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Good, Better, Best

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By Peter Amsterdam NOVEMBER 10, 2014

When you are faced with a decision that represents an investment of your time and resources, you have to think realistically about whether you can follow through on the decisions you make and how. Sometimes you have to decide that you can’t do something, even something that’s very good and seems like it would be beneficial, because you just can’t take it on right then.

It’s very important to pray and hear from the Lord so He can order your steps and your priorities, but also to factor in reality. Not just, “I really want to do this, or this sounds good; therefore it’s what we’re going to do.” You have to think about what you actually can do. As Paul reminds us in Romans: “Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us.” Romans 12:3 NLT

We’ve all heard the old adage, “Good, better, best” … but in this fast-paced day and age and considering the contemporary challenges with living our faith and making a difference in the time we’ve been given, there isn’t a lot of time to spend on good and better.

If we’re doing that, we’re going to see more creativity and fresh ideas that get us to where we want to go, and more quickly than before. We’re going to see more change and progress that is significant and that lasts.

Sometimes you have to put forth big effort and make big investments to reap big results. But if you know that, “Yes, it’s a big investment, but it’s going to be worth it, because it’s what will help us to achieve what’s best,” then even if it does take a big investment of your time or resources, it fits the bill, because you’re doing what’s best. But you may not always hit the mark in selecting and focusing on doing the best. Sometimes you do a lot of work for something that’s very good, but if it’s not the best, then it can end up holding you back from reaching for God’s best.

The key is to be realistic. You need a healthy dose of realism, as well as a healthy dose of faith. It takes both. There is the God factor, and we can’t underestimate that, but there’s also wisdom and reality. You need both. You have to get ahold of the Lord and focus on what’s best, and sometimes you will have to let the good and better go, because realistically, there is rarely enough time to do everything. Maybe in the future you will, but maybe not, because by the time you get to the future, there may well be something else that’s “best.”

And “best” doesn’t mean perfect. “Best” doesn’t mean a walk in the park, or no challenges or tests or attacks of the Enemy or setbacks along the way. “Best” also doesn’t mean the most elaborate and complicated approach or solution. Sometimes meeting the most urgent need in “the best way possible” means taking the simplest, bare-bones, no-frills route.

Of course, “simple, organized, and streamlined” doesn’t necessarily mean no or little hard work, or approaching the matter without much thought or prayer. It just means that you don’t get sidetracked or top-heavy with other ideas that are “good” or “better,” but will ultimately be self-defeating, because you end up overextending yourself or others, or overdoing and taking on more than is necessary or feasible to the neglect of your greatest priorities.

Finding and doing “the best” in our lives and work for the Lord may be all that we have time for if we hope to realistically accomplish the most important things, while not neglecting the many responsibilities we each have or wearing ourselves out. So let’s run our decisions, plans, projects, ideas, and goals by the touchstone of good, better, best, and aim for “best,” by the grace of God.
--Luke 14:28–30 ESV

—Psalm 37:23–24 NLT

Anchor TFI Online

God in a Manger

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Emmanuel means "God with us"! Matthew 1:23 KJB

A compilation DECEMBER 4, 2014

What is Christmas? The answer may just surprise you.

For many, Christmas is the time to think of Jesus Christ as a baby in a manger. While the birth of Christ is a special and miraculous event, it isn’t the primary focus. The central truth of the Christmas story is this: the Child of Christmas is God.

Christmas is not about the Savior’s infancy; it is about His deity. The humble birth of Jesus Christ was never intended to conceal the reality that God was being born into the world. (John 1:1-4)

But the modern world’s version of Christmas does just that. And consequently for the greater part of humanity, Christmas has no legitimate meaning at all.

I don’t suppose anyone can ever fathom what it means for God to be born in a manger. How does one explain the Almighty stooping to become a tiny infant? Our minds cannot begin to understand what was involved in God’s becoming man.

Nor can anyone explain how God could become a baby. Yet He did. Without forsaking His divine nature or diminishing His deity, He was born into our world as a tiny infant.

He was fully human, with all the needs and emotions that are common to us all. Yet He was also fully God—all-wise and all-powerful. (Colossians 2:9)

For nearly 2,000 years, debate has been raging about who Jesus really is. Cults and skeptics have offered various explanations. They’ll say He is one of many gods, a created being, a high angel, a good teacher, a prophet, and so on. The common thread of all such theories is that they make Jesus less than God. But the biblical evidence is overwhelming that this child in the manger was the incarnation of God.

One passage in particular, written by the apostle Paul, captures the essence of Jesus’ divine nature and underscores the truths that make Christmas truly wonderful.

Colossians 1:15–20 says, “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For … all things have been created by Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; so that He Himself might come to have first place in everything. For it was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross.”—By John MacArthur


It was therefore necessary for Jesus, who is the second person of the Trinity, to become incarnate, to take on full humanity, to be both fully God and fully man, to make salvation possible. (1 Corinthians 15:20–22)

Often people focus on the deity of Jesus and push His humanity into the background. But while Jesus was God living on earth in human flesh, He was just as human as you and me. He had the same physical needs and weaknesses that we have. He had the same physical and mental limitations. He had the same emotions. He was tempted to sin and had internal spiritual suffering, just as we do. He was a man, and He was born, lived, and died just like any man. He had human nature, meaning both a material body and a rational soul, or mind.—Peter Amsterdam


The true meaning of Christmas is love. God loved His own and provided a way—the only Way—for us to spend eternity with Him. He gave His only Son to take our punishment for our sins. He paid the price in full, and we are free from condemnation when we accept that free gift of love. “But God demonstrated His own love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

Anchor TFI Online

NWO A Battle for Your Soul - Final

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By Brandon Smith

The New World Order, an ideal often touted by globalists and defined by their own rhetoric as a scientific dictatorship in which collectivism is valued and individualism is criminalized, seems to me to be — in its ultimate form and intention — a battle for the human soul. They try to convince us that there is no such thing, that there is no inborn conscience, that there is a rationale for every action, that spiritualism is a frivolous and terroristic pursuit, and that cold logic and science, as defined by them, are the paths to prosperity and peace. They also seek to tempt the masses with imaginary stories of attainable godhood and artificial Eden, promises on which they can never deliver. Anyone can point a gun at you and demand your fealty, but this is not what the elites want. Rather, they want you to voluntarily resign yourself over to the hive mind and sacrifice your conscience in the process. While one might argue over what it is they “truly” believe at the core of their cult, it is undeniable that collectivism, moral relativism, and atheism are their favorite promotional weapons.

The reactionary responses to my criticisms of the elitist philosophy will likely involve endless renunciations of crimes committed in the name of religious fervor. I agree; religion has always been exploited, usually by the elites themselves, to enslave as well as to murder. Even today, I hear some so-called Christians argue in favor of genocide using half-baked interpretations of biblical reference. But at bottom, I much prefer a world in which religious expression is free, rather than abolished in the name of an overarching zealotry in the form of a stunted mathematical morality. I prefer a world where the spiritual side of existence is allowed to add to observational awareness. Logic alone is not wisdom, after all. Wisdom is the combination of reason, intuition and experience.

I refuse to live under any form of theocracy, whether religious or scientific. The idea that we must choose between one or the other is a farce — a controlled debate. The individual soul (or whatever you want to call it) is the only thing that matters. It is important that we never forget that when we fight against the NWO, we are not just fighting for liberty; we are also fighting for something profoundly and inherently spiritual. Though we might not be able to define it, we can feel it. And that is enough.

You’ll be amazed if you’ll just pray! He’s no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). “If any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is as the waves of the sea, and let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord!” (Jam.1:5-7). If you lack wisdom just ask the Lord.–And of course we always lack wisdom, so always ask the Lord!

You can pray and get the answer quick, but if you lean on your own understanding and your own wisdom you’re apt to make a sad mistake. If you do it in your own strength, your own talent, your own wisdom, your own pride, your own knowledge, it will come to naught! But if you depend on the Lord, “in all your ways acknowledge Him, He shall direct thy paths.”

No matter how small you are, there’s a very big God waiting to help you Who is more than big enough for the job! So ask the Lord! Lean on the Lord, look to the Lord! Don’t depend on your own talents! God has more talents than you have! He’s greater than you’ll ever be. But if He inspires you and He guides you, whatever you do will be the greatest! DBB

EndTimeInfo TFI

Microchips Implant On Its Way Here

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People Lineup to Get Microchips Implanted in their Hands! Mark of Beast is On Its Way Here!

by Power Point Paradise • November 24, 2014 •

By Lisa Haven

Major! People are lining up to get implanted! Wow! We all knew it was coming but did we realize how fast! A man by the name of Martijn Wismeijer has been able to store Bitcoins inside his body through a 12mm glass computer chip implanted in his flesh, but he’s not alone! Others are lining up receiving personalized alarm clocks and keyless doors that they can operate from a chip inside their bodies. Here is the breaking report by Ricky Scaparo…

Also if you haven’t seen this check out the Mark of the Beast Prototype that Motorola rolled out…

“He [The False Prophet] causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16-17

VeriChip (now known as PostiveID) meets all the criteria that could give the Antichrist the ability to ‘mark’ every human being and prevent them from buying or selling anything. VeriChip is a RFID microchip that can be inserted into human flesh. Today it is used to microchip people who have medical conditions and will be used under Obamacare. It is the same technology used to tag animals to help reunited a pet with its owner. In October of 2004 it was cleared by the Food & Drug Administration. According to the VeriChip website RFID solutions are currently in use in over 5,000 installations worldwide including: healthcare, security, government, industrial markets, and more.

The Bible declares anyone receiving this ‘mark of the beast’ will get the Wrath of God..

“If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.” Revelation 14:9-1

According to the Bible anyone who receives the mark will drink the wrath of God and the smoke of their torment will rise up forever and ever!
(If you're wondering if someone who has received the mark, then receives Jesus, will be raptured? Yes, God's mercy endures forever! But why wait?! ... for the Lord is sweet, his mercy endureth for ever, and his truth, faithfulness, and kindness to all generations. Psalm 100:1-5; 136:1; 2 Chronicles 7:3)

PowerPointParadise TFI (Video Posted)
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NWO A Battle for Your Soul - Part 4

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By Brandon Smith Part 4

The most important aspect of archetypes for our discussion is the existence of opposing views, or “dualities.” The concepts of good and evil, the concepts of conscience as well as guilt and regret, are not necessarily taught to us. Rather, we are born with such elements already within us. The fact that we are born with an at least unconscious understanding of good versus evil means we have the potential power of choice, a power beyond the realm of environment and beyond the reach of would-be tyrants and collectivists. If this does not constitute scientific evidence of a human “soul,” then I do not know what does. The fact of archetypes is undeniable. The question is: Since they do not come from environment, where do they come from?

Istvan’s column doesn’t mention or regard any of the scientific evidence for the existence of an intelligent design. He merely argues that science is the only definable known quantity, and only the known quantity is an acceptable form of belief. But what if the known quantity is so limited as to make a society dangerously ignorant?

“What the author reveals in his work of fiction is the greater threat of the atheist and transhumanist ideology.”

The article goes on to promote (somewhat shamelessly) the author’s book, in which the hero, a transhumanist atheist, is given the power to reshape society into any form he wishes. The hero questions whether he should remove religion from the picture entirely, for if religion were erased, wouldn’t the world finally be at peace? Istvan himself questions whether religious expression should be banned in the case of children, so that they are given the chance to “choose” what they wish to believe later in life. This, of course, disregards the fact that children are already born with the prospect of choice, which is why many children who grow up Christian do not practice it later in life, and why many children from atheist homes end up joining religious movements. The idea that all children are permanently molded or damaged by their parent’s unchecked beliefs is complete nonsense.

“What the author reveals in his work of fiction is the greater threat of the atheist and transhumanist ideology.” — namely, the arrogant assumption that they know what is best for the world and the public based on their scientific observations, which are limited and often misinterpreted. This problem extends into the oligarchy of globalists, who adore the theories expressed in Plato’s “The Republic,” in which an elite cadre of “philosopher kings,” men who have achieved a heightened level of academic knowledge, are exalted as the most qualified leaders. However, leadership requires more than knowledge, even if that knowledge is profound. Leadership also requires compassion and informed consent, two things for which the elites have no regard.

He’s willing to do anything for us and give us anything that’s good for us. But the Lord doesn’t always necessarily let us have everything, because it’s not always good for us! He tried that on the children of Israel! He let them have the desires of their hearts, even a few times when it wasn’t good for them, and He sent leanness to their souls! (Psa.106:15).

Lord, You said if we’ll just pass the test and put You first, delight ourselves in You and Yours most of all, then You can trust us with other things, everything we need and even everything we want, because they will not come between You and us! If it’s good for us, You let us have it, Lord, and if it’s not good for us, please keep it from us! In Jesus’ name.–Amen! DDB (Psa.37:4)

EndTimeInfo TFI

The Antichrist, Church System, True Followers!

Some Answers to a Fello Member of "Connecting Singles"

In Reply:

Yes, you're right about the atrocities committed by the major religions, the compromised main streams on both sides of the fence throughout history! God's word says, “From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?” (James 4:1)

When Christians revert to their old wrongful ways and attitudes after they’ve received Jesus as their Savior, many become alienated from the life of God, past feelings, and darkened in their understanding—We lose the innocence we had before the "apple," but we often gain lessons that are actually much more valuable. The flames of adversity, if your faith is real gold, will come through more precious than gold, yea, then much fine gold! (Psalms 19:10 ; I Peter 1:7)


If God hadn't hardened Rome against the Christians in those early days, they never would have scattered so far and so fast as they did, and would have become part of the establishment even sooner than they did-about 200 years later. "Power popularity and plenty are dangerous, so watch out! "When the Early Church became numerous big rich and powerful and no longer needed God she lost Him!" "They got to the point where they thought they had arrived and overthrown the temporal power of Rome and it now rested in their own hands they became the Roman Catholic Church and the Church ruled Rome and it became the Holy Roman Empire.

In 311 A.D. Galerius recognized Christianity. In 313 A.D. the Edict of Milan proclaimed religious toleration and in 324 A.D., Constantine the Great becomes the first Christian Emperor! The next major persecution against the rule followers of Christ were done some years later by the established Church itself-the Church and State had become the same.

7000 Years of World History Parts 1-3:

The Church System:

The Church System JESUS NEVER SAID TO BUILD CHURCH BUILDINGS. He said to "love God and others and put God's Kingdom first, and forsake all, go, preach the good news." (Matt. 6:33, 22:37-39; Luke 14:33; Mark 16:15) The word "Church" itself come from the Greek word "ecclesia" and literally means the "called out ones", or the "separate ones" the "set apart ones"--or the dropouts!

Exposes of evil antichrist conspiracies:

The Rise and Reign of the Antichrist:

This capable and powerful one-world government will at first be much better than today's chaotic conditions: A World of peace, a World of controlled economy--peacetime economy, not war economy--a World of distribution, share the wealth, take from the rich to feed the poor, etc. Under man's most ideal leader and his one-World government, there will finally be a proper apportionment of the World's resources, "from each according to his ability unto each according to his need," of both fuel and food and other necessities, and an end to today's extravagant waste of World supplies.

Man's final world government is going to be the most perfect government the self-righteous heart of man could ever contrive, the most idealistic, the most fair, the most compassionate, the most equal, the most sharing.--It will be like trying to have Christianity without Christ! But of course they will see that it needs a Christ, a superman to make it all possible, and that's exactly what this leader will pretend and claim to be--the Christ, the Messiah, the Savior of the World! In fact, He's even going to ultimately claim to be God Himself!--When all the time he's a phoney and a fake, the Devil in disguise, "Satan himself, transformed into an angel of light [performing miracles in the sight of man]!" (2Co.11:14.)--The Antichrist!

The Rise and Reign of the Antichrist part 1 & 2:
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NWO A Battle for Your Soul - Part 3

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By Brandon Smith Part 3

Again, as in the Huffington Post column, the claim is that science knows all or will eventually know all and that whatever has not been dissected and observed by science like the conceptions of religion must, therefore, be dubious myth.

Ironically, there is far more scientific evidence of God and spiritual life than there is evidence against. So by the very standards many atheists hold dear, it is they who are peddling indoctrination rather than truth.

In the world of mathematics, the good friend of Albert Einstein, Kurt Godel, is famous (but not as famous as he should be) for writing what would be called the “incompleteness proof.” In mathematics, a proof is a statement that is ALWAYS true and can always be proven true. Godel’s proof shook the very foundations of the mathematical world, because it outlined the fact that all mathematical knowledge is limited by numerical paradox, and that humanity will never be able to define all things through mathematical means.

Global elites such as Bertrand Russell had spent years of effort attempting to prove that mathematics was the unbridled code of the universe and that the universe could be understood in its entirety through the use of numbers. Godel shattered this delusion with his incompleteness proof, establishing once and for all that math is limited, not infinite. The existence of mathematical paradox along with an undefinable “infinity” lends credence to the religious view that there are indeed some things man will never know, but at least he has the ability to prove that he can never know them.

In the world of quantum physics, the work of Werner Heisenberg, along with that of many other scientists, has shown that the very mechanics of the world around us are not at all what they seem and that traditional physics is only a hollow shell of knowledge limited by our ability to observe.

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle dictates that the observer of a particular physical state always affects the object being observed, making it impossible to know all the data necessary at one time to predict the future of that object. If a person hoped to become a god, he would certainly need to be able to tell the future; and to tell the future, one would need the ability to observe and record every aspect of every particle interacting in the environment around him. Any unknown quantity could change the outcome of any particular event. Heisenberg found that particles act very differently depending on how they are observed. In some experiments, he even discovered that individual particles appeared to be in two places at the same time, thus making them wholly unpredictable.

This behavior in the building blocks of matter is confounding to many in the realm of physics. Add to it the fact that scientists remain fixed on an endless and apparently futile quest to find the base particle that makes up the universe, and once again we find that the dreams of the transhumanist atheists to attain godhood fall terribly short. In addition, the apparently “intelligent” behavior of inanimate particles under observation leads one to question whether the universe is really just a chaotic mess of matter, or a dynamic living machine.

In the realm of psychology, Carl Gustav Jung discovered through decades of research the existence of inborn psychological contents. That is to say, from the moment of our birth, human beings contain complex elements of knowledge and identity, meaning we are NOT merely products of our particular environments. Jung called these pieces of inherent information “archetypes.”
For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

EndTimeInfo TFI

NWO A Battle for Your Soul - Part 2

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By Brandon Smith Part 2

I would not pretend to deny that religion has the ability to create a volatile atmosphere edging toward genocidal tendency, but so does any belief system that assumes it is the paramount of knowledge denying all others. The intellectual intolerance of the socialist atheism of the 20th century spawned a death machine that claimed the lives of millions of people. So, clearly, atheists should be more concerned with the violent tendencies of their own ilk rather than the religious “fiends” they seem so obsessed with. Of course, this is a history modern atheists would rather ignore or rewrite.

I have always been concerned with the dilemma of the collectivist ideology, but even more so in recent months, as our world creeps closer toward global crisis. Crisis always provides circumstance and cover for dangerous philosophical totalitarianism.

Not long ago I came across the column “Some Atheists And Transhumanists Are Asking: Should It Be Illegal To Indoctrinate Kids With Religion?” on Huffington Post. It was written by Zoltan Istvan, a transhumanist and self-proclaimed “visionary and philosopher.”

Firstly, I have a hard time taking anything published by the Huffington Post seriously. Secondly, I have a hard time taking anyone using the name “Zoltan” seriously. Thirdly, I have a hard time taking anyone who labels himself a “visionary” seriously. That said, it is important to study the propaganda of the other side carefully. You never know what kinds of truths you might come across amid all the lies.

The article does not really define what it considers “indoctrination”, but I would assume transhumanists and atheists would argue that anything not scientifically proven could become indoctrination. Interestingly, Istvan starts his tirade against the handing down of religious beliefs by admitting that science has added very little to our overall knowledge of the universe. After all, human beings experience only a narrow spectrum of the world around us, and there is indeed much we do not know. For some reason, it does not dawn on atheists that perhaps our limited scientific observations of the universe do not necessarily outweigh or deny the existence of an intelligent design.

In order to distract from their fundamental lack of knowledge, modern collectivist governments and movements have always made the promise of technological utopia and endless abundance in order to sway the populace into supporting establishment power. We will all work far less, or we will never have to work at all. Shelter, food, health and wealth will be provided for us. Our free time will be spent studying the nature of the cosmos and perpetuating the cult of academia, protected by a benevolent technocratic governing body straight out of an episode of “Star Trek.”

Not surprisingly, John Maynard Keynes himself predicted in 1930 that technological advancement and economic abundance would result in a three-hour workday and infinite time to amuse oneself by the year 2030 in his essay “The Economic Possibilities For Our Grandchildren.”

This was the same essay in which Keynes referred to the financial concerns of many at the onset of the Great Depression as “misinterpretations” and “pessimism.”

Transhumanism, a mainstay of global elitism and the New World Order, also uses fantastical images of scientifically created contentment to sell itself to starry-eyed rubes packed into the circus tent of the technocratic carnival. The very essence of the movement is the argument that one day ALL knowledge of the universe will be obtained by mankind and that through this knowledge, we (a select few anyway) will obtain godhood.
"Though you build high like the eagle, Though you set your nest among the stars, From there I will bring you down," declares the LORD. Obadiah 1:3, 4 NASB

EndTimeInfo TFI

NWO A Battle for Your Soul - Part 1

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The New World Order: Does It All Just Boil Down To A Battle For Your Soul...


Via alt-market By Brandon Smith

From its very inception, the Leninist/Marxist ideology of the Soviet Union made it a central priority to dispel and subjugate religious and spiritual expression. The state was “god.” No other god could be allowed to flourish, for if the people were given license and freedom of belief in something beyond themselves and beyond the establishment, they would retain a sense of rebellion. The collectivist philosophy requires the utter destruction of all competitors; otherwise, it can never truly prevail.

Atheism became the cult of choice among the communists, for in an atheist world there is nothing beyond the veil. There is no greater goal and no inherent self. There is no true individualism, only self interest (not the same thing), the trappings of environmental circumstances, and the constant substantiation of the greater good. By extension, there is no inborn moral compass or conscience, only the social fashions and mores of the moment. In such a world, tyrants reign supreme because atheism allows relativism to flourish; and any crime, no matter how heinous, can be rationalized. Beyond this, if you know and study the real history of the rise of communism, you know through great researchers like Antony Sutton that the very fabric of the system would never have existed without the monetary and military aid of international financiers (i.e. the NWO).

The atheist position uses the same arguments I have just made as a reason to remove religion and spirituality from our cultural influences. And in some respects, atheists are right. Religion is a tool that can be exploited to manipulate the masses. Any system of belief that is faith-based can be misinterpreted and abused in order to lure unwitting dupes and mindless followers into the fray of an engineered disaster. Atheists commonly argue that it is the encumbering nature of faith that causes mankind to destroy itself in the name of zealotry and self-righteous ignorance.

The difference, however, is that religious zealots are still required by the confines of their dogma to at least appear as though they follow a moral code. Therefore, they can be exposed as violators of this code and weakened over time. The atheist/collectivist system, though, thrives on the concept that there is no such thing as a moral code and that one is vindicated and heroic if he takes extreme action to prove that traditional morality is a vice, rather than a virtue. Atheists in positions of power often make no attempt to affirm their actions; rather, they demand that society abandon all conscience and sense of natural law. They do not ask for forgiveness; they order you to apologize for your moral compass. Are some atheists good and honorable people? Surely. The point, however, remains; atheism is the new flavor of the era, the increasingly predominant gravitational center of modern culture, the philosophical soil in which the NWO has chosen to grow its globalist experiment.

What atheists don’t seem to grasp is that atheism is itself based on an act of faith: faith in the idea that there is nothing beyond our perceptions of existence. They have no more factual knowledge of what lay at the center of life than any of the religious acolytes they so fondly attack, yet their own hypocrisy is apparently lost on them.

Those who are so proud of their own success and their own righteousness, who “thank God that I am not as other men” (Luk.18:11), look down on others and have no mercy, no compassion, no sympathy! But that’s not how God looks at our own righteousness! In His sight, self-righteous pride is the worst sin of all! (Ephesians 2:8-9 Psalm 127) DBB

EndTimeInfo TFI

A Grateful Heart

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A Thanksgiving Day compilation NOVEMBER 27, 2014

Every day should be Thanksgiving Day—a time to thank God for all our many blessings. We should be thankful and treasure every moment of every day and constantly be praising and thanking God for it. Every day can be Christmas if the Spirit of Christmas lives in our hearts. Every day can be every holiday rolled into one when we make it so in our hearts and live it so through our actions.—David Brandt Berg


It was Thanksgiving Day and I was ten years old. I was in a welfare ward of a city hospital and was scheduled to undergo major orthopedic surgery the next day. I knew that I could only look forward to months of confinement, convalescence, and pain. My father was dead; my mother and I lived alone in a small apartment and we were on welfare. My mother was unable to visit me that day.

A young student nurse heard my sobbing and came over to me. She took the covers off my face and started wiping my tears. She told me how lonely she was, having to work that day and not being able to be with her family. She asked me whether I would have dinner with her. She brought two trays of food: sliced turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce and ice cream for dessert. She talked to me and tried to calm my fears. Even though she was scheduled to go off duty at 4 P.M., she stayed on her own time until almost 11 P.M. She played games with me, talked to me and stayed with me until I finally fell asleep.

Many Thanksgivings have come and gone since I was ten, but one never passes without me remembering that particular one and my feelings of frustration, fear, loneliness, and the warmth and tenderness of the stranger that somehow made it all bearable.—Martin Ginsberg


A Thanksgiving Day editorial in the newspaper told of a schoolteacher who asked her class of first-graders to draw a picture of something they were thankful for. She thought of how little these children from poor neighborhoods actually had to be thankful for. But she knew that most of them would draw pictures of turkeys or tables with food. The teacher was taken aback with the picture Douglas handed in—a simple, childishly drawn hand.

But whose hand? The class was captivated by the abstract image. “I think it must be the hand of God that brings us food,” said one child.

“A farmer,” said another, “because he grows the turkeys.”

Finally when the others were at work, the teacher bent over Douglas’ desk and asked whose hand it was. “It’s your hand, teacher,” he mumbled.

She recalled that frequently at recess she had taken Douglas, a scrubby, forlorn child, by the hand. She often did that with the children. But it meant so much to Douglas. Perhaps this was everyone’s Thanksgiving, not for the material things given to us but for the chance, in whatever small way, to give to others.—Author unknown


I like the contented way the Pilgrims approached life. They did not allow their feelings or circumstances to determine whether or not they would exercise gratitude and thanksgiving. They believed that God was in control—“providence,” they called it. Following this belief to its logical conclusion, they responded to challenges with a perspective that said, “God has allowed this for our good.” They chose to believe—rightly so—that their dependence on a holy, faithful God was well placed and that even though much was against them, there was always much more for which to be grateful.—Barbara Rainey


As we enter Thanksgiving, we tend to focus on our blessings and giving thanks for God’s goodness. While that is certainly a good thing, it is not the best thing. The best thing is to turn Thanksgiving into Thanks-living. Regardless of the day or the situation, God wants us to be thankful. (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

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Connecting Faith

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By Curtis Peter van Gorder Nov 26, 2014

A young friend of mine mentioned that he was having a hard time connecting with God and growing in his spiritual life. He asked me if I had any advice, since he considered me a “war-tried veteran” of forty years in the faith. I had to tell him that I am still a work in progress. Though I have been at it for a while, I am still in learning mode and fighting the good fight daily.

Though we learn from our experience, our spiritual life always needs to be renewed and revitalized. Jesus likened it to eating fresh bread daily and drinking from the fountain of living waters.

There are a couple of things that I have discovered in the last few weeks, though, that I wanted to pass on to him: some new habits which have helped me to connect with the Lord and continue to grow in my spiritual life.

The verse I read may be in a specific context, but it speaks to me directly in my own situation. It transcends time and place and is often a key to finding the solution I am looking for. The Word gives me that heavenly perspective that I so desperately need at that moment. When I am praying, it helps to use these verses and bring them to the Lord, as they are His promises to us that cannot fail.

To give you an example, here is my verse for today: “You have made known to me the ways of life; You will make me full of joy in Your presence.” I thought it is significant that the wording is in the past tense—“you have made known” the way. The picture is not of us desperately struggling to get God’s direction, but of doing what He has already shown us to do, which is a good reason we should remember to write it down when He shows us something, so that we can refer to it later. (Acts 2:28)

The next part of the verse shows us being filled with joy as we keep our eyes heavenward. He fills us with joy. It is the receiving and believing of that joy that is our part. Like the potter, He continues to shape us into the vessels He wants us to be. Our part is to be yielded clay so that we can hold all of His joy and love. This helped me realize that communication with God should not be so difficult. He is trying to get through to me more than I am trying to get through to Him. Through the insight from this verse, prayer suddenly became more listening and less talking—more about having a clear reception than broadcasting.

Grace is the beautiful love we receive from Him. When someone is graceful, it means that they move and act beautifully, and grace does have a lot to do with beauty. When we are full of Jesus, we are beautiful in His sight.

The other thing I passed on to him that I have discovered is the importance of remembering what God has done for us. Beginning with praise and thankfulness for our blessings is a great way to connect with God. The Japanese have a habit that when they meet again, they thank the person for the last experience: “Konaidawa, domo arigato gozaimasu,” which means, “Thank you for the last time.” When we remember what people have done for us, it makes them more willing to help again. I’m sure the Lord is the same way.

Most of our memories are short-lived, so when we write down what He did for us, it builds our faith that He can do miracles for us in the future. This can be expanded to keeping a spiritual journal where we write down our verse and the application, chart our spiritual progress, and record our prayers and goals and whatever else is on our heart. Things seem to move out of the abstract and into reality when we write them down.

I have found that taking these small daily steps to build my faith makes a tremendous difference in my daily spiritual life.
Philippians 3:12–14

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Left Behind - Part 1

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Compiled from the writings of David Berg

Matthew chapter 24 is quite clear on the subject of Jesus’ Second Coming, when He is going to return to gather all those who have received Him as their Savior and take them with Him back to Heaven--an event commonly referred to as “the Rapture.” The rest of the Bible is also clear on when this happens. That’s why for nearly 1,800 years practically every Christian believed Jesus would come back after the period He refers to as “Great Tribulation”--three and a half years of intense persecution.

It’s only in the last couple of hundred years that people like C.I. Scofield (1843-1921) came along with the false doctrine that Jesus would come before the Tribulation. “Don’t worry, Jesus is going to come and take you out of this world before the trouble comes, so you won’t have to suffer.” Naturally that became a very popular doctrine because it was just what everybody had been waiting to hear. (2 Peter 1:20)

In Matthew 24, Jesus’ disciples ask Him what will be the sign of His return, and Jesus answers with not one but a number of signs--wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes, persecution of Christians, a proliferation of false prophets, lawlessness, a pervading lack of love, and the Gospel being preached in every nation. “Then,” He says, “the end will come” (Matthew 24:4-14).

Beginning with the next verse, Jesus tells us what we can expect during the Great Tribulation--the last three and a half years leading up to His return, which is also the last half of the Antichrist’s reign. “When you see the ’abomination of desolation,’ spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place... then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be” (Matthew 24:15,21). We find out in the book of Revelation that this “abomination of desolation” is an image of the Antichrist, or Beast (Revelation 13:14-15). Both Daniel and Revelation tell us that this image will be set up in the holy place at exactly the middle of the Antichrist’s seven-year reign (Daniel 9:27; 12:11; Matthew 24:15-21; Revelation 13:5).

When does Jesus come back for us?--That’s also plain as day: “Immediately after the tribulation of those days” Jesus returns (Matthew 24:29). Jesus doesn’t say that when we see the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place He’s about to rescue us out of this world, away from the Antichrist and the trouble to come. He warns us to head for the hills (Matthew 24:16 Daniel 7:25; 12:11; Revelation 13:5).

Some people who teach a pre-Tribulation Rapture go so far as to say that it’s going to be a secret Rapture--that nobody is going to see Him except the saved. Nobody else is even going to know He came. All of a sudden a bunch of us are just going to disappear, and those who are left behind won’t know what’s happened to us.

If the Rapture is supposed to be a secret, why will the Lord make so much noise and put on such a show when He comes? His Word tells us that He’s going to “come in the clouds with great power and glory.” In fact, it says that “every eye shall see Him.” They’ll hear Jesus, too, because He’ll “descend from Heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and a great sound of the trump of God.” And why are all of the unsaved going to mourn?--Because they’re going to see and know what’s happening (Matthew 24:27,30; Acts 1:9-11; 1 Thessalonians 4:16; Revelation 1:7). It will be the greatest spectacle the world has ever seen.

And there it is again, plain as day: After the dead rise to meet the Lord, “then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air” (1 Thessalonians 4:17). If we got raptured before, then what are we doing still here?

Continued in “Left Behind?: Part 2”

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