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In Search of Truth Pt. 4

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For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 KJV


Sad to say, this is often the case. Much of what the World views as "Christianity" today, has strayed so far away from what simple, lowly JESUS, originally taught to His followers, that very few similarities can be found when you look at the way most Christians live today, and compare their lives with those of Jesus and His Disciples.

Jesus never preached any complicated ceremonies, rituals or impossible-to-keep rules and regulations. Nor did He ever say to build elaborate religious buildings or cathedrals at the expense of the poor! He simply said that our most important religious obligation was to "LOVE GOD and to LOVE our NEIGHBORS as ourselves."--Matthew 22:37-39. He Himself showed His followers how to do this by His Own example of living a life of LOVE and COMPASSION, "sharing with the poor, healing the broken hearten, offering deliverance to the captives, restoring of sight to the blind, and liberty to them that are bound!"--Luke 4:18.


The TRUE God is a GOOD God Who is KIND and LOVING and CONCERNED about ALL of His children in EVERY nation! The Bible tells us that He is a loving Heavenly FATHER Who LOVES YOU as His Own dear child, Who created this beautiful World as a home for you to live in and enjoy.

Unfortunately, many people picture God as some kind of a great all-seeing Eye Who follows them around with a big stick over their heads, Who is always ready to clobber them and punish them for all their sins, mistakes and weaknesses. However, the Bible tells us that this is NOT the case at all, but that God is loving and gentle, merciful and forgiving, and that the only reason He follows anyone around is because He's hoping they'll turn around and MEET Him, for He's waiting for them with open arms!

In fact, the Bible tells us, "God is LOVE!"--1John 4:8.--He's not some kind of a cruel monster Who enjoys seeing His creations suffer, Who wants to deny us all pleasure and happiness and make us miserable! He's not a heartless tyrant Who is trying to frighten everyone into Hell.--He is a God of LOVE Who is trying to LOVE everyone into HEAVEN!


Jesus said, "God is a SPIRIT: And those who worship Him must worship Him in SPIRIT and in TRUTH!"--John 4:24. He is not a mere person in the sense that you and I are, for He and His Spirit surpass the entire UNIVERSE!

God is omnipresent--EVERYWHERE; omnipotent--all-powerful; and omniscient--all-knowing! He cannot be confined to ANY particular place, and certainly not to a mere temple, altar, shrine, religious building or place of worship!--He says, "Do not I FILL Heaven and Earth? Behold, even the heavens and the Heaven of heavens cannot contain Me!--For the Most High God does NOT dwell in temples made with hands!"--Jeremiah 23:24; 1Kings 8:27; Acts 7:48.

God is the great basic Power and Guiding Light of the Universe, the Almighty Creator, the Great Spirit of Love Who has brought all things into being. As Man's loving fatherly Creator, He has a kind and benign purpose in store for us, a final fulfillment of all of our longings for love, life, liberty and happiness!--He LOVES you!

DeepTruths TFI [Posted Video - Wonder of The World - ThePianoGuys]

In Search of Truth Pt. 3

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If you are not sure if a Supreme Being, an all-powerful God, exists, then the first step to take is to ascertain that He IS. The most obvious proof we have that a Divine Creator exists is the World and Universe around us, the visible, natural CREATION.

The following true incident is a fitting illustration: Doctor Robert A. Millikan was the renowned American nuclear physicist who won the Nobel prize for his work in pioneering the splitting of the atom. One evening, at a banquet held in his honour, a young journalist approached him and said, "Dr. Millikan, although you are undoubtedly a brilliant scientist, a great physicist, I've heard rumour that you still cling to the old-fashioned concept of a Creator, that you actually believe in GOD!--Is this true?"

Millikan paused for a moment as he thoughtfully studied the young reporter's face. He then produced an elaborate gold pocket-watch from his vest and said, "Just as behind this WATCH there had to be an intelligent designer and watchmaker, so behind the intricate precision and timing of this great Universe, there HAD to be a great CREATOR!"

The Holy Book of three Faiths, the Bible, tells us, "Since the creation of the World, the INVISIBLE things of God--His eternal power and divine nature--are clearly SEEN, being understood by the visible things that He has MADE."--Romans 1:20*. In other words, the existence of an invisible Creator is MANIFEST or made EVIDENT by the wonderful World which He has created, His Creation, the things which we can SEE.--The greatest credentials of the Creator are the marvellous things He has made!

The sea, the sky, the mountains, the valleys, the trees, the flowers, they're all TELLING us something! When you gaze into the heavens on a clear night, beholding the stars, planets and wonders of the Cosmos, haven't you ever felt that there must be a REASON, a PURPOSE behind it all?--As if it all MEANS something, SAYS something?--Well, it IS saying something!--It's all crying out, "LOOK!--There IS a GOD! Look at the wonders He has MADE!" The Bible says:

"The heavens DECLARE the glory of God and the firmament SHOWS His handiwork! Day after day utters SPEECH, and night after night shows KNOWLEDGE! There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard!"--Psalm 19:1-3. God's entire Creation is a constant testimony of not only His existence, power and majesty, but also of His Love, concern and care for us in giving us such a beautiful World to live in!


Although it's true that the Bible has been embraced mostly by Western cultures, its revelation of Truth is for EVERYONE! Actually, its origins are not "Western" at all! Most of the Bible was written by prophets and seers from the Middle Eastern land of PALESTINE, a unique land bridge that links the three great continents of Asia, Africa and Europe.

The great Creator, God, from the pages of the Bible, lovingly calls out to ALL men of ALL nationalities, saying,

"Look unto Me and be saved, all the ends of the Earth: for I am God, the God of all flesh, and besides Me there is none else!"--Isaiah 45:22

The Bible's appeal is universal: "WHOSOEVER shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved, for the Lord would have ALL men to be saved, to come unto the knowledge of the Truth. For God shows no partiality and is no respecter of persons, but in EVERY nation, ALL who love Him are accepted by Him!."--Rom.10:13; 1Timothy 2:4; Acts 10:34,35--In other words, God freely offers His Love, peace, blessings and salvation to ALL of us, regardless of our race, colour, nationality or social status!

DeepTruths TFI

In Search of Truth Pt. 2

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... the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn, That shines brighter and brighter until the full day. Proverbs 4:18 NASB

This is why the rich and powerful are often the most miserable of all men.--They ALREADY possess everything that most people think can satisfy and make them happy. They've already attained all of the material things their hearts could desire, and to their sorrow they discover that things cannot satisfy or fulfil their empty hearts and starving souls!--Thus they no longer even have HOPE of happiness in riches! The famous English poet, Lord Byron, realized this and lamented, "I have drunk every cup of pleasure, and I have quaffed every cup of fame, and yet alas, I die of THIRST!"

Although many people today take little time to ponder the prospect of a Creator, of a God, when a personal crisis or tragedy suddenly strikes--an unexpected accident or critical illness, a death in the family, a great personal loss of any kind--to whom do they turn for help? A fat bank account--regardless of the wealth it holds--can do nothing to bring back a loved one who has passed through death's door. Houses, lands and a stockpile of luxury items can do nothing to rekindle a love that has grown cold or heal a heart that's been broken. It is during such times of crisis that people frequently realise that the TRUE values of life are far more important than mere material wealth.


Although Man's basic needs and heart's desires are the same, the World's great religions prescribe many different and often contradictory means of meeting those needs. A brief look at some of the most common beliefs and practices makes this evident:

Devout believers of many faiths try to fulfil their spiritual needs by regularly attending places of worship--shrines, temples, mosques, cathedrals etc.--where prayers are made, incense is offered and a multitude of different traditions, ceremonies and rituals are observed.

Some dedicated souls are willing to renounce all worldly pleasures and possessions in order to devote themselves wholly to various religious disciplines. Rather than honouring or looking to icons, idols and representations of their god or gods, many look for truth and reality WITHIN themselves, seeking enlightenment by intense concentration, contemplation and meditation.

Some seekers of Truth worship ONE god, while others worship hundreds or even THOUSANDS of gods. Some of the World's major religions began simply as moral or ethical philosophies, and their founders never intended that ANY deity or god should be worshipped.--Yet today these very founders themselves are venerated as if THEY themselves were a god!

For many believers, their highest hope and aspiration is that they will survive after death as an individual personality in a happy and heavenly afterlife. Others scorn the idea of continuing to live on as an individual, but rather look forward to the OBLITERATION of their individual self, so that they may become one with the Ultimate Reality of the Universe.

Some believe that after they die they will return to live other lives on Earth, over and over again, that their present life is just one of MANY births and rebirths that will continue INDEFINITELY until full enlightenment or salvation is attained. Others believe that Man lives only ONE life on Earth, and therefore has only one chance to live properly and to somehow secure a happy afterlife.

With so many different--and often contradictory--beliefs to choose from, the seeker of Truth can understandably become quite muddled and confused.--Particularly since almost all of the World's major faiths believe and claim that THEIR approach is THE one true path to enlightenment, bliss, salvation or Heaven!

DeepTruths TFI
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In Search of Truth Pt. 1

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Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. John 5:24 KJV

By David Berg and The Family Missions


Questions such as these have stirred the soul and imagination of Man throughout the ages. Regardless of our country, color or creed, our hearts all hunger for the same things--for lasting love, genuine happiness and peace of mind, truth and beauty, meaning and purpose.

ALL men, from the most primitive tribes in the jungles to members of the most modern and technologically-advanced societies, seem to instinctively sense that life is more than an evolutionary coincidence or accident. Although increasing numbers of people today look to modern SCIENCE and its continually changing and often contradictory theories to try to understand our origins and the true nature of life, for thousands of years the main source of solace Man has turned to has been his various FAITHS.--Faiths in which he gives recognition or worship to the unseen supernatural forces he feels must exist.

In his quest for Truth, enlightenment and inner peace, for the Ultimate Reality, Man's many religions have offered him a wide variety of beliefs and practices. By means of those religions, Man reaches out for supernatural assistance, hoping to obtain the favor and blessing of the unseen Power or powers he worships.


In today's ever-changing and increasingly complex and computerized World, more and more people find themselves so caught up in the frenzied rush to become successful financially, they often have little time to ponder such seemingly "abstract" matters as the meaning of life, peace of mind, love for their fellowman, or even the eternal welfare of their own souls!--After all, such concerns could be quite distracting or actually detrimental to their pursuit of the most POPULAR "god" of this World; a god that commands most of the World's worship and devotion--MONEY and material wealth!

From the time they are very young children, many people have it ingrained in them that the only way to attain happiness in life is to:

1) Get a good education, preferably with a degree from a prestigious university.

2) Land a "promising" job with a successful company or corporation.

3) Make enough money to purchase a new automobile, a nice house or two, and furnish and equip it with all of the various luxury items and hi-tech electronic gadgets that are equated with "success". Although this route to riches usually requires a lifetime of blood, sweat, tears and toil, most of the folks who follow it do so without serious doubts or reservations, for they are convinced that once they attain the wealth they desire, they will at last find true happiness and contentment.

But sad to say, such people usually discover that despite their arduous efforts to attain happiness, it somehow eludes them. As the years pass they often find that company or social pressures have filled them with stress and anxiety, not peace or satisfaction. Their private lives frequently suffer as a result, as they're unable to even find time to spend with their own families and loved ones.

Then, to their dismay, they eventually and ultimately reach a very sad realization: This World and all of its treasures and pleasures can never truly satisfy the HEART of Man! Material things may temporarily satisfy the BODY, but they can never satisfy the SOUL or the SPIRIT of Man which longs for a joy, peace and lasting fulfillment that can never be met or fulfilled by mere material gain.

DeepTruths TFI

The Rise of the Problem-Solver

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Written by Sunil Kumar Sunday, 01 March 2015

Some friends and I were helping to prepare a beauty salon for opening,and my part involved setting up the in-house entertainment system. The salon’s setup included individual TV sets for each of the stations, complete with sound, etc. I was excited to work on this project, but soon realized there were some aspects to it that were outside my realm of expertise.

For a while, I tried unsuccessfully to solve the rather complex problem of wiring the individual sets to the main set, making the individualized sound work, etc. I hashed and rehashed the problem in my mind, eventually throwing my hands up in frustration and admitting that I needed help.

I made an appointment to meet up with someone who specializes in this kind of engineering to see if I could get some advice. The result was that I not only got help with my project, but I learned something valuable at the same time.

This young man was vibrant and full of life. He relished the challenge and refused to take no for an answer. Every time I threw out what I thought was an obstacle, he found a solution. Sometimes that meant going back and changing something we had originally thought would work, but eventually, we found solutions to each problem. It wasn’t long before the updated blueprints we’d worked on were before me, making perfect sense. I was able to implement all the solutions we’d come up with, and the salon now has working individual entertainment centers.

I got to wondering how I too could make life easier for others in the areas I’m proficient in. If everyone made the effort to discover, analyze, and solve issues, how much easier and more positive our journey through life would be.
* * *
Tomorrow, God isn’t going to ask, “What did you dream? What did you think? What did you plan? What did you preach?” He’s going to ask, “What did you do?”—Michel Quoist (1918–1997)

The “how” thinker gets problems solved effectively because he wastes no time with futile “ifs” but goes right to work on the creative “how.”
—Norman Vincent Peale (1898–1993)

Everyone who achieves success in a great venture solves each problem as they come to it. … They keep going regardless of the obstacles they meet.—W. Clement Stone (1902–2002)

Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.
—James Bryant Conant (1893–1978)

*Sunil Kumar is a counselor and life coach in India.

How Like A Beautiful String Of Pearls Are The Words Of The Lord!

God's Word is an absolutely inexhaustible source of wisdom & knowledge in which you can constantly find "treasures new & old!" (Mat.13:52) It will stand a thousand readings, & he who has gone over it most frequently is the surest of finding new wonders there. Each time we delve into the Word we bring forth priceless truths by the handful!

But these pearls of knowledge mean nothing without the Spirit! No matter how much you study, it takes the Spirit of God & the hand of God to string the pearls of His Word together in proper order, sorted out & made into something useful.--A wonderful beautiful string of truths to adorn our minds & hearts.--In proper order, sequence, size, importance & beauty! That's the difference between knowledge & wisdom. Wisdom is how to use what you already know! It's how to use the knowledge of God's Word to make it useful.

So don't neglect the beauties, the riches & the treasures of the Word of God, but whatever you get, ask God for wisdom! "With all thy getting, get wisdom." It's better than gold! (Pro.4:7; 16:16)

God bless & keep you seeking first His Kingdom! (Matthew 6:33)

Activated TFI [Posted Video - God's love is... "Unstoppable"!]
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The Message of the Crucifixion - Final

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Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2 NIV

Jesus died for our sins; He’s the only one who could have done it. Only the Son of God could pay for our sins on the cross. Only God Himself in His Son could have taken our sins in His own body on that tree and borne the suffering of a dying sinner and taken our punishment for us and suffered for us. Only God could have done that in the person of His Son Jesus.

God’s message was: “Only I can save you; you cannot save yourself!” Christ’s message was clear, His death was plain. The message of God was very clear throughout the Old and New Testaments—especially the New Testament, but very clear even in the Old Testament. Abraham was the father of the faithful because he was a man of faith, demonstrating faith that he couldn’t do it himself, he just had to have faith in God.

Tonight hundreds of millions of Christians around the world are commemorating the death of Jesus. And millions of others know it as well and are hearing about it, knowing that this is a very special holy week for Christians. Virtually the whole world is hearing the message, and even if they’re not Christians, even if they’re of other religions, they know that this is the Christians’ holy week and this is its holiest night of all.

Considering the extent of communications and the dissemination of information today, probably the whole world, in all countries, of all faiths, nationalities, and religions are hearing about this week and know that the Christians are celebrating their holiest days of the year, and they are at least getting a little tiny glimpse of the message of Christ or hearing about Jesus, even if they don’t understand it.

Millions of Christians who understand the message of Christ and His death are choosing this week and this night to commemorate this event, and of all the nights in the year, it seemed that we should celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the night in which He and His disciples celebrated that First Supper.

So we thank You for Your sacrifice, Lord, Your blood shed for the remission of our sins, the New Testament in Your blood which was shed for us on that tree that we are commemorating this night—Your suffering, Your love, that You died for us in our place. You took our punishment for us. Instead of us dying for our sins, You died for them, Lord. And we now attest and testify and witness our faith in You and Your death for us and Your sacrifice of Your blood for our salvation to wash away our sins.

What we’re commemorating should not be a sad event, but a happy one, because if it hadn’t been for tonight, we wouldn’t be saved. Praise the Lord for the night that Jesus died for us! He not only died for us, but He went down into the bowels of the earth, three days and three nights in the heart of the earth, and He preached to the souls in prison down there to give them a chance to be saved too. Think of it! Isn’t that wonderful? A lot of people don’t believe that, but I do. The Bible says so. So why not believe it?11

And then, praise God, come Sunday, we’ll be able to sing all those wonderful hymns about “Up from the grave He arose!” Let’s not just remember the death of the cross; let’s not always be seeing just a Christ on the cross and a crucifix, the suffering and the death. We don’t have a Jesus on the cross; He has left the cross! We have a bare cross. Jesus is no longer there! We don’t have a Christ in the grave. “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?”12 We don’t have a dead Christ hanging there on a crucifix; we have a live Jesus living in our hearts!

11 Matthew 12:40; 1 Peter 3:19, 4:6; Ephesians 4:9.
12 1 Corinthians 15:55.

Anchor TFI [Posted Video - "The Choice" - Easter Musical]

The Message of the Crucifixion Pt. 2

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Neither shall they say, See here! or, see there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. - For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them. Luke 17:21 & Matthew 18:20 KJV

The Lord was beginning to illustrate for them what He was about to do. That night His body was to be broken, scarred, torn, pierced, lacerated, His blood shed and finally His life given. His body was broken for us. He suffered pain and agony of the physical body, as some suffer today in sickness and in pain, that He might bear our sufferings in His own body. “For by His stripes ye are healed.”5 Not by His death on the cross, not by His final shedding of His blood in His life; that was for our salvation.

He had to suffer not only all His life for 33 years all of the things that we go through, so He could sympathize with us and empathize with us and feel what we feel, but He also had to suffer the final excruciating agony of the physical body to heal our human ills, as well as save us from our sins. He said, “Take, eat, this is My body which is broken for you.” “He bore our infirmities in His own body,” God’s Word says, “and by His stripes ye are healed.”

And He said, “Take, drink, after the same manner the cup. This is My blood of the New Testament shed for the remission of your sins. Drink ye all of it.”6

In other words, He was saying, “I’m also going to suffer agony and pain and illness in My body to empathize with you and your physical troubles and distresses and afflictions to let you know that I know how you feel. I’ve been through it. I know the pain. I know the agony. I know the suffering! I’ve been through it all, even worse than you. I know what you’re going through, so don’t worry.”

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.”7 He was as good as saying, “You need all these afflictions. You’re going to have to have them to keep you righteous. But I will deliver you from them all, one after the other, time after time.” You and I are no exceptions; we have our ups and downs, even discouragement sometimes.

The common people had heard Jesus gladly!8 Thousands upon thousands had heard and believed His message, received it, been healed and fed, and they loved Him. But where were they that night when the religious leaders and their paid mercenaries were shouting, “Crucify Him!”? They must have been home watching television—they certainly weren’t there to stick up for Him. No doubt quite a few of them were even deceived by the lies and figured they had been deluded and deceived and it had turned out He was a false prophet. They thought He was true, thought He was right, but they were so easily deluded and deceived and misled.

The seed had fallen on shallow or stony ground, and had been choked out by thorns and bore no fruit, and they were led astray and led away.9 Perhaps afterward some of them were sorry when they saw how far the enemies of Christ went and how horrible it was. Let’s hope they were convicted and repented and came back, and a lot of people did. There were lots of Christians led by the apostles and disciples who were left, so that on the Day of Pentecost 3,000 got saved with one sermon, and a few days later 5,000 with one healing!10

The ground had been sown and watered and softened and prepared, so that even after Jesus was crucified, many were prepared to understand, comprehend, believe, and receive the whole truth, to then know that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God, and to receive Him as their Savior.

5 Isaiah 53:5.
6 1 Corinthians 11:24–25; 1 Peter 2:24; Isaiah 53:5.
7 Psalm 34:19.
8 Mark 12:37.
9 Matthew 13:7.
10 Acts 2:41 and 4:4.

Anchor TFI [Video Posted - The Lord's Prayer - Wherever Two or More are Gathered]
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A Tribute to Friendship

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Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:29-32

By Maria Fontaine August 28, 2012

When faced with a close friend moving away, some of us can find ourselves asking, “If God loves me so much, why does He allow my close friends to leave me? I really need that person in my life. Now that I don’t have them, I feel lost and not complete. Lord, why couldn’t You have worked things out a different way?”

Jesus’ disciples probably felt the same. After all, imagine their sense of loss when Jesus left them. Jesus, God’s Son, who had been with them day in and day out, teaching them to love, pouring into them, showing them how to interact in wisdom with others and carry on the mission, supporting them, helping them, listening to them, comforting them, being everything to them, sharing all that He was with them! How much greater a loss could there have been? They must have felt a heartrending sense of loss and uncertainty about how they could go on without Him.

I’m sure that those days in the upper room were times of deep soul-searching, trying to come to grips with the questions that must have weighed so heavily on their hearts. But when they looked to the Holy Spirit for their comfort, whom Jesus had told them He would send, they found the faith and courage to carry out what Jesus was depending on them to do. They knew they couldn’t fail Him even though He was gone from them physically and even though they felt the loss so intensely. With the Holy Spirit’s help, they found comfort and the anointing to carry on His work. Look what happened when His disciples started ministering to those who needed the love and life that Jesus had given them! The Spirit worked mightily through them. Through this they actually grew closer than ever to Jesus, because all that He had given to them began to grow and overflow on others through them.

Our friendships are mini versions of the same principle. When God allows the circle to be broken for a while—sometimes even until heaven—our friendships have the potential to start their own chain reaction that can touch and better many lives, and our own life many times over. The bond of friendship you have with someone is a manifestation of Jesus’ love—His Spirit flowing through you to them, and through them to you.

The greatest thing you can do to show your love for your friend is to make your life a living example of all that person means to you and all that your friendship has been worth. When you use all the beauty, goodness, kindness and lessons you learned together, it becomes a living testimony of your friendship that draws others in and causes that friendship to take on an even greater meaning.

The Lord gave some beautiful and comforting words about friendship, which I want to share with you.

Jesus says,

“That’s one reason why there is such powerful unity in heaven. All the bonds of friendship and love that you are creating on earth become an eternal joy for you in heaven. You’ll realize there that you never lost a single friend, but that each parting in the physical only brought others into connection, both with you and through you, to all the friends you have gained in this life.

Anchor TFI [Posted Video - True Friendship Never Ends]
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Achieving My Dreams

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And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. Psalms 1:3 & Ecclesiastes 9:10

Written by Chalsey Dooley 10/13

When I started mapping out my goals eighteen months ago, achieving them seemed daunting. But I claimed the promise, “God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful,”1 and with His help, I went forward. My plan was to write and create thousands of pages of good-quality, faith-building books for children.

Here are the difficulties I was facing:

• Caring full time for my young children with special needs meant I had hardly any time to call my own.
• Lack of professional training.
• No friends or relatives living nearby for hands-on help.
• Health-related challenges.
• Limited resources.

I did have some assets, however:

• Equipment: a laptop and Internet connection, a dictaphone, and a camera.
• A supportive husband.
• Children with an endless craving for new stories to read together daily.
• Online friends who support my project and help all they can with proofreading, writing, art, and photography.
• Staying positive and content, and finding the opportunities that await me, discovering each day.

I came up with the following methods for tackling the job:

• Prayer and more prayer, and enlisting the prayer support of others. (When I pray, things happen. When I don’t, and instead think progress will happen naturally, things come to a standstill.)
• Thomas Edison once credited his success to “not looking at the clock.” Whenever there was a moment to spare—even just a couple of minutes—I jumped in and got working, regardless of my mood or the time of day or night.
• Visualizing the end goal and being convinced that it could be achieved, reminding myself of the passing time.
• Learning as I went by considering the observations, concerns, and suggestions of children, critics, professionals, old-time friends, and even people I had never met in person but who were keeping in touch online.
• Keeping my focus.
• Not setting hard plans, because those tended to fall through, but letting Jesus lead me.


The first 50 children’s and adult books, ranging from 20–200 pages each, are almost completed! They have been written and illustrated, and my website is up and running!

1. 1 Thessalonians 5:24 NLT.

*Chalsey Dooley is a writer of inspirational material for children and caregivers and is a full-time edu-mom living in Australia... nurture-inspire-teach.

God can inspire you in anything you do! No matter what it is, you can do it in the Spirit! And every task, whatever it is, He can make glorious! Even if perhaps you don't have the most talent or experience God can use you! In fact, that is the way the Lord usually works--He takes the weak things to confound the mighty and He takes the people that really aren't the best in a worldly sense, so He can show what He can do! (1Cor.1:26-28). Though you may not be the greatest in the eyes of the world, you're the greatest in the eyes of the Lord because you're serving and obeying Him!--And He can make you strong when you're weak, to show it's His strength and His miraculous power!

The Lord is going to do great miracles in your ministry, you need to realize that it is nothing of you and it is only a gift from Him! What makes you really great is the greatness God gives you--the spirit, the inspiration! It's the Lord behind it all!--Behind and above and underneath and on all sides. He does all of it through you! When you acknowledge this to yourself and others, then He'll be able to show what great things He can do! GBY!

Activated TFI [Video Posted - The Gospel of John]

Immeasurable Love - Final

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When I am with you, the only place I want to be is closer. - Author Unknown

No measure

Never think that I’m far from you. Never think that I’ll tire of you. I know you often feel inadequate, or as if you don’t do enough, or aren’t good enough, or that you don’t learn your lessons in life fast enough, or that you’re not changing enough or in the way I want you to, or that if you did things differently, you would become more in My eyes or find more favor with Me. Please know that I don’t measure you like that.

I don’t judge you by how much you accomplish for Me or by what good works you do. I don’t compare you with others. I look at your heart, and the love you have for Me and for others, and your faith in Me; that’s what’s important to Me. Those are the important things in My eyes—not all your good works or efforts for self-improvement. All those things will come as a result of your love for Me and as a natural consequence of obeying and applying My Word.

So please don’t compare yourself to a standard that I have not set for you. Know that My love is not measured out in portions, according to how much you think you give to Me or do for Me. My love is not linked to any of that. It’s free and it’s abundant for you.

I’ve loved you from the beginning, and I will love you to the end of your days, and beyond that—through eternity! As you live your life for Me and experience My love for you daily, you will see how infinite it is‚ how free-flowing it is. I want you to accept it as is. Don’t even try to comprehend or understand it, for it is above your thoughts and human understanding.

Just know and accept that it’s there, that it’s never-ending, and then let it work in your heart. Let it change you, let it mold you, and let it inspire you to give to others also. You will see how it will compel you to reach out and share with others, and you will also see that it will never run out, that it will multiply as you give it away. The giving will not take away from it, but will add to it. That’s one of the marvels of My love. It’s heavenly and cannot be measured by any earthly means. That’s My love for you.

All of us are on probation to a certain extent--not regarding Salvation, but regarding our works and our faithfulness, our loyalty, our diligence, our effectiveness and our efficiency. We're all running a race!

The race is His Service! The race is for rewards, for crowns, not for Salvation. God is waiting on the outcome of the race to see what you'll do and how you'll do it before you get your reward.

It's a race in which some are going to win more than others. Some are going to receive greater rewards than others. If there weren't any losers there could not be any winners! Some people get the prize and win the crowns and some don't! Some people fight through to victory and there are other people who lose it for lack of faith or lack of stick-to-it-iveness, lack of determination, lack of sacrifice, lack of whatever it takes to win!--And it takes a lot to win!

So run this race by "looking unto Jesus!" (Heb.12:2). That's the only way you can run with patience! Keep your eyes on Jesus, "the Author and Finisher of our faith!" Fight the good fight, keep the faith and finish the course!--GBY!

Anchor TFI [Video Posted - The Easter Story -- The Bible Experience]

Immeasurable Love Pt. 2

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And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; each one of the gates was a single pearl. And the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass. Revelation 21:21 ESV

Precious in My sight

You are precious to Me. You’re beautiful in My sight. There are many things about you that I love; if I were to enumerate them all‚ I could go on forever and ever! I created you, so I know everything about you, and I love you unconditionally.

I love the way you love My Word, and how your spirit longs for My truth. I love it when you get into your times in My Word and your times with Me, and then when the time is up‚ you feel it’s so hard to pull away.

I love your tenderness. I love how you reach out to others as much as you can, and how you want to love others more and show them My love more. I have put this desire in you, and I am so happy that you are embracing it and wanting to be that way more and more.

Thank you for staying close to Me. Thank you for loving Me and giving your life to Me each and every day. I love you dearly!

True beauty

This world’s portrayal of beauty has become so distorted‚ and people have become so easily dissatisfied with themselves due to the false standards of beauty they feel they must attain to. But you’re beautiful! I know you don’t think so highly of your looks or of the reflection you see in the mirror; however, I look at you and I see exquisite beauty.

I see your beautiful heart. A heart that gives and lives for others is always beautiful and emits a radiance that no outstanding physical attribute could ever compare with.

Your smile—it’s gorgeous! Each individual that I have created has a unique smile—a smile that makes you different from everyone else, that makes you who you are.

Your spirit—it exudes beauty! When you allow yourself to be free from the burdens of the day and the struggles of life by giving them all to Me, you then become light and carefree. You become filled with a spirit of freedom and happiness that will compensate for seeming physical flaws and will shine through with divine beauty.

Take a moment to try to see what I see when I look at you—the real and beautiful you. There’s so much to love and enjoy about you, and that’s why I created you. You’re always beautiful to Me. No matter how icky you may feel about yourself, or how dirty you may feel because of your sins and mistakes, I see your beautiful heart—the heart that I know loves Me. You’re beautiful to Me.

Anchor TFI [Video Posted - Weird Animals - All Around the World - VBS]

Immeasurable Love Pt. 1

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The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee. Jeremiah 31:3 KJV

Words from Jesus Mar 26, 2015

Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue and why that specific color gives you a feeling of peace when you look up at it? Have you ever wondered why the scent of a pine forest or the grass after rain brings calm and refreshing to your spirit? Is there some magical reason why the simple sound of a bird singing makes you feel happy inside? While there are scientific reasons that your body responds to a certain stimulus, the simple truth is that I created these things to have such pleasant effects on you because I love you.

I created your body to respond to certain colors, sights, sounds, and fragrances, and I placed all those things throughout creation that I knew you would enjoy. I placed them all around you in great abundance. Just like a doting parent gives his child all the good things that child wants and needs, so do I, your great and loving heavenly Father, give these abundant gifts to you. If you believe and understand that these are gifts from My hand, then you will increasingly begin to notice all of the wonderful things that I have placed in your life, even the hidden things which might not seem like blessings at first.

When you look up into the night sky, if all you saw was darkness, it might be a bit dismal and foreboding. The shine of the stars I placed in the heavens reminds you that even in the dark times, I am still there for you. In life, you have your dark times when it seems like all around you is black and there’s no way out, and if you’re only looking down, this is all you will see. But when you look up‚ you will see My hand in your times of darkness as well, and My touches of love that will shine as stars to guide you.

I can use everything in your life for good if you will let Me. There is pain and suffering in life that can be turned into joy and rejoicing when given to Me. I can unshackle your life from the chains of bitterness, hate, envy, jealousy, sickness, and suffering, and turn these things into bright stars that will guide others to Me.

Just as I didn’t create only one tree, or one mountain, or one flower, or only paint one sunset, so too I do not bless only one life or make only one person to shine with My love. I touch each life with My love so that they may be an encouragement to others. So join in the masterpiece of My love! Let My love fill your life, and let others see My light and love shine through you today.

There is so much beauty in the world; take time to enjoy it, and share your enjoyment with others. I take just as much delight in painting the majestic sunsets as I do in creating the tiniest flowers, so enjoy not only the big‚ awesome expressions of My love, but also the smaller, almost unseen things that I bring into your life. As you do, your life will be filled to overflowing with My joy.

Anchor TFI [Video Posted - Gloria Estefan - Everlasting Love]

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