RE: Are you happy with trump's decisions and presidency ?

I'm with you all NOT ABIDING on most any of these agreements on Climate Change, Global Warming!

LOOK! The earth TEMPS goes in CYCLES NATURALLY....a period of COLD TEMPS, then a period of hot temps. NOT ANY HUMAN ON THE FACE ON THE EARTH THAT CAN CHANGE THIS!

Even Young scientists taking elementary biology classes know that in the process of PHOTOSYNTHESIS...PLANT NEED CO2 to SURVIVE and PRODUCE OXYGEN for humans to breathe.
Humans expel CO2 that helps plant is a cycle ( once called the KREBS CYCLE)

Even if these FUTURISTIC MODELS of the earth's TEMPS INCREASING are TRUE...what if anything can ANY HUMAN DO to stop Mother Nature events like Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Mudslides etc.

I think Barry Obama hemorrhoids were caused by Temperature changer....BLAME EVERYTHING ON TEMPERATURE CHANGE, GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

RE: Are you happy with trump's decisions and presidency ?

In ONLY the first week of office...he's already promised what he preached!

Next- Build the Wall!


Next- Build the American Economy


Next- Become less ENERGY DEPENDENT on SAUDI OIL and let US ctreate and use our OWN ENERGY, not some FOREIGN CRUDE form people that wish US HARM!

RE: We, The People Executive Order Being Signed: Impreach Donald Trump NOW!

The sky is Can OWN the Freakin' Post Office and TELL PEOPLE it's my all means...sign ALL THE WORTHLESS PETITIONS IN THE WORLD....NOTHING WILL BECOME OF THEM....NICE TRY!doh doh doh doh doh

If you can not stomach TRUMP has your PRESIDENT, then that on YOU and the rest of Hillary "rotten" Clinton voters....SHE LOST and HE WON! As Barry Sotero (A.K.A.) Barry Obama had said after winning...ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES! He never "crossed the aisle" with Republicans, so do you expect them to do the DEMS?

RE: Farewell...

Yeah Yeah the TRUTH HURTS!!!!....your hero and Leader Barry Obama DECIMATED the DEMOCRATIC party...look at the number of seat Dems LOST since he took office in 2009...the 2010, 2014 midterms and the Presidential Election

SORRY! You and other Americans were fooled into believing that Obama was the new Messiah, thanks to the corrupt media who wanted a Leftist regime and what you see is what you get! What a catastrophe!!! He accomplished nothing that a bull in a china shop counldn't do!!!! :duh: Our country is in shambles, a total mess..and there he is in the mirror telling himself how wonderful he was. I will give him a participation award for being PRESIDENT...that's all!!!!! He left more of a mess for others to CLEAN UP!

RE: Farewell...

the UNEMPLOYMENT RATE/NUMBERS you speak of are PHONEY BALONEY NUMBERS that does not account for the 94 MILLIONS that are really out of the labor force and UNEMPLOYED!! Try close to 20 percent UNEMPLOYMENT under Obama regime then let's talk!doh doh doh doh

RE: Farewell...

RAPHIE and other Hillary "rotten" Clinton voters are such "SORE LOSERS"....reminds me of children with infantile paralysis of the brain. BABIES with their diapers full of excrement.....WHINING WHINING....LIVE WITH IT AND GET OVER IT! HILLARY WAS A ROTTEN CANDIDATE YOU TROTTED OUT THERE. LIVE WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

RE: Farewell...

Here's what I think of the OBAMA regime...many many America were fooled into believing that Obama was the new Messiah, thanks to the corrupt media who wanted a Leftist regime and what you see is what you get! What a catastrophe!!! He accomplished nothing that a bull in a china shop counldn't do. Our country is in shambles, a total mess..and there he is in the mirror telling himself how wonderful he was. I will give him a participation award for being PRESIDENT...he left more of a mess for others to CLEAN UP! Disgusting!.

RE: President Obama says he could win

Yeah, wasn't it Obama, who also said, that say Hillary "Rotten" Clinton was the BEST QUALIFIED CANDIDATE TO EVER RUN FOR THE PRESIDENCY???? confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused confused

RE: Lock Her Up!!!

YES! Conrad! You are RIGHT! It is NOT up to TRUMP to "lock her up" ( Hillary "ROTTEN" Clinton ), but it is the Justice Department, namely, the FBI and the ATTORNEY GENERAL (Jeff Sessions) of the TRUMP ADM
to do their jobs!

Yes! If I were Bill and Hillary, involving their crooked AND corrupt "slush fund", namely the Clinton Foundation Trust Fund...that ultimately made both Bill and Hillary RICH! The Foreign countries giving millions of dollars to have "access" to Hillary, if GOD FORBID, SHE EVER BECAME PRESIDENT! Never got ANYTHING FOR THEIR MONIES!dunno confused Maybe they both should be "LOCKED UP", I mean- for their own SAFETY!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

RE: Message for Donald Trump

Thanks lindsyjones! I had to try educate lifesadream and provide some "outreach" helplaugh ...because she not a citizen of the United States, but of I can definitely see the outrage for Trump wanting to SECURE YOUR BORDERS and the illegal aliens that cross them!

RE: The people has spoken, Trump our new Leader, Part 2

George Soros is the "PUPPET MASTER" of Barack Husein don't even know this????
When he tells OBAMA to jump....Obama replies "how high!" He is HIS obedient servent!

He gives money to these radical groups of "articificial turf" ( NOT GRASS ROOTS! )protesters "black lives matters" Pays fake phoney protester to cause violence at Donal Trump rallies (pays them through all his hate America organizations!

Stop and smell the coffee...

RE: The people has spoken, Trump our new Leader, Part 2

Ralphie, shold just learn to love YOUR NEW PRESIDENT! DONALD T. TRUMP! Don't be just another Democrat "sore-loser" , you are better than that! handshake

RE: Message for Donald Trump


Who ever told this "buttercup" PRESIDENT, without a spine, EVER to TRANSFORM AMERICAN, ANYWAY??

Yeah, like he's an expert on "social enigineering" NOT!

First thing YOU and EVERYBODY else should do is NOT LISTEN to the "mainstream media"...THEY have ALWAYS shown THEY were in COLLUSION with Hillary, or ANYBODY with that (D) in front of their names!

Elections HAVE CONSEQUENCES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like his excellency, ODUMBO had said before, after winning anothe term! Did, he, or his party EVER EVEN ATTEMP TO CROSS THE AISLE with the other party?
DEMS can come along in the BUS...but they must sit in the back of the BUS!


Sista, whether you know it,or not you recited the "Serenity PRAYER"

It reads.....GOD, grant me the serenity to ACCEPT the things i can not CHANGE,

COURAGE to CHANGE the things I can,

And the WISDOM to know the DIFFERENCE! Living one day at a time!

Enjoying one moment at a time! Accepting hardship as the PATHWAY to PEACE! Taking, as HE did, this sinful world as it is, and not as I would have it. TRUSTING HE WILL MAKE ALL THINGS RIGHT, IF I SURRENDER TO HIS WILL. Making me REASONABLY HAPPY IN THIS LIFE....AND SUPREMELY HAPPY WITH HIM FOREVER, IN THE NEXT! AMEN!

RE: Cancel the election and JUST GIVE IT TO TRUMP?

RE: Cancel the election and JUST GIVE IT TO TRUMP?

Ralphie's been listening to TOO MUCH propaganda of "mainstream media"....he believe EVERYTHING he hears is the TRUTH.....He probably thinks is PURE has the white driven snow...but in reality she is the most corrupt person to EVER run for the Presidency....NOT to mention LYING PERSON to run for the office...laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

RE: Cancel the election and JUST GIVE IT TO TRUMP?

President Obama says that he doesn’t think Comey made his announcement for politically motivated even HE is leaving a Hillary "sinking ship"....Obama has been IMPLICATED of having known about her ILLEGAL SERVER and was sending HILLARY emails REGULARLY!!!!!!!!!scold scold scold scold scold scold scold scold scold scold scold scold scold scold

RE: Cancel the election and JUST GIVE IT TO TRUMP?

And GEORGE SOROS is the PUPPET MASTER of His Excellency, and KING BARRY OBAMA! He's is very OWN SOCK PUPPET....and YOU and other DEMS don't even know it!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

QUESTIONS are OFF LIMITS to HILLARY CLINTON during ANY DEBATE my ANY of these DNC moderators "posing

Hey Crayons!

YES! It will come to pass that Iran will be trouble....with this HORRIBLE DEAL STRUCK by the WITCH with a CAPITAL "B". Clinton and Barry Obama....there is ABSOLUTELY NO TEETH IN THIS AGREEMENT!!! Its $150 BILLION DOLLARS going to the NUMBER ONE PROMOTER of TERRORISM IRAN TO DEVELOP NUKES to be EVENTUAL dropped on Israel!

Is this MADNESS, or WHAT!?????

This should be RIPPED UP right after Barbara Streisand BEGRUDGINGLY SINGS "Happy Days Are Here Again" at the Trump's Presidential party!

RE: 2016 Vice Presidential Debate

RE: 2016 Vice Presidential Debate

Sista Calle,



Even OUR dear RALPHIE (a known Hillary BUTT-WIPER) BEGRUDGINGLY had to say...PENCE WON! And he couldn't believe his EYES that this COMPLETE TURD (TIM KAINE) was CLASSLESS and CLUELESS during the whole thing! laugh when he continued interrupting PENCE with UNSUBSTANTIAL HOGWASH DRIPPLE!....Like Hillary Foreign policy was a huge SUCCESS, which EVERYBODY and their UNCLE know WAS NOT!!!!!!

His misguided FACTS that were pure FICTION!! Like Really, Hillary is going to "look PUTIN right in his eyes and he's going to quake in his boots! She WEAKER than this "pajama boy" President we've had the last 8 yrs! And the reason FBI couldn't indict Hillary was that the OBAMA DOJ and Lorreta Lynch had a "conflict of interest"! Because He (Barry) knew ALL ABOUT THIS ILLEGAL SERVER...WHY he was sending Email to her all a long! IF you convict have to indict the PRESIDENT and that ain't going to happen!

Tim Kaine was the HUMAN INTERRUPTER.....ANNOYING AS HECK! YEAH, tell that "lying fart" he spent way too much time on LYING and Telling THE american PEOPLE OF HILLARY'S ACCOMPLISHMENTS, which there were NONE!

The only thing you EVERY BODY ELSE is that "He (Kaine) spent too much time interrupting Pence... Kaine had me screaming at the television telling him to "shut Up and let Pence speak". Kaine was driving me crazy, he was overly zealous in his efforts to defend and point out Clinton's plans and proposals, and to denounce Trump.

Pence said everything but never explaining how Trump would go about implementing such proposals and plans.

You'll find out soon enough, in the next DEBATE!

QUESTIONS are OFF LIMITS to HILLARY CLINTON during ANY DEBATE my ANY of these DNC moderators "posing

I diagree!!!!...I believe the job of a FAIR and Unbiased Moderator is to ASK the Questions.....PERIOD! And THEY ON'T TAKE Candy Crowley DID...Like Lester Holt Did....and What Anderson Cooper and Martha RADDATZ WILL DO IN FUTURE DEBATES! They will ... by Them wearing their DNC hats and "posing" as real, unbiased Jornalist....when THEY ARE SECRETLY (they having a dog in the fight), NAMELY WITH ANYBODY WITH A LARGE "D" in front of their names! They are no different for our LIBERAL mainstream media...championing their party! If you are fine with this corruption, just so long as it is your party you are championing, then there is no shame in your game, and the coutry be damned!

QUESTIONS are OFF LIMITS to HILLARY CLINTON during ANY DEBATE my ANY of these DNC moderators "posing

YES! It will come to pass that Iran will be trouble....with this assinine deal struck by B. Clinton and Barry Obama....there is ABSOLUTELY NO TEETH IN THIS AGREEMENT!!! Its $150 BILLION DOLLARS going to the NUBMBER ONE PROMOTER of TERRORISM IRAN TO DEVELOPE NUKES to be dropped on Isreal

And it should be RIPPED UP right after Barbara Streisand BEGRUDGINGLY SINGS "Happy Days Are Here Again" at the Trump's Presidential innugrial PARTY! Yeah baby!

QUESTIONS are OFF LIMITS to HILLARY CLINTON during ANY DEBATE my ANY of these DNC moderators "posing

Hey eprib, you got that CAPITAL B RIGHT right before Hillary name....that Witch........ with B in front of it!

QUESTIONS are OFF LIMITS to HILLARY CLINTON during ANY DEBATE my ANY of these DNC moderators "posing

Here are just some of my QUESTIONS that SHOULD BE ASKED OF HILLARY from ANY UNBIASED and FAIR MODERATOR, and NOT FROM what we've been getting, lately, that is, SOME DNC OPERATIVE POSING AS FAIR JOURNALISTS! (You know? like Anderson Cooper, Martha Raddatz, and of course let US NOT FORGET about George "joined-at-the-hip-of-CLINTON" Stephanonpolus, the wannabe legitimate "but can't be UNBIASED for the CLINTONS". The political reporter from "good Morning America" calling himself a so-called FAIR JOURNALIST! These are questions that stick to the issues, NOT ANY TABLOID FODDER TOPICS HILLARY, MAY OR NOT BRING UP, THAT REALLY DON'T HAVE ANY SUBSTANCE TO! :

1. HOW are you (Hillary) going to create JOBS in this BAD Economy, that has never recoverd!?? Specifically, How will you be DIFFERENT from Obama??

2. RACE RELATIONS in this country have never been WORSE, then they have been in the last 8 yrs. of the OBAMA ADM.! What do you

3. Isn't it HYPOCRITICAL of you, HILLARY...a woman who is proclaiming HERSELF to be "the champion of women" to bring up Donald
"bullying" a women (A former Miss Universe, Machado) when there was only simply"name calling" involved? When you, yourself,
HILLARY, headed what was called in the White House then, "The BIMBO ERUPTION Unit" for defending your husband BILL and to destroy reputations, with character assassination ", and to "discredit and slander" of all the WOMEN (Jennifer Flowers, Paula Jones,Broderick, Willy, and lets not forget Monica Lewinsky) your Husband had either affairs with, or abused?

As, the "first lady", Michelle OBAMA, had said while campaigning against you (Hillary), and for Obama "If You Can't Run Your OWN HOUSE,
How Do You Expect to RUN THE WHITE HOUSE!?"

4.Are you sorry you called some of Trump's Supporters "the basket of DEPLORABLES"? Do you regret making, or saying that comment?

5. Hillary, would you release your MEDICAL RECORDS to the public, if Trump promises to release his tax returns?

QUESTIONS are OFF LIMITS to HILLARY CLINTON during ANY DEBATE my ANY of these DNC moderators "posing

And YOU LOVE Hillary, along with ALL HER LIES ....So where does that get


QUESTIONS are OFF LIMITS to HILLARY CLINTON during ANY DEBATE my ANY of these DNC moderators "posing

QUESTIONS are OFF LIMITS to HILLARY CLINTON during ANY DEBATE my ANY of these DNC moderators "posing" as Journalists!

First off, I am a Lester Holt fan – but not AFTER the first DEBATE! He pointedly asked Trump direct controversial questions (like about his tax returns) but did not do the same to Clinton. He repeatedly interrupted Trump when he went over in time with his answers but did not do the same with Clinton. As far as I’m concerned it was another example of what I have said...these so-called moderators are TOTALLY BIASED toward the DNC and anyone with a (D) before their name! ANYBODY can read between the line! People, there NOT ANY QUESTION...WITHOUT A TRACE, NO DOUBT IN MY MIND...MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS BIASED!!!!!!


The minute he said that line...i knew poor LESTER was putting on his DNC operative hat and posing as a BIASED JOURNALIST! He did his BEST IMPRESSION of the BIASED MODERATOR of THE PAST....CANDY CROWLY! Most questions were Attacking TRUMP...and DEFENDING CLINTON!

RE: Trump loves doing things with OPM includes other Gulf Nations

The comment about “other people’s money” came during a campaign rally in North Carolina, where Trump pledged to keep refugees from the Middle East out of the U.S. and instead put them in “safe zones” that would be built with money from Gulf nations. It is a financial maneuver the real estate mogul said he has performed many times throughout his career.

“It’s called OPM. I do that all the time in business. It’s called other people’s money. There’s nothing like doing things with other people’s money,” Trump said.

By LOUIS NELSON 09/20/16 06:04 PM EDT

Donald Trump, in hot water over a report that his charity used donations to cover business-related legal fees, told a campaign rally crowd on Tuesday that “there’s nothing like doing things with other people’s money.”

The comment about “other people’s money” came during a campaign rally in North Carolina, where Trump pledged to keep refugees from the Middle East out of the U.S. and instead put them in “safe zones” that would be built with money from Gulf nations. It is a financial maneuver the real estate mogul said he has performed many times throughout his career.

“It’s called OPM. I do that all the time in business. It’s called other people’s money. There’s nothing like doing things with other people’s money,” Trump said. “Because it takes, the risk, you get a good chunk of it and it takes the risk. We’re going to do this, in this case, from a humanitarian standpoint. OPM: other people’s money.”

Hey Sista ,
Look who's talking about USING about's your dear LYING FRIEND Hi-LIAR-LY, who is the "poster woman" for using OTHER PEOPLES MONEY! The ULTIMATE example of it is her use of her CLINTON TRUST FUND...which is really a "slush fund", that's making Bill and Hillary rich! It even helps fund her campaign for PRESIDENT! Yeah, she the epitome of things with other people’s money ONLY to make her rich!

RE: Clinton vs Trump: The Race Is STILL ON!

The Clinton HANDLER's didn't have the common sense, nor decency to take this poor woman (Hillary) to the Intensive CARE UNIT of ANY emergency hospital!

It's NO BIGGIE...Bill, just said THEY are USED to seeing her fall down---it's "par for the course" for her, bill said laughing!


WHY!???? BECAUSE, THEY DIDN'T WANT ANY UNKNOWN DOCTOR TO EXAMINE HER AND FINDING OUT WHAT HER REAL HEALTH ISSUES ARE!!! It more than pneumonia, if you ask me! The public, who be ASTOUNDED on what THEY would find!

RE: Clinton vs Trump: The Race Is STILL ON!

Hillary is just a DULL and a DUDE as a candidate! Period! Couldn't draw FLIES! She DOESN'T INSPIRE ANYONE. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING OR ANYTHING for ANYONE WHO a KNOWN LIAR and is CORRUPT as well. A losing combination...if you ask me! Who getting excited ABOUT HER?...except for maybe sista calle and Ralphie BOY....they don't REALIZE YET, but will soon, that ONLY their beloved main stream media are carrying the water for her...and paints a favorable picture of her....extolling her virtues...if she has any!

Just look at the crowds the DONALD is drawing! She can't even fill a high school gym....he fills a stadium! Look people!...there is a movemnet of people joining, who have never voted for years....they will be a real force! And they are just NOT registering to vote for HILLARY! This SILENT MAJORITY is just waiting to run out ANY DEMOCRAT running for office! You know..."the basket of deplorables (as Hillary "rotten" Clinton has said...more proof she may have brain damage, in addition to pneumonia)that DIED for their country during World War II and soldiers that took a bullet in the head in Vietnam....plenty of brave people out their that served their county "honorably" so this Barry Obama and Hillary can sleep comfortably in the "blanket of security" THEY HAVE GIVEN THEM! They are joining together to wreck AMERICA with their LEFTIST IDEOLOGY know "hate AMERICA" speeches. It's what THEY BELIEVE...BUT, thankfully, the MAJORITY DON'T!

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