RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

Romney had the last word in the debate last night. He went straight for the undecided voter, with it. Estimated to be anywhere from 4% to 7% of the electorate right now. But in the close race, it is this undecided voter that makes the final decision.

Here is what he said....

"I'm optimistic about the future. I am excited about the prospects of our nation. I want to see peace. I want to see a growing peace in this country, it is our objective. We have a opportunity to have real leadership. America is going to have that kind of leadership and continue to promote the principles of peace. that will make the world a safer place and give the people of this country more confidence in a secure future."

"I also want to make sure the economy gets going. And there are two very different paths the country can take. One path represented by the President will mean at the end of four years, we will have a 20 trillion debt, headed for Greece. I will get us on track with a balanced budget. The President's path will continue to see less take home pay. I want to make sure our take home pay turns around and starts to grow. The President's path means 20m people out of work and struggling for a job. I will get people back to work with 12m jobs. I'm going make sure we get people off food stamps, not by cutting the program but by getting them jobs."

end of part 1

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

In the Yahoo poll with 251,000 votes was is dead even tie....
at 50% for each man on who won last night debate.

Hey Dude, do you mind if we add your poll tally to the Yahoo debate poll?

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

The election race on the DEM has a to be a trying thing these is effecting their sense of humors negatively.

Take this one from John Kerry who played Mitt Romney, the next President of the United States in the trail debates with Barack Obama.

Come on DEMs admit it. You all lost your humor, when Barack Obama selected in the DEM Rules Committee over Hillary Clinton in 2008.
And you took the nominee selection out of the people's hands.

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

One little point.....the supporters of the President felt he got in a zinger tonight when he said the US military doesnot still use "horses and bayonets" we now have Air Craft Carriers and ships that go under the under water...submarines"

Well a good fact check will show us that that the first CIA teams in Afghanistan in the great bin Laden hunt....rode horses. And basic training for both the Marine Corp and SArmy still today includes bayonet training.

Tuck that thumb in the salute Mr. President, your lack of military knowledge is showing......

When you are in the use all the assets that you can acquire....rule number 1.

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

How critical is tonight debate?

As OReilly has just said....if Mitt Romney is preceived to win this debate....he is the next President of the United States.

Take some good notes Dude......

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

Look at the figures Dude. It is chump change. Most in the military give direct donations that are untractable....just like civilians.

For a incumbant President can only get DoD to donate....$536K when there are 450,000 DoD employees....means that the average DoD donation is $1.19....

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

The new position by the liberal media and Obama surrogates on not a big deal. Former NATO commander Wesley Clark on OReilly tonight basically blamed REP for making a it a political issue.

There was no cover up. The Administration was perfectly clear and in control in the days following the events. Barack Obama did everything that could have been expected of a President in the light of the circustances.

So No Big Deal ..........bad things happen.

55% of 150,000 Yahoo voters say it is a big deal. That it will effect their vote.

But could the President do everything that he could have?
Clark lays out 5 points.

1) he increase security at the embassies
-but not Sudan. but not Yemen but not Pakistan and Egyptian Marine Guard did not even load weapons
2) he called foreign leaders saying it was their responsibility to protect our embassies
-the embassy are US soveriegn soil. If he cannot protect them. Then it is time to get a new President that can
3) he called it a act of terrorism
-once in the Rose Garden was the term used. 7 time in the UN address he mentioned the movie trailer
4)he requested a investigation on the Libyan events
-if it like other investigations of this administration, we will never see it.
5)he is hunting down the Libyan Jhadist that did it.
-one is sitting in a cafe sipping a frappe and joking of how he helped to kill the ambassador. he can start there.

Whesley is angry at Mitt Romney for not coming into the fold and being supportive of the President in a bad time. DEM after 911 set aside politics to join America together.

We had just had election the year before. This is different. 14 days till this election. It is our political season. Romney and REP have every right....and the American people have every right to know the details of the Libyan events. Before the election.

Barack Obama has not done a face the nation for 1 and 1/2 months.

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

See how the liberal media is now using the bin Laden raid to build up Obama?

If the story is accurate that Obama did not order the bin Laden raid....then historians, DEM political pundits, and everyone that ever supported the President's foreign policy in Afghanistan will have egg on their face.

If this is a cover up, it goes right to Oval office. At the DNC both Obama and Biden took full responsibility for the bin Laden raid.

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

Just don't do a Crowley with the debate tape. Very bad form there.....
If you get tempted to answer for Obama.....don't shout the answer out.
Make him figure it out himself......

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

Bret Humes just explained the how the 2008 voting model has played into the polling this year for the 2012.

In 2008, DEMs had a 7% greater turn out than the previous years. That is part of why McCain got waxed. But now for the 2012 polling, guess what most of the polls did?

Weighed 7% more DEM voters into the polling in.

No one is saying that the DEM turned out this years will reflect a 7% increase. Not with Obama approvals in the 40s.

So when you see a poll that says Obama and Romney are even. Subtract 7% from the Obama figure. See what you get then......

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

We got game 7 of the NLC MBL being played tonight. Right at the same time as the debate. Anyways we can get spilt screen? This is going to cut down on the debate viewers big time.

Most red blooded Americans will take baseball over a political debate every day of the week. They were saying 65m were estimated to see the debate. But I bet maybe 50m will see it. Game is being played in SF....even Nancy Pelosi will miss the debate.

Well maybe not. I doubt Nancy knows zip about the American pastime.

Go Tigers!

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

What do you think about about this fake Heinz Ketchup factory Dude?

This has been bugging me. Here is why. The labels on the fake bottles have to be as good as the real labels, right? To pass the inspection of supermarkets and stores....that label better be right.

Were would the fakes get real labels? If not the Heinz factory. Make sense? Or the Heinz printer?


What all these food stamp scams.....Heinz is selling fake ketchup. Knowing that the other parties in the fraud....cannot report it to the government.

Selling fake ketshup has to be more profitable than selling quality ketchup. Specially if the ones you are selling it to cannot report the fraud.

Here in the US Ketchup has a date code on it. So......someone has to place fake date codes on the fake bottles. But again.....were does a person get those codes....that will go to the reseller if not from Heinz?

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

I got my matching Romney/Ryan shirt sticker and my VETs for Romney buttons. I saw Romney shirt sticker at the local restraunt the other day....worn by a waitress. You go to Catfish Place here in Saint Cloud....don't be wearin any Obama signage. The food will be cold and sweet tea you ordered will be sour.laugh

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

Heck if he cannot change Washington in the world would he change Iran course to a nuc!!

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

If he will not, I will. Your Romney/Ryan hat is prettier than Governor Scott's cowboy irish christmas cool tip hat party hat professor and all the rest of these as well!!

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

Solydrna is back in the news. Solydrna is going to make the investors into the firm $344m in tax credits, if the court ruling stands.

After getting a $528m government loan....and going bankrupt. The principle investors in Solyrna Argonaunt Capitol and Madrone Partners....will get $344m in future tax credits on profits from other investments.

Known as NOLs (Net operating losses) these can be applied against future revenues of invested firms that are profitable. In other words they will pay less in future taxes to the figure of $344m.

Likely this is one of those Romany tax lop holes that he want to close.....

But seem when the Obama administration when it did the loans, Solydrna was still operating under the old accounting laws....were NOLs are premitted.

So? Solydrna nailed the tax payer twice. Once on the $588m in bad government loans and now on the $344m in tax credits. Over 900m of bad business on this one green energy start up alone. Likely all the other failed green energy firms that were bank rolled by the Administration will get NOLs in their bankruptcies as well.

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

He saved the state 3b for a high speed rail that covers only 1/2 of the state. We can make a central florida regional airport and run a commuter Airline that covers the entire state with more seats for that.

In fact that is what my Central Florida county is considering now.....building a regional airport......

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

High Speed rail is not evil.....just expensive.professor

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

If President Obama did not order the bin Laden is worse than this UNC cheap shot by incoming 42 when the play was dead.

Because after the success raid....taken on the initiative of the SEAL and US Forces fighting in a war on terrorism...the Obama administration made them all targets by leaking them into the public.....for going outside the Chain of Command.

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

I think Wish is on to something Dude. The Don might be breaking the news that Obama did not order the bin Laden raid.....

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

If you would have read the would note that the officer of the X-37 ordered a accident investigation report on the Atlas V some tampering might have been done to the missile.
We just has a Russian spy ring seem logical that they might be connected......

Would not hurt to find out, right?

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

Wish has done your thread a real favor Dude. She has brought it to our attention....that Obama did not order the bin Laden raid. Your thread will be a hit with the media and all of the net soon. With all the follow up and dot connecting we have doing on it. It will be in major networks and even FOX soon.

Really you should thank Wish.....

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

I sited Senator Session in the original post on food stamps, Dude. He has learned that the food stamp program in 2011 was 1+t.

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

Sorry it doesnot fly Dude. Most of the militia in Benghazi were under of the control of the government. In fact one sent a 60 man fast response force with 5 British security the night of the raid.

The libyan could have stopped it before it started..........just with additional security at the Consulate.

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

I need to be correct on this. The only service man in the USAF Special Operations I think. He has the CIB Combat Infantry Badge and Jump Wing. I see him as a Colonel. But he might be a Major. but those kinds of awards are given to USAF SoF. USAF SoF flew the helo on the bin Laden mission.

But He is certainly not a SEAL or Navy.

Also note the screens on the laptops on the table. They are all turned off. Like this was hastily called meeting. If the meeting been planned....they would all be on. Hillary does not even have note book open.

No wonder Obama was on the edge of the chair. He did not know that this mission was going on.....his entire Presidency was going on the screens in front of him.

Look at the smirk on Gates face. He knows what is going on here. DoD Sectretary he and General Petreuas of CINCOMM have set this up with Penetta and the CIA.......

But this explains the post raid Administration leaks of the SEAL team. They had stepped outside the Chain of Command to do the raid.

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

It would also explain why the White House did not know really what was going on in the bin Laden raid. Like Benghazi they have real time imagery that they are seeing.

Now if you have seen practices runs of the mission done dozen is easy to analysis the video you see. But you see it one time....without a good explanation.....that is different deal.

Just a moment. I want to check something.

Here is the photos from the situation room. See a SEAL Officer there? NO See a Navy officer there? NO. Just a single USAF Colonel that is working the imagery feeds.

Now if you a service branch and was doing the biggest mission of the War on would have a representative in the situation room with the President doing a blow by blow description on the mission. But there is not a SEAL or Navy man in the room.

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

That would explain why Penetta is so proud of his brick from Pakistan and the bin Laden raid. Ever hear Obama or Biden say that they got a brick? I have not.

So Penetta orders the bin Laden raid without the White House knowing about it. After they had several earlier attempts that the White House had sqlaushed. I remember Biden saying he warned Obama not to do it.

So they have to make Obama look like the decision maker. So they false up the official version of the raid with the 300 pages to the movie producers. Saying Obama 'knew from the beginning and had total command control of the training and operation'. Then when that get disputed by the Navy Seal Team Chief's version.....

No wonder the the Navy Chief was calling Biden a "drunkard" at the award diner. They knew the White House did not support the mission.
But they are determined to do the mission. And they have Penetta orders for one.

So they don't say a word until the mission is in Pakistani airspace to the White House or Obama and Biden....that the mission is on....
then the White House cannot sqlaushed or abort the mission....easily.
And Petreaus and the CIA are behind the scene providing the intell for the mission.

This definetly sounds like SEALs to me. Wait till the old timers from my Dad unit hear this in their coming Janaury reunion....they will go nuts.....rolling on the floor laughing That is the American military taking the initiative! Way to go guys!!!

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?


That would explain why the night before in the Washington Press Corp diner....he was so at ease in the evening.

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

With a 112,168 voting in a yahoo poll that asked the question....

Does the administration's handling of the Libyan attack effect your vote?

55% said that it did
45% said that it didnot.

RE: THE President Actually! Preisdent Obama or President Romney?

We should not pick on Nancy. She was just taking orders from the liberal executive committee deep inside the DEM party. The real behind the scene players that shape the DEMs and their political ideology.

Most have sons and daughter in the OWS....Howard Dean can move them on certain far left positions.

This is the group that did the DNC platform removal of ....God and Jersalum. The DEMs you never see and never vote on. Nancy, Harry, Barack, Joe.....are mainly their public face.

They are the reason that Joe gets mixed up. He reads their talking points without a teleprompter....and they come out "Iraq and Iran".
Harry that knows what Joe is suppose to say....has his hand in the air before the words are finished.

Harry, Joe, Barack and Nancy are just really DEM political pawns here. It is why you have so many versions on Libya. Until the DEM insiders knew how they wanted to spin it.....they did not have solid talking points to share.

This is a list of forum posts created by TTom50.

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