This is wonderful

The world often seems a very cruel place to me. This makes me feel a little bit better

Please watch all the way through.

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Comments (8)

the wonders of modern medicine, happy girl now, not facing ridicule as she gets older, give me science, over prayer, any day, i wish her a happy future, comfort
Science over prayer is a phrase I like. I've always wondered if God performs miracles why you never see or hear of an amputee have their leg, arm or finger grow back.
Science over prayer

Can't answer your question hammock.

To me it doesn't matter which god you pray to or which church you belong to - but how you live your life and treat your fellow man.

Very up-lifting video.

Prayer & quiet thought never hurt anyone - just like the smile that was brought to this beautiful face

May god bless her and fill her day with plenty more smile's

To Hammockman ::wave: Thank you for sharing this wonderful video. This child has cleft palate and the operation is mostly done, when they are small. She is so happy than. You know , every 500th child is born with this. It is so good, that the medicine can help here, but also the belief helps in her recovery, she and her parents have a long journey, logopedy, psycholog, genetic doctor etc. She learns to speak very nice and will be very beautiful girl.
I worked with these children and they always shine like suns after the operation.
Lovely video Ham, help made my daythumbs up banana banana
Ham, wave

We have a lot of cases like that in the Phils. And there are non-government organizations that offer help to these children with cleft lip or cleft palate. I had been a volunteer once in a health institution that performs operation for these children. Give them the smile and give us all the smile to aid in our little way.
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