RE: obama is better president then bush?

Oh Yeah! "Peanuts" Carter...our Weakest U.S. President ever!
Remember the "misery index" which came up with? Along with the Iran hostage situation.

Now what we have in essentially Jimmy Carter on STEROIDS! Except,unlike Carter, what is he doing for the country of AMERICA that you live and work is DIVIDING this Country, NOT UNITING IT!!!

Even Obama's supporters are frustrated.  He hasn't closed Gitmo.  He hasn't gotten us out of Iraq.  Most IMPORTANTLY: They have not realized a boost in their own economic circumstances.  Obama just says, "You know, I understand your frustration."

RE: we should all unite

thumbs up Well said! Wasn't it British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, who made this extremely sage observation about Socialism: "The problem with Socialism is that you'll run out of other people's money." "Then, what will you do?"

With President Obama taking us down the path of Socialism, with his "spreading the wealth" programs, our already huge debt problem in this country are increasing at an acclerated rate, and it will not be substainable! Something will have to give. Then which country or countries will bail us out? The answer would be NONE!

I'm not even an ecomomist expert, but anyone can tell you just don't SPEND, SPEND, SPEND, when you already have a huge debt and you're country is in debt, and you are in an RECESSION! Now he's printing up another $20 BILLION and giving it to those Arab countries who essentially hate our guts! What's up with that? Obama's answer is to just print more money and increase and pass our massive debt to the next generations of Americans. What a concept!

RE: I think Obama should.

Obumbler OVERPROMISED and UNDERDELIVERED! That's for sure

Let's see there's a 14 trillion dollar DEFICIT

9% unemployment (It's really close to 18%, but the OBAMA REGIME is NOT COUNTING! So don't sweat it! If they don't care, why should we care!)

The price of Gas is Over $4.00/Gallon and rising EVERYDAY! With no end in sight! Obama doing absoulutely NOTHING ABOUT IT!

The U.S. Economy is going downhill!

The value of the U.S. Dollar is being devalued so it's worth almost nothing!

And what is this IDIOT president talking about TODAY!?
About Immigration Reform and the "DREAM ACT" bill, which Congress already defeated! Hmmmm! It seems he really needs some Illegal Aliens VOTE for the 2012 Presidential Election!

Maybe he should keep his laser eye focus on CREATING JOBS, of which 7 Million were lost in the bad economy! Huh?

RE: What Do You Think, Did Pakistan Know Of OBL's Whereabouts?

To me, that sounds a little like we, the (USA) would be paying them (Pakistan), to MOT play with their nuke toys or abilities.

My opinion is that we should cut off your aid to them, but i'm not the speaking for our's just my opinion on the matter.

YES! Unfortunately that's all part of the equation when your dealing with an unstable government such as Pakistan is, who,in addition, has nukes! Not to diminish their efforts in fighting terrorism along with the U.S., but as silly as it may sound, it would be like an deterrent to them blasting off any nukes, half-cocked! They have that power, you know? dunno

I believe we will be finding now, in the Post Bin Ladin Execution Raid Operation Pakistani era, that many more Pakistani's really are did hate us before, than we originally thought! I mean- there are more people then we thought that had beliefs and sympathies towards OBL and his Terrorism Network.

RE: What Do You Think, Did Pakistan Know Of OBL's Whereabouts?

Yes! How could the Pakistani Government, or their equivalent to our very own CIA organizations (whatever they call it there) NOT have known?? dunno dunno I mean- he lived in an huge and seemingly unhidden MANSION, in plain view for all to see, right across the street from an Pakistani Police station, and right beside their largest Military Academy! They knew alright!confused

Even Obama knew about it for at least 8 months before the final Execution Raid, and giving the green-lighting the mission to take place! Who knows how long before that our very own CIA knew about his residence.

Lucky for the U.S. that they never revealed their hand to the Pakistani's ...things about knowing about were he was exactly, or revealing any of the particulars about Operation Execution Raid on Bin Laden. Because if any of this info had been leaked to them, it's almost assured that SOMEONE THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN TIPPED-OFF BIN LADEN! I mean- someone within Pakistani Government, or person(s) that had infiltrated their secret service, with beliefs and sympathies towards him and his Terrorism Network.

The U.S. relations with Pakistan was on rather shaky ground to begin with, even before this incident took place. We have been giving their government Aid, for what? It's an awkward situation they find themselves in, to be sure! If they did in fact know of his whereabouts, why not tell the U.S. about this?!

Yes, there is this delicate situation involving the problem of an unstable Pakistani government, along with dealing with them about their nukes. So it appears to me the money train for aid will continue from the U.S. , even though there are obvious mis-trust issues with them. confused

RE: did jay carney star on happy days......?.....

This goofy boyish press secretary of obama reminds me of Micheal J. Fox...less the jitters, of course. But, he is the REGIMES' deliverer of LIES...and the GIVER OF FALSE INFORMATION.

Look how many details have changed since he reported on this story of the Bin Laden Execution raid, by our Navy Seals!

First, he reports, Bin Laden was resisting, having a weapon drawn and using his wife as a shield. So, he had to be shot! Then we find out later he was unarmed and naked and was still shot! Many mnay questions arise as to what is TRUE and what is FICTION, when the REGIME sends this boyish man to the podium.
Another question most have is...why all the URGENCY of a SEA BURIAL, within 24 hrs of his death??

RE: who ordered the demolition of twin towers on tragic setember 11th. BUSH or BIN LADEN

Yet another idiot conspiracy theory coming right out of NOWHERE!!
Yeah! Right! George W orchestrated this whole tragic event. The killing of innocent and defenseless men, women and children for the good of his fellow man??? Which was to serve what purpose?? YOU IDIOT!!! dunno

Anybody who believes in this utter drivel is suffering from BRAIN FART SYNDROME!! The affliction, caused from lack of brain cells, whereby the person is in their whole little world of confusion, not be able to distinguish from what is REAL, from that which is make believe!

laugh laugh laugh

RE: Official No photos to prove it's Osama

I am a bit puzzled with all the URGENCY TO BURY HIM AT SEA!
Did the Navy Seals do such a number on his face, like riddling his face with bullets, that his very own face became UNRECOGNIZABLE?dunno dunno dunno

RE: Bin Laden still alive!

Yeah, I heard he's ALIVE and well! It's just all part of a master plan, headed by the producers of the American Broadcasting Network's (ABC) show, "Dancing With The Stars" program, to have him re-appear live and in-person, when they to premiere their opening show for next season!

Hmmmmmmmm! I am still wondering who his dancing partner will be?
THE DEVIL!! devil devil
Or, one with one of those maiden virgin he thinks about, until he actually sees her face, and realizes she has the face of the devil!

RE: Royal wedding in UK

I really think most people in other countries, (other than those in the UK), couldn't care less about ANY Royal Wedding!thumbs down

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

My friend, does ANYBODY really know for sure who the members of this rag-tag army of rebels ARE and COME FROM? Who do they sympatheize with? ARE THEY for the common person, who wants freedom and democracy in their government for all? Or, are just another hidden regime agenda, supported and under the auspices of the Arab League? Who wouldn't at all mind having ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, and make Libya an Extremist Islamic State? Look what is happening to Egypt, now that the Muslim Brotherhood have taken over control, politically, over that country. I see like an DOMINO EFFECT for countries like that, in that region, becoming more and more like an Extremist Islamic State.

These rebels that we are thinking about giving more support to, by giving them weapons...I wonder who is really behind them! All I know the U.S. is supporting them, and NATO is supporting them...You suggest this is turning into more than a rebells fighting for freedom and end to Qdaffi. You know what, OIL comes into this whole conflict and equation, too! Because the European prime source of oil comes from Libya. I'm just saying...there is more going on there, than meets the eye!

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

Heyy Non-American dude from Denmark,

Why don't you clock-in and give the people some more of your mis-information about the REAL cost of the OBAMA MOTORS, The Volt! Like I told you before, the total retail cost of this car will be over $40,000 dollars! Please, Get your facts RIGHT!

It's soooooo easy for you to just go to the Volt GM websites...and verify this!

I quote..."The average transaction price including tax and destination charges with thus be about $43,000."

This reporter is CORRECT (about $43K each), the Volt is now priced out of my range, even with the Federal incentive. That doesn’t make a lot of people too happy.

Anyway...this car is way over-priced and people here know it. The technology is great, probably the most important technology of the 21 century, but it sure isn't worth any more than 35,000 dollars, no matter how you slice it! With the ecomony under the Over-promising and Under-Delivering Obumbler, not many folks can even afford to pay that much!

Along with this, Obama's supporters are frustrated. He hasn't closed Gitmo. He hasn't gotten us out of Iraq. They have not realized a boost in their own economic circumstances. Obama says, "You know, I understand your frustration."

So here is Barry banging his head against the wall for his supporters, like you!!!

frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

Just out of they have an symbol for old Joe "bite Me" ??rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

What did you expect, elect a man that has never had a job except as a Community Agitator and trouble maker??
You really think he has any idea about Leadership? Obama could not lead a thirsty heard of cattle to water if he could see it. His most important contribution to the World will be when he's about 80 and dies from old age...the worms will return him to the earth, in 20,000,000 he will resurface as a component of OIL.rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?

Hot dude from another mother--can't you even interpret your very own POLL? doh doh

The MAJORITY, at least 60% says NO OBAMA OF COURSE...they just as soon elect ANYBODY other than this fool for another term as Prez!

DUDE...Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt"?
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Charlie Sheen

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt"?

I think this great quote from Abraham Lincoln fits CHARIE SHEEN to a T.....the more he rambles on...the more foolish he looks....the man is an Legend in HIS OWN MIND...NOBODY ELSE'Srolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Obama or ... do America really want the new Republican landscape?


"Well... liberals got their media and your sad and mad and bribed neocn guys got theirs... then no way the media generally favors president Obama."

Hello Non-American dude from Denmark!

You being the very private "ButtBoy" to Obama that you are,
You may NOT, or cannot read our English very well! Because English is NOT you FIRST Language, so what we get from you is all this incoherent and incomplete blah blah blahs about your idol Obama. Well...The government-controlled and sponsored media(like the New York Times, Politico, Washington Post, etc) has in bed since day one. With Him and His Policies! Where has you been?...That's right! You live in Denmark and not even an American!

Obama's supporters are frustrated. He hasn't closed Gitmo. He hasn't gotten us out of Iraq. They now realize, due to the American economy sinking under his Regime, that they have not realized a boost in their own economic circumstances. You have Food and Gas Prices on the rise, with regime doing ABSOULUTELY NOTHING about it! And what do they get coming out of his mouth... Obama says, "You know, I understand your frustration." His own beloved lovable liberal democrats are frustrated at the compromises he's made with Republicans. And I don't know what compromises these are, but his hard-core fringe base really believes that he's a sellout in a lot of things. "Don't worry, don't worry, I won't compromise," Obama says.

With President Obama taking us down the path of Socialism, with his "spreading the wealth" programs, our already huge debt problem in this country are increasing at an acclerated rate, and it will not be substainable! Something will have to give. Then which country or countries will bail us out?

Anyway... Dude from Another Mother from Denmark, let me cut to the chase. You just look at the VOTE BREAKDOWN OF YOUR VERY OWN POLL>>> and SEE THE RESULTS! WHAT DO YOU SEE?? You REPORT BACK back and just tell be how this is possible. How the typical American citizen feels that your beloved Obama and His Policies, which are slowly destroying this country!


Does Obama show an Incredibley Lack of Leadership???

And look at the MASTER PUPPET that is pulling the strings working this walking and talking FIGUREHEAD, called the OBAMA PUPPET DOLL....It's none other than George Soros, who wants to destroy the American economy and the American Dollar for WHATEVER HIS OWN VERY SICK REASONS ARE!!frustrated frustrated

This PUPPET does EVERYTHING from reading his TELEPROMPTER IMPECCIBLY WELL to FLAPPING HIS LIPS, in cooridination with the ONE THAT CONTROLS HIM! He has no genuine thoughts of his own and certainly lack any type of LEADERSHIP, when he can't make any decisions on his own!dunno dunno

Does Obama show an Incredibley Lack of Leadership???

Well said...thumbs up

But, if you lived here, you would see how Obama is DIVIDING this Country, NOT UNITING IT!!!

With his laser-eye focused upon main programs that are "Spreading the Wealth" to the needy people of our society and, then, by governing by what some people have said is Socialism agenda, there cannot but be a major division and fierce disagreement amongst people of our country! Don't you see...His heart is with turning this country into an European Socialistic country, when we have been founded with by our Constitutions as a Republic...for one Nation, under GOD...with liberty and JUSTICE FOR ALL.

This point cannot be over-estimated by understanding the absurdity of how his agenda is working to legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.

Keep this thought in mind...What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.

And the government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. Which is like "the rich, giving to the poor" programs the Obama administration is authorizing.

When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation.

You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.

Does Obama show an Incredibley Lack of Leadership???

No troubles here...trouble is with His lack of Leadership! Him thinking that being President is something he could jive his way through, like he had all this life. It’s amazing to me that the MSM can keep covering for a guy who is so obviously in over his head. I’m sure there must be some self-identified elites who are competent at what they do, but Obama is going to destroy "elite" credibility for good with the hash he’s made of the job. rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Want to balance the budget and get us out of debt?

Tell that to the ALL-TIME PRESIDENTIAL SPENDING CHAMP IN U.S. HISTORY--"the great obumbler"rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Want to balance the budget and get us out of debt?

It's not necessary, all one needs to do is take a snapshot of our economy when Bill Clinton left office and compare it to today. And no I'm not going to research it for you.

And guess who controlled congress when Clinton was President and help give him credit for this great surplus in our ecomony--
you've guessed it--the Republicans! They were the archetects of fiscal spending policies that 'ol "slick willie had to embraced, rather than with some hot blonde behind the WH doors!dancing

RE: Old flics...

" love older movies...they had good writing, good plots, good directing..they were just alot of ways better...because they could'nt rely on special effects...they did'nt have them like they do, the story line had to be good to begin with..."

Don't forget about those great actors and actresses, also, that appeared in these great ol' movies!dancing

I have to mention another great actor, Orson Wells, a great theatrical actor with style and grace, who's been in a number of great films, of which I've admired and will mention for you!


RE: Obama 2012! YES WE CAN again! Support Obama and keep working for american prosperity!

That is something you'll NEVER EVER hear Obama RECITE...WHY??
Because he does not love America the way the American Public does...
He lies most every time he flap his lips...just one example of his lies to the people--Remember: those SHOVEL-READY JOBS that the Stimulus Package were to be created by being passed by the Democratic majority of the Senate and House at that time. Well, the truth be told- THERE WERE NO "SHOVEL-READY JOBS"!!!!!! Obama told an jornalist, David Brooks, off the record about a year ago THAT THERE WERE NO "SHOVEL-READY JOBS FOR THE Stimulus Package that was passed by congress earlier this year!.

What can the American Public make out of this?

This is some serious stuff! Where is the Government-sponsored media to do their take and stories on all this? GONE! Ignoring it as USUSAL!! This is why people hate the media for being like Obama's lap-dog and ignoring it and his policies! HELLO PEOPLE! Billions and billions of dollars were spent based on the assertion of infrastructure being the primary item in the stimulus bill. IT WAS A PORKULUS BILL- NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS!! We were lied to, and Brooks had it from the President's own lying mouth and he did nothing! What's next coming out of his lying mouth? "We know that people won't really be able to keep their own health insurance plans, but that's off the record"? Or we know with passage of Obamacare THAT MOST EVERYBODY'S INSURANCE PREMIUMS WILL GO UP!, BUT THIS IS TOTALLY OFF THE RECORD! FORGET I SAID THIS NOW, BUT IT'S TRUE!

doh doh

RE: Old flics...

Speaking about Edward G. Robinson role as Captain Wolf Larsen, in the movie "Sea Wolf"...This was on of the more brutal films from this period in film. This Jack London tale, with a non-nonsense script led by Edward G. Robinson to give one of his many memorable roles on screen, that as Captain Wolf Larsen, who he hands out the punishment as pleases to the crew and passengers on his ship, the Ghost. The Sea Wolf delivers the horrors of the sea through the eyes of a sensitive young writer (Alexander Knox) who's pulled aboard and kept captive as cabin boy and to some degree companion to the surprisingly intellectual Larsen. As you see below, I can ramble on about this film, but it's my opinion, it's that GOOD!

NOTE: SPOILER BELOW...if you haven't ALREADY seen this film)
Even before we get to see Larsen on screen and his mysterious ship the Ghost cutting through the fog over the chilly waters off the coast of San Francisco, we've already been treated to a rough and tumble bar scene culminating with John Garfield, as the wanted man George Leach throwing punches and volunteering his services on board the notorious Ghost. In a separate scene we meet Ida Lupino, playing escaped convict Ruth Webster, who pleads with Knox's character (Humphrey Van Weyden, the writer that is akin to be that of Jack London) to protect her from the lawmen on her trail. Webster is saved from a return to the penitentiary, not by Van Weyden, but by chance as their riverboat collides with another vessel causing a catastrophic accident directly leading to Webster and Van Weyden's unfortunately rescue by the Ghost. I say, Unfortunately, because little to they know what is in store for them by meeting the captain of the Ghost, one Wolf Larsen.

No one is spared mercy from the wrath of Wolf Larsen...and Ida Lupino delivers a masterful performance as the jinxed Webster, who recovers at Louie's hand only to be subjected to the twisted nature of Larsen's humor (even women aren't immune to Larsen's charms), finally declaring "You should have let me die! A line delivered with such force and emotion that it's leaves no doubt that more screen time would have led to Lupino stealing more than her own scenes, possibly the entire film.

There is an compelling intellectual duel between Larsen and Knox's Humphrey Van Weyden character. From the point Van Weyden discovers Larsen's heavily annotated library. He becomes confidante to Larsen who admits he's missed talking over greater matters with anyone for a long time. Larsen's credo is Milton's "Better to reign in hell then serve in heaven" from Paradise Lost and beyond enforcing his reign over the microcosm of the Ghost he repudiates Van Weyden's service on land, having no respect for a lifestyle lacking anything but total control
This is just under 90 minutes, with characters who must have blazed across screens in 1941 with an unparalleled shock value at that time. The Sea Wolf is different than any other picture I've come across from the period and certainly much crueler than most or film for that time period.

Yes, this was a masterful portrayal of true brutality by Robinson. The quick switch between what looks to be understanding and empathy and sheer brutality is jaw-dropping. Robinson delivers the switches like a true master. After a few, you come to expect it, but no, surprised again, and again. He does seem to steal most all the scenes, even with a very good cast of characters supporting him in this film. I doubt there is any actor today that commands his powerful stage presense on screen, like he and Humphrey Bogart, did! Look for very early film of his called "Silver Dollars" 1932...a rags to riches story...

RE: Old flics...

You bet your SWEET BIBBIE they DON'T!!!


rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Old flics...

They certainly don't make movies today like they did in the good old days!! The old ones had, better storylines and scripts, better acting, better directing...the whole nine yards!! Many movies made today are just re-makes and copies of these old and great movies storylines, only using different actors to tell the same stories...not much originality with movies produced today, if you asked me!

My old faves were any movie starring Humphrey Bogart:

The Maltese Falcon
The Big Sleep
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
The Big Sleep
The Caine Mutiny
Key Largo
High Sierra

Movies with Jimmy Stewart:

It's a Wonderful Life
Mr. Smith goes to Washington

Movies with Edward G. Robinson :

The Sea Wolf
Little Ceasar

Movies with James Cagney:

White Heat
Angels with Dirty Faces

RE: My Favourite Quotations

"Animals have these advantages over man: They never hear the clock strike, they die without any idea of death, they have no theologians to instruct them, their last moments are not disturbed by unwelcome and unpleasant ceremonies, their funerals cost them nothing, and no one starts lawsuits over their wills."- Voltaire

One small candle!!!

There is not enough darkness in all the world to put out the light of one small candle that shines brightly and is burning inside YOU, for YOUR FAITH in GOD!!! Keep your small candle burning inside YOU...with your FAITH continually shining for others to see...and soon they will begin to see the light that YOU see!

KEEP THE FAITH!!!applause

RE: Is it still a mistake when he confuses one opening with the other? again and again and again?

Maybe he needs HIS EYES CHECKED...It wouldn't hurt!!!rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

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