Enough to go on ??

When do you have enough to go with, to step across the boundary that divides friends and lovers ?. Am struggling with that at the moment with a woman who is today just a good friend.

A woman with whom I think (but am not sure) I could be more that just friends. Getting signals that maybe she is struggling with the same boundary. Maybe I'm imagining it. Lost a really good friendship before with a women that I crossed that boundary with. Couldnt get back across the bridge afterward - it had been washed away in the breakup, damn it.

Will give it a while longer maybe of being just friends and see does it get any clearer. Anyone got a crystal ball on these things ?

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Comments (6)

"When do you have enough to go with, to step across the boundary that divides friends and lovers ?"

Her lips on your body. ;)

Kiss her on her cheek and see if it leads to more.


The chances are if you feel that this lady is feeling the same way, and if you know her well enough, why don't you just talk to her more about boundaries? This lady maybe waiting for you to approach her with this subject. Only you will know when the right time is (for you and hopfully her). Trust your own instinct and judgment, if its ment to be, then it will happen in due course, if not then there is somebody else your destined for! Just don't leave it too late, trust your heart. Hope this helps, good luck whatever you decide to do! wave
I disagree totally with the 2 ladies above (with all due respect).
Talking with her about it, will spoil the magnetic charge you two
have created. Action speaks much louder than words anyway.
Well for me i would just remain friends and let her do the approaching on that matter, she will give the signals when the time is rite is my thinking, but kinda give her more clues to your interest as well, ask her out to some cool place and just talk allot, look for common interest and go with that, kinda be exciteing ya know, sometimes mystery is all good too. be yourself if she is interested then she should let ya know in some way. also go by your feelings if you feel the tugs then i'm sure she does as well. thats my thinking anyways.
Dont think anyone has a crystal ball on these things. Go on being nice to her and showing interest in her. Let her know she is special to you and I think, if it feels ok, touch her. Touch her arm when you are talking to her, link arms with her when walking with her or put your arm around her shoulders, even briefly. Maybe you do this already, naturally. Straighten a wisp of her hair, brush a thread from her coat, little gestures like that can get a message across very well without anything being said but when you feel you just HAVE to, talk to her and give her an opt out clause, like saying its perfectly ok with you if she doesnt feel the same way. A friendship based on possible love interest on one side is not going to work out anyway; the inequality will drag it to its doom.
hmmmmm, Peter you might want to walk softly for a while. See if she gives off any more signals. You never know, she might be confused about her feelings or she might not. She may not know she's giving off the signals to begin w/, I know a friend that has that problem, course she's a little out of touch w/ realitylaugh .

If she gives you some more signals, breach the subject w/ her. She may just go for it. But then a quick smooch may lead to a quicker answer, for better or for worse.

Good luck and take care,

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