The Power of a Hug

Received a great hug over the weekend, just when I really needed one. No words exchanged, just the sort of hug that says I know, I understand, you're ok. Almost melted me.

But touch will do that. Whether its the light touch of a lover, the bear hug that good friends exchange, the light arm touch from a parent, the way a child nestles into their dad - they all convey love and acceptance.

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Comments (3)

hug hug hug hug hug Here are some more, that was beautifully put and you deserve heaps more hugging
Remember how they say the infant orphans, long ago in a foriegn country, who were given all their physical needs and then the infant orphans that were given physical needs and touch (hugs). The orphans without touch died!

I live alone and do understand that touch and hugs are a human need! Thanks, it was beautiful blog.comfort
angel a hug is very powerfull,its a silent word,a hug fits all sizes so all u out there give a hug,confused ::hug:
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