Ghost in the office....

The event i am going to talk about... happened today plus a week before....and it was very spooky!!!!!...Our office is an old Victorian house made by British when they were ruling here in India....
Me and my friend was at office late night last week...when we had an few reports to submit ...

First Odd encounter-

We both heard an office chair from the other office began scooting around. We both froze because we knew that no one else was up there at the time. She asked me if I had heard the noise. I nodded. She quickly jumped up and ran around the corner into the other office to find no one inside. We kind of just cudnot think of any logical explanation.....

We were in our work deeply when we both heard the chair scoot around again. I got up this time and went into the directors office to find an empty office...again. We were getting a little spooked but we laughed about it to make ourselves feel better.

..We were laughing and talking about it when we heard the phone in the directors office slam down hard . We know what it sounded like because of the many times the director had done that.We left as fast as we could!!! But then nothing happened on the next week

Second Encounter-

Today we were having a monthly meeting,and suddenly the doors started closing by itself when there were no one in the room...not even air couldn't do it...Then suddenly our boss started screaming cause he felt a firm but gentle hand on his left shoulder. I looked up from my chair and saw nothing.dunno

Each day I'm wondering what will happen next.

Do ghost actually exists????confused confused confused dunno

What should we do about it....really confuseddunno
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Comments (46)

single_engineer---yes!!! its messing around really...but we dnt know what to do!!moping moping hope we come up with a solutionblues
Shydeviant & sweetkitten4--- we did call them but they are out fr a holiday!!! but the only advise they give is that not give them any kind of energy!!! we just have to ignore them...but its too hard to do that.....if we give them any kind of negative or fear they become stronger!!! and starts getting more power!!!i really never beleived in them...but after what happend i think i have to change my minddoh
Hi Ruksha, If the house was used for military purposes, then it's likey that there are a few souls that have not passed on. Happens quiet frequently in situations where sudden or unexpected death has taken place! Don't panic! Say a few affirmations, "There is only 1 Presence & Power in my life! The God Force!" Universal! If you are Hindi/Hindu, "Om dum Durga ye, namah!" My ex used to get Mother Durga/Kali trance state, her trance of "Divine Mother" can help the entity cross over to their realm! Have seen it a few times. Am sure there such folks in your country, be they physics, mediums or spiritualists! handshake
It is called a "familiar spirit" and one has to know how to get rid of them before they leave. There has been a portal to allow them in.
Hi,Galway Bay,long time,no see you...applause I really missed you and the crazy way you write...welcome back...dancing
@Rusha: its not as crazy an idea as some would think. I've had a few experiences in my life for which there were no logical explanations. Feeling a hand on my arm, on more than one occasion, was also part of my experiences. The one occasion, we were able to get an understanding on, but the others we put down to paranormal activity. I've come to accept the best way to stop them (assuming that they are non-aggressive)is actually to tell them that everything was okay, and that they could settle down and go rest. Sounds weird, but it worked on at more than one occasion.. . so ????
Fortunately I grew up with such stories from people who had encounters and from their experiences I didn't feel TOO MUCH of the fear.uh oh
Hey, look at it this way . . . at least you've got yourself a new conversation piece laugh comfort hug
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by Unknown
created Jul 2011
Last Viewed: Apr 25
Last Commented: Jul 2011

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