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Old Blog, New Fact Check

This was a blog written in advance. It was my conjecture. The question is now, how accurate will it be. IG report may drop any day now with the Durham report to follow. What IS certain to happen is that one will feed off the other. Doors will open for the Durham report that will lead to further investigation of individuals like Comey, Ohr, Brennan, Clapper and possibly Osama. The two former heads of the intelligence agencies have already lawyered up. The worm has turned, the difference being these go from names gathered to criminal indictments.....ACCOUNTABILITY.

Documents just released after a long court battle forcing them to be turned over show that top officials in Obama administration’s FBI and DOJ knew that the documents they were submitting to a FISA court to support getting a warrant to spy on President Trump’s presidential campaign were biased, paid for by the Democrats and Clinton campaign and filled with salacious and false accusations. And they made no mention of any of this to the court as required by law.

They illegally used these phony documents repeatedly to justify a spy and sabotage campaign against President Trump in an attempt to prevent him from becoming president and ensure that their candidate, Hillary Clinton, would win the election.

Make no mistake about what this is. This is top officials in a current presidential administration using its state police powers to ensure that their candidate is the only candidate that can take their place and that no other candidate has a chance of being elected regardless of the will of the American voters. In other words IT IS AN ATTEMPT TO CREATE A DICTATORSHIP.

We now have the people in place to see this attempted coup come to the light of day. Bear in mind, the media will do everything they can to bury the truth. They've already lost the confidence of the public so just as the democratic party has lost its credibility, so too has the media become every bit as corrupt. No position is too extreme for them as they continue to report a different reality.
AG Barr, Senator Graham and most of the GOP leaders in Congress have already seen the records and know what's coming. All that remains is to present it in an air tight package leaving no question as to its veracity. The dems know this as well and are now reduced to labels of racism, white supremacism and the last ditch impeachment proceedings. They have run out of ammunition they never had in the first place. As 2020 draws closer expect more wild accusations from the dems and the media as they are desperate to feed the lemmings. Make no mistake, the presidency is out of their reach for 2020 and all their efforts now are to retain the House. If and when IG Horowitz releases his results along with Durham the results should be disastrous for them, the House falls, the Senates margin grows for the GOP, and President Trump may indeed run the table from democratic interference.

I predict you will see things that you don’t even believe, the level of corruption—whether it’s Comey; whether it’s Strzok and his lover, Page; whether it’s so many other people— McCabe; whether it’s President Obama himself,” Trump told reporters last week.
Let’s see whether or not it’s President Obama. Let’s see whether or not they put that in or not.

President Trump has the authority to declassify all or parts of the findings. And that is the name of that tune!

As ever was.
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Promises kept, promises broken, right, left....


Back in the 20's to 30's Republicans promised a 'chicken in every pot and a car in every garage' to get Hoover didn't work, we got Roosevelt for 12 years. We have since learned you can't promise what you ain't got. Voters didn't buy it then and they won't buy it now. FREE isn't least not to the sane. Unfortunately that leaves the rest of the population, the unhinged lemmings on the left. What they are getting now for FREE is a steady dose of promises, dreams and dogma, their morning meal, their nightly bedtime stories. And that is fine to sustain them, it doesn't take much. BUT.....conservatives, and us old white men and women, newly 'woke' blacks, latinos, legal immigrants, and millions of common sense Americans, well, we need more substantial nourishment. We need to see results, policies in place, plans for the future, with new visions. Why not Greenland, why not private competition in Space...the moon as a launching station to Mars and beyond? Hell, that should appeal to the wingnuts, they don't like this planet anyway and most of them left it two (2) years ago. President Trump has proven already he thinks down the road and how to get there. He tackles the problems other presidents have avoided.....and he's winning as he keeps his promises on earth and to the people who elected him. Everything on our planet, specifically the US, is looking good, best it's been since Osama left us a bloody mess. We don't want a recession, we aren't praying for it. Neither are we dressing in black hoods, sanitizing our language, or even marching down Constitution Avenue protesting National Enquirer allegations. We're not #me2, or even #me3 in our school kids bathrooms. We're the #me1 movement, the America stands alone nation. the proud people of a nation founded by our forefathers, principles and values written in one insightful document that has kept us intact for 250 plus years. Is it really time for us to replace our founders with a new wave of FREE thinkers? Not in my view, I'm not trading a Jefferson for an AOC playing card. Not today, not in 2020, and not for the forFREEable future.

As ever was,
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Mullet at the bat

With thanks and regards to

Ernest Lawrence Thayer -

Mullet at the bat

The outlook wasn't brilliant for the Kingston nine that day:
The score stood four to two, with but one inning more to play,
And then when Comey died at first, and Nadler did the same,
A pall-like silence fell upon the patrons of the game.
A straggling few got up to go in deep despair. The rest
Clung to the hope which springs eternal in the human breast;
They thought, "If only Mullet could but get a whack at that—
We'd put up even money now, with Mullet at the bat."
But Flynn preceded Mullet, as did also Jimmy Flake,
And the former was a hoodoo, while the latter was a fake;
So upon that stricken multitude grim melancholy sat,
For there seemed but little chance of Mullet getting to the bat.
But Flynn let drive a single, to the wonderment of all,
And Flake, the much despisèd, tore the cover off the ball;
And when the dust had lifted, and men saw what had occurred,
There was Jimmy safe at second and Flynn a-hugging third.
Then from five thousand throats and more there rose a lusty yell;
It rumbled through the valley, it rattled in the dell;
It pounded on the mountain and recoiled upon the flat,
For Mullet, mighty Mullet, was advancing to the bat.
There was ease in Mullet's manner as he stepped into his place;
There was pride in Mullet's bearing and a smile lit Mullet's face.
And when, responding to the cheers, he lightly doffed his hat,
No stranger in the crowd could doubt 'twas Mullet at the bat.
Ten thousand eyes were on him as he rubbed his hands with dirt;
Five thousand tongues applauded when he wiped them on his shirt;
Then while the writhing pitcher ground the ball into his hip,
Defiance flashed in Mullet's eye, a sneer curled Mullet's lip.
And now the leather-covered sphere came hurtling through the air,
And Mullet stood a-watching it in haughty grandeur there.
Close by the sturdy batsman the ball unheeded sped—
"That ain't my style," said Mullet. "Strike one!" the umpire said.
From the benches, black with people, there went up a muffled roar,
Like the beating of the storm-waves on a stern and distant shore;
"Kill him! Kill the umpire!" shouted raphy on the stand;
And it's likely they'd have killed him had not Mullet raised his hand.
With a smile of Christian charity great Mullet's visage shone;
He stilled the rising tumult; he bade the game go on;
He signaled to the pitcher, and once more the dun sphere flew;
But Mullet still ignored it and the umpire said, "Strike two!"
"Fraud!" cried the maddened thousands, and echo answered "Fraud!"
But one scornful look from Mullet and the audience was awed.
They saw his face grow stern and cold, they saw his muscles strain,
And they knew that Mullet wouldn't let that ball go by again.
The sneer is gone from Mullet's lip, his teeth are clenched in hate,
He pounds with cruel violence his bat upon the plate;
And now the pitcher holds the ball, and now he lets it go,
And now the air is shattered by the force of Mullet's blow.
Oh, somewhere in this favoured land the sun is shining bright,
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light;
And somewhere gays are laughing, and somewhere snowflakes shout,
But there is no joy in Kingston—mighty Mullet has struck out.

As ever was,
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DR's Fakes, Frauds, and Phonies....

Kind of quizzical that the fellow who calls DR and myself a liar would post this profile:

"I have completed a postdoctoral fellowship; biochemically studying the protein domains of fibronectin. After this, I lectured & performed research at a major university for a decade (microbiology, genetics, biology,)"....


"Retired early from teaching & doing research at a major university."

Yeah, right......LOL

If anyone can cooberate this profile based on their experience with Soupy and his commentary,
please call the Smithsonian...they're still looking for the primordial link between man and monkey. Soupy is about as tall as a monkey, so we may have a match.

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Beatin On All Fronts

Don't care how you look at it. You can pretend like Soupy, hope like Chat, or be oblivious like Liberal1....but you girls are done.

McCabe confirms it...
Rosenstein....denies it
Comey....knows it
Strzok....awaits it
Sessions..has ducked it

These guys may never be indicted but their attempt at a coup will forever be remembered as the most treasonous Americans to ever attempt to overthrow a duly elected President of the United States. And they didn't succeed....

All in an attempt to change an election for the highest position of government in the land. This isn't deep state, its deep shit. This is THE biggest attempt to overthrow the Constitution of the United States. And if it goes unpunishised because one party has a slant majority and a media that white washes what they need you to hear, well, then it's your fault for being so naive. And if you really are so committed to despising one man at the risk of losing your country, I feel sorry for your ignorance.

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Copyright vs C& P

I looked up what exactly is a blog and I was surprised the definition actually left these C&P scholars in the clear. You can just leave a link, or C&P the text of that link, and get away with calling it your blog. Perhaps that is why some have managed to post over a 1000 blogs. Prolific arent he/she/T?

But... have they ever posted anything original? Something that actually shows they think instead of link? I liken it to being kind of like a voter. Every
moron gets a chance to have a small part in the process without ever having to perform any task other then pushing buttons. Nobrainers.

OK....what got me thinking of this was a C&P blog(?) that was posted and the OP proceeded to question the comments he was getting as not up to the standards for a reply on an article he/she/or T (?) didnt write. Can you do that, plagiarize, and then censor comments you don't like because they have ideas you dont have.

If I wrote an article, I should have the right to make sure some moron doesn't decide to adopt it as his own and defend it with his own spin/perspectives. It's my intellectual property and I dont want some blowhard buffoon misinterpreting it because he/she/T lacks the mental capacity to put his position in his own words. He/she/T lacks the capacity for original thought so they camelback on someone else's intellectual property.

Its copyright.....not copy wrong.

As ever was,
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Use the link in your head....

The press used to report the news to keep us informed....their mandate. But now their purpose is to keep us misinformed. Sounds simple doesn't it, but when we are constantly being barraged by the media through the internet, on TV and in the dwindling news organizations that even provide a paper feed, it's hard to ignore todays issues....(unless you are a radical lefty and drink only from the poisoned well.)But so many Americans are pressed (no pun) to stay afloat that the last issue they have time to involve themselves in is politics. Many see it as a no win, frustrating pursuit of needless anxiety. And from that pool we draw our voters. My point being, when the press has an agenda, a mission, if you will, they have abdicated their mandate, their responsibility, to inform the public. They no longer deserve the honor of being referred to as the fourth estate, a co-equal branch of government, a source of information or help. Reagan said it, (sic) government is not the solution, it's the problem and the media isn't helping posing as a wolf in sheep's clothing.

And that is where we are right now...being lied to by a corrupted institution that no longer serves the public interest, no longer deserves that recognition as a subsidiary of government, no longer deserves our trust. The only way we can completely rid ourselves of their influence, and their viral impact, is to remain independent, resourceful and objective. In other words, use your God given talent to use your own brain and not their xeroxed one..... It may be the only option you have left to make an intelligent decision or an intelligent vote.

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Harry Reid...the leading liar of the Senate

In response to:

Harry Reid: Trump Is 'The Best President We've Ever Had'

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid spoke out about President Barrack Obama.

“He’ll lie. He’ll cheat. You can’t reason with him , he's too stupid".

Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) did not mince words about President Donald Trump, declaring him “without question the best president we’ve ever had".

In a rare interview published Wednesday, his first since being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last year (a fitting guts).

“We’ve had some bad ones like Obama, and there’s not even a close second to him,” Reid told The New York Times Magazine’s Mark Leibovich. “We lied. We cheated. But that was our standard practice. We had to lie. There was too much at stake if they found out how that nitwit Obama failed to hide his collusion with Hillary and the DNC to begin a bogus Russia probe.

Reid also questioned why former attorney general Jeff Sessions — his Senate colleague — and former White House chief of staff John Kelly did not leave Trump’s administration sooner
We paid Sessions to recuse himself and Kelly, well, he was too honest.

“Why in the hell didn’t Sessions quit after we settled up" he said. “I know I screwed myself.’ I could not look my children in the eye.” Of course after I walked into that wall my eye hasn't been much good.

Reid has not held back when it comes to Trump, repeatedly praising
him before retiring from the Senate in 2017.....
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I adopted a liberal

I have a pet liberal....

Yeah I have to confess. I found one I felt sorry for and kind of adopted it, probably because it wasn't very smart. I named it Soupy. It was a very short little liberal, homeless, no pedigree....a mutt. But like all well meaning new owners I tried to teach him new things, to behave, to listen and learn, and not to pee on his own feet. Now Soupy wasn't really as stupid as he was illiterate, but he wasn't really gifted either despite what he purported to be. He kind of over amped his background, but unfortunately when he opened his mouth he blew his cover. In short....he was just that....short.

Now we all sometimes bite off more then we can chew, and Soupy wasn't any different, he was dumb and naive, but determined to be finally accepted. But then he found his bone to chew on, and it was a BIG bone. He found a guy that suceeded where he had failed. He was a real estate tycoon, HUGE, a billionaire... and poor Soupy, he couldn't sell an igloo to an eskimo in the same town in his very short real estate career. Worse yet, this guy had women out the ying yang. Poor Soupy couldn't get laid in a female penitentiary with a fistful of pardons. And he was experienced with women....after all, he was on fifty dating sites and he had a profile that he made up that was really impressive. It just wasn't right, him being a liberal where he was owed a BIG government living.....He'd been a visiting Professor at Harvard, he had a PHD in biology, he was a professional softball player in a co-ed league, and he was a big entrepreneur....he made plastic jewelry that he sold at international kiosks and was a renowned photographer....of

to be continued...

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Katie...BARR, the door.

Three top Senior Justice Department officials, two who are senior prosecutors on Robert Mueller’ Special Counsel, met with Bruce Ohrin the summer of 2016. This meeting happened well before the FBI sought a FISA warrant on a Trump campaign official. Ohr informed the trio of DOJ officials about his close contact with former British Spy Christopher Steele, whose dossier was part of the evidence used to investigate the Trump campaign.
Further, Ohr warned the dossier was not vetted. The FBI, however, used as the bulk of evidence from the dossier to obtain a secret warrant to spy on short-term Trump campaign volunteer Carter Page, according to a Congressional investigation. 
Ohr, who was then the Associate Deputy Attorney General, told members of Congress during his closed-door testimony in August 2018 that he had informed senior officials that he was delivering information from Steele and Glenn Simpson, the founder of embattled research firm Fusion GPS.

Ohr’s testimony also had a stunning revelation that Andrew Weissmann, who was then head of the DOJ’s Criminal Fraud section and now Deputy Special Counsel for Robert Mueller, was also briefed by Ohr on his meetings with Steele. Those briefings took place during the summer of 2016, shortly after Ohr had met with Steele. The testimony, which has not yet been made public, was authenticated by sources from congressional testimony to
Under intense questioning from former South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, Ohr named the officials he had spoken to that summer.
“I spoke with some people in the Criminal Division, other career officials who dealt with some of these matters,” Ohr told Gowdy.
“Any names?” asked Gowdy.
“Yes,” said Ohr.
“So, I was about to tell you,” Ohr said. “One of them was Bruce Swartz, who is the counselor for International Affairs in the Criminal Division; a person who was working with him at the time, working on similar matters in the Criminal Division was Zainab Ahmad; and a third person who was working on some—some of these matters I believe was Andrew Weissmann.”
Like, Weissmann, Ahmad, a Pakistani American lawyer, also has a senior role as a prosecutor on Mueller’s team investigating the Trump campaign and the Russia.
Gowdy also asked Ohr about how he first met with and delivered information regarding Steele to the FBI.
“How did you find out to meet with? Who did you call to find out,” Gowdy asked during the hearing.
“After the July 30thmeeting with Chris Steele, I wanted to provide the information he had given me to the FBI,” said Ohr.
“I reached out for Andrew McCabe, at that time, Deputy Director of the FBI and somebody who had previously led the organized crime, Russian organized crime squad in NY and who I had worked with in the past, and asked if he could meet with me,” said Ohr.
Ohr went onto say, “I went to his office to provide the information, and Lisa Page was there. So, I provided the information to them. And some point after that, I think, I was given Peter Strzok, or somehow put in contact with Peter Strzok.”
Gowdy followed up with “when was that?”
“I don’t recall the exact date,” said Ohr. “I’m guessing it would’ve been August since I met with Chris Steele at the end of July, and I’m pretty sure I would have reached out to Andrew McCabe soon afterwards.”
Ohr’s testimony is contrary to statements made by House Democrats last year. In an unclassified memo from Rep. Adam Schiff, D-CA, he notes that Ohr’s contact with the FBI began “weeks after the election and more than a month after the Court approved the initial FISA.”

Sources who spoke to this reporter say that argument has now been “turned on its head.” It is clear he spoke to FBI and DOJ officials before the FISA warrant or election had taken place.
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Democratic Agenda for America 2019


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Pick One....

Jews can't keep secrets:

Chris-'teen' Blassey Ford reeled in almost $700,000 on her GoFukMe fund. Meanwhile her pro bono legal team will not pursue further allegations against Kavanaugh. Wonder what the DNC paid her and how much (F)Einstein got paid?

"the show is over. I got mine."

A Jewish history lesson:

"I'm done with lying. I'm done being loyal. And one of the hopes that I have out of the punishment that I've received, as well as the cooperation that I have given, I will be remembered in history as helping to bring this country back together."

He lied for our sins....and gave us back our faith. Sound familiar?

Michael Cohen (circa 2018 for Christ's sake)

The Bums Rush:

Could Judge Sullivan declare Michael Flynn not guilty due to improper procedures by FBI, DOJ?
Does that make Flynn's testimony inadmissible in the Mullet probe? Comey admitted he broke protocols with sending Stzrok and the other guy in. (Wonder who the other guy was....?) Wonder if Comey knows since he's having problems with his memory.

We now know it's probably going to be 90 days before Mullet is finished.

Four Dead in Oh Hi Oh:

 A lawsuit dating back to 2014 for Clinton's Benghazi-related emails is being reexamined.

"At best, State's efforts to pass off its deficient search as legally adequate during settlement negotiations was negligence born out of incompetence," Judge Lamberth wrote. "At worst, career employees at the State and Justice Departments colluded to scuttle public scrutiny of Clinton, skirt FOIA, and hoodwink this court."

Judge Lamberth calls hrc email,

"one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency."

I think it's time to pull her Secret Service....she wouldn't last a week.

And last but not least, let's take 'Famous last words' for $200 in the 'Fairytales' category...and this is for the win audience....

What visiting professor from Princeton was heard to say..

"Have a nice impeachment" to his 2 liberal followers on CS?

All things considered I'm very disappointed with the Republican party for failing to get answers to the Deep States cover ups. It won't get done now with the Resistance taking over in January. BUT, if you have time, watch this video. I'm trying to check it for accuracy and I haven't seen it on any networks.(certainly not Hillary's stations).

As ever was,
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