i need help!

I dont want to revenge because i know nothing will happen if i will do that. I want to see him and express how i felt and how hurt of being abandoned.

I need your advice here in CS .till now i cant sleep and i always remember him. I felt like crazy thinking of him.I don't know where he is if he in India , UAE or Qatar.. How will i find him. I have the copy of his passport and ID . Do u think it will help.

Kind help...

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Comments (24)

firstly explain what happened and i will send one of my dectives overwriting

Try INTERPOL !!comfort
sad flower
I heard about that,they call themselves Lover Hunters detective smoking code names LHU cool
Ranji, tis okay just let all your anger and grieve out.
Accept that it's part of your process of feeling better and remember that you actually have the people who really love and care for you near you.
Focus on how to make yourself better and get yourself together.
Let by gones be by gones. You may or may never find out his reasons for leaving without explanation but for the time being, only you who could decide whether you're ready or not to let it all go.
Do call your closest friends and talk about how you're feeling hug

No, it won't make you feel any better to plot a revenge.
It might sound cliche but the best revenge you can do is actually to feel happy for him.
Ranji, I don't recommend finding him. He was the one who leave, he should find his way back. If not its his lost anyways. comfort
If you don't know where he is this means he has left without letting you know.
This means you have been abandoned. Time for a reality check dear. The facts are clear,he doesn't care.

Accept the truth,don't be hanging on to a dream that has become a nightmare. Do not waste any time or energy or tears on this. The story is over,close the book,move on.
Try the Navy Seal, dunno they did find Bin Ladengrin
Ranji, it's ok to feel sad and upset, and u r allowed to feel like this, but the impotant thing is, that while u r feeling this way, ur life will stay the same, when u deciede that u want a better life, u will stop feeling the way u r now.
i hope all goes well for u.

Listen to Shay. She is a sister giving you some great advice! Don't beat yourself up over something that was not your fault!
Ranjilyn, your indian man probably married his cousin,thats a south asian tradition.He perhaps was " packed" and taken to India to marry.
Ranjilyn, you must to understand, he would had never ever marry you.I do not believe the guy did not love you or wasn't attach to you.
Indians obey their parents and they have no voice in a family.

Please look after yourself instead and let time to heal you, cry if you want to cry, curse if you want to curse and move on.

One day life will look brighter, what does not kill only makes us stronger hug
Ranji, I agree with the others and I will add one more thing. You can write on a sheet of paper everything you want to tell him, it might be 3, 5, 10, or 20 pages about your love, your grief, fear, and anger. Then go and bury this sheet somewhere deep in the sands/ground, turn around and tell yourself it's already behind you. hug thumbs up
Great advice, Ariel!

I am so happy all you girls are rallying behind this beautiful woman. For all you girls! bouquet
It'about life and death.I don't see any sign when he bring me to the airport . It's only happen when he visited his cousin. i know he is not so strong emotionally. For more than 4 years i had notice that, but he is a nice guy and i dont believe he don't love me.

I just wondering how did that to me after all those years. I trust him a lot and submit everything with him.

Anyway i really appreciate all your good advice here..I do hope i recover soon and move on to a new life..God bless us all.

Thank you all for the time you spent sharing and reading my blog.
Your case is very simple. If he doesn't want you why do you still want him? This tells me that you are desperate for a man. Let go and next time be careful with your choices.
Good luckcheers
Boy67, ur wrong. She's not desperate for a man.
She is desperate for this man.

She better get over it though, i think its a cultural thing more than any, and the bstrd did not start the breaking process in time including openness, but just disappeared.
Unresponsible behaveour.
Ranjilyn sad flower

Keep the copy of ID and passport out of your sight and out of your reach. Call your friends to stay with you for some time or keep seeing a friend or family member regularly that you enjoy to talk to.

Crying it out loud before you sleep until you feel tired and fall asleep. Hopefully someday you reach a point where you're getting bored of crying and starting to think to get on your feet again. Take control of your life to move on bouquet
very good advise, Jana .. it might help you, Ranjilyn

you gave him your best, your love and attachment!! - if he doesnt appreciate it, if he is not able to give it back to you ... you wouldn't be able to be happy with him anyway... even if he was with you (it would be a sandcastle).

so take your time, express your pain

and start building some real palace soon teddybear
Matylda, I'm sorry you had a similar experience!
Here I can say that I was at the other side in my youth... My first bf was unacceptable for my family because he was from Afghanistan. I didn't want to marry him but even having a relationship with him was accepted badly in those years. Although he was a very handsome, polite, kind, and educated young man. Then I loved him but later I realized that the cultural background would be a serious obstacle (although he was an atheist not a Muslim).

So as we say here, bad things usually happen for a good reason (but we can't realize it at the moment). wave
thanks for compassion, Jana hug

I'm happy for him and his future wife who will cook him delicious curry


wish you the same Ranjilyn
Has he any freinds you can talk to ???
In the 4 years ye were together you did'nt meet anyone in his familyconfused
No phone numbers nothing like that
I think after the first year you should have at least spoke are wrote to his mother no??The best thing you can do is grive and cry your heart out till u get over him.... And learn from it any man be proud to have a woman like you by his side...He was moron that wasted your time thats what really hurtshug hug
I have all the contact of his family and i tried many times to call them but they refused. His father send email that they cannot accept me in their family and society.Some indian told that men parents are paid by the woman if the parents arranged the marrieage. Maybe i didnt give money and gold that's why they don't like me.

I will follow all your good adivice and it will be a big help for me to forget him and move on to the next chapter of my life..

I will pray that it wont happen to all you my experience to this men.

Yes Life is too short....
lol !!!

yaaa, not a bigg loss anyway cheers
ranjilyn, i saw your profile...you are beautiful and you can make money on your own...so nothing to worry, you will be ok.i was the same situation like you a while ago, got hurt and feeling so desperate but i have a son and i have to be strong for him.so you will be doing good, trust me, you not stupid and it just take time.it is fine to be sad and cry, but you have to move on.i believe he moves on now with his wife, so cheer up and have fun with your friends!!! cheers cheers teddybear
Thank you all for never ending support.My tears has gone but the pain still here.

God is with me and i know he will never leave me in this kind of agony and grieving.

They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the Lord was my support...
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by ranjilyn
created Apr 2012
Last Viewed: 11 hrs ago
Last Commented: Apr 2012
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