VERY cheap(date) holiday.

You can find someone you like or may like in a place you like to visit and exchange your holidays with him/her. You save money on a hotel and transportation(if he/she has a car) and you will get a perfect sightseeing. Local people know the best sights or you may find on the internet the places you want to see and tell him/her to take you there. When I travel alone I may find cheaper sightseeing than my travel company offers at the place BUT they take you with bus to the places they want to sell something and there they stay most of the time, they stay only short time in the places that are on the program, with a local personal guide as a date you can be anywhere as long as you want and only in the places you want and that’s for free. Never eat out, buy all food in the cheap shops(the date knows where because he/she is local) and cook at home.
And the last but not the least you will have a lot of fun activities to do with the person you meet instead of having a traditional (BORING) dinner date, you may have this too at some point if you want. And he/she may also turn to be the love of your life, or at least your friend that you can meet once or twice a year and repeat the fun.
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Comments (22)

I'm all for. But must be grownups involved. Only.

Yes i have seen some people do that and it's really cheap and fun,we say,...(Its a visit and a business)wink
But be careful when you get use to it cos you will never accept a partner again in your life,in other word,you will travel every year and like it,it become a habit .wine
right, also my perfect holiday is when only 2 people involved, no friends and family. You may see it as a long date, you don't take your freinds or family to date. you give a quality time to each other, totally focused on knowing each other during the activities you enjoy. and then if it turned out that you didn't like each other that much, at least you had a lot of fun.
FirasLion, it's good for those who are not interested to settle themselves. I just like to have friends in the places I like to visit. I don't mind if that will become a habit. To know people around the world and (also) speak their language and know the country from inside, this is my dreamangel
nevica wave
I like your honesty and your way of thinking .You seem know what you want and dare to talk not like others here,they never say what they "really" want,at least most of them.
Nice to have you here flower buddies
Dear Nevica, I find your blog verry interesting . I mainly joined this site to find friends around the world . I also have thought of a small personal " travel " club comprised of the friends met on line . It would be more like friends meeting friends than any dating group . I also own a very nice house in Puerto Rico so I have the winter destination . This also is best with small groups instead of just a single indavidual . It is safer with a group and the costs are less when split between the group . I also have all the ammenities ( full kitchen, washer drier, multble bedrooms and baths, etc ). I also know the local people who have special services ( boats for Island hopping, snorkeling , etc., mini van rentels , etc. ). This would also ( in the interest of safty ) be a form where everyone would know everyone else . If you are realy interested in this idea then please contact me and we will talk . Who knows ?
Frankinstien, good idea, I am personally not into any kind of groups though, I like meeting one to one and all his attention to me. I can't travel in winters as long as my cat still alive. I don't know how old he is, he is a former stray. In summer I can let the door stay open and let him run outside and let someone to feed him, but in winter he would be too bored and depressed to be alone all the time.
but I will keep your suggestion in mind for some time in the future when he is gone, hopefully i will still be around then. you are welcome to sweden, unfortunately it's not as nice and warm as Puerto Rico but some people may find it exotic.
wave nv,, let me know when you want to come to South Africa...handshake
thank you Stony, let's wait a few years, I will need to save money for the ticketlaugh cheers anyone in Europe?
to siberian from sweden,

may I ask how many languages u speak and how u can do it? maybe u r a genius in some way, I don't know.dunno
Hi guadal,
"to siberian from sweden,

may I ask how many languages u speak and how u can do it? maybe u r a genius in some way, I don't know."
I can read, write and speak on different levels in 8 languages. Speaking is the weakest part because that needs practise in real life. When I write I may check words and verb forms (which is hell in latin languages), English and Swedish are so easy compared to those.
I have Aspergers, this may explain a lot, a lot of people with it have a higher intelligence than usual but lack in communication with people. I may appear to be normal but people make me tired, it takes more effort to me to process social information. that's why I want to live alone and only meet people sometimes and avoid groups, it's just too much for me.
this is also why I hide my profile so often, when I get too much and tired, I hide
Nevica, all your blog is very interesting but I found this part of your comments interesting to me personally:

"I have Aspergers, this may explain a lot, a lot of people with it have a higher intelligence than usual but lack in communication with people. I may appear to be normal but people make me tired, it takes more effort to me to process social information. that's why I want to live alone and only meet people sometimes and avoid groups, it's just too much for me."

I need to read more about it! Cause I have never liked big companies (for a long time) and I definitely need time to stay alone and enjoy it a lot. I am very sociable but for a longer time it makes me feel nervous and tired. I have explained it to myself with my "weak, or vulnerable aura", so lacking a strong barrier between me and the others' presence. It happens to me even with my closest people. Too much talks can get unbearable to me...

So the man who d be with me must "enjoy the silence" and leave me alone every now and then. That's why I like men busy with work! laugh wave bouquet
It's okay ,take time and get some rest,i understand what Asperger is,but sometimes people do not know you and they just ask and curious .Try to communicate more,just
P.S. Nevica, are you also reserved about being hugged and touched by people (out of your lover or closest family). I like it only with my kids, even with my parents it embarrasses me in a way. But strange enough, with a man I like I have not such a problem, on the contrary...

Sorry I am off topic!
Ariel, yes I recognize that. I am sociable too, I love people, but only for short moments when they speak to me and pay attention to me. I may enjoy though sit and watch people when they don't care about me. Even with those who I am very comfortable with I may talk a while, like when I meet my ex, he is my family, we have a very good relationship but after meeting him I sleep all evening and all next day, I just switch off, and then fully recovered about after 3 days, the same about all my dates. I have had dates abroad and I didn’t switch off, probably because I was nervous, so adrenalin helped. I have had 2 long living together relationships in my life and it also worked good but alone is better. When my son is grown I don’t see any reason why I would have to live with anyone. About touching, Aspergers people may be annoyed/disturbed by strong sounds and smells. Touching doesn’t bother me with my lover(it’s wasn’t so good with my parents and women). But I hate noisy places, like bars and night clubs, also the smells of perfume and smoke.
Hm, thank you Nevica, it might explain some things I have wondered about so far. I have explained them also with some shyness that I have. Yes I love metal music but I prefer to listen to it alone. I like to be the center of the company but for a short time. About the smoke I can't bear it but perfumes I like :)

About living with someone, now you touched a nerve in me. Cause I can't really imagine it in practice although I have a long marriage behind me. I can only imagine it with a man who d be busy with his job so we keep a healthy distance and thus be more desirable for each other. For me to stick with someone 24/7 would be unbearable.
right, listening music is JOB to me. I never have music or TV as background as some people may have, like talk and listen to music. I may listen to music obsessively but on my own, totally alone. Music also makes me very tired.
Nevica you gave me food for thought, thank you! It's not about putting diagnoses on ourselves but to get ourselves in a better way! And not to feel guilty if we differ and to blame or force ourselves... But to discover and express ourselves in a free way... wave bouquet
Ok, express ourselves on the freeway.. is that like singing with the stereo up loud whilest driving fast-
or more like talking to everybody on a Grayhound bus across the states?


I like to talk with strangers on busses and trainsapplause
Me too, and in shops too sometimes. Ehh, i try not come across as a crazy dude, that's hard ofcourse.. giggle

very happy frog
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