Benefits of cigarettes.

Since I started smoking, I stopped eating a lot.
While I usually eat twice the amount of a normal diet , though only 1 or ,sometime rarely, 2 meals a day, since I started this nicotine stuff, I ate the normal amount(though still not that healthy) for the same frequency of meals.

I read somewhere that the nicotine in the cigarette makes you less hungry somehow, I dunno nor want to know what at this point.
But I'm like "Hey! This might be a good experience to lose weight a lot more". doh
Gotta watch for the addiction stuff though, I think I am already going down the hill crying .
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Comments (7)

my father lost crazy weight in his battle with cancer not a good habbit to pick up my friend . i myself am struggling to quit it's not as easy as it was when i was younger.
Hello Allen, you are welcome. To keep off a little of your boredom, I can spare a few minutes from being ready to go to a sport festival. :D

Actually smoking is an interesting topic for me so I stepped into your blog and decided to give out my thoughts... but it doesn't mean I am interested in smoking. You are right, most people start smoking as a social interaction like yourself, and some start it because of their friends around them who make a big difference.... let me tell you something.
One of my cousin for instance, he is 19 yr old now. He never smoked before going to a college. He told me he has 7 roomates and 5 of them smoke, only 3 people in the room don't (including himself). The problem is they three always went together, to avoide being influenced by the other roomates. But later on they felt somewhat isolated, so they gave in and joined in the smoking group. laugh

And also, many of the girls in my Uni also smoke, but they don't smoke in public, only in the washroom. Yes, when they feel under pressure or grief, they smoke alot. Like you said, it can relieve your stress. But not a good way!!! I'm really wondering why this smoking thing become some kind of social "activity" nowadays? And why people give in themselves smoking together. Drinking is ok for me but smoking NEVER, you know what. It's because whenever I smell cigs, I'm always about to throw up. Thank god I have this fear of smoking so I would never give in to smoke in any case!
When you were "3 years old"?
You surely mean 3 years ago, or you should apply for the youngest smoker in the Guinness book of record :p!

I like your typing skills and your personality of how you respond to other people's argument(although it's online).
So let me share you a secret too.
My first time smoking, was when I was 9.
Me and my twin sister and my childhood friend, we tried to smoke, but as we couldn't buy cigarette, be choose to smoke dry wooden sticks rolling on the floor laughing !
But we had to hide so we hide behind the tree which was in the middle of summer so very dry, after a couple of tries we felt SICK!!!!!
So we threw the branch on the soil, which was stack with dry leaves and we went back into the house.
Later we hear that the neighbor's courtyard was on fire lol!!!

Now that's a valid example where trying to smoke was bad.

Well! I'm not trying to make smoking a habit, just a "treat" habit
sounds like you just need some guidance in self-control buddy. it's YOUR life, take control of what you desire... desire a fit body, stop eating, start running... you cant eat while running so it's a win-win
hi, i smoke and started at 20 and im 33 now ,mostly i smoke out of boredom or when drinking beer or as a stress release.when i started i was like you 2 a day i used to bum them off my mates and after a while id buy them.i soon when up to 5 then 10 then 20 a day as you body get used to the nicotine and wants use this a s a weight reduction tool is wrong is many more ways than i can write skinny and is truth be know id rather be over weight than a smoker.stop you 2 a day smoking today and join a gym see you doctor or dietician in order to lose the weight you wish to lose.losing weight should be a enjoyable thing to do as you set a target a goal and when you achieve this you will be so much more happy..smoking is disgusting un healthy and un social even if you think its is its only go down hill if you let yourself go down hill and smoking will take you there much faster.good luck and hope ive helped in some wayteddybear
Hey Bozzyy!!!

Thanks for the guidance notice, but you should really read the comments first.
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by Unknown
created Apr 2010
Last Viewed: Apr 23
Last Commented: Apr 2010

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