Ok I'll admit for a long time in my younger years I followed the Republican party. I know regret those days and understand Republicans are for the rich. We also need to understand what big Government is and what Republicans I suspect are planning to do if elected. Government aid isn't all about food stamps or welfare. We are talking about social security, Loans and grants for College, unemployment benefits, medicare, the list goes on for middle class and poor people. Without these Government aids most of us we will not be able to afford College and a lot of us if we loose our jobs and these days a lot of States our labor laws are horrible we won't get unemployment until we find work.

The Republicans in a nut shell and the Fox News gang are basically saying we don't want to pay a fair tax rate because they feel they are paying for us middle class or poor's Government aid. They want to pay an un fair tax rate and get richer while we get poorer. And I see not having Government loans or financial aid for college is a National Security threat because we all will be dumb and just evil people of greed will be well book smart. If I was rich as hell tomorrow I could not be these people with no conscience or humanity or wanting this Country to be a pursuer of fairness and equal opportunity.

They come off as Christians.................. They say they have Christians values and their policies are from God.................? Well being a person who has mastered the act of abiding in the last decade I would have to say my Spiritual sense you tea party members are full of ****. Their polices to me as I saw in former President Bush's law based on a job can fire you for no reason is a clear picture of lost of equal opportunity and well a hidden communism in the making. We need Government because bottom line we as people can't be trusted and need laws to keep us in check. Admit it people we all lean towards the selfish road I admit it I think everyone needs to start. Because if we don't our greed is going to ruin our Nation, and these so called Patriot's that claim they love this Country well its time you show it.

I admire President Obama because I swear Fox News and a lot of people have just attacked and blamed this man for everything. The way this man has handled these attacks he has out classed his attackers and has shown character within the attack. I don't see him attacking other runners for President the man sticks to his vision for getting us back on track. Not just America but the World has suffered from free trade. All these company's selling their expensive products here and giving our jobs to people over seas paying them little to nothing what happens?? No one wins but you and any smart business man knows in time this will not only ruin this Country's economy but the World's. Your greed is what is ruining this World not Obama but the greed and poor business we are having to deal with.

You can sell your products here for the American consumer price and have dirt cheap labor over seas but this will bite you hard in time. Facts are if we can't buy your products you will suffer and in time will loose product sells and bottom line in time your business will suffer. Us Americans will smarten up and only support Business's who give us jobs. Even Bush lower your taxes and still no jobs its like we are giving and giving and giving and you keep taking and taking and taking. This isn't good for anyone and I think its time we smarten up and find a new direction for our economy.
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