world. And, that’s what the escalation in Afghanistan is really all about. If that were not true, then, he would immediately order the recall of all U.S. & international military troops from that area. Instead, as soon as all resistance is crushed his imperial masters intend to ‘hand over power directly to regional warlords and their militias’ & then sell ‘the process to the public as “democratization”.’ This is precisely what took place in ‘Lebanon and the former Yugoslavia.’ This is not “democratization” but “regionalization.” The so called Afghan liberation is a cloaking devise designed to hide the true agenda. Obama’s professed commitment to wage war rather to peacefully end American involvement in that region is proof of his true intentions: and that is the ethnic cleansing of the Afghan people, and untimaltey, the entire world.

Who’s overseeing the trillions being handed out through the finance bailout programs?

All of the aforementioned have probably, at one time or another, attended the Bildergerg Conference. We have become the servants of these people. Whoever they select always wins! Byers explains that they believe that a ‘supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries’. They have been able to do this through the purchase & control of our media, see Wake Up, America! by Stephen Byers, Pravda, December 4, 2009. No doubt John F. Kennedy was killed because he openly warned the American people of the approaching danger. Their plan is to rule the future. This “Invisible Government” controls both the Democratic & Republican Parties. Our Rights no longer exist. Thus We do not exist as individuals. Here then, are our terrorists.

Who’s overseeing the trillions being handed out through the finance bailout programs?

What is this “change” Obama keeps babbling about? Change is starting to look a lot like the SAME to me. Let’s examine the histories of his cabinet members. I am tired of waiting for Obama’s Change to take affect.

Who’s overseeing the trillions being handed out through the finance bailout programs?

Timothy Geithner; Mark Patterson; Reuben Jeffery III; Neel Kashkari; Dianna Farrell; Henry Paulson and Robert Rubin. Barack Obama; Ben Bernanke; Robert Rubin and Alan Greenspan; Henry Paulson; General James Jones; Brent Scowcroft; Henry Kissinger; Zbigniew Brzezinski; Bobby Ray Inman; John Deutch; Paul Volcker; Lawrence Summers; Hillary Clinton; Joseph Biden; Robert Gates. Who the hell are these people?

RE: Obama have to keep his promisses! Thats why he was elected!

One of the first things Obama "promised" is that when he became president is that he would bring home the troops!!! Instead he is now sending 30,000 more troops. Casa Cerrado!

RE: people who don't vote, don't deserve any taxation or social benefits

Nada! Zero!

RE: people who don't vote, don't deserve any taxation or social benefits

Moreover, people who do not vote usually will not pay taxes on their personal labour either, & they sure as hell aren't interested in being a welfair recipeint! Freedom loving people want to provide for themselves. They love independence & detest parasites. They understand that it is not their responsiblity to feed, house, clothe, & educated other peoples children.

RE: people who don't vote, don't deserve any taxation or social benefits

Those of us who do not vote know our votes mean nothing because presidents are not "ellected" but "sellceted." So, to support a system that does not serve the people is to support the delusion of chioce which cannot exist under the present circumstances. People know this; whereas the sheeple do not.

‘It’s Over, Al Gore.’

I wonder if he will give back the Nobel Peace Prize? lol. David Icke said her was lizard. Perhaps there is some kind of thruth to that, eheh.

‘It’s Over, Al Gore.’, December 3, 2009:

cancelled a high-profile appearance at the upcoming Copenhagen; confronted by We Are Change; Lord Monckton has even called for Gore’s arrest. "Just How Stupid is Al Gore, Anyway?" "Earth to Al Gore" "Gore Pushes ‘Global Warming Scam’" Jon Stewart jabbed at "Poor Al Gore"; on schedule to become the ‘First Carbon Billionaire’; Generation Investment Management, LLP; ‘An Inconvenient Truth’; link to hurricanes & dead polar bears is false; C02 levels follow temperature rises, not the other way around; your infantile "heavy breathing" over the microphone; debated Ross Perot on NAFTA; denied that any credible sources (including some 31,000 scientists and academics) disagreed; pursue "global governance.

Also view Alex Jones’ Emergency Viral Message: ClimateGate Fraud Exposes Dirty Tricks Agenda For Global Government

'The Answer is 1776'

Intersting stuff!!

'The Answer is 1776'


'The Answer is 1776'

Yes, that is precisely what I trying to commicate earlier. You have the floor Sir!!!

RE: Are we (the citizens of a country) responsible for what our country does?

And so shall the US be held accountable as well once its war making appatratus has been turned over to the UN.

'The Answer is 1776'


'The Answer is 1776'

No a conscious man violates the order first & then waits for the courts to determine according to law weather he was wrong or right. To do otherwise would be do nothing!!!

'The Answer is 1776'


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