I have been reading moronic posts and hearing dumb anti Government rants. Look people this Nations problems are not Government. Government is set up for organization and a safety net. We need to be freaking worried about is these radical religion ***holes who want bad to happen to create propaganda and make money off our fears and need. Some things to look for of the psychological war of creating terrorist or terrorism and how to look past their psychological mind control to create anti Government people and terrorist. We are in a state people we are not in a position to be dumb ***'s and stand against our only defense.

People who say well politicians should make minimum wage? ((Reality)) A lot of these guys and ladies pay their dues through college and using their own money to campaign and we still can not vote them in. So it's a risky career choice regardless. So saying they should make no money for this should be seen as respectable position doesn't really make sense. This is just anther psychological tactic to get people to hate Government officials. Look I have common sense I know there is corrupt Government officials even police. But I am also smart enough to know there are some good people working within the system.

So all this suspicion and everyone being feed up with the mess we have to deal with what does one do? In your spare time research and see by actions alone who is trying to help us vs hurt us through policies. The Country is not in a state for us to be dumb and gullible to anti Government rants. We need Government for organization and protection. Can't you all see these terrorist and criminals are planning this card insanely they want to weaken our system to take over. Didn't you see the anonymous hackers rants saying the White House if for sale? Can't you all see the threats we are facing??

With a lot of our weapons systems being electronic now I see these radical hackers are the biggest terrorist threats among us. I also suspect they could be aiding radical terrorist in their acts of terrorism. Again these are some major threats and us fighting among ourselves instead of banning together to stop these threats. Please America for our sake please stop fighting among ourselves and let's profile these tactics that are bringing us down. Damn it we need Government to get this Country back where it needs to be. We have a President who wants to get us back on track so now if we can during the election vote in men and women that want to work together for the well being of our Country with no pride and no well I am right and you are wrong we can get back to a stable ground to grow.

Stop saying you love your Country and act otherwise. Loving your Country means you are willing to out your differences aside and find a like minded mind set to come together to make things work again. Anything else America we will go in circles trying to grow when jack***'s who are aiding these terrorist keep us down with tons of road blocks. These are some things to profile to avoid you being sucked into a terrorist mentally and anti Government mind set.
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