Pelosi’s deceptive ‘impeachment vote’

Speaker Pelosi is playing word games, trying to pull a fast one on the Republicans, the American people, and the Constitution by appearing to “authorize” a formal impeachment inquiry, while not actually passing an impeachment resolution that would trigger rights for Republican House members to call witnesses and issue subpoenas.

That is why, when ambushed by NBC News, she was careful to make a distinction and say “It is not an impeachment resolution.” It was a walk-by comment:

Speaker Pelosi is holding a vote, a resolution, to affirm her previous declaration of a House “inquiry”…. Pelosi is not delivering a House “Resolution on Impeachment” for a vote, because if she did hold a vote on an impeachment resolution, the minority and the Executive branch would gain rights therein.

Note that the final wording of the resolution is not yet available, and Sundance believes that the Lawfare Group, based at the tax-exempt Brookings Institution, is carefully wording the exact measure to be up for a vote on Thursday.

The rules for an “impeachment investigation” would provide rights for the minority and also rights for the Executive branch.

So instead of having a House vote to authorize an impeachment investigation, with subsequent rights for the minority; they are having a House vote to affirm the “impeachment inquiry” with an entirely different set of House rules that do not include rights for the minority.

Nice trick huh?

The question becomes: Why is Pelosi calling a vote now? Some analysts, such as law professor Ann Althouse, believe that Pelosi may want to end the impeachment campaign, and hopes for enough no votes from members elected in districts that voted for Trump that she can all off the quest and avoid further damage.

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Comments (4)

Won't work. Graham is introducing a resolution tying their hands to a 'impeachment vote', not an 'impeachment inquiry' vote. Demos must go on record as supporting impeachment so that puts 40 states of demos up for grabs. Sounds good but it's all in the wording. McConnell is backing the resolution and so far 50 republicans are backing it.....60 are needed if it goes to a vote.

Just the facts Mam, not the

Thinking Polisi is trying to end impeachment is thinking like Jim . She has no other policy to run with . She's boxed in with no where to go , this is her one shot at Trump and if it misses and he's president after the next election she won't be speaker . I follow the forums of Fox and many were waiting with an open mind over the Muller report now see it for what it was , what's more " little Al's secret focus group" that comment on this site has two members who did not vote Trump have hardened against the DNC . Jimmy has them convinced alright , not in a way he would want though conversing
Soupy doesn't think....he mimics. To say he's a soft target would be elevating him to a level of comprehension of which he is unfamiliar.

Trump is living rent free in the heads of liberals everywhere.
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Lawton, Oklahoma, USA

Retired old guy. Loves sports, music, and karaoke. Not shy about singing.Love to travel. Love to go to beaches and warm weather outdoor events. U.S. Air Force Veteran. I am here for the blogs. I am an amputee. My lower leg is gone.

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