Friday the 13th

I'm flying this Friday which is the 13th. Should I be afraid that something dastardly, spooky, evil or downright unlucky will happen?

Is there anything I can do to ward off bad luck? Maybe put an old piece of chewing gum up my nose, or wear a rotten banana in my left shoe?
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Comments (46)

No they don't.
Now you're just being silly.
And you're talking to your self.

and we don't eat ants laugh

ewww sigh
For some 13 Friday can be a lucky number and a lucky day. head banger wave
oh man.... am flying back on the 13th as well to big durian, now that you mentioned tis friday the 13th laugh

my grandparents said not to clean the house at night bcoz it could mean you're wipping all your fortune away.
another funny one, not to cut your nails at night, it could mean shorter age for the folks grin

safe flight, regardless!
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