Jackson1862Jackson1862 Forum Posts (283)


Oh yes is'nt that so encouraging.rolling on the floor laughing Obama is about as Irish as i am Chinese.rolling on the floor laughing But if you all want to claim him that is fine by me.grin

RE: True? or Not?

CNN= Communist National Networkgrin

RE: Would you vote for Sarah Palin for President?

Gender is not that important what matters is honesty and integrity as well as someone who will respect the constitution and the people.

RE: Would you vote for Sarah Palin for President?

Personally i would have voted for Condeleeza Rice if she had ran. I have always saw her as being very intelligent and she did graduate college when many others her age were still in high school.

RE: Would you vote for Sarah Palin for President?

I wish it was that way and i do think that deal could work. I don't knoe about you but i have always believed that we should stick with our own and gather with those who have like interests and ideologies.

RE: Would you vote for Sarah Palin for President?

I don't try to promote liberalism and i would discourage any country from taking it up.


Yeah it takes a great deal of intelligence to read from teleprompters and mumble "Ughh" after every word.rolling on the floor laughing Reasonably smart?? Our forfathers would be ashamed to see someone steering the wheel that does not even respect our constitution.

I tell you if you find Oblow as being a good speaker you have not heard any good speakers yet.rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Would you vote for Sarah Palin for President?

Yeah it sure beats the liberal ideology.

RE: Would you vote for Sarah Palin for President?

Correction i did not vote for him and furthermore i do not wish to be included with the idiots who did. I am going to very honest with you while many see the people here as being united and acting as one i have always had an alternative opinion regarding this as i do not consider myself as being on the same team as others such as the liberals.

RE: Obama Flunks

Oh and i guess all of you liberal leftists are gifted with great intelligence??rolling on the floor laughing What is more intelligent A. Questioning the current incompetent leadership or B. Standing by it even though it continues to perform on a substandard level.

From what i see the only garbage being dumped onto us is the garbage that is spewing out this administration's mouth. What kind of positive change has Oblow really brought to the plate? A few changes that i am aware of is that he has increased our national debt to a dangerous level, made our economy worse and eliminated many jobs.

I don't see what you leftists see in the idiot. Personally i believe that he is a lying, conceited, self centered and power hungry idiot that just wants puppets to bow to every demand he barks.

RE: Would you vote for Sarah Palin for President?

Amen to that brother it really irks me how some in other countries say that we are wrong for opposing Obama and his socialist loons. I guess many feel that we should give in our lot with any loon promising great things and not delivering on them??

Furthermore i will have pride if this country returns to its natural and original status but from what i see going on with this leadership now it is all a bucket of **** !!

RE: Would you vote for Sarah Palin for President?

The day i find pride in this administration is the day i become an instant millionare. Pride what pride? Should i have pride in a socialist loon that is hell bent on turning this country into a third world ghetto?? Pride in the fact that he wants to take over my and others healthcare?? Pride in the fact that he is digging us deeper and deeper into debt?? They can take this pride and shovel it where the light does not shine.

Lastly i wish to sarcastically say that only a SIMPLE MINDED IDIOT would find pride in this Incompetent and crooked administration.applause

RE: Obama Flunks

Obama should not have any say in Israeli affairs. People who live and work there should be the ones who can decide what is best for their country. I would not want an outsider trying to dictate to me what or what not should take place in my native country.

This incompetent administration needs to stay out of Israeli affairs most do not approve of Obama and his approval rating there ia about 4% which does indicate something.grin

Say no to Obama's Deathcare plan!!

I do not and will not support this supposed healthcare plan that obama and his goon mob are trying to ram down our throats. I do not believe that we should let the goverment take control over our own health. This just does not sound to great to me and personally i believe that it is his first step in the takeover of this country. This supposed plan will be harmful to us all and i really fear for the seniors who will have to conform to this ****

I think that i and others should have the right to decide what is best for our own health and NO ONE has the right to control this aspect of our lives. Socialized medicine will not benefit anyone except for maybe perhaps deadbeats and other free loaders who believe that the rest of us ( taxpayers) should fit their bills. It ceases to amaze me how some think that this would be great but the truth of the matter is that this is socialism pure and simple. What will they decide to take over after pulling this **** over on us? Private businesses? Commerce? Our assets? Our personal property? Or perhaps our inheritance property ( remember the wealth redistribution plan??)

America awake or go back to sleep and find yourselves completely tied to this thing that is supposed to be a goverment for the people by the people. ( Which currently it is not!!)

RE: were only human after all....

I don't resent him for his skin color but rather his attempts at trying to socialize our country, his incompetence, ignorance, arrogance. I believe we can forget about him leading this country to it's full potential it is very clear that that will not happen.

Personally i believe he is one of the worst leaders we have had so far except for a couple like FDR and Woodrow Wilson. It seems that he wants what he wants and does not care about what we the people think. Example; His urgency to slam this socialized healthcare plan bull**** down our throats. Why would anyone with some intelligence want the goverment to rule the roost over their own health this is pure socialism.

I hope people get off of their butts and vote him out because if they don't they will need to rename this country to The United Socialist States of Obama ( Which he would like very much)rolling on the floor laughing

Palin 2012thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up thumbs up

RE: International Law Enforcement Operates in U.S.

No, i prefer to stay on the side of the G.O.P and besides i would not join the liberals if they were the last party left.grin

RE: International Law Enforcement Operates in U.S.

Yeah i myself never really cared much for Rumsfeld as i saw him as being very arrogant.

RE: Describe yourself...

Honest and easy going.

RE: Palin- Limbaugh ....Perfect Match !

Hopefully people will vote his and their asses out come 2010 that is if we still have the right to vote and provided he does not seek to extend the presidential term.

This country has become to passive and if everyone lets them they will sit in office indefinately. As far as your statement i believe that was his goal all along.

RE: Palin- Limbaugh ....Perfect Match !

If Obum has not accomplished anything so far what makes you think he will later on?? I will tell you this when a country is doing bad in the financial department you DO NOT go spending trillions more like Obum has done. By doing this he has pretty much insured that we and our future generations will be forever in debt.

If we had to rely on the U.N to do anything we would still be waiting.rolling on the floor laughing What makes you think that the attack on iraq was unjustified? Hussein was not a good humanitarian by any means and i know for a fact that just prior to the first gulf war he did want to create a missle system that would be able to hit Israel. The way you talk it seems as though you would love to shake his hand.rolling on the floor laughing

Do ya really think that Hussein would have changed into a good humanitarian if he had been a tyrannt for so long??confused Are we supposed to believe that he was just a poor misunderstood kind hearted person??rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Obama Flunks

Personally i believe that is ignorant to continue to blame bush for what is going on right now. Lets see according to the liberals bush is to blame for the bad economy, bad job market, loss of jobs, decline in the dollar and what else? Global warming? Overpopulation?

I have always believed that simple minded people are the ones who are so eager to blame others for their failings instead of taking responsibility like someone who has some intelligence.

The way i see it and the way it is is this Bush in not in power and we all know that. Obama was put into power because many misguided fools thought that he was going to fix everything for the better. The truth of the matter is that there have been no positive changes since his incompetent *** went into office.

The economy is still down in the **** hole, we are up to our neck in debt because of his wonderful stimulis packages and we are losing more and more jobs while none are being created or implemented.

As far as i am concerned OBum flunked years ago.applause

RE: Wouldn't things be easier if America did..........

Yeah i say that it is time to end the babysitting. We need to start looking after our own instead of breaking our neck to help those who are not really thankful for it.

Second i agree with the statement you made that we should stop pouring money into third world **** holes and like you i agree that every terroist should be hunted down like the dogs they are and they should be dealt with. Furthermore like you i do believe that we need tougher border security and if that means deploying a few military regiments to help with the task i say go for it.

I say America needs to look out for ITS OWN before it goes giving handouts to others.

RE: International Law Enforcement Operates in U.S.

I agree they need to stay out of our affairs.applause

RE: How come you don't believe in God?

It is my opinion that some athiests do not believe due to fear that they may be judged in the end and we will all be judged like it or not.

Where are the hot looking bayou state women??

Hey. my name is Rodney and i am 32 and live on the Mississippi coast. I was just wondering where are all the hot looking bayou state women are.

RE: Why Is There So Much Corruption In Hamas Leadership

Personally i believe that Hamas is and will remain a terroist organization. While i do not want to get involved with this issue i feel that the Palastinians are bigots themselves who would like nothing better then to wipe Israel off of the world map.

RE: if someone mail you.and say i love you! then your answer??

I would tell them they need to seek mental counseling afterall how could they really know me from behind a keyboard??confused

RE: Obama Rocks! The main issues are Health care&Economy!

This forum is laughable at best rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: New York & St Patrick's Day Parade

I would imagine that St Patrick's day in New York would be pretty costly $$$$. Everything up north costs more then down here in the Southeastern U.S. Like i said on another post on here the best St Patrick's Day parade i have ever been to was one in Savannah, Georgia as it was huge and had a very high number of people.

RE: New York & St Patrick's Day Parade

Personally i have never been to a St Patrick's day parade in New York but one of the best ones i have been to was one in Savannah, Georgia way back in 2004. Heck i never really was that involved with St Patrick's day.

But what are you supposed to buy into when you are both English and Irish??confused

This is a list of forum posts created by Jackson1862.

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