Announcing the first Honorary Doctor Doctor Jappy Goldstein Award,

for escaping ueber liberal thinking and hate filled behaviors, after successful TD-HD Syndome treatment at the Vierk Institute. Treated several like her her meself, and enjoyed every minute. Ooow weee. Yum yum.
We all thought she was just another hottie waif, scratching wantonly at our doors late at night. But it soon became clear that this was a special girl, in need both of treatment, and a new course in life. Two valid clinical doctorate degrees had she, (a bit of that about at the Institute), but sadly, a victim of liberal government school/university indoctrination. Her red kneed head mistress was formerly a teacher of ESL, from the deep swamp, no less. Hor fitting. But why digress?
Her situation was rough indeed. Her parents had disowned her, "as if she were never alive", being quite Orthodox and racist themselves, allegedly merely for her having a BF named Leroy Lemonjello Coltrane. Such prejudice! She's happily back into the family fold, but oy weh, the arguments, the arguments, political.
This is the same talented and beautiful lady who was so helpful in the public health courses at the Institute. Her performance " in and out ", of class was exemplary. But onto the prize itself.
Eligible contestants must have demonstrated severe obsessive/compulsive liberal thought and behaviors. Only young women need apply. As evidenced by:
Inappropriate and seething use of terms such as racist, sexist and words ending in -phobic. Exceptions include when describing the former affirmative action Negro POTUS, as when he called his loving Granny, "an average White person". Many other examples.
The use of such terms must bring on pride and satisfaction over others. Nuff said.
Striking inability to see the many sides of political leaders, and indeed, of others, usually demonstrated by shouting, hateful writing, and dismissal of formal argumentative logic.
Signature life preferences, such as an affinity for crappy French autos, wearing of "Che" type T shirts and tam caps, etc. And many failures in life, such as with music, partners, children, money, and so on. The last often leads to support for nanny state commie programs, as with Bernie. All often well lubricated with drink.Other addictions may be part of the presentation.
Valid diagnosis and recovery, with our shamelessly costly treatments, from at least one liberal syndrome. And the so afflicted hottie young tarts must receive most of their therapies from the Director himself. In his office. No exceptions.
The prize includes automatic well paid one year internships at the various departments of the Vierk Institute. A ticket, on completion, into any job or further training. Call now. Operators sitting by. Don't wait. Applications taken over the phone, if soon followed by a portfolio of personal pics. These must include at least five in bikinis, preferably performing yoga positions..
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Ocean Coast, Maine, USA

Retired, but busy. Years left to enjoy. Handy, curious, multilingual (German, French, Spanish, learning Portuguese). Love animals. Live on a salt water ocean bay just south of Canada. Angling off the rocky beach. Mussels. Watching the oceans reclaim [read more]