RE: Obama’s Tripling of the National Debt

I agree with you on ALL above...but NOT only that...this Obumbler has a chip on his shoulder the size of the National Debt, to boot!!!!doh doh doh

RE: this president is a commander in cowardnice

Hey...I love this country!! I can see you absoulely drank the Obumbler koolaid! And it's affecting you warped mind! Wake-up to reality!! Like the government-sponsored media you willing to prop this man to very end...even if it mean having a National Debt that will UNSUSTAINABLEI in ours and your children cildren LIFETIMES! Anyway...I gotta love it that you liked my very informed post! And agree with me completely....that Obama is a spineless jellyfish when it comes to being a leader...and absoulutely knows nothing about creating jobs in this country. He never owned a business in his life...never meet a payroll...knows nothing about the economy...just flap his lips and thing will get done miraculously. Blah! Blah! Blah!
doh doh doh confused

RE: this president is a commander in cowardnice

Like I said..."the esmasculated one" Obumbler has the backbone of a jellyfish, when it comes to leadership...which he abosolutely lacks!! Or he's obviously missing it, or is avoiding using it in any capacity, when he or his handlers can see fit that it may cause him harm politically. I mean, it is a sorry state of affairs that whenever it comes to a crisis, we can all count on him there always "dithering away" and being "tongue-tied". His way of "bungling" his way out of a crisis is by just planning his next round of golf, or next planning his next exotic vacation. When you go to vacation to Rio, or to whatever country suits your fancy us all a favor...and just stay there!! We will not miss you! The crisis will still be there, but we understand it is your way of wiggling out of it and your responsibility for handling it!! WITHOUT EVER ACTING ON IT!! Obviously, this likable dunce thinks by just acting and talking Presidential, he will be all that!! WRONG!! He can continue to flap his lips, until hell freezes over, about anything...and read that telepromter impeccably!! But like they is cheap!! There's a saying...ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS....leaders from coutries around the world know this man lacks the backbone that makes a person a great Leader.

Besides all this...Obama has a "chip on his shoulders" the size of the National Debt, which as you know has increased the national debt to the tune of 3.5 TRILLION DOLLARS AND COUNTING, after only (2+ years in office). And he has the gall to say that AMERICANS have to "tighten our belts" and to sacrifice and spend less...all the while by coming up with his BUDGET adding another 1.7 Trillion for our Natioinal Debt! HYPOCRITE!!
doh confused

RE: Trouble in Wisconsin Unions yea or nay

YOU SAY..."The first issue the Union has brought up in negotiations with the lawmakers in Wisconsin EVERY TIME so far has been about the Union dues. Lawmakers think it's wrong for every employee to have Union dues deducted directly from their wages, no if's ands or buts. Unions, of course, want a piece of every working man's paycheck. It tells you where their priorities are".

I SAY....that the Union dues are part of the problem and not the solution, because think of where their dues go... the UNIONS what a piece of every working man's paycheck because they know it ultimately "trickle down" to the warchest of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY... these dues, which are automatically deducted from their wages. It's kinda like money laudering on a major scale, in the form of campaign contributuions to the Democratic Party, whether they want to, or not. It is force on them! Some union workers may not even be interested in any of the Democratic Parties Platforms, at all! This is an "unholy" alliance between public sector unions, ala Teacher's Unions and the like and Democratic Party. Compare the inflated salaries( (wages plus the paid health benifits) versus that of the public sector non-union worker. It nearly DOUBLE in most cases versu that of the average non-union worker.
iI admire the Govenor's attempt to BALANCE THE BUDGET there. WISCOSIN state is an mini version scale of what has been happening in your great state in the Democratiic State of California....Wisconsin's deficit is 3.2 Billion, ours is is a WHOPPING 32 Billion. With NO END IN SITE with BALANCING YOUR BUDGIT...because if you think our Govenor Brown is going to even think about cutting benefits from our Teacher's unions, Fireman, Police, etc. ......since he's joined at the hip with the UNIONS here....who help him and any other DDemocrat get elected, you have another thing coming...his answer is tax, tax, tax, which will never balance our budget...EVER!! His answer is to kick down the road and worry about it can't stop this money machine that always keeps coming in the form of money contributions, in the for of dues, from the Unions to his Democratic party. Ever wonder way this Labor Union Leader....meets with Obama three times a week in Washington??

Things You kinda have Mixed Emotions over...when they happen!

It's kinda like when your Mother-in-law goes over the cliff in

a just have Mixed Emotions over that....don't

you? laugh laugh laugh


I only wished "Bubba Slick Willie" Clinton would have only been sooooooooooooooo truthfully and honest in real life regarding this incidence, and before the Grand Jury in which he perjured HIMSELF and LIED!! Sure it's a major character flaw in him that media likes to ignore. But there were many more discreet affairs with other women through the years that were discovered by the general public. Remember Jennifer Flowers? Anyone?

In regard to the Ms Lewinsky affair...come-on there all this evidence of Clinton's left his big mess all over Ms Lewinsky's blue dress, and probably all over her face, when his stimulated pocket rocket exploded all over the place!!laugh laugh laugh

RE: US congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shot point blank at public meeting

And as far as this liberal sheriff DIPSTICK TALIKING AND HIM BLAMING CONSERVATIVE TALK RADIO AS THE LIKES OF RUSH LIMBAUGH, NOW THIS IS UTTERY RIDICULOUS!!!...STILL, HE'S THE MEDIA DARLING OF the liberal government sponsored drive-by meadia and they are going all-out eating this tragic event as much as it can, hoping it was politically motivated!

The truth be told- THERE WERE NO "SHOVEL-READY JOBS"!!!!!!


The truth be told- THERE WERE NO "SHOVEL-READY JOBS"!!!!!!

CORRECTION--That is why I say that Obama is a man with BIG chip on his shoulders--THE SIZE OF THE NATIONAL DEBT...AND IT'S GETTING BIGGER AND BIGGER AND GROWING ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

The truth be told- THERE WERE NO "SHOVEL-READY JOBS"!!!!!!

This coming from National Review Online Story on October 18, 2010! :

DAVID BROOKS: Yes. Well, I shouldn’t have confessed this. But, Obama had told me off the record about a year ago THAT THERE WERE NO "SHOVEL-READY JOBS FOR THE Stimulus Package that was being passed by congress earlier this year!.

JIM LEHRER: He said this to you a year ago?

DAVID BROOKS: It was obvious. Yes, I mean, you are trying to build a stimulus package. And when they were trying to build it, believe me, they would have loved to have filled it with infrastructure jobs. But the PROJECTS JUST DIDN'T EXIST!. They couldn’t do it. They couldn’t find them.

It's no wonder why the Stimulus was an miserable FAILURE!

What can the American Public make out of this?

This is some serious stuff! Where is the Government-sponsored media during all this-- where are their takes and stories about this? GONE! Ignoring it as USUSAL!! This is why people hate the media for being like Obama's lap-dog and ignoring this and other of his policies! A good reporter, or Journalist would have jumped on this and broke the rules to report this. Unlike David Brooks, the so-called journalist. HELLO PEOPLE! Billions and billions of dollars were spent based on the assertion of infrastructure being the primary item in this stimulus bill. IT WAS VOTED FOR THIS. BUT, IN ACTUALLITY IT WAS A PORKULUS BILL IN DISGUISE- NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS!! We were lied to, and here we have Brooks having it from the President's own lying mouth, and he did nothing! What's next coming out of his lying mouth? "We know that people won't really be able to keep their own health insurance plans, but that's off the record"? Or we know with passage of Obamacare THAT MOST EVERYBODY'S INSURANCE PREMIUMS WILL GO UP!, BUT THIS IS TOTALLY OFF THE RECORD! FORGET I SAID THIS NOW, BUT IT'S TRUE! BUT DON'T TELL ANYBODY, UNTIL AFTER IT'S VOTED ON!

Don't that wanna make you SHH&^*&*%%$$IT in your FLAT-HAT??frustrated frustrated

This being the case...How would you like to be a Democratic member of the House fighting for your life right now, getting hit over the head for having voted for the stimulus bill, and have the president say in The New York Times Sunday magazine, there’s no such thing as a shovel-ready project?frustrated frustrated

Obama, A Space Alien??

Strange...but TRUE!! Obama is going to announce to the World that He is actually a SPACE ALIEN from another planet, whose sole purpose is NOT TO UNITE the America people, but to divide them! He will say he is befuddled at Americans and their way of life and is purposely creating CHAOS with them to pass his political agendas to destroy life there as we know it. But, he says he will continue leading them on to their destruction and will continue to keep bumping his head against the wall aimlessly trying to make his failing programs work here, anyway! The thing is Obama, being an alien from another world (like the Brother from Another Planet)is clueless as an SPACE ALIEN would be about free market economics. This is clearly a baffling concept to an Alien like Himself! Although It Is Painfully Clear to the American People! He has No clue! But he as announced he will continue lead them! rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

Someone wake me up from this Nightmare! Is this a Dream? Or Real?

RE: Has anyone heard of this....?

YES! It is True what you heard! But you got it WRONG! Obama, in his speech, is going to annonce to the World that He is a SPACE ALIEN from another planet, whose purpose is NOT TO UNITE the America people, but to divide them! He will say he is befuddled at Americans and is purposely creating chaos with them to pass his agendas to destroy life there. So, he will continue leading them on to their destruction and will continue to keep bumping his head against the wall aimlessly and try to make it work here, anyway! The thing is Obama, being an alien from another world (like the Brother from Another Planet)is clueless about free market economics. This is clearly a baffling concept to an Alien like Himself! Although It Is Painfully Clear to the American People! He has No clue! He will announce he will continue lead them! rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston. Which would you rather have a one night stand with.

Angleina Jolie ALL THE WAY!!! Are u Kidding? NO CONTEST!!!!!! She does it for me!! Very Attractive, Sensual, seductive, and did I forget to mention...Intelligent!applause

Jen is soooooooooooo annoying and Not even a very good actress in most of all those "nickel and dime, or dime-a-dozen" movies she cranks out monthly for people to see on the big screen. I look for quality...not quantityapplause

RE: Do you beleive 9\11 was a inside job/?

To your question: Do you believe 911 was a inside?

Why don't you all ask Nancy Pelosi this question...with her whistle from her train-of-thought bareley audible, I am sure she'd be up to come on with some explaination that WE ALL can AGREE UPON...and finally solve this mystery for EVERYONE and put this PUPPY to SLEEP!laugh laugh laugh

RE: Do you beleive 9\11 was a inside job/?

Oh yeah! Who can forget about the infamous "Bagdad Bob", the Iraqi Information Minister giving a live interview and revealing how the Iraqi forces were winning the war and how it was valiantly defending the city limits of Bagdad, all the while when in the background you could an U.S. military tank brigrade entering the city without the least bit of any resistance from Iraqi forces. He's the same man that would often utter, Victory Sweet after every battle with the U.S. forces!!

giving the wrong information about how the Iraqi forces were defenwinning the War against interviewslaugh laugh laugh

RE: Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!

Conrad, I LOVE TO HEAR the OBAMA DOLL spewing out HIS LIES EVERYTIME IT SPEAKS OUT OF ITS MOUTH, BY ITS "PULL MY FINGER" VOICE ACTIVATION! IT IS NOT UNLIKE THE REAL PERSON...DON'T YOU THINK? I can't pass on this GREAT DEAL, WOW! ALONG WITH JOE "BIT ME" KEYCHAIN RECORDER, HOW CAN A PERSON GO WRONG? POOR JOE, he always seem to STEP IN IT! And now I will have those treasured moments FOREVER!rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

Ohhh! Conrad can I pay for it with OBAMA MONEY...You know the NEW MONOPOLY MONEY the U.S. Treasury is NOW printing with OBAMA's IMAGE on the its FACE...and a DONKEY'S BEHIND ON THE BACK!! ?? rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing


RE: Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!

Okay, I know your mind is are an Obama Lover...ALL TH WAY! You drank the koolaid and are Forever a Follower of His! If he ask you to jump off a will blindly follow his advice and jump off the bridge and fall to your death! I get it! It's Crystal Clear! Do matter what he does, or whatewver policies he Please, First, understand one or two things...Obama, our President's Popularity has been taking a nosedive...WHY?
Because most of His programs and policies goes against the will of the majority of People living in the U.S. (of course, this does not include you!)

You never know which way is up these days, when it comes to interpreting and dealing with, enforcing, and upholding the democratic laws passed in this country! You have President Barack "the nutty professor" Obama and his attorney general Holder shreading the U.S. Constitution like tissue paper and molding it and placing their "liberal" spins and opinions on how they see the way the law should be! dunno

But, when you have 70% of AZ support the immigration bill recently passed in AZ. And 60% of the Country supports the bill. And 90% of the Obama Administration is against the bill. 95% of (Government-controlled and sponsored Media is against the bill.) 100% of South American drug cartels are against the bill. 99% of south of the border hispanics (illegal aliens)are against the bill.
92% of Europeans are against the bill. There is no Majority here...YET, when does majority rule??? When the Populace of voices cannot be heard...this is NOt Democracy...but a kind of Dictatorship! And what he does is ignore their voices and have his Attorney General sue the State of AZdunno

Another example, when he clearly did not listen to the person on the street when many many others that were screaming at the top of their lungs FOR THIS MONSROSITY OF OBAMA HEALTHCARE REFORM LAW NOT TO BE PASSED! People want Healthcare Reform, but NOT THIS MONSTROSITY! His ways just don't sit well with the majority of people living here, unless your a "liberal" Democrat or writing a story for the government-conrolled Media!
dunno dunno


About 68% of the American people polled said that they would be comfortable with a woman being President...

The remaining 32% said we already have a woman President in office right what's the difference? rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing


STRAIGHT OFF THE WIRE: Fidel Castro told a visiting American journalist that Cuba's communist economic model doesn't work IN HIS COUNTRY!

Even after the fall of the Soviet Union, Cuba has clung to its communist system.

Now Presidente Raul Castro and others have warned Cubans that they need to start working harder and expecting less from the government. But the president has also made it clear he has no desire to depart from Cuba's socialist system or embrace capitalism.

Hear that Obumbler? Communism doesn't work! It doesn't here, there, or EVERYWHERE!

What's that you say? Obama is in shock over what his hero Castro has said about communism.

However, the arrogant one, Obama, will continue to keep bumping his head against the wall aimlessly and try to make it work here, anyway!
frustrated frustrated

The thing is, Obama is clueless about free market economics. This is clearly a baffling concept to Him! And Painfully Clear to the American People! Because it's Crystal clear to THEM! He has No clue!
doh doh doh

Why is NYC concerned about building a Mosque near hallowed ground of the deadly 911 attack?...

when the number one and main priority for that city should be to rebuild the World Trade Center Buildings! The Islamic Iman in charge of raising money to build this Mosque can start to BUILD BRIDGES by having the DECENCY and the SENSITIVITY for all the families concerned who perished, and that still have endured the losses of life for that gruesome terrorist attack today! THEIR concerns should be RESPECTED and be Supreme over building that Mosque there, anyway! At least your President "qualified" his answer for it to be build, by taking about the WISDOM of building it there! It's been almost 10 years since this Major Hate Crime Against Humanity and America has taken place by Extremist Islamic Terrorists! Building that Mosque should be placed way down behind on the NYC's LONG List of "things to do"! Why is it building this Mosque taking Priority over re-building the WTC buildings, ANYWAY!? dunno Can anyone tell me this?

RE: Obama will win re-election in 2012 pt duex


STAY ON VACATION FOR GOOD!!!applause: cheering banana head banger tongue

Oh my gosh. The Democrats are in far worse shape than anybody could have imagined. When OBUMBLER is calling in Clinton for advice??? TO REDUCE THE DEFICIT! When he alone pumped it up to 1 and one half TRILLION DOLLARS! Yeah right, he should listen to Slick Willie and then do the opposite, because Hillary is waiting for Obama's approvals to reach Bush's and then she is going to resign and go after Barry's throne. Remember what Hillary said about Obama during the primaries; "The presidency does not lend itself for on-the-job-training". She was so right and she is going will be going back to that theme. Oh by the way, speaking of reaching Bush'e approval numbers, Bush did it with an extremely hostile media crushing him daily, while Obama has managed to do it despite having a compliant poodle government-sponsored media that refuses to REALLY question anything he does. My sense is, however, that might change so that they will be able to save some face, when the entire regime collapses.


RE: Do you think Obama should be kicked out of office?

WRONG! I'm from the most "liberal" state of California , but I cannot, nor do I trust anything that Obama says or does. He is a narcissistic, inexperienced political hack. He's a Puppet on a string, with a Puppet-Master conrolling what he thinks and does! Plain and Simple!

Geee ... I guess Obama should just admit that he is NOT qualified for the job he was elected to do. He keeps bringing in Bill Clinton to pull him out of binds. Maybe he should step down and apologize to us for wasting our time and money??

Obama is clueless, and free market economics is clearly a baffling concept to Obumbler. Clearly it is Crystal clear he has No clue!

Americas jobs will return when Obama loses his.
applause banana wave

RE: What is biggest phobia / fear?

Never Fear! It's going to happened sooner than you think!applause cheers

RE: US economy worse than Greece

Kitty, America is in far worse economical shape than people in our country really know, or can imagine! We are on life-support with a breathing tube stuck in are throats! That is how dire the situation can get! crying

We can look at Greece's Debt Problems and see American's Future.

Could this great debt problem of Greece Today, be seen in Our Future?

YES! In Greece, with their type of socialistic government, the Benefits have simply RUN OUT! It may be only a matter of time when America will run out of it's benefit, too!

It was British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, who made this extremely sage observation about Socialism: "The problem with Socialism is that you'll run out of other people's money." "Then, what will you do?"

With President Obama taking us down the path of Socialism, with his "spreading the wealth" programs, our already huge debt problem in this country are increasing at an acclerated rate, and it will not be substainable! Something will have to give. Then which country or countries will bail us out? That would be NOBODY?

I'm not even an ecomomist expert, but anyone can tell you just don't SPEND, SPEND, SPEND, when you already have a huge debt and you're country is in debt, and you are in an RECESSION! Obama's answer is to just print more money and borrow more money, and put on Uncle Sam's Extended Credit Card he has with China! WE'RE OVER THE LIMIT AND HAVE MAXED-OUT ALREADY (can't hope to REPAY this AMOUNT) to the tune that have WE have passed our massive debt to the next generations of Americans. What a concept!

RE: Did you know Albert Einstein actually believed in God

So what is so odd about Einstein believing in GOD? Is it because he was also a scientist? There are many scientist that believe in is not the most bit unusual!

RE: Obama will win re-election in 2012 pt duex

Tom, even those true "DEM believers" are like rats on a sinking ship....deserting him in DROVES!dunno

RE: Obama will win re-election in 2012 pt duex

President Obama is "guaranteed" to win re-election in 2012??doh

What are you smoking? Let's see, Obama approval rating is dipping to below 41% by the American public. And Dems are deserting him in DROVES! Hell, even incumbant democrats up for election think he is POISON and will hurt their chances for election and re-election, if he campaigns for them!

Congress rating is about 11 %

Harry Reid approval rating is up to 2%

Nancy Pelosi is at about 8%

Obama has all the signs of being "A ONE-TERM BLUNDDER" , I mean "WONDER"!!

Look for Mrs. Clinton to challenge him for the Democratic Nomination!

RE: Republican's Block Congress State Aid

John, we finally can agree on something! It's a start!applause

RE: Republican's Block Congress State Aid

Hello NordicSkier,

you've hit on something, that is, the inequalities involving the "private" sector workes versus the "public" (or government) sector workers. The average total annual salaries of "public" sector are much much higher than that of the average "public" sector salaried persons. When you add to their salaries and those pensions and healthcare benefits that they feel they are entitled and do receive. Their salaries are far in excess of those in the "private" sector.

Like you said, there is a need for police and fire officials TO DO performed needed services...HOWEVER, there is no reason why they should be receiving pensions (defined benefit plans) when they could be contributing to 401k programs (defined contribution plans) like the rest of us in the private sector and assuming the risk of funding their retirement instead of fostering that risk onto the taxpayer.

If the public school systems eat up 70% of a property tax bill, on average, as you say. Why can't the Teacher's unions across the country survive on that??? Instead we have Obama (the Bailout King of ALL TIME!)bailing those poor unfortunate teachers, along with their inflated pensions and healthcare benefits, which taxpayer ultimately pay for. All the while, when folks whose jobs are in the "private" sector are asked to sink, or swim in this depressed economy. Hey, that is where Obama's perference lies...helping the Service Unions Employees (increasing anyone in Government jobs), at the expense of "private" sector jobs. Even though children still get a lousy education. And,Yes, as a whole teachers are liberal just like our dear liberal President and teach our children from their "liberal" perspective. Sorry, I will use the less Offensive term of "liberalism", from now on! Today they call it Progressive. It the kinder, non-combative and gentler way to refer to liberalism. It goes down easy and You gotta love it, but it's the same damn thing! Don't you just love the "transparency" you're being treated and seeing, now that the "The Chosen One" has taken command? Its happening like he said it was going to when he before he took office of the President? NOT! Special Interest at its Best!
One can see it clearly, for miles and miles!

RE: Republican's Block Congress State Aid

John, come on! That's just a formality...the votes are in already to pass the damn thing! It'll just be rubber-stamped and pass on through congress. Just another charge (expenditure) added to Uncle Sam's Credit Card we have with your Good Friends, China!banana

This is a list of forum posts created by hotburninluv.

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