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Rant about Ingredients

Reading ingredients all too often causes me disappointment in the misleading product I want. At my age the ingredients are harder to see in a live grocery store, if I can remember to google what I want I can find the ingredients online. The biggest culprit that is disguised in OH so many ways is god damn sugar. I swear that is more addicting than crack. Next is soybean oil, that demon is in so many things.

So I say I try to be healthy but anyone who reads me, if you remember my experience with those fresh San Marzano tomatoes I tried recently and thought I died and went to heaven? I think they triggered me brain to wanting spaghetti or better yet just a mariner sauce to have on hand. So I ordered 2 large cans of San Marzano maters (slang) and cooked up a batch of delicious tasting sauce when all of a sudden I remembered I never read those GD ingredients. SUGAR sucks. I jarred up that delicious sauce and gave it to my bro. Now I have to make the sauce all over again but I will use fresh tomatoes. Finding fresh Marzano’s is tough but I will use what the veggie market has – I like to use a variety of tomatoes anyways.

Since I wrote this blog at 6am I’m really not in the mood for sauce (or anything for that matter) but I want it on hand for when a craving hits. I can plan a variety of dinners around the sauce from meatloaf, chili, and spaghetti to name a few. There is also a recipe running around the internet showing a frying pan full of tomatoes in sauce with eggs cracked into it then baked. It is not an American named dish so I don’t remember the title but it looks amazing so I have to try that.

I didn’t realize when I retired I would turn into such a Foodie which causes me to find so many ways to find joy.
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I remember when I was young, I was fasicinated with people who could fast so I tried. The first week I went one day without eating, the second week I did a two day fast - no food just liquids, the third week I went 3 days no food. I can't remember how far I made it but I believe I got to the week where I did a 5 day fast without food. I slowly worked up to it but it was still very difficult. I think I did the fasting as a purification to my system certainly not for weight loss which I didn't need. So many years later weight loss is more of a concern.

There has been all kinds of hype about the egg fast on Pinterest, youtube and many FB groups. I want to do a 3 day egg fast and today is the fricking 3rd day. Most of the egg fasts were five days but I was afraid I couldn't make it to five. Actually it is probably going to be a tough day today especially the last meal. On this egg fast you can have butter and cheese with the eggs. You are supposed to have them. A Tblsp. of butter to each egg and up to 4 ounces of cheese a day.

There are a million different ways to prepare eggs from egg porridge, hard or soft boiled, fried, scrambled, poached, quiche so on and so on. ALSO CHAFFLES. 1 egg and a little shredded cheese makes a chaffle (tiny waffle) completely disguises the egg taste. At lunch today will be 2 chaffles with a sweetened cream cheese filling. I'm looking forward to that lunch but dinner I'm clueless about. The final dinner may have to be gagged down.

Looking most forward to eating NO eggs tomorrow. As much as I dearly love eggs - I don't want another one for awhile. Things I've noticed so far is that my energy went through the roof. Sleeping has been sound and I stay asleep for longer periods. I can't watch cooking videos while fasting because it does a number on my desire to eat even if I'm not hungry.

I made my first ghee and my second batch of mayo though as I could use them with those damn little eggs. GO ME and my wierd situations I seem to get myself into.
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I doubt anyone has heard of the Chaffles going crazy on the internet but they are going crazy in my kitchen. I fell for another gadget, an itty bitty cheap MINI DASH waffle iron, perfect for one person with portion control problems. Two ingredients 1/2 cup of mozzarella cheese and one egg makes 2 chaffles.

There are about a gazillion chaffle recipes and so far they are DAMN TASTY and easy.

Oh and Mic there is a recipe to make a chaffle pizza crust - then load you toppings on it and there is another where you put all the ingrediants right in the pizza chaffle, however I have not tried either of those yet but I might. I also haven't tried any of the sweet recipies as I'm stuck on savory.

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I Love You - Oooops

I spent a few days including Valentine's Day with my Mom. She took a fall that sent her to the hospital for a few days over a week ago. My daughter had been staying with her but wanted to see her boyfriend for the weekend so I went a stayed. I had a great time. Mom looks like a mummy all bandaged up but she is getting around. She didn't trip this fall, she fainted due to her blood pressure medicine never getting lowered to agree with the weight loss since Dad's illness then the panademic. She is certainly getting better everyday insisting on bringing Dad home. I'm just taking it a day at a time and I"M FINE.

We spent a lot of time going down memory lane, there was lots of laughter. Her phone is crazy nuts riinging with people checking on her.

Anyways back to the point of the title. In my family we kiss hello, we kiss goodbye, we say I love you with every goodbye especially on the phone, all phone calls end with I Love You, even before I go to bed in Mom or Son's house we kiss goodnight and say I Love you. I'm sure many families are that way, if not then I'm sorry.

Twice now I've said I Love you when I didn't mean to say it. Once to my boss who called to scold me and at the end of the call I said I Love you or maybe it was an email - either way the boss said right back "I love you" I was red with embarrasment, still it was funny.

We have a grocery delivery service here called InstaCart. I order groceries a lot and did so from Mom's. Rarely is there a mistake but this last time there was. I called to get credit (customer service is great), once I got the credit and was ready to hang up I said, "I Love You" BLUSH to a deep 50 shades of red!
I apologize then explained my accident and the rep laughed and said "I Love you too"

I just love being a crazy old lady that can laugh at myself. Life is good and

I do love you.
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Super Bowl

I'm not a football fan (I was when my son played though) but I come from a strong football loving family. Mom, Dad and my baby sister have long held season tickets. Of course Mom and Dad had to give theirs up when old age started stripping life from them.

Tampa's team is the Buccaneers and Tampa is hosting the Super Bowl. Ironically the Buccaneers are playing in the Bowl. The Bucks color is orange. I will always have the memory of anytime I visited my folks they would always be dressed a like in supporting the Bucks on TV.

I don't know how long football has been going on but my folks were at the start . Last week when the Bucks played in the playoffs they watched it together, Mom watched from home with the phone and Dad with his phone in his hospital home. One with their mind, one with a wandering mind but both experienced some joy or happiness during that short span of time. I'm sure today will be special for them.

Today is Super Bowl - I only get excited about the commercials. I bet my family is going to have a specially fun day and if the Bucs win - not only my family but this whole town is going to be Mardi Gras HAPPY.

I just may throw myself a tailgate party while I watch a movie during the bowl.
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Does anyone know how she is doing? I haven't seen her in quite awhile.
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Watching a Kid

Ha ha my son left his 12 yr old son with me for a week. I haven't watched a boy child in almost 50 years. When the divas were little I was younger and still in the working force with much more energy or patience than I have as a retiree. I was a bit scared at first. The family left ALL the Christmas leftovers with me since my man child eats a LOT. That actually does my heart good is having a good eater in the house since I have to fight with the tiny furball to eat, she hates to be bothered with eating.

So far it's been fun. I give him an early morning chore and when he is done he can do anything he wants all the rest of the day. Mostly he wants to game, which gives me time to game. Him on the comupter and me mine. Then we watch a movie together. I get to enjoy his laughter. At dinner time he cleans his plate, that makes me very happy. Also nice to have someone to cook for.

He also talks my ear off but I can deal with that, harsh as it is. Crappy Pandemic keeps me from taking him places so we are stuck in the house with each other. He begged to stay with me which makes me feel mighty special.

One day my son texted to tell me to make sure he joined a zoom program for learning and I said No Way Jose - I'm not a practicing disciplinarian, I'm just a Nai Nai that gets to spoil her grandchild and I"M loving it.

I'm only 3 days in - hope it keeps going this well. Today I'm going to teach him how to play backgammon.
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The Good The Bad & The Ironic

Lately my brain has been dealing with flashes of chaos which goes both good and bad ways at almost the same time.

Both of my granddivas live out of state but one, the flight attendant, flew into town Friday. I got to see her in all her beauty for lunch. Both her parents faced timed her during our lunch because it was her birthday but her Dad didn't want to talk to me because he was having a bad hair day.

However he faced timed me the next day to explain and to have a pleasant chat. It was a happy chat with my ex son-in-law . We both said "I Love You" at the hang up. Sadly he was in a very bad car accident that night. He had to be revived Twice.

I found out the next day when my hysterical granddaughter (also our little drama queen) called to tell me. Her Daddy was on life support but her sister in Calif already flew in. So both divas are in Orlando which is 100 miles from me.

Yesterday Daddy got the tubes out, is doing better and out of ICU. Turns out both Divas are driving up here for breakfast just to eat with me then run by and see my Mom, their Nana.

Not too many people get to live to see their GROWN Great-grandchildren worship them. It is so nice seeing these young people being so responsible because most the millenials are not.

In the background Mama is having her house made hospital friendly and is bringing Dad home right after Christmas. She falls and gets hurt a lot. Not sure how this is going to work out but Dad will have 24/7 care from health workers to family.

What a world.
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Terribly Unhealthy

It's is finally cool enough in Florida to need a sweater or at least long sleeves. The chihuahua is freezing though. An idea sprung that I can make cookies for little gifts to the yard man, the postal lady and friends for christmas. I've always wanted to make holiday cookies but with working never had the time and what I attempted I ate before I could give away or take to my office.

So I'm cruising cookie recipes, wiping the drool running down my chin as I discover what's out there as treats.l Twice so far for meal gatherings I made a simple peanut butter bar that tastes like Reeses peanut butter cups. I also learned how to make a pumpkin pie cake that was a hit. I can only make those recipes if I know I'm having company because it is much too dangerous to have alone in the house with me and a 3 pound furball.

Now I have 5 or 6 recipes printed (not including the two above), I added up all the different ingreatings, like many of them call for coconut, some for choclate chips, a few for flour so forth and so on. Then I managed to get to the store and cross the items needed off my list.

Here's the crux. When do I start making them? I don't know how long or if they will taste good if I freeze I'm stuck in third gear with no where to go. Also how to present them? I've come up with on a wrapped paper plate so far because I'm not going out to shop.

I would love to start prepping now while it is cool because it won't last long. I'm sure we will be blistering hot in a couple of days. I sort of feel bad giving an healthy but tasty dish on one hand, yet on the other it doesn't seem like a healthy version is appreciated over the holidays. I do make healthy versions all the rest of the year, or at least try to.

Some of the recipes are NO BAKE, which works well for me since I'm an unexperienced and pretty much lousy baker. I should put that in my profile - looking for a baker.
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Queen of Kitchen Gadjets

I know I've written about my love for gadjets especially kitchen ones. I've spent a lot of money on stuff that turned out to be crap but on the other hand I have some fabulous tools in my kitchen. Now that I'm retired I also have the biggest and best kitchen I've ever had so I'm feeling GREEAATT.

Because of alga rhythms I'm targeted with media advertising with things like "The best kitchen tools to own" or the worst. I've so been enjoying opening these articles up to discover that I own almost everything they advertise. Damn that feels good. I spent a lot of my life wishing I had what is advertised now it is a good feeling to not have to wish.

Before the computer world took over I used to love to go into Kitchen stores, wander around and wish. At some point Mom told me that was what my Dad used to love to do too. I like that feeling also.

For Thanksgiving I'm driving north about a 100 miles to stay with my son for a few days and I'll be spending a lot of time preparing his favorite dishes to fill the trunk with. Another thing I love is my Grandson loves to eat but his Mom mostly cooks authentic Chinese dishes so many of my traditional dishes are new to him and he LOVES them all. I love feeding my son's family and eating their cooking which is so very different from mine.

Hope everyone has a good holidays coming to them.
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91 yrs

Dad's birthday was Tuesday. Mom is getting to see Dad three times a week now just to help him eat which he isn't fond of doing anymore. Siblings and myself still can't go to that nursing home to see him yet. However for his 91st birthday on Tuesday we all went outside to his window to see him. I pounded on the window to wake him and when he saw us he threw the covers back and started to get up. (He can't walk any more) We all started yelling NO (he can't hear anymore either) and putting our hands up showing NO NO and shaking out heads finally he realized not to get up. This is why he falls out of bed, I guess his alheizmers makes him forget he can't walk.

The sun was brutal, we all got super sweaty and miserable standing out there seeing him but HE SMILED so I guess that was worth it. On one hand it is pathetic to have to see a loved one like that but on the other hand at least we saw him.

Afterwards we all went out to eat together - some ate his favorite foods in honor of him and at the end we sang him happy birthday as if he were with us. It made us all feel better I guess.

Dad is a tough old bird - he has survived HOSPICE twice now where everyone thought it was the end but he came through. Siblings and I are all talking about how we never want to go as far as Dad is. I asked one of my bro's does he think if Dad knew this was going to happen to him, would he have taken himself out and he said yes absolutely. His mind doesn't realize it anymore so there is nothing Dad can do to make an exit. As long as his insurance holds out - the industry will keep him alive.

So when does one make the choice to exit so as to spare their loved ones the agony of watching themselves deteriotate? Robin Williams planned it well and is my hero for doing so, only he chose a different way to go than I plan to.
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I've always loved gadgets especially for the kitchen but any household gadget may get my attention. I also love cordless products as I hate plugging in cords especially like for vacumns that have to be plugged into each room. I bought a small cordless vacumn cleaner and have loved it for years. Now that I do not have carpets just wood and tile floors all I have to do is vacumn then mop. The trouble is after I vacumn this whole house I'm too tired to mop so on the advise of a friend I bought a cordless mop/vacumn which does both at the same time and I LOVE IT. The damn thing is almost self-propelled. When I use it I only have to vacumn the house and it gets mopped at the same time (no having to push an extra button) , then when I park it, the machine self cleans. Did I mention I love this machine? It was more money than I like to spend but well worth it.

Mom did not get to see Dad like I wrote in the last blog because the day of the visit she got a call that covid struct the facility and she could not go. However she was able to see him yesterday, finally. Then she cried all afternoon because he is so frail and gaunt. doh

As much as I love to cook I'm having a hard time coming up with recipes to feed four or five people, guess I've been single too long. One thing I want to make because I've never had it is Borscht. I have the ingredients on grocery lists, the main one being beets and because Mom loves beets (me too) I want to make this dish, I believe it is a Ukranian dish, just guessing though.

The problem with cooking for three households is everyone tastes is so different. My bro and I like super hot and spicy, Mom's a pansy that can't handle much spice and one can't eat any of the bell peppers. This really makes it a challenge and no matter what I do, someone misses out.

Netflix is showing "The Social Dilemma" what an eye opener on global culture changes, GLOBAL and how tech is owning us.
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