The Yoga Quest for Inner Peace

So I decided in my quest for true inner peace and the want to keep my body in relatively good shape I would start doing Yoga.

I found a wonderful DVD from a great teacher who explains that the poses aren’t Yoga they are just callenetics , the Yoga part comes from breathing and looking within.

Great just what I wanted somewhere to focus my mind when it is running around like a headless chicken, at the same time as getting my body back into shape (I’m trying many different body shapes at the moment)

Okay so get started, first learning to breath, “sit cross legged”, okay hold on a second, the last time I sat cross legged was when I was knee high to a grasshopper at school, my legs just don’t do that anymore., still in the interest of doing it right I sit cross legged and tell myself by this time next week it will be less painful, or I’ll still be sitting where I am because I’ve got stuck and my daughter hasn’t yet run out of clean clothes to wear so hasn’t noticed I’ve been motionless.

Now the breathing, the only thing I can liken it to is snoring while awake, (so when I’m actually caught snoring I can just claim to have been practising my Yoga breathing, bonus!).

Okay so off we go, I’ve seen this posture done on TV, “The Downward Dog” , or in my case the “The Downward Collapsing Dog”. Now while sticking my bum in the air, keeping my back straight, pushing down on the hands with my chin on my chest, trying to get my legs straight and my heels down flat on the ground I am supposed to continue breathing slow long breaths in, slow long breaths out, (do you know how hard it is to do long slow breaths when you are doing a long slow collapse onto the floor, and no the ooooohhhhhhh aaahhhhh noises coming from me are not the mantra).

Okay moving swiftly on, (by now my two cats have appeared and are laughing at me trying to get up off the floor, while they are wrapping their legs around their bodies just because they can).

The Warrior Pose – okay what was that she says stand tall, stand strong, stand your ground, feel powerful, look lady if someone was to sneeze in Africa at this precise moment, I would fall over with no effort what so ever.

Breath whatever else happens, breath, give it time yoga will make you feel so much better, more alive, it will help with your posture, and you will walk taller.

That was yesterday, so how do I feel today, well yes I have to admit I am walking taller today my calf muscles are so sore I have to walk around on my toes. It is recommended that I practise for at least 25 minutes every day, I will not be defeated, today I’m going to practice my breathing technique…..shhhhhhhh
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Comments (17)

Yoga has nothing to do with "inner peace".
you are "excercising" and your body is relaxing and you feel better. Please don't call it 'yoga' or something else. Since you are an English man, say it English!
I'm not a man, and it's called humour
Hi there wave

I found it that funny - nicely put - yoga can be darn difficult and sometimes you just feel like a twit doing it.

Good on you for trying, but a class might be the best way to go - do you think? LOL

Hey Toffeeapple, thank you.

Tried classes once, but got kicked out for making inappropriate noises...........think my groaning was putting off the others lol. professor rolling on the floor laughing
Thanks TM, Enjoyed reading! I felt the same way when I started and it got better and still does. Practice makes the master.

Mr. D
Yoga is a union of mind/body/spirit. Meditation, breathing techniques and stretching. Yoga has nothing to do with exercising which you do in a fitness center. Yoga is all about inner peace and on this note I'm off to meditate.
The mind has a funny way of accepting different things do certain things to give us innerpeace but truthfully none of that has anything to do with it other then your mind and the actions you take to take steps foward. But if yoga helps you I say go for it but its not the only way to give yourself innerpeace that come from within all of us.
hey well done there i do yoga and many other styles and inner peace can come from it thou only through meditation yoga gives the body peace but the mind must also be at peace or elase yoga will just seem like an excersize..
Thank you for your comments one and all.

Now the weather is getting warmer I plan on doing it outdoors......don't know what the neighbours will think, and quite frankly I'm not going to care.

While one is concentrating and listening to the breathing so you can move in sync with it, nothing else is buzzing about your head, this to me is inner peace.

I totally understand that this can happen anywhere, and overtime I have been able to apply the state of peace in my mind I achieve while doing my yoga to times when I am not doing it.

I also understand that everyone will have a different way of achieving peace of mind, doing something like yoga practice may help those who feel it illudes them.
Dannii: What is your interpretation of yoga?

I’m not a fan. These are just some explanations I've seen on the internet:

“Yoga is a path that leads up to the state of supreme blessedness and peace”.

“The ultimate aim of practicing Yoga is to create a balance between the body and the mind and to attain self-enlightenment”.

“Yoga is the science that teaches us the method of uniting the individual soul with the Supreme Soul, of merging the individual will in the Cosmic Will”. innocent

Have I misunderstood your comment?
britespark - that's what all the books I've read about it say.

Drea hahaha very funny Mr Muse. I can't hold the positions too long or I get stuck.

The best workout my body ever got was last year when I had a cleaning job 7 hours 5 days a week, hell I nearly ended up with a 4 pack, but I did damage my foot and leg, it's taken a long time to heal, so I'm looking forward to getting back into the yoga again.

I tried pilates but I just didn't gel with it.
my apologies for the typo, I meant Ms. Muse blushing much love handshake
Drea oh my sorry honey I actually thought you were making a joke relating to the first comment.........I wasn't getting at you........warped sense of humour here. sad flower
sorry i am yoda i thought you said .

rolling on the floor laughing
First (and last) time I went to a Yoga class was over 20 years ago. I went with a group of girlfriends and the tutor hummmmmmmed so much and made such strange sounds that we spent the hour in fits of giggles.

Then he made us lie down on the floor and I fell asleep, only waking myself up when I started snoring. That was embarrassing to wake up with 20 pairs of eyes on you. blushing blues
adamisk very good, hahahaha.......someone had to say it.

Brite OMG how brilliant. Tell me did you ever go back again hehe.
I have been practicing yoga for years. You need to take a class if your serious about it.No legitimate yoga instructor is go to ask you to leave their class for making noises.That is part of the learning process.The postures are called asanas and the breathing is called prana.The two must coincide to get the full benefit of yoga.Thats where the instructor comes in.Your not going to feel any results in one or two weeks it takes a couple months.But you will find its well worth the effort.
thank you Silversurfer, I have been doing yoga for quite some time, but had to stop due to injury caused at work, I'm just getting back into my stride with it.

ps the bit about me getting kicked out of class was a joke, you funny hahahahaha
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by Unknown
created Apr 2010
Last Viewed: 2 hrs ago
Last Commented: Apr 2010

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