The hacking our American drone plane really doesn't add up? In my experience of being harassed and hacked in order to get control of a machine you must hack through the main control of the machine. Now it is impossible to hack into the drone itself without hacking into the main control computer that controls the drone. They had to hack into the main controls of the drone in order to control the machine.

And I would assume it would be very hard for a Iran hacker to know exactly what controls to hack to target the drone they over took. I see Iran as a very radical Country fueled by hate for no reason. But I suspect someone on our side may have allowed this hacking to take place and gave Iran information to succeed on this act.

And if I am right any American we trust in our Military or Politic's allowing the act of terrorism to prosper should look in the mirror and see what a pathetic, useless scum of a person you become. And better bank on it there will be people like me with a 0% tolerance to things that don't add up and will question this BS day in and out, until we have understand on how these acts of terrorism succeeded.

Here's a hint America: people who want our Airport security lighten and complain about it constantly, who have hidden agenda's with polices that will lead to economic failure for this Country and using former President Reagan's success towards the private sector as a please trust me all the gullible plain as day tactic constantly. Fact's are these tax cuts worked because free trade wasn't in effect and we had laws to protect us.

If we want our Country to succeed we need to make sure these radicals fail. We need to research and care. We need to explore where their polices will lead. We need to look at personal experiences from jobs and see how greed rules hearts vs humanity. And understand without laws to protect us we will become slaves and the rich will get richer the poor will get poorer giving their hard labor for the greed of few without reward. Wake up America and let's support people who give a rat's *** about us. We need people of conscience who care about the troubles of today and not worrying sickly about tomorrow.
We need people who want the middle class to prosper because they understand they are the backbone of this Nation.
We don't need people thirsty for war with hidden agenda's of greed and power. Common Sense 101
(We need to Help God Bless America by making sure evil doesn't rule it)
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Comments (9)

What's a little bit of GPS hacking compared to ....."the assassinations of its nuclear scientists, explosions at missile and industrial facilities and a computer virus that sabotaged uranium enrichment plants."
America needs to Party - it's Christmas

"Bring the troops home" grin

He shocked!!! See who ???

HAPPY CHRISTMAS dancingsanta santa waving cheers
Kamrani, to wish "Happy Christmas" after posting hostile comments sounds quite weird to me.
* waving wine
Kamrani, I just think that this day, the Christmas Day, is not for criticizing each other. Let us be nice and kind hug
Ok dear jana..

Thanks and well said...wish you wonderful holiday. tip hat wine
Thank you dear Kamrani hug
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