paws4paws4 Forum Posts (771)

Drinking problem ?

Cheers my friend.

RE: Is it just me?

We are de-evolving. We can laud our great strides in technology, but as far as humanity goes, we're heading back to the caves.

Drinking problem ?

Do you keep a supply of snakes ?

RE: electronic cigarette

I found after many tries that cutting down doesn't work. Use the kit and only the kit.

Drinking problem ?

The gay Australian who went back to Sydney.

Drinking problem ?

Termite, is the Bar tender, as in eating it.

Drinking problem ?

Or the anxious bride who came down the isle.

Drinking problem ?

Then you may like the one about the termite who walked into a pub and asked, "is the bar tender here" ?

RE: electronic cigarette

I bought the smokeless kind 2 years ago. Been cig., free for 2 years and 1 week. Good for you my friend.

Drinking problem ?

I like to keep a bottle of Scotch handy in case I see a snake, which I also keep handy. Paws

RE: why does it have to be this way ?

In that case, a BIG HUG. Let me know if that made you feel any better.

RE: Is it just me?

Maybe so, but CS'ers still represent a cross section of this planet. I would imagine that even MENSA posters have their biases and lack of facts.

RE: Is it just me?

Thanks but that was just a "cut & paste". I've threaded about the "LCD", lowest-common-denominator, which never met with much approval.

RE: why does it have to be this way ?

Short answer, YES.

RE: Is it just me?

No it's not just you. I've posted similar threads as this one and paid the price.

Emotional Vampires.

I once new a wait a second...I've never known a woman.

Emotional Vampires.

Whatever you think about yourself, millions will disagree.

Emotional Vampires.

Of course we do, but some are more defined by 1 or 2 of these traits.

RE: Important

I've made friends with the fact that it's too late to find Ms right. But, my testosterone level has dropped accordingly, so I'm content.

Emotional Vampires.

Everyone belongs to 1 or more of these categories. Do you dare to come out ?

Emotional Vampires.

Sadly I see a little of at least 4 traits in me.

Emotional Vampires.


Emotional Vampires.

The Narcissist
Their motto is "Me first." Everything is all about them. They have a grandiose sense of self-importance and entitlement, hog attention and crave admiration. They're dangerous because they lack empathy and have a limited capacity for unconditional love. If you don't do things their way, they become punishing, withholding or cold.

How to Protect Yourself: Keep your expectations realistic. These are emotionally limited people. Try not to fall in love with one or expect them to be selfless or love without strings attached. Never make your self-worth dependent on them or confide your deepest feelings to them. To successfully communicate, the hard truth is that you must show how something will be to their benefit. Though it's better not to have to contend with this tedious ego stroking, if the relationship is unavoidable this approach works.

The Victim
These vampires grate on you with their "poor-me" attitude. The world is always against them, the reason for their unhappiness. When you offer a solution to their problems they always say, "Yes, but..." You might end up screening your calls or purposely avoid them. As a friend, you may want to help but their tales of woe overwhelm you.

How to Protect Yourself: Set kind but firm limits. Listen briefly and tell a friend or relative, "I love you but I can only listen for a few minutes unless you want to discuss solutions." With a coworker sympathize by saying, "I'll keep having good thoughts for things to work out." Then say, "I hope you understand, but I'm on deadline and must return to work." Then use "this isn't a good time" body language such as crossing your arms and breaking eye contact to help set these healthy limits.

The Controller
These people obsessively try to control you and dictate how you're supposed to be and feel. They have an opinion about everything. They'll control you by invalidating your emotions if they don't fit into their rulebook. They often start sentences with "You know what you need?" and then proceed to tell you. You end up feeling dominated, demeaned or put down.

How to Protect Yourself: The secret to success is never try and control a controller. Be healthily assertive, but don't tell them what to do. You can say, "I value your advice but really need to work through this myself." Be confident but don't play the victim.

The Constant Talker

These people aren't interested in your feelings. They are only concerned with themselves. You wait for an opening to get a word in edgewise but it never comes. Or these people might physically move in so close they're practically breathing on you. You edge backwards, but they step closer.

How to Protect Yourself: These people don't respond to nonverbal cues. You must speak up and interrupt, as hard as that is to do. Listen for a few minutes. Then politely say, "I hate to interrupt, but please excuse me I have to talk to these other people... or get to an appointment... or go to the bathroom." A much more constructive tactic than, "Keep quiet, you're driving me crazy!" If this is a family member, politely say, "I'd love if you allowed me some time to talk to so I can add to the conversation." If you say this neutrally, it can better be heard.

The Drama Queen
These people have a flair for exaggerating small incidents into off-the-chart dramas.

To improve your relationships and increase your energy level, I suggest taking an inventory of people who give you energy and those that drain you. Try to spend time with the loving, nurturing people, and learn to set limits with those who drain you. This will enhance the quality of your life.

RE: Catholic Church funds for Haiti

The US military rebuilt Iraq in a couple of years. Too bad they couldn't re-allocate funds and equipment to Haiti.

RE: new zodiac sign...

Nothing, I just study the entrails of a goat.

RE: If u had 30 mins left to live how would you spend it?

C'mon jod', you put those pics, up for a reason....

Diluting our DNA.

If we go back far enough, most of us are related.

Diluting our DNA.

"Viva la DNA" !

RE: If u had 30 mins left to live how would you spend it?

Thinking of you.

Diluting our DNA.

I believe that coming from a mixed background adds to our personality.

This is a list of forum posts created by paws4.

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