
Destiny is something that takes effect for a very long time which changes your life very much. It's a point in your life that you'll never forget.... Exploring "Body Search"
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Comments (43)

Dear Exit, Did you say " exploring body search " ! . . wow .. . .If this is Co-ed then I volunteer . . . . wink devil
Frank..isn't she hot! Exit is a comeplete babe.
Dear IMunbreakable, Why do you think I volunteered ? . . smitten
I met destiny, along the way, and it was kind to me, hope its kind to you too.comfort
Well! I took the road less travelled, got lost, missed my destiny & am now alone! sigh sigh frustrated mumbling mumbling
Hola amigos!

guess I did not express myself correctly.... laugh ... well... your reaction was really what I was looking for .... devil
I have read a book lately, named "Body Search" and was wondering whether someone would do a bit of research, find it, read it and share some views on the topic: Destiny.....
Will try to be less philosophical next time...teddybear
Hi Exit!wave
Your blog is great! Why you said about less philosophical ......
I want to tell a lot of things but because of my bad English I will say only this:
Destiny is a predetermined obscurity......
By the way I forgot to tell you.....on this pic you look great!
thumbs up teddybear
conversing The beautiful lady, of the lovely Spanish eyes, love kiss kiss, I think she is reading something in the Index librorum locatd prohibitorum et expurgatorum, apropos of that tonight is the last of the carnival devil! dunno

ExitMadrid heart wings bouquet
Body Search has just the right amount of suspense, the romance i could do without.All around it is a good book to read.With a string of suspicious deaths,you kind of wounder who your friends aredevil
Still waiting .... and trying to search for my destiny... Me in entirety.

ExitMadrid wave hug
@ shay

Destiny Defined:
The events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future.

The hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate.

So dont worry too much, Destiny will 'find' you sooner or later.wave
Stony, not worrying here... Thanks... very happy cheers
glad my destiny forgot u! moping
@spdspd thumbs up
thanks a lot for your input and your lovely words :-) You changed your hair too? wink

What do you mean by "obscurity"? cheers
@Firas, wave
the author is Stephen Grossman and you can find the book on cool
@alonerdo.... hug ... did send you an email BTW. Glad you are fully recovered kiss
@tearbear.... did you read the book... wow thumbs up wine
What do you mean by: "With a string of suspicious deaths,you kind of wounder who your friends are...devil Oh.... perhaps we are talking about different books... ?kiss
shay wave keep searching... I am sure you will find what you are looking for cheers
@Stony, wave could not agree more! thanks for your imput wink
@guadal.... never is too late... keep believing! hug
@frank & Imunbreakable1 .... thanks for the compliment... blushing hug
@WEEPINGMIST wave I am glad to hear that.... I am still breaking through here...hug
@Elmorya .... there is always a today and a brighter tomorrow....comfort hug kiss
Sorry Exit, i think we are reading from two different books with the same name

¡Ser arquitecto de su propio destino, es la tarea de todos los Hombres!

"- El destino, es algo que surte efecto durante un tiempo muy largo, lo que te cambia la vida mucho. Es un momento de su vida, que nunca olvidará ...-"

Exit, maybe I didn`t use a right word! blushing I mean uncertainty.
Dear Exit, If you just read " Body Search ", then I would suggest we get together and start volume two . We can explore each other and when we have enough data ( OK, you can never have enough data ) we can write the sequel . . love . . .wink
Since I believe in QUantum Physics...I do not believe in destiny. I believe that we are the creaters of our tomorrows by our thoughts and energies that we put out. "As a man he is...."
Ah Calli. The idea that the mere act of observation can affect reality is indeed intriguing is it not? Not to mention "which path information", entanglement and other peculiarities.

If you haven't already, I suggest watching the documentary titled, "What the Bleep Do We Know."thumbs up
Firas.... I have tried the link myself and you are right is not working... dunno confused weird...

anyway, in case you are curious, you can find the book on Amazon, Body Search, by Stephen Grossman... perhaps is easier this way...wink
By the record, you are the first person I have ever heard calling me a fool...rolling on the floor laughing hug
Body Search, by Stephen Grossman
Frias, once again showing who the true fool is. It's really pretty easy to find the book Exit is referring to. Go to Amazon and do a search on "body search" in book. It was the first one that came up for me.

Exit, I have not read the book, but on the topic of destiny, I don't dwell on it, but do have some belief that things happen the way the do for a reason.

Take Care! cheers
wave al,

como siempre me encantan tus emoticos!!!!cheers
travieso, revoltoso..... no cambies peace
terbear57 .... perhaps you are right.... I have given a thought and counted at least 4 deaths in the book.... confused what do you think the author might be trying to express with it? kiss
I did find another book with this title... a Harlequin paperback (Romance) ... by a different author. Thanks for clearing up the reference. thumbs up

The topic is "destiny".

Personally I don't like the idea... it sounds too passive... like I can't and shouldn't try to control my life.

I think it works well in poetry though... in concept... but not so much in reality. I don't like to limit my imagination... like to think that anything is possible... not just one thing. cool
Dear Exit, It is your blog that you started and you can do it any way you like . If someone doesn't like the topic or the way it is presented then said indavidual has no requirement to post there . It is a free site and individual members are free to post here as they see fit as long as they obey the rules both of good conduct and the specific ones pertaining to the site . I can not see you being guilty of breaking either .
F.L., I see you are showing your " true colors " again .
did someone say something intelligent? dunno barf
Exit i was wrong this is the book i have read its a good thriller
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by Unknown
created Feb 2012
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Last Commented: Feb 2012

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