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The Old Church And The New Church - Final

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"I will have a New Bride who will love Me!"--Old Love, New Love.

SHE IT IS THAT LOVETH ME, not this one that would save her life and her reputation by compromise with the Beast and would save her glory and ornaments and houses by pleasing man, but rather this little one that hath forsaken all--houses and lands and family and friends and have made themselves of no reputation and have worn the tattered sackcloth dipped in blood and carried the simple staff of power and been enyoked in the bondage of My love and obedient to My slightest command.
BUT THESE ARE THEY WHICH ARE VIRGINS IN MY SIGHT, who follow the Lamb wheresoever He goeth, and who minister unto Me and who are not contaminated by the things of this world--the things in which her soul delighted--but their delight is only in Me--their joy is only in My presence and they do follow Me wheresoever I go, even through Great Tribulation.

THEY WILL NEVER LEAVE NOR FORSAKE ME as she hath done in the hour of her prosperity. For she did desert Me in the hour of her power--in the hour of her glory and did dote upon herself and her own things, but these have followed Me with nothing, even through Great Tribulation, because they loved Me and Me alone.

BUT THERE SHALL BE THOSE OF HER CHILDREN THAT SHALL STONE THEE and beat thee and shall say unto thee, "Why dost thou not honour this, our mother? Has she not been faithful through many years and ages and times? Hath she not preserved us over the centuries? Hath she not made unto us homes and palaces and nourished us and clothed us in fine linen? Is she not our Mother? Why, therefore dost thou disown her and dishonor her to us, and take unto thee this one who is nothing--contemptible in her sight, despicable unto us, who is nobody, and how doth thou flaunt her in our face to shame us and dishonor our Mother?

AND THERE WILL BE THOSE OF HER CHILDREN THAT WILL BELIEVE THEM and follow them and say, "These things ought not to be so, for have we not done many mighty works in His name and are we not also called by His name? Is He not our Husband? Have we not dwelt in His house and have been clothed in His raiment and fed at His table? How shall they say unto us then that we are not His, that we are no longer His bride, and that we have been cast forth as the shameful ones? How could He cast us aside? Are we not His temple?"

BUT I SHALL SAY UNTO THEM, "DEPART FROM ME, ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you, for I was an hungered and ye gave me no food, thirsty and ye gave me no drink, in prison and ye visited Me not, naked and ye clothed Me not, and I was alone and ye loved Me not, but rather ye doted upon your own children and upon your own ways and your own houses and upon others and ye departed from Me in heart long ago--not I from thee."

THEREFORE HATH THY MOTHER ALREADY DEPARTED, lo, these many years for I was gone from her and she sought Me not. She even wist not that I was not there, and she knew not that My love was gone from her, because she hath forsaken Me in her heart and honoreth Me with her lips only, for she willfully goeth her own way, despite My entreaties and she leadeth others astray with her, for she hath many children and many do follow her. She hath led them all astray.

EVEN SO, MY MERCY ENDURETH FOREVER and My loving-kindness unto all generations if they will return unto Me. Therefore, though they reject thee, still I will love them and receive them. For if she would but return unto Me, I would receive her.

But these faithful ones, these little ones whom they buffeted, shall be raised to everlasting glory, and shall shine as the stars--as they that turn many to righteousness, and as those that remain faithful through Great Tribulation.

DeepTruths TFI [Posted Video -- Spirit Wars Basham Report- Audio]--Rachelle Ferrell & Deborah Cox (Tribute to Natalie Cole) [ST Lady Of Soul Awards 1999]

Why Does God Allow Sin and Suffering

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Word Based Bible Discussion TFI

Many consider the fact that man is fallible and commits sin as an excuse that is not acceptable. Man could do better and be perfect, some think, if he only tried harder. According to many theorists, humans are out of control and the direct cause of their own suffering.

Does God know what He is doing? Has he lost control of his greatest creation? Has the Creator's plans been thwarted by his creation? Why do we, his greatest creation, have all the problems that we do?

So for the poor and the suffering and the starving and sick little children, for them to die is a blessing! It's the ones who are left behind that are to be pitied, the ones who don't die. But those, no doubt, God is trying to teach lessons to and prepare for the afterlife to get them ready to die--which they frequently do soon after their suffering and their sorrow.--David Berg

God knows us and appreciates our struggle. He says He will reward us for it! He wants us not only to live forever but also to have the same wonderful quality of life he possesses. He will give it to us when we overcome Satan's ways. He created man in his own image and likeness. Man's creation is a process that is not finished yet.

Where it all started.

Think about what happened in the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve's creation. Genesis does not mention our first parents receiving a warning that Satan would try to deceive them. The Bible says that Satan was one of the most intelligent and craftiest created beings. Adam and Eve was no match for the devil. God intentionally "let the gate open" for him to enter into the garden and enticed the first couple to sin.

It was a setup.

God wanted Adam and Eve to do what they did. He placed a temptation right in front of them. Adam and Eve were set up to take to themselves the knowledge of Good and Evil. He is in the business of teaching us important lessons. He wants us to be wise as serpents but harmless as doves. (Mt.10:16 & 16:18b) However, to reach his goals, his plan is for us to learn from our mistakes first, from his adversary.

God is not as interested as some think in preventing us from being fallible. There are eternal lessons He wants us to learn. His plan is to insure that no one will ever create Satan's way again. We will know that it does not work because we will have already tried it. It is through the character built in this life, built in “hell,” that will enable us to create "heaven" for all eternity.

To be smarter and wiser than your enemy it pays to know how he thinks. It is perhaps a cliché to say that God is not finished with us yet. However, it is true. He created us and then gave us to Satan for indoctrination. (Mt.8:7-9) Then Jesus comes along to rescue us from our mutual enemy. He gave us the ability to think and think about our thinking. Once he inoculates us with His way of thinking, we can compare his thinking with the way Satan thinks.

God doesn't make mistakes.

God oversees everything that goes on in His universe. He is ultimately responsible for whatever we do, including sin. When we believe in a truly all-powerful Creator, it puts an interesting perspective on just about everything. Jesus told Pilate, who thought he alone had power to kill or release Christ,

"You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above." (John 19:11, NIV).

He knows what He is doing and his plan is on schedule. It is accomplishing the goals that He set out for it. He loves everyone. It only makes sense that the Creator of everything would love His greatest creation.

DeeptTruths TFI [Video Posted - Beyond The Invisible - More Answers; See also blog "Disasters, Blessings or The Purge" 4 Parts]

Unknown artifacts - religious?

A friend recently purchased a taped shut box at an auction. Among with cameras and other goodies it contained these objects possibly of brass,

One is the pot pictured below. The lid seems corroded in place and has not been opened. Its use is unknown as are the carvings on it.

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This is a bell of some kind. Two views. It looks like it may be Hindu, but I don't know what it is for.

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If anyone recognizes these objects and what (if any) special purpose they serve please advise me here. Thanks.
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It's with a heavy heart that I begin this blog, a very close friend of mine has passed away and the pain that I feel for her loss at times has been unbareable, I've cried a million tears, I've felt the sting of loss, it has been difficult at best to try and move foward, but rather reaching for a bottle, or joint, or anything else destructive I reached for my bible and read and listen to the voice of ALMIGHTY GOD AND HIS SON JESUS, as I said the pain of loss is a difficult one trust me on that. I don't know if anyone that's reading this has experienced the loss of a close friend or even a relative but truly it is difficult to handle, I know everyone deals with the loss of a loved one in different ways, but I'm finding out as I read the word is that JESUS is still in control of all things in this thing we experience called life. I still shed tears not so much for her loss but did she make it to GLORY or not, thats my concern, we where friends for years and CHRIST came up in many of our conversations so my hope is that she did believe and that did make it to GLORY, as we live our lives the biggest thing we have to prepare for is our eventual death and were where going to spend eternity either we have accepted the free gift of GOD or we've accepted the lie of the devil. As one reads this I hope that I haven't offended anyone, but the truth is the truth, but hope and prayers are that the either world gets saved and can spend eternity with JESUS and all the heavenly hosts that you have read about or heard about in the word because they are in GLORY as my hope is that I'll be among them when the sand in my hour glass runs out and I know that I will without a doubt. GOD loves us so much that he sent his son to die in our place so we can know him on earth, experience his love through all our painful moments in life, this painful moment in our lives help builds our character and faith, and one might say how does the loss of a loved one help build our character and faith you may ask, its our response to the situation that will determine that, as I've stated I've loss a very close friend like a sister to me, and as I stated could've done a number of things, but I choice to listen to the word of GOD, rather than doing something rash and destructive to myself or someone else or to my spirit and character. We've all heard at one time or another that life is short and precious and it surely is so the ones that we hold close and dear to us, tell them that you love them, that there appreciated and do that with our neighbors and thats anyone that maybe standing next to you, do them no harm, because love does no ill will toward there brothern. Now for me it has taken a loss like this to remind myself who I am in CHRIST, to tell the people that are close to me that I loved them and there appreciated and to my neighbor as well to do no harm to them, and respect them for who they are short comings and all, because we all have our short comings no matter what they are seen or unseen so we can pass from this life to eternal life and have every concern and tears wiped away. As I write this, this is what I have to keep in mind and hold on as I pick up my cross and keep my eyes always on the prize, that on that day when my name is called and I stand before ALMIGHTY GOD and my name is in the Lambs book of life that I'm accounted as worth to enter into the Kingdom of GOD, that when JESUS confesses my name before ALMIGHT GOD and his angles that I am worth to enter into the Kingdom of GOD, that everything I have read in the word that ALMIGHTY GOD is going to do, my white rope and my crown of gold and every tear shall be wiped away. Ladies and Gentleman take a very good look around you the signs of the times are before us, if CHRIST is not your personal savior please make him your personal savior, for those of you that are saved this is a letter of incouragement stay strong in the faith because one day you can exchange it
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What Every Body Needs is Love!

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By David Berg

NO MATTER WHAT COUNTRY YOU'RE FROM, what religion you believe in or what colour your skin is, your heart is the same as other people's hearts all around the World!--There is no difference! Our desire and need for love and peace and happiness is made by God, and the same in everyone the World over!

WHOEVER WE ARE AND WHEREVER WE ARE FROM, the simple answer to all of our problems is the same as it has always been for every age and every generation: LOVE!--True love, real love, God's Love!

WHAT EVERYBODY NEEDS IS LOVE! This is God's answer to all the problems of today as well as to all the problems of the past!--An answer which has always been so simple and childlike that many people find it hard to believe! But this is still God's solution, even in such a confused and complicated World as we live in today!

IT'S JUST THAT SIMPLE: If we love God, if we have His Love in our hearts, we will love and care for each other. We will then follow His rules of life, liberty and happiness, and all will be well and happy as we follow Him!

FOR IT IS MAN'S REJECTION OF GOD'S LOVE AND HIS LOVING LAWS THAT CAUSES MOST OF THE EVILS AND TROUBLES IN THE WORLD TODAY! If people would love God and each other, they would not be mean and selfish! The rich wouldn't rob the poor, those with plenty wouldn't let their neighbors suffer hunger, disease or overwork without helping them, and they certainly wouldn't fight cruel wars in which they kill and wound each other!

THIS IS WHY JESUS SAID THAT THE GREATEST COMMANDMENT IS TO LOVE!--To first of all love God, and then to love your neighbor as yourself! In fact, He said that these two simple laws fulfill all the laws of God! (Matthew 22:37-39) In other words, Love fulfills all the Law!--God's only Law is Love!

OF COURSE, A LOT OF PEOPLE SAY, "OH, I DON'T BELIEVE IN GOD!" But if you were to ask them if they believe in love, they'd probably reply, "Of course I believe in love!" Well, if they can believe in love, then they can believe in God!--Because the Bible says, "God is Love!" (1John 4:8) So real love, God's Love, is all the religion you need, because God is Love, and Love is God!

GOD IS NOT ONLY LOVE, BUT JESUS ALSO SAID THAT "GOD IS A SPIRIT!" (John 4:24)--He is the Great Spirit of Love that created you and me and this beautiful World and the entire Universe! He is so big and so great that He is far beyond our human understanding! But God loved us so much that He wanted us to somehow know and love Him, so to show us His Love and to help us to understand Himself, He sent His Own Son to Earth in the form of a man, Jesus Christ.

JESUS WAS LIKE A PICTURE OF GOD, to show us what God Himself is like.--And that picture is a picture of Love, because all Jesus did was talk about love and show love and live love. Then finally, in love, He gave His life for you and me, so that we could have God's Love, forgiveness and free Gift of Eternal Life if we would just receive Him into our hearts.

SO IF YOU FEEL THAT YOU DON'T HAVE ENOUGH LOVE, MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE YOU HAVEN'T YET FOUND GOD'S LOVE BY RECEIVING HIS SON JESUS!--There is a hollowness, an empty spot that He has placed in each of our hearts that only He can fill, and that nothing else will ever truly satisfy. So if you'd like Him to fill that spot in your life, all you have to do is open your heart to Him.

TO RECEIVE GOD'S LOVE IS SO SIMPLE that Jesus said you must become as a little child to enter His spiritual Kingdom of love and joy! He said, "Unless you humble yourself and become as a little child, you shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven!" (Matthew 18:3)

We pray these words of love Helped you find the love you need to make you Happy!--And that others will find happiness through your love too! God bless you and make you a blessing with His Love!

DeepTruths TFI [Post Video - A Must See! "The Antichrist is here and You are following him!"]

The World of Tomorrow - Final

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THE PLACE WHERE ALL OF GOD'S CHILDREN ARE GOING TO LIVE WITH THE LORD FOREVER IS NOT SOME FANCY DREAMLAND WAY OFF IN OUTER SPACE SOMEWHERE, but an even more amazing Dream City that's going to come down from God, out of space, to a beautiful New Earth!--And God is going to come down and live with us, and we with Him, in that Heavenly City! (Rev.21:1-3)

HEAVEN IS REAL!--Millions and billions of God's children who have already died and gone on to be with the Lord are already enjoying this wonderful, gigantic, golden City of Love which is on its way to Earth now!

(Continued Final)

During the Millennium, His Word says that "He will destroy in this mountain (kingdom) the face of the covering cast over all people, and the vail that is spread over all nations." (Is.25:7 .)--What vail?--The vail of misunderstanding, the vail of unbelief, the vail of non-comprehension of spiritual things.

In the face of the visible rule and reign of Christ on earth, His personal appearance to man, His Second Coming in mighty power and glory, His wiping out of the Antichrist and his kingdom and the imprisonment of Satan, and His obvious visible rule and reign of firm love with a rod of iron, forcing people to be good whether they like it or not, I think some are going to believe and receive who perhaps never heard before! And maybe there will be some who might even have heard, but didn't understand or couldn't believe until they saw something.

"For in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness. The meek also shall increase their joy in the Lord, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. Behold, a King shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judgement. And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it!" (Is.29:18,19; 32:1; 40:5.)

Everyone on earth will see His glorious power and kingdom, and everybody will believe then!--He even says, "And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for they shall all know Me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord." (Jer.31:34.)

THEN JESUS and HIS RESURRECTED CHILDREN FROM ALL AGES WILL WORK TOGETHER WITH ALL OF THE PEOPLE ON EARTH who survived this horrific Battle, to rebuild a new and better World, setting up the Kingdom of God on Earth! (Rev.20:4,6) All wars will have ceased and men will "beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks and they shall learn war no more!" (Isa.2:4)

THE BIBLE SAYS THAT THIS PERIOD WILL LAST FOR 1,000 YEARS, and is therefore known as the Millennium! The Curse that came upon the Earth when man fell into sin will be removed and "one who dies at a hundred years old will be but a child"! (Isa.65:20) The Earth will be restored to the original beauty of the Garden of Eden and the "lion will lie down with the lamb and the leopard with the baby goat, and a little child shall lead them!" (Isa.11:6,7)

ARE YOU ONE OF THE SAVED WHO HAS THE BRIGHTEST and HAPPIEST FUTURE TO LOOK FORWARD TO, ruling and reigning with Jesus as one of His resurrected Flying Super-People during this wonderful time?–You could be teaching the surviving natural people of the Earth, like Grandfather and his family, the loving ways of Jesus, the King of kings!

BY SIMPLY PRAYING THIS LITTLE PRAYER YOU CAN RECEIVE JESUS and HIS WONDERFUL LOVE RIGHT NOW!: "Dear Jesus, I believe that You are the Son of God and that You died for me. Please forgive me for all my sins. I now open the door of my heart and ask You, Jesus, to please come in and give me Your free Gift of Eternal Life!–In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen."

DeepTruths TFI [Posted Video - Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin]

The World of Tomorrow (Part 1)

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I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. Ecclesiastes 9:11 (KJV)

Inspired by David Berg

The beautiful world of the future

OLD GRANDFATHER LOVES TO WATCH THE GOLDEN CITY IN THE BIG BLUE BUBBLE RISE OVER THE MOUNTAINS! Every day he perches himself in his favorite spot right on time to watch this magnificent Globe begin its climb into the sky overhead. Today some of his family and neighbors are busy below, preparing a cottage for one of his granddaughters who is about to get married.

GRANDFATHER CAN REMEMBER WHEN THE GREAT GOLDEN CITY FIRST APPEARED IN THE SKY over 800 years ago, way back in the 1990's! Though he was just a teenager then, the memories of the Age before the City arrived are still with him. His children and grandchildren always marvel at his incredible tales and stories about how strange life was in those days!

MEN WERE CRUEL and UNKIND TO EACH OTHER THEN. Nations trained their young men to fight in horrible conflicts called wars, where millions of people were wounded and killed! People crowded together by the millions, stacked on top of each other in tall towers in huge artificial environments called cities!--Where foul polluting vehicles roared and raced through the streets and skies!

GRANDFATHER'S STORIES ABOUT HIS ESCAPE FROM THE ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT that arose just 7 years before the Golden City arrived always amazes his listeners! The evil leader of the World Government had claimed that he was God, and had demanded that all the World worship him and be branded with his Mark. Because Grandfather's parents were devout members of another religion, they refused to worship the World leader, and therefore had to flee deep into the jungle where they hid from the World Government police for over three years!

HIS CHILDREN FIND IT HARD TO IMAGINE THE DANGERS that Grandfather and his family met in the jungle back then.--For now poisonous serpents, deadly spiders and stinging or biting insects no longer exist!--Nor have they ever seen any ferocious or dangerous lions, tigers or crocodiles.--These animals are all tame and friendly now--the pets of children!

HIS GRANDCHILDREN CAN HARDLY BELIEVE THAT BEFORE THE GOLDEN CITY CAME THAT PEOPLE USED TO GROW OLD and wrinkled and die of old age when they were only 60, 70 or 80 years old!--Grandfather's beautiful granddaughter whom we see picking flowers in this picture is 120 years old and is still considered to be a young girl!--People on Earth now age very slowly, and some, like Grandfather, are already well into their 800's!

IT'S ALWAYS THRILLING WHEN GRANDFATHER TELLS ABOUT THE DAY THAT THE FLYING-PEOPLE FIRST CHARGED OUT OF THE SKY, riding on great flying horses to rid the World of the evil empire of the One-World dictator! Then it was the World Government forces' turn to flee and hide! But no matter where they hid, the super-human Flying-People sought them out and destroyed them all, until at last, the bestial dictator and all of his cruel and hateful worshipers were destroyed!

THE BILLIONS OF FLYING-PEOPLE THEN WENT TO EVERY COUNTRY, every province, every island, everywhere on Earth, to teach all of the surviving people the ways of their great new King--Jesus! A massive clean-up campaign was launched around the World and all weapons of war were burned and destroyed. Most of the big cities of the World had already fallen, either in the terrible Nuclear War in the last weeks of the World Government's reign or in the gigantic earthquake that struck just before the Flying-People's invasion!

Deeptruths TFI [Posted Video - "Perfect Strangers" - Jonas Blue]
ali110online today!

Eid Mubarak

Happy Eid to you all of you , May Allah /God showers his blessing on you and fill your life with love ,peace and prosperity .wine handshake

Opposition or Opportunity - Final

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I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains [just one grain; it never becomes more but lives] by itself alone. But if it dies, it produces many others and yields a rich harvest.
John 12:24 AMPC

*Man's Extremity Is God's Opportunity

Anyone who aspired to achieve anything great in this world to bring about monumental change and improvement faced enormous challenges and great opposition. Those who fought for the rights of children to receive schooling and not be in the workforce from the time they were very small faced opposition. Those who fought for racial equality faced continual opposition. Those who fought for the death of the slave trade fought the financial magnates of their day. Those who fought to make it possible for the common people to read the Bible faced opposition and persecution from the religious powers of their day. And on it goes.

Those who preach a message of salvation, faith, and truth will often stand in opposition to the world and its status quo.—Jesus, speaking in prophecy


Philippians 2:13 says, “For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.” And 1 Thessalonians 5:24 says, “The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.” There is wonderful liberation in these promises, because focusing on what God is doing through us takes the pressure off us and puts it on Him. Our job is to step out in faith, dependent upon God, and trusting Him to accomplish His purpose in whatever He called us to do.

That doesn’t mean everything will run smoothly. Wherever the work of God is being carried out we can expect opposition, not only on the mission fields, but in our homes and communities. There will always be pitfalls and hurdles, but when Christ is our strength, the difficulties will deepen our commitment, and we not only learn from them, but in them, experience the unlimited resources of Christ. We are never called to a task without the equipping and empowerment of Christ, and that’s where our confidence lies; not in what we are doing, but in what Christ is doing through us.—Charles Price


Adversity is a severe instructor, set over us by one who knows us better than we do ourselves, as He loves us better, too. He that wrestles with us strengthens our nerves and sharpens our skill. Our antagonist is our helper. This conflict with difficulty makes us acquainted with our object and compels us to consider it in all its relations. It will not suffer us to be superficial.—Edmund Burke


Difficulties are the admission tickets to the game of life. But, at times, we cannot help suspecting that life would be much more pleasant without the hassles. Is that what you think? Before answering, ponder the following.

In a world without hurdles, there are no champions; without suffering, there are no saints; without battles, there are no victories; without rain, no rainbows. Doesn’t it appear that a world that includes pain is more rewarding than one that doesn’t? Isn’t heat necessary to produce gold, pressure and polishing necessary to produce diamonds, and adversity necessary to produce character?

Here’s how Henry Ford expressed the same sentiment: “Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger, even though sometimes it is hard to realize this. We must learn that the setbacks … which we endure help us to march onward.”—Chuck Gallozzi

Anchor TFI


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