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Feeling sad.....feeling alone......

1.30 pm - bad night............friends will know why.

z sad flower
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You - And you ex.........

Was it smooth or acrimonious?

For me it was fairly easy. We discussed it like adults, looked into the problems, looked for the solutions, but in the end decided to separate.
Easiest option, mostly for economic reasons was sharing the house, which we did successfully for 18 months.

Of all the folk I have known, chatted with and dated - I have been open about this arrangement if (and when) I felt they needed to know. Only one found it odd and eventually made an issue out of it.

ex met one in person and has spoken to 2 on skype.

Recently I have moved into my own apartment with a new partner and I think both will get on with each other when necessary.

Do you find this odd, un-natural, exceptional or civilized?

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Why would you want to date an American?

Sorry guys, but it has to be said,

This is not an anti-American blog.

I had a friend who held a French passport and worked in a specialized field of medicine. She works in the USA, has done for 15 years. Her daughter has stayed and studied in USA since she was 3. When daughter finishes full-time education she may be asked to leave. My friend still has to apply for work permit annually.

Europeans can move and work freely in other European countries. So, as long as we date fellow Europeans we have less difficulty with entry and work permits.

Having no transferable skills I would find it difficult moving to the USA or Australia although Canada, being part of the Brit Commonwealth would be easier.

At what point - this is an International dating site - do we think about this when we meet someone.

Can we move to that country?

Are you prepared for the time, money, red tape involved?

Or do we cross her fingers and hope for the best.

z wave
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How much are your CS friends worth?

Or the difference a year makes.

One year ago I had a 4 month relationship with a lady I met on CS. First thing she wanted was for me to delete my account and my friends. Being fairly new to dating I complied. Although we had good times problems only got worse.

Was it controlling, low self-esteem or based on previous bad experience?

Forward 1 year and I am in a new relationship with someone from CS

I have a number of lady friends on CS. We chat, skype and communicate almost daily. My partner knows who they are and is friends herself with some. She has her own male friends some of whom I know. We share the same laptop and it often lies open and un-passworded. We share the same skype account as well.

Whatever happens now or in the future I will never give up my friends.

Whatever her reasoning I think she was wrong.

If you cannot trust someone - you cannot love them - you have nothing.

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Is "Love" just the icing on the cake?

After reading some very poetic descriptions recently about "love" I wondered if I have ever been in love.

Compatability, friendship, companionship, intimacy, security, affection, caring, appreciation, respect, empathy, understanding, acceptance, all good words and actions that are necessary for a long relationship.

But, are they enough if one person does not love the other?

Can a relationship survive on this alone?

Could you enter into a relationship that would have all this without that vital ingredient?

In the past (and maybe still happens) Royalty and Nobility married for reasons other than love,

Arranged marriages can work.

Gold-diggers (yes they do exist)

Do wags really love their footballing boyfriends? Or is it a lifestyle choice.

And for all those that believe in the all-encompassing power of love why is the divorce rate so high?


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A simple question about photo's

If we were not allowed to post photos on our profile would we still interact and be friends.....with the same people?

I think I would - but then I think intelligence and generous nature is beautiful.

z wave
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A place of beauty - Today, a place of death.

We went to Greenan Castle today, snez and I, one of our favorite places to lie on the grass and and relax.

When we arrived, normally empty, 3 people were there - 2 Polish guys and the girlfriend of one (also Polish) Nice people who shared their bar-b-que with us................

20 minutes later one guy was dead. Fallen from the castle window onto the shore 50 feet below........

I was first down and knew he was dead...............

I phoned the emergency services and was told to check for pulse etc.. I had already.......

So I sat with Thomas his friend - a stranger from another land while snez looked after margareite 50 feet above us and waited, and waited...........

Two phone calls and almost an hour later a helicopter was circling overhead. It finally landed and from a crew of four a woman finally emerged. She walked towards me and I took her to the body. She turned and made a slashing motion across her throat in the direction of the helicopter.................

Then we waited. 2 paramedics turned up and 2 more doctors emerged from the helicopter - finally the body was covered up.

It was explained to me that we would need to wait for the police to take statements............

They finally came - 10 police..........four paramedics..........2 doctors ...........and before we left there had been 3 helicopters...........

They had all probably saw death before - I hadn't.

So they stood around and gossiped, talked about logistics (tide was coming in)

Only human characteristic was a doctor thanking me for staying with a stranger and giving him support.

What was worst? When we finally had to leave them.........police would not interview them without an interpreter and driving back to town............ we had just witnessed death - close up and sudden - life goes on..........

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Buying a car?

We have separated, split up, got our affairs in order and have decided to buy a new car.....

But what to get? Do women and men have the same criteria when choosing a car?

Plenty of models, makes, colors. High engine specs, good mileage per gallon. Do we want something that suits out needs, or something that reflects our personality.

Do we go for the little red sports car, the big sensible car, or the small economical car?

Do we decide on a model 1st or start looking through the motor ads. Can we pay cash or do we need a loan?

What are the maintenance costs - after buying the car can we afford to run it?

In the end do we just set out with our cash and buy the best possible regardless of age, make and color.

Are the same processes at work when we are looking for a new partner?

You are single
You join dating site.
So many ladies/men to choose from.

Are you looking for someone half your age?
Do you go for intellect and security over a "hot" body?

Is there any point in cyber-dating someone a thousand miles away if you can't afford to travel?
Is Hot in bed more important than someone who can't cook / put up a shelf?

Is color, race, religion important?
What about dependable and reliability?

In the end after we have whittled down the long, long, list of possibilities do we settle for average intelligence, average looks, someone we are comfortable with, low maintenance but dependable?

Or, because we are too fussy, too choosy..........THERE'S NO-ONE LEFT !!!
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Moving out and moving on.

Moving out and moving on.

Setting up home alone or leaving home for the first time - what came as the biggest surprise or the biggest shock / disaster?

For men

How goes a dirty shirt not magically appear in the wardrobe when needed?

We have never ran out of toilet paper before !!

How do I pay this utility bill?

Budget - How does 2 beers per night = so much money in a month!!

For woman:

You have to put oil in a car?

What is a fuse.

I have my own telly remote!!

Budget - shreik !!

For me it is all about money, paperwork and appointments.

Ex-wife was highly organised in this department. My salary went straight into bank and hey presto everthying was paid on time. I got handed a new tax disc (car) when needed. Told about appointments dates (mothers birthday etc). Now - takes a bit of getting used to. Watching the money drip-feed, or pour, out of the bank and wonder if it will make it till next pay day.

Feel free to add your own.

z wave
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Why would someone be here.....

Who writes this on their profile?

AS I read the blogs I scan profiles to know more about the commentator or blogger and I just came across this...........

"If someone exsist for me there that is definitely not in this site"

weird or just not very positive.

You come across any other strange profiles?

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Changed My Profile

I’m looking for:
Met my ideal lady on CS and am no longer looking. Just here now for the blogs and my friends.

Good luck folks. CS does work if 2 people are both prepared to make an effort.

New lady in my life has travelled 1500 miles to be with me. Whether the problems are just starting or not we are committed to each other and will face all together as they arise.

z wave
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