Some tips for the ladies advertising themselves on

After viewing numerous profiles of frustrated women looking for their missing half, I thought I would offer some advice on marketing themselves.
Tip #1. Smile for the camera! doh
I have seen numerous “pretty” ladies commiserate how lonely they are, and how difficult it is to get a response from the guys, and in almost each case, the lass was sporting a frown on her main picture! They say misery deserves company, but not the kind you would expect. Most men would prefer to steer clear of emotional black holes, lest they get sucked down into depression city. Girls, take my advice on this one, the bait you use determines the type of fish you are trying to land. Want somebody cheerful and full of life and zest? Then act like you do, too! Remember, nobody goes to pity parties except the person doing the inviting.
Tip #2. Cover ’em up! wow
Part of romance is the element of mystery, and not just for things physical. We want to know the real you, what’s inside, what motivates you, your personality, your attitude on life in general, and even your dreams. We can’t very well do that if we get lost in silicone valley, now, can we? I would much rather look into your beautiful eyes than focus on a pair of accessories that I may or may not see in due course of time, and trust me, porn is just a click or two away. My particular take on a gal that is eager to show her um, assets, is that she is well, rather DESPERATE!
Another reason I tend to avoid women baring more than their souls is that when I develop a relationship with you, I don’t want every guy and his brother lusting after your bod and making me uncomfortable to the nth power by asking me if I had any pics of my new honey, and if not, would I like to buy some from him!
Tip #3. Location, Location, Location. confused
I know nobody is perfect, but if you think about where you pose when you have your picture taken, think about it first. Do you REALLY want guys to see your messy bedroom or bathroom, with your clothes lying around in piles, and boxes of junk in the background? Better if we see you in a neutral setting, in a casual pose, out with friends, family, or your pets, on a hike, whatever! No messy backgrounds, please. We’re not applying for a janitor position, so be fair.
Tip #4. DON”T LIE! devil
If you say you go to the gym 3 or more times a week, and look like someone who never met a jelly donut she didn’t like, come on! Just admit you’re a couch potato, but that you’d like a workout partner to motivate you-we do too! And if you have someone in your life and are trying to make him jealous by dating us, hang it up baby! Not all of us are into games that don’t involve a console, so work out your problems with your SO, or get lost. Life’s too short. You gals all seem to be getting lied to by guys who want one thing, but just hang in there; your prince is just a few clicks away, but he needs honesty too. We can spot serial daters a mile away.
Tip #5. A gift still has to be wrapped right. gift
For some of you, I have two simple words- Make over! Maybe you are the kind of gal that thinks of beauty as a transient thing, and that what really matters is the inner beauty, yada, yada, yada, but in order for us to get close enough to actually SEE the inner you is to not scare us away with your ruggedly handsome looks…
Tip #6. Pose alone, please.conversing conversing blues conversing conversing
I know you have friends, we all do. But it makes the introduction process a little awkward when every one of your pictures has you surrounded with your posse. Just imagine a response from a guy who viewed your profile-”Who’s your hot friend posing with you? Can you hook us up?”

Well, that's all I have to say for now, and good luck with the search for the cure to loneliness. Peace.kiss
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Comments (34)

How's my profile?laugh
FUNNYGUY222 ... An excellent article! Well thought out. Intelligent, articulate, thouroughly enjoyable reading. Thank you very much for sharing with us. Please post further blogs?!
CALLIOPESGIRL .. You need to be closer to the camera, darling! So we can actually 'see' who you are. Personally, I think that my Avatars say more about me than my own photograph does.
Hey...where's those baby blues?!grin
And 'baby greens'! x
Wheres the MORTIEN ??

Funny..Yeah I like those Group shots !!!wow danceline Guess Which one is ME ???? rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing confused
This from a guy who wear sunglasses in his main photo. doh

Hm I just wanted to say the same as Jim, but didn't want to sound like some frustrated woman wink
You make some good points. I do want to say something about #4. I may not look like a go to the gym 5x a week but I do. I started losing weight at the first of the year and in mid- to late August, I started using the gym at my school. Since I started working out at the gym I've lost almost 7 pounds, which has put me at a total weight loss of 18 or 19 pounds. Do I still need to lose weight? Yes. I know that I stated on profile that I work out but I also stated that I was trying to lose weight. In general, I know that I will never be a 10 (by the standards of American media) but I'm sure that there is a guy that will think that I'm a 10. Some guys find my physical appearance to be repulsive and some find me attractive.

Now, this can lead into your statement about a make over. I don't know if you mean that they should start wearing make up, lose weight, get a new wardrobe, or a haircut. Maybe it's a combination of all of these things. Some people may think that I should wear make-up but I've never worn make-up and I'm not comfortable wearing it. I put on some lip gloss and that is about it. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind making an investment in some mascara and lipstick...when I'm with a guy and I know we're going to be having "a late night snack."grin Besides, with what I want to do for a living...spending time on make-up would be useless. Who wants to run around in the woods looking for wildlife while wearing 10 lbs of face paint? Not me. For me, as long as my hair is washed and dried and my face is blemish free, then I am happy.

I also think that what you have mentioned can apply to guys.
RU4EVA .. That's an awful thing to say! FIELDWORKING .. You are not repulsive. However a pant size 1-5 would attract some ...
(Not worth mentioning here.) And you are right .. it could seem ridiculous running around in the woods looking for wildlife with ten pounds of face paint on (although it might make good camoflauge or frighten the wildlife?!)!
I wasn't asking you cloud9hijack I was asking the blog writer-
Besides-Cloud9, you are sporting a pic of an arachnid.
Here you go Calli

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Thanks for all the great advice!beer
Thanks Jim!!! You are alright!!

Embedded image from another site
Thanks funnyguy for the tips.

I think when I was reading your blog, I told myself "checked" for all points you stated on your profilegrin

I guessed these points are valid for men's profile too, no?laugh Let me check yours thengrin wine

Good luck to you, too.
Good advice may God bless youbowing
Field: "some women don't need any make-up". It seems like you take the make-up like some tool for correcting the shortcomings of women. Yes it is but even perfect looking women need it to look well. It's the same like you don't get out in your pygamas, right? So it's appropriate and polite to take care of our face, too.

But yes, the culture of using make up depends on many factors wave
To gym or not to gym... this is the question. I need some one to gym with. laugh
I'm not trying to pick a fight. If a woman wants to wear make-up that is fine. All I'm saying is that they don't need to overdo it like they are going to the circus. I am a grad student and I see these women in their early 20s wearing loads and loads of makeup that they don't really need. But if it makes them feel good then good for them. If you are suggesting that I wear nothing but pajama's then you are sadly mistaken. I do dress up. I may not go out wearing dresses but I do dress in such a way that it is obvious that I am a woman. I don't think that women have to wear makeup to feel or to look like a woman. Feel comfortable with who you are. If wearing makeup makes you feel comfortable then fine. I, for one, am not comfortable, with make-up. I have never felt the need to wear it. That is just a personal preference. I wear a little lip gloss and that's it. It's just enough color on my face to draw attention to my smile (which is one thing that I always get compliments on). I don't want to waste time or money on buying things that I'm not going to use or need. Would makeup make me look better? Maybe...but I don't care. I like my face the way that it is. If a guy finds me repulsive because I don't wear makeup then that is his choice. I never said that a woman that wears makeup is some kind of streetwalker (although I've seen women wear enough makeup to pass as one). It is a personal preference.
@Cloud9....thanks for your nice comments.
Speaking of make-up...I like the natural look, but when out on a date a womans eyes made up to enhance their color works for me. And lipstick is just inviting, to me. I don't care for the foundation stuff, but if a woman is light skinned a little rouge (if thats still correct) works for me. I think the concept is kind of basic, many tribes both men and woman paint themselves up to attract as well as animals use their color to attract as well.
@Jana - No problem. It was really early here when I responded. I understand what you are saying about the makeup making one look healthy. The thing is some women have that natural healthy look and don't really need the makeup. I don't know about the respect thing though. Why should a woman wear makeup to respect herself or to show respect to others? I mean, I'd like to think that if a woman only respects herself when she is wearing makeup that men will notice that and not take her least not in the way of a long-term relationship. If makeup makes a woman feel more confident then I'm all for that but if she is wearing makeup because she thinks it's the only way to get a man to respect her, then there she may need to work on her self-esteem. For me, I'd feel less confident in makeup. Yes, grooming is very important and the occassional makeup can be nice. And not everyone works in a place where they need or have to wear makeup. In some cases, wearing makeup may not be a great thing. In terms of dates, it depends on where you're going. Would women wear makeup if they are going backpacking, hiking, or kayaking? Probably not.

I think this is one of those issues where women (and some men) have to agree to disagree.hug
Sands, the well chosen foundation makes the skin silky and shining. So I'm sure you d love it :)

Natural look doesn't oppose to the skin care. Skin care, including light make up, underlines the natural beauty. The trick is to look natural when you actually have used some make up :)
Sands, of course I take some special, extra care for a special event or a date :) Then I have to be perfect from top to toe wink
Jana, and what do you do to your toes...inquiring minds want to know....and no this is not Virgo doubling as Sands...laugh
Sands I am thinking of posting a blog about all those top-to-toe cares so your curiosity will be satisfied laugh
sounds like a novel blog,you have my eyes...
laugh Just a poem ;)
so if I understand you correctly my curiousity will continue to sway in the breezes of life.... crying
What are comments for? Through them we ll be able to elaborate all the questions and curiosities possible wink comfort
Women can still look nice without having to wear makeup.
Of course, Field! Nobody says the opposite! I dare say I look quite good without make up too :) And my make-up is so light that it more protects and underlines than something else :)
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by funnyguy222
created Nov 2011
Last Viewed: Apr 19
Last Commented: Nov 2011

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