hacker group Anonymous taking bribes for upcoming

Now we are coming up on election and campaign time and we are seeing a lot of attacks towards the President. Some Sheriff in AZ is once again attacking Obama's birth certificate, doesn't pose it as fact but he says he suspects...........? And wouldn't it be grand for the Republican party to have some information that the terrorist leader that was killed wasn't buried at sea? Now if they lied why would they keep an email just sitting there until this hacker group found it?

And the timeline of the hack and the presenting this with the upcoming election beings my suspicion of bribery to discredit Obama. Now we all know bribery is a crime and we all know this act can lead you into prison. Why didn't they hack this email account soon after the death of the leader terrorist??? Why did they wait until now near campaign time?? You know I have been terrorized by hackers still am and they will use your ID and pictures the whole 10 yards. Can this hacker group prove this email account is real? Or is this a fake email account conspired to discredit President Obama?

From my experience from being terrorized yes I said terrorized by desperate losery hackers who plague our society. Did any of you know online fraud is at a all time high?? Billions of dollars have been stole from these hackers. How can we trust some hackers playing hero? It could be a cover up for online fraud them playing angels of light and robbing the hell out of us??? I don't trust anyone who hacks and invades privacy and you have no idea their intent. Now if they went to ITT tech and became cyber crime fighters through law enforcement than I would not say a word.

But weirdo's putting on V masks and that movie was based on torture............... and an anti Government agenda. I don't trust these guys and the timing of this information is suspicious with the upcoming campaign and the timeline of this so called hack. I don't think hackers should be trusted. They could be robbing us and using these so called heroic actions as a cover up. We are free to our suspicions and bottom line I don't trust anything a hacker with a V mask presents.
Common Sense 101
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Comments (2)

And this video is where??? You would think that if there was actual proof this video would be everywhere.Hells bells they have more videos and "proof" of ufo's and bigfoot then they do of this.grin
I dont watch the news much. But I heard Soldiers were filming themselves urinating on dead body's, and other soldiers burned bibles or something..Is this true.

When will America Stamp on the face of oppression in Syria..
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